9 Bay Leaf Benefits For Health, Nutrition, & Side Effects
Eat bay leaves in recommended amounts otherwise they may cause side effects.

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Bay leaf benefits go beyond its aromatic flavor. The fragrant bay leaves originated in the Mediterranean and are packed with nutrients. Generally, they are used as ingredients for cooking purposes or taken out of cooked food before eating. Its essential oils are also used in cooking.
Several studies showed that the leaves possess antioxidant, anti-cancer, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers have also found that the leaves could manage diabetes, fight infections, improve the immune system and digestion, reduce inflammation, enhance heart health, and reduce cancer risk.
This article discusses the benefits of bay leaves, their nutritional profile, how to use them for maximum benefits, and any potential side effects. Take a look.
What Is It?
A fragrant herb from the bay laurel tree or Indian bay plant that is used in cooking.
What Are Its Benefits?
It helps fight dandruff, slows down skin aging, and aids in wound healing.
Who Can Consume It?
Anyone can consume it except people on blood sugar medication.
How Often?
You can drink 1 to 2 cups of bay leaf tea daily.
Avoid consuming bay leaves if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or scheduled for surgery in two weeks. Excess consumption may cause sleeplessness and slow breathing.
In This Article
What Is Bay Leaf?
Bay leaf is the aromatic leaf that comes from several plants, including the bay laurel, Indian bay leaf plant, Indonesian laurel, and the West Indian bay tree.
The leaf has a sharp and bitter taste. It is primarily used for its fragrance than its taste.
However, in addition to the fragrance, the leaf also has some important benefits.
Key Takeaways
- Bay leaves come from the Indian bay leaf and have a sharp and bitter taste.
- Bay leaves should be added to your diet due to their rich protein and dietary fiber content.
- Bay leaves may promote hair growth and reduce dandruff.
- Bay leaves may interact with blood sugar medications due to their key role in glucose metabolism.
What Are The Benefits Of Bay Leaf?
1. May Aid Diabetes Treatment
Studies show that bay leaves can help people with type 2 diabetes. In addition to rendering flavor to foods, bay leaves were also found to play a role in glucose metabolism (1).
Bay leaves also reduced bad cholesterol levels and increased levels of HDL (the good cholesterol) in patients with type 2 diabetes (2).
Bay leaves may reduce food cravings, thereby reducing body weight. However, more research is required to understand the mechanism of bay leaves on weight loss.
2. May Fight Inflammation
In an Australian study, bay leaf, among a few other leaves, was found to inhibit the activity of the COX-21 enzyme. COX-21 is known to trigger inflammation (3).
Bay leaf contains sesquiterpene lactones, which are known to fight inflammation by inhibiting the production of nitric oxide (4). Studies show that nitric oxide, in higher concentrations, can lead to inflammation. Nitric oxide inhibitors serve as potential treatment options for inflammatory diseases (5).
Cineole, a major compound in bay leaf, was also found to fight inflammation. It achieves this by inhibiting the activation of inflammasome, another compound responsible for the activation of inflammatory responses (6).
3. May Help Reduce Cancer Risk
A study conducted on human cancer cell lines concluded that bay leaf extract showed promising results as an anticancer agent (7). Cineole, the main compound in bay leaves, was found to suppress the growth of leukemia cancer cell lines (8).
Bay leaf was also found to be effective in breast cancer therapy. A study found that the leaf extract induced cell death in breast cancer cell lines (9).
In an Australian study, incorporating ingredients (including bay leaf) into foods showed positive results in the prevention of colon cancer (10).
4. May Help Fight Fungal Infections
Studies highlight the antifungal properties of bay leaf, especially against Candida infection. The leaf can prevent the adhesion of Candida to the cell walls, thereby keeping it from penetrating the membrane (11). More studies are needed to better understand how bay leaf can work to fight fungal infections.
5. May Aid Wound Healing
In rat studies, bay leaf was found to contribute to better wound healing than the control. Though it didn’t fare better than Allamanda (a perennial shrub used in traditional medicine) in terms of healing wounds, it did show beneficial effects (12).
6. May Treat Respiratory Issues
Bay leaf extract may be used to treat respiratory problems. A study showed antibacterial activity of the leaf extracts against some organisms, like Staphylococcus aureus. This leaf extract is strong against the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (13).
7. May Improve Skin Health
As per one study, bay leaves can act against skin rashes (14). These leaves can also help prevent wrinkles and relieve skin from stress. However, more research is required to understand the benefits bay leaves can have on human skin.
8. May Aid Dandruff Treatment
Anecdotal evidence suggests that bay leaf may treat dandruff and reduce hair loss. Bay leaf oil and a rinse made from these leaves were found to be effective in treating hair loss and dandruff.
A blogger shares her experience of using bay leaves in a variety of ways in one of her blog posts. She writes, “For years I have been adding fresh bay leaf to my soups, stews, tomato sauces, etc. for additional flavor….but recently I have been exploring the medicinal properties of it because one of my interns showed me a site that says it’s one of the herbs that can stimulate hair growth. After covid I and others have experienced hair loss and thinning for which no Rogaine or other commercial product was attractive to me (i).” She adds, “The more I researched, the more impressed I became with this many uses.”
These leaves are also used to treat head lice effectively. However, more scientific research is required to understand the use of bay leaf in this regard.
9. May Support Digestive Health
Bay leaf extract has been traditionally used for digestive issues like bloating, indigestion, burping, and flatulence. It may also help ease stomach cramps and give relief from diarrhea. A study also stated that the extracts from bay tree seeds helped reduce gastric ulcers caused by alcohol in rats (15).
In the following section, we will look at the rich and varied nutritional profile of bay leaf.
What Is The Nutritional Profile Of Bay Leaf?
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, one tablespoon of crumbled bay leaf (1.8 g) contains:
- 63 calories of energy
- 35 g of carbohydrate
- 137 g of protein
- 0.473 g of dietary fiber
- 15 mg of calcium
- 2.16 mg of magnesium
- 2.03 mg of phosphorous
- 9.52 mg of potassium
- 0.837 mg of vitamin C
- 5.56 µg of vitamin A (16).
You can get all these beneficial nutrients from bay leaf by including it in your diet. One of the easiest ways is to have it in the form of tea. To know more about it, check out the next section.
How To Make Bay Leaf Tea
- 2-3 dried or fresh bay leaves
- 2 cups of water
- 1 cinnamon stick (optional)
- 2-3 whole cloves (optional)
- Honey or lemon slices (optional)
How To Prepare
- Rinse bay leaves under cold water to remove dirt.
- Gently crush bay leaves to release their flavor.
- In a saucepan, boil 2 cups of water.
- Add bay leaves, cinnamon, and cloves (optional).
- Simmer for 5-7 minutes, then strain into a cup.
- Add honey or lemon for enhanced flavor.
Before you start to include bay leaves in your diet, it is important to be aware of their side effects as well.
What Are The Side Effects Of Bay Leaf?
Bay leaf benefits the body when consumed in recommended amounts in the short term. Excess consumption of these leaves may cause some adverse effects in some people. These may include issues during pregnancy, lactation, and surgery, and interactions with blood sugar control medications. Also, bay leaf may cause allergies in some people.
- Possible Issues During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding
There is limited information available on the safety of bay leaf intake during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Please consult your doctor before including it in your diet.
- May Interact With Blood Sugar Control
Bay leaf can play a beneficial role in glucose metabolism (1). This beneficial property may also make it interact with blood sugar medications. Hence, if you are on medications for high blood sugar, consult your doctor before taking bay leaf. Since there is lack of concrete research in this area, it is better to take precautions.
- Possible Issues During Surgery
Anecdotal evidence suggests that bay leaf may cause issues during surgery. It may slow down the central nervous system. Hence, stop using bay leaf at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery.
Infographic: Bay Leaves Nutrition And Uses
Bay leaves are used in various cuisines worldwide for the unique aroma they add to food. If included as a part of the diet, these can offer an array of health benefits.
The following infographic provides information about the nutrients and uses of bay leaves. Check it out! Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
Bay leaf is a commonly used spice in many popular cuisines around the world. However, bay leaf benefits go beyond its subtle aromatic flavor. Bay leaf is known to contain antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help fight infections and inflammatory responses in the body. It also seems to have beneficial wound-healing properties and helps improve respiratory ailments. These leaves are also used as a home remedy to treat head lice and dandruff. These also help reduce signs of stress and aging from your skin. While bay leaf is deemed generally safe to consume, it should be taken in moderation to avoid any possible side effects.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is swallowing a bay leaf dangerous?
Swallowing a bay leaf is not dangerous as it doesn’t contain toxins. But the leaves are stiff even after cooking. They have sharp edges. Swallowing them may scrape the digestive tract and cause choking.
Are bay leaves toxic to pets?
The only known way the leaves may cause harm to pets is choking. Keep your pets away from the leaves.
What does burning a bay leaf do?
Burning a bay leaf is believed to relieve anxiety. The resulting smoke contains important ingredients, like linalool, which help reduce anxiety. However, there is no scientific evidence backing the claim.
What other forms is bay leaf available in?
You can also avail the benefits of bay leaf in the form of tea, oil, capsules, and powder.
What is bay leaf called in different languages?
Bay leaf is called hoja de laurel in Spanish, feuille de laurier in French, and tej patta in Hindi.
Does bay leaf tea lower blood pressure?
Limited research is available in this regard. Some anecdotal evidence suggests that bay leaf tea may lower blood pressure levels.
Is bay leaf a diuretic?
Yes. Bay leaf is a diuretic (17). It promotes sweating and may help flush out toxins from the body.
Does bay leaf keep bugs away?
Bay leaves could repel fleas and kill flea larvae in a study (18). The pungent odor of bay leaves benefits in keeping fleas away.
Does bay leaf help you sleep?
Bay leaves may help in sleep. The leaves possess soothing properties that may aid sleep. They may have sedative effects on the central nervous system. However, research is insufficient.
How can those with diabetes use bay leaves?
Individuals with diabetes may use bay leaves in powdered form. They can also add a whole leaf in soups and curries.
Illustration: Bay Leaf Benefits For Health Nutrition & Side Effects

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team
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