Skin Care

Skin Care

Find simple and effective skin care tips for all your skin-related concerns.

Understand the science of skin care ingredients and maintain your skin health. Discover effective tips, tricks, and hacks from global skin care experts.

Skin care plays a major part in ensuring your quality of life. With pollution, sun exposure, stress, hormonal imbalance, and other internal and external factors wreaking havoc on your skin, it is imperative to arm yourself with the basics of skin care. We are here to guide you through this journey from understanding various skin care problems to creating an efficient skin care regimen that works for you.

Watching skin care influencers on the internet can be overwhelming. If words like hyaluronic acid, AHAs, and ceramides seem confusing or you want to learn how to use peptides for skin, you can always trust us to help you with expert tips and guidance. Whether you want to know about the best vitamins for your skin or learn of the wonders of natural ingredients like rice water for the skin, we can tell you all about them. Not everybody needs a nine-step skin care routine, and we are here to tell you how to escape that marketing trap and make informed choices. The first step is to assess your skin type, analyze its issues and causes, and then decide on the most suitable ingredients. We shall help you with all of that!

Look around this section to find more information on skin care benefits, tips, advice, pocket-friendly solutions, or skin care essentials recommended by certified specialists for naturally healthy and glowing skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the 4 basics of skin care?

    A good skin care routine comprises 4 basic steps –

    • Cleanse the skin thoroughly to remove dirt, grime, and makeup
    • Moisturize to replenish your skin with essential nutrients and provide hydration to retain its barrier.
    • Apply sunscreen to protect it from the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays from the sun as well as digital screens.
    • Exfoliate it to remove accumulated dirt from the depth of your facial pores using daily gentle toners and weekly scrubs and masks.
  • How can I improve skin quality?

    You can adopt healthy lifestyle practices alongside a regular skin care routine, to improve your skin quality. Ensure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and consuming a balanced diet that provides your skin with adequate nutrition (1). You should also get adequate sleep to allow your skin time to rest and restore and manage stress to prevent hormonal imbalance, which also impacts the skin (2).

  • Is expensive skin care always better?

    Not always. Rather than going for the most expensive, or well-marketed products, focus on suitable ingredients, skin compatibility, brand reputation, affordability, and professional advice to choose the right products for your skin.

  • Can I mix vitamin C and retinol in my skin care routine?

    No, do not mix vitamin C and retinol. However, you may use them at different times of the day to reap their powerful benefits. It is ideal to use vitamin C in your AM routine and retinol in your PM routine. Ensure you use sunscreen during the day to prevent UV damage.

  • How does diet and hydration impact skin health?

    The lack of a proper diet and hydration can make your skin dull and dry, aging it prematurely (1). A well-balanced diet provides your body with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which also help the skin stay healthy and youthful. Moreover, drinking plenty of water also helps maintain your skin elasticity. On the other hand, consuming processed or oily foods may degrade the collagen and elastin in your skin and lead to premature aging. They may also trigger acne and cause inflammation.


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  1. Diet and Skin Aging—From the Perspective of Food Nutrition
  2. Does poor sleep quality affect skin ageing?