Coffee Hair Dye – How To Apply And Benefits

Hide your grays and look younger without worrying about chemical-filled and expensive dyes!

Medically reviewed by Dr. Divya Sharma, MBBS, MD Dr. Divya Sharma Dr. Divya SharmaMBBS, MD facebook_icontwitter_iconlinkedin_iconyoutube_iconinsta_icon
Written by , BA (Literature & Psychology), PG Diploma Arshiya Syeda BA (Literature & Psychology), PG Diploma linkedin_icon Experience: 8 years
Edited by , MA (English Literature) Ramona Sinha MA (English Literature) linkedin_icon Experience: 11 years
Fact-checked by , Integrated MA Medha Deb Integrated MA linkedin_icon Experience: 5 years
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Coffee hair dye has become a rage in recent years, especially for those who prefer natural ways to color their hair. The fact that the cup of hot coffee you drink to stay alert and focused can also dye your hair naturally is a delightful discovery. It can tame your grays and darken your brown tresses. This adds a whole new dimension to using coffee to stay on top of your game, given that it is already used as a main ingredient in many skincare and beauty products and cosmetics.

A natural dye such as coffee saves you from worrying about the effects of chemicals on your mane. Here is a simple DIY coffee hair dye guide to help you learn everything you need to know about this safe and non-toxic dye. Scroll down to learn more.

Quick Facts About Coffee Hair Dye You Should Know

Coffee hair dye on woman's hair
Image: Shutterstock
  • If you have recently colored your hair or underwent a post-color treatment, the coffee dye may not show any effects on your locks. Certain ingredients in synthetic hair dyes and post-color sealers, such as silicones, create an artificial film around the hair and inhibit color absorption.
  • The coffee hair dye works differently on different shades of hair. While it can play up brown and light-colored hair, the color may not pop on darker hair shades.
  • How well the coffee colors your hair will depend on the state of your hair. If you have thick hair, the color may not catch easily as this hair type lacks the essential porosity to absorb the dye. On the other hand, if your hair is thin, it is easier to absorb the color from the coffee dye.
  • The stronger the brew, the better the hair color. For a dark coffee shade, make sure to brew a very strong cup of dark roast coffee.

Still not sure whether you should try a natural coffee hair dye? Read on to find whether this hair coloring trend will suit you or not.

protip_icon Did You Know?
When roasting, coffee beans first crack as the roaster reaches 196 °C and crack again at 224 °C. In general, dark roasts are roasted after the second crack.

Should You Use Coffee Hair Dye?

Yes, but it all comes down to the base tone of your hair. If you have a light base tone, the coffee hair color will come out perfectly. But for a dark base tone, you may not notice any difference after coloring your hair with coffee dye.

There are other reasons to use coffee hair dye:

  • Safer Alternative
Coffee hair dye made of coffee grounds is safe for hair
Image: Shutterstock

You are not exposing yourself to toxic chemicals by using coffee grounds to dye your hair. Synthetic hair dyes contain harmful chemicals, such as APEs (alkylphenol ethoxylates) and PPD (phenylenediamine), which might irritate the scalp and damage your hair in the long run. It may even trigger allergic reactions and pigmentation.

Studies show that hair dye products contain as many as 5,000 different chemicals, some of which are found to be carcinogenic in animal studies (1). Thus, coffee hair dye is a safe and natural alternative to these harmful ingredients.

  • May Boost Hair Growth
Coffee hair dye may boost hair growth
Image: Shutterstock

Research has shown that caffeine may stimulate hair growth (2), (3), (4). The antioxidant properties of caffeine can help strengthen the hair and impart a natural sheen. So, even if your homemade coffee hair dye fails to perk up your hair color, the nourishing properties of caffeine will give you a healthier mane.

In this study on female subjects with androgenetic alopecia (AGA), a phyto-caffeine-containing shampoo was evaluated for its efficacy over a 6-month period. Compared to a control shampoo, subjects using the phyto-caffeine-containing shampoo experienced a significant reduction in the number of hairs pulled in a hair pull test (-3.1 vs. -0.5 hairs; P

How To Dye Your Hair With Coffee

You Will Need

  • 1 cup of organic dark roast or espresso coffee powder
  • 2 tablespoons of hair conditioner
  • 2 cups of warm water
  • Old T-shirt or towel
  • Mixing bowl
  • Gloves
  • Hair dye brush

How To Prepare

Woman brewing coffee to dye hair
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Brew the dark roast or espresso coffee in the warm water. You can add more coffee for a stronger brew, which will make the hair dye more effective.
  2. Let the brewed coffee cool completely.
  3. Mix the hair conditioner with this coffee solution. Add another two tablespoons of ground organic coffee.

How To ApplyStep 1:

Wear the old T-shirt or drape a towel over your shoulders to prevent coffee stains on your skin and clothes.

Step 2: Divide your hair into sections with the wide-toothed comb.

Step 3: Apply the coffee mixture to each section of your hair evenly with the hair dye brush.

Step 4: Leave it on for at least an hour and gently rinse your hair. Do not use shampoo, as this will dilute the hair color. Instead, you can rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar to prevent fading and make the coffee color last longer.

Another way to dye your hair with coffee is to dunk your hair into the brewed coffee solution after it has cooled. You can also rinse your hair with the coffee solution and leave it on for an hour before washing with lukewarm water.

protip_icon Quick Tip
How often you wash your hair determines how long the coffee dye will last. Usually, it lasts for 2-3 days and fades over time.

Coffee Hair Dye: Does It Really Work?

Coffee hair dye darkens natural brown hair
Image: Shutterstock

The coffee hair dye trend has emerged as a fun hair color fix. But if you want a permanent or long-lasting color, dying your hair with coffee may not be ideal. Most people find that this dye imparts a very light brown tinge to your hair. However, with repeated application, the color may gradually get brighter.

Sierra Green, an actress and a Youtuber, tried a DIY coffee hair dye. She mixed coffee with conditioner and warm water and applied it all over her gray tresses. She says, “ It was super fun to use it but I don’t think it worked for me but my hair feels super soft and luxurious like I have got some professional treatment done. Maybe this works well for blonde hair as my hair is already super dark, so try it (i).”

Infographic: DIY Natural Coffee Hair Dye

Using coffee is the cheapest way to give a brown-reddish tint to your hair. Whether you want to avoid chemical dyes or are in the mood to change your hair color just for fun, there’s no harm in trying this safe alternative. We have summarized the recipe, preparation, and application procedure in the infographic below. Take a look!

diy natural coffee hair dye (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

Coffee is a natural hair dye that helps you darken your brown hair. You may use a coffee hair dye if you do not want to use chemical dyes and artificial colors. However, it may not have the same result on everyone’s hair. The color payoff depends on your natural hair color. Also, the color depends on the state of your hair too. Above all, coffee hair dye can also promote hair growth. If organic coffee is your thing then you can make an organic hair dye out of it that will benefit your hair. You may follow the method discussed above to prepare DIY coffee hair dye at your own home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I leave coffee in my hair overnight?

Yes, you may leave coffee in your hair overnight as a part of your hair care routine and nourishing hair treatment. However, cover your hair as the content may stain your pillowcase and clothes.

Does coffee dye wash out?

Since coffee dye is not permanent, it will wash out eventually.

How long does it take for coffee to change your hair color?

approximately it takes more or less than an hour for coffee to change hair color.

How many times can I put coffee in my hair?

You can use coffee on hair once or twice a week.

Key Takeaways

  • Coffee hair dye works wonders for the hair with a light base tone.
  • Caffeine’s nourishing properties in the coffee hair dye can give you a healthy mane.
  • Coffee hair dye is a safer alternative to synthetic hair dyes containing harsh chemicals that might irritate your scalp and damage your hair.

Discover the secrets of luscious, naturally vibrant hair in this informative video! Learn how to create beautiful, coffee-infused hair dye at home and embrace a stunning, eco-friendly makeover. Get ready to unleash your inner coffee connoisseur!

Personal Experience: Source


Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.

  1. Hair Dyes and Cancer Risk
  2. Role of caffeine in the management of androgenetic alopecia
  3. Caffeine and Its Pharmacological Benefits in the Management of Androgenetic Alopecia: A Review
  4. An Open-Label Randomized Multicenter Study Assessing the Noninferiority of a Caffeine-Based Topical Liquid 0.2% versus Minoxidil 5% Solution in Male Androgenetic Alopecia
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Dr. Divya Sharma
Dr. Divya Sharma is a renowned dermatologist and hair expert with over 14 years of experience dealing with all skin types. She has extensive experience in medical dermatology, lasers in aesthetics, and regenerative medicine.

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Arshiya Syeda is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of StyleCraze with 8 years of experience. Prior to that, she was a content writer who combined her writing and research skills to write over 200 high-performing articles on hairstyles, hair care, and skin care.

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Ramona is an editor at StyleCraze with 11 years of experience in writing and editing. She has authored over 200 articles on skin and hair care. She graduated from the University of Calcutta, West Bengal, and did her post-graduation from the University of Kalyani, West Bengal.

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Medha DebCommerce Editor
Medha Deb is a commerce editor with a master's degree in applied linguistics from the University of Hyderabad, which has allowed her to develop a deep understanding of language and its application in various contexts. She specializes in the areas of beauty, health, and wellness and is committed to ensuring that the content on the website is of the highest quality.

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