46 Best Compliments For Men That Will Make Them Happy
These compliments will cheer your partner, bring you closer, and boost your relationship.

Image: Shutterstock
Thanks to compliments, you feel proud of what you have accomplished. You feel appreciated and glow like a sun-kissed sunflower. However, finding the perfect compliments for men can be a challenge.
If it is your turn to show them your appreciation and you are clueless about how to do it, the trick is to figure out what will boost their confidence and make them happy. Men often seem satisfied and self-confident, but a simple compliment can brighten their day. Giving compliments is a great way to show praise, admiration, and applause, and it’s important to make sure that they are genuine rather than simply flattery. You can make them fall in love once again by complimenting them in these 46 easy ways. Check them out!
In This Article
1. “I love how you always know what to say.”
Recognize his ability to provide comfort, guidance, or support with just the right words to make you feel better. When you overcome a challenge, his words make you feel empowered. After a long tiring day, he knows exactly what to say to make you feel appreciated and loved. This compliment lets him know that you appreciate his wisdom and the way he supports you with thoughtful advice. It shows him that you are listening to him always.
2. “I love how passionate you are about your hobbies.”
Admire the dedication he has for his interests. This compliment shows that you appreciate his enthusiasm and commitment to his hobby, whether it is a sport, a craft, or a unique skill. He will feel understood and supported in his pursuits. He may also appreciate that you have taken the time to understand his hobby and reciprocate the same for you.
3. “You are so good at what you do.”
Acknowledge a man’s skills and talents, whether at work, while participating in their hobbies, or in solving everyday problems to leave a lasting impression. This compliment tells him that you admire his competence and skill and are proud of his achievements.
4. “I believe in your dreams.”
It is sometimes difficult to understand what goes on in the secretive mind of a man who does not share much of his thoughts. Be the cheese to his crackers and say out loud that you believe in his dreams. A little pat on his shoulders and the assurance that you trust him and the plans he has for you both will get him smiling in no time. For example, you could offer kudos, and cheers for a man’s hard work or dedication, or provide laudation for his work.
5. “You keep me super happy.”
Little efforts are all it takes to be happy.
But have you really expressed the joy he brings to you with his endeavors? Appreciate the tiny baby steps he takes, be it opening the door for you, remembering to order your favorite snack before you are hungry, or just smiling when you look at him. It is very important to remind your confused teddy with a tight hug how happy they make you.
6. “You look amazing!”
You probably underestimated the time he allotted to his perfectly lined shave, haircut, and spa every month. He probably looks at himself in the mirror more than you do! A little appreciation about his visible changes such as his abs or his new hairstyle will make him feel cared for and loved.
7. “You make me feel like home.”
Home is where there is peace and warmth. Nothing can feel more warm and loving as being called someone’s happy home. Tell him he makes you feel so comfortable that you are able to be yourself with him. Give him the calmness he admires and let him know the teddy bear fuzzy warm feeling that you love about him.
8. “You are incredibly funny!”
Remember the silly joke he cracked to bring a smile to your face? The tiny efforts he makes to make you giggle are just adorable. Men often like to be acknowledged for their humor and how they trigger your funny bone. Be around him and let your laughter be the most encouraging in the group.
9. “I love your style.”
Not all men walk around in sweatpants and tracks. Some are aware of which color suits them most and which shirt makes their tummy look flat. They may also take a lot of effort to get ready for a date with you. Such endeavors should not go unheeded. Look at him all sparkly eyed and tell him he could give a tough competition to Brad Pitt any day.
10. “I will always have your back, no matter what.”
Sometimes, all he needs is a steady hand to hold on to when he is faltering. Many men believe that it is their job to be the only strong pillar of support in a relationship or a family. It is very important to let them know that no matter what, you will always be the one standing beside them, through thick and thin. Be his partner for life and see the strong foundation of your relationship blossom.
11. “You are the one I have always wanted!”
When we see them do something super cute, we are often grateful and thankful to the universe for sending them our way, but did we actually tell them? Sometimes, they try harder than we think to get our attention and feel loved. Telling them that they are Mr. Right can be the boost they need to take on the world.
12. “I am in love with everything you do for me.”
No matter how easy or effortless it looks, men often go through the same emotional turmoil women go through. The way he cooks scrambled eggs for you or makes sure you don’t get cold shouldn’t go unnoticed and unappreciated. Compliment him for all that he has accomplished and what he goes through every day to keep the smile on your face intact.
13. “I love you just the way you are.”
It is not always easy to accept someone as they are. Yes, he is not perfect. He has flaws. And so do you. Acceptance is key to a happy relationship. Tell him he is what you needed to be happy and that you adore him and fell in love with what he is.
14. “I really love how you make me feel special.”
We often envy how well other women are treated by their men and take the efforts put by our men for granted. If he waits to pick you up from work, be grateful. Thank him for the little things he does for you and make him feel as special as he makes you feel.
15. “You inspire me to look beyond the obvious.”
Having a soulmate for a partner is a boon. However, sometimes, you have to keep your horizons wide open and give him the opportunity to express his thoughts. It might not match exactly the way you think, but it will help you understand him better. Remind him that you like the way he thinks differently and how it has opened doors to your way of perceiving things.
16. “You look really good!”
Remember checking him out from head to toe the moment he bent down to tie his laces? And you liked what he was wearing? Well, style does not fall from the sky, and he probably spent quality time thinking what to wear, which shoes to go with them, which deodorant would impress you, and which hairstyle would make you go nuts for him. Tell him he looks really good and that you love the way he dresses. Such compliments affect men more than we think they do.
17. “Times spent with you are the favorite part of my life.”
Ever baked a cake together? Or perhaps wrote Christmas cards together? No matter how tiny the work you both engage in, it is always fun when you do it as partners. Tell him that the times spent with him are your best memories.
18. “You are so easy to talk to.”
Building a comfort level with someone is not as easy as we think it is. Opening up to someone is even more challenging. One of the biggest compliments you can give is that you feel free to be yourself with him and that he helps bring out the real you.
19. “You are my favorite super chef!”
Men who cook often put a lot of effort in the cooking and presentation to make sure you go mmmmmm… in your lips and yummmmm in your tummy. Applaud him for his Master Chef-winning recipe. It is always fun if you cook together. It is either a tasty outcome, or you have fun messing up together.
20. “You make me feel like royalty.”
Be it him opening the pickle jar because it was too tightly jammed for you to open, or him holding the umbrella for you in the downpour and preventing you from getting drenched – thank him for all he does to treat you like a queen.
21. “You are a good man, and I am proud of you.”
Remember the time we were given treats and candies every time we did something good? We grew up, right. But men are just little boys who grew long limbs and legs (lol). It is your duty to pat the big boy every now and then and tell him what a good boy he is and that he makes you super proud.
22. “I trust you – completely.”
Trust is the foundation of any relationship. Tell him you trust his values and choices in life. Compliment him on his judgment and decision-making abilities. Make him aware that you look up to him for sound advice on anything concerning your life or relationship.
23. “You have changed my life for the best.”
Self-doubt is more hazardous for your man than you thought it was. The tiny person inside the big man can lock himself up completely if he feels he is not good enough for you. Tell him how important he is to you and how he has changed your life for the best, and he will probably let the tiny little human inside him free again.
24. “I love hanging out with you – even if we are doing nothing.”
Remind him that his company is the best gift he could give you. Let him know that you would rather stay up cuddled beside him than go to the most exciting place with anyone else. Tell him that you cherish every moment spent with him, even if you are doing mundane, everyday tasks. When you offer congratulations, salutations, your regards, plaudit, or acclamation to a man, it’s important to focus on specific traits or actions that you truly admire.
25. “You are extremely thoughtful.”
If you are lucky enough to bag a man who goes above and beyond for the people around him, then he surely deserves this compliment. Let him know that his natural thoughtfulness doesn’t go unnoticed and that it makes him even more attractive. His genuine consideration is something you appreciate, so definitely shower him with some praise!
26. “You are truly kind-hearted.”
Any man would be nice to his girlfriend but the one who shows true kindness by being respectful and sweet towards others is a man who deserves to be complimented and acknowledged for this behavior. So, go ahead and let him know!
27. “I feel safe with you.”
It is really important to feel safe and secure around your partner. If you have a boyfriend who exudes reliability and has a protective aura, then he definitely deserves this compliment. Tell him that he truly feels like he is your safe haven and you know he will always be there to guard you.
28. “You are a true gentleman.”
Let him know that everything about him makes you realize that chivalry isn’t dead after all. If his attitude and actions towards you make you feel like a real woman who can rely on a man and doesn’t need to repeat her needs, then let your boyfriend know that he is a fine man.
29. “You have a beautiful smile.”
Does his killer smile literally take your breath away? Then, this compliment is for him. Boys are often conscious about their appearance and lack confidence, so you can become his cheerleader and let him know that his facial features, especially his smile, are something you can’t seem to get enough of.
30. “You are extremely hard-working and focused.”
If your boyfriend is someone who is career-driven and focused at work, then what better way to compliment him? Remind him that you appreciate him being reliable; someone who shows he can financially take care of himself as well as his loved ones.
Hapsari Listya, a blogger, reflects on the importance of complimenting her partner, emphasizing that compliments play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and happy relationship. Drawing on personal experiences, she shares instances where compliments positively influenced her partner’s mood and behavior. She mentions, “I texted him during his break and said how proud I am with him for becoming productive on the weekend. It sounds silly and we both laughed, but it succeeds in making him smile.” She also adds, “I compliment him after he cut his hair because it makes him look better instead of his long hair. I compliment his look after chose new eyeglasses. I compliment he has good eyes to buy a new shirt without my companion[ship] (i).”
31. “You are a reliable person.”
This is for your partner if he has always been there for you, be it good, bad or ugly. If he has stood by you like a strong pillar in your life, you owe it to him to let him know how appreciated and valued he is.
32. “You know how to cheer me up.”
If he pays attention to all your details and knows what makes you happy, then share with him how much you acknowledge his efforts and value the things he does for you.
33. “I like your protective personality.”
Who doesn’t want a man who has eyes only for his partner and gets protective whenever someone new is around his girlfriend? If your man is like this, then he deserves a genuine compliment. And we are sure he would love to hear it too!
34. “You are a great problem solver.”
If he is there to rescue you from every problem, you have got yourself a pillar of support in a fine man! And, if you have noticed this quality of his but were contemplating and looking for the right words, then give him this compliment and watch his reaction.
35. “You are open-minded and flexible in your opinions.”
The quality of being open-minded is something that truly sets a person apart. It is something that helps a relationship grow. If you have often appreciated him for this but never found the chance to express it in words, then this is your cue. Let him know how much you are grateful for his ability to look at things with a different perspective instead of forcing his opinions on you.
36. “I love how you always prioritize me.”
A relationship often falls apart when a man stops putting in effort and starts prioritizing other things than his partner. If you have always felt like you have been number one in your boyfriend’s life, then you should compliment him for his sincere attitude and dedication towards you!
37. “You are so good with kids!”
Someone good with children is instantly husband material and every woman appreciates this quality but fails to say it out loud too often. Don’t be like that and let your boyfriend know how sweet he is and how you love seeing him around kids.
38. “You always smell so good.”
Smelling good and taking care of one’s body odor is a big turn-on for any individual, be it a man or woman. If your partner is always showing up smelling delicious, then definitely let him know that it makes him simply irresistible!
39. “You are so neat and tidy.”
How often do women complain about their partners being super untidy and leaving them to clean up after themselves? You guessed it right, it’s a rhetorical question. If your man is someone who is always his best-looking self, neat, and cleans up after himself, then let him know so that he keeps doing what he does.
40. “You create such a positive vibe around you.”
Being able to create a positive vibe that puts everyone in a good mood is such an underrated quality! No one talks about it enough. If you are lucky enough to be with a man like that, you should give him this compliment.
41. “You are a natural leader.”
Remember his guiding nature and the way he motivates people around him? Well, we believe this quality will help your relationship grow as well, so why not let him know with a genuine compliment?
42. “You are a great listener.”
A man who genuinely listens to the other person and is not constantly talking about himself is one you want to keep forever. Most individuals can talk all the time but very few like to listen to others, so let your man know that you consider this a big green flag!
43. “You are so charming!”
It was his charismatic aura and mesmerizing looks that you found attractive. But did you tell him that? If not, then go ahead and tell him that now, and see what follows.
44. “I am glad you are in my life.”
If you are truly grateful for your partner’s presence in your life, then tell him! Let him know how much you cherish him and appreciate his role in your life and the moments of laughter, cheer and sadness that you share.
45. “I like how respectfully you treat the elders.”
The way he treats elders with respect and kindness is something you should surely compliment him for. It shows that he always stays grounded and does not forget his values and traditions.
46. “I like how you take care of me.”
Getting pampered is something every woman wishes for but won’t say out loud. If your man is someone who naturally takes care of you and caters to all your needs and wants, let him know how much you appreciate him with this simple but evergreen compliment.
Infographic: Tips For Complimenting Your Man
A thoughtful and genuine compliment can make a man smile and make his day. A simple and nice compliment can nurture and strengthen the relationship you share with your partner. To help you out, we have listed a few tips to help you give sincere and thoughtful compliments to the love of your life. Check out the infographic below to know more! Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
Compliments are like that boost of coffee in your system that makes everything a hundred times better. So, while your man may be a strong and confident person, it is good to let them know you appreciate their company and the many things they offer. Small comments like how you believe in their vision or how they make you feel special can go a long way. These compliments for men will not only boost their self-esteem but also bring you two closer. When they feel seen, you can imagine how excited, secure, and happy they will be in the relationship. Whether you’re offering a panegyric, encomium, commendation, felicitations, or an accolade, remember that it can be a powerful tool for building stronger relationships and boosting their self-esteem and confidence. So, do not skimp on those words and shower your man with some much-deserved love.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you call men gorgeous?
Yes. Although it is unusual, it certainly isn’t unheard of and illustrates how attractive you find them.
Are compliments important in a relationship?
Yes. Compliments help you support and appreciate each other. They let you uplift your partner’s spirits and let them know they are important to you.
How often should you compliment men?
This depends on your relationship and the situation you are in. Feel free to express your love, appreciation, and support for your partner with sincere compliments. Don’t hesitate to compliment whenever required.
What if I don’t agree with all these compliments?
That’s completely normal. Only share true compliments since healthy relationships are built on authenticity. Look for positive qualities and say them out loud, but don’t give false platitudes.
Key Takeaways
- Even though men may appear self-sufficient and confident, they still need compliments to stay motivated too.
- The easiest way to compliment a man is by boosting his confidence.
- Simple compliments like “”I believe in your dreams”” and “”You make me feel like I am home”” can make your man feel appreciated.
Illustration: Best Compliments For Men That Will Make Them Happy

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team
Elevate your compliment game with 10 cool English phrases designed to make men feel appreciated. Check out the video to discover unique ways to express admiration.
Personal Experience: Source
StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic personal narratives that provide depth and resonance to our content. Below are the sources of the personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. Men Like Compliments As Women Dohttps://medium.com/writers-blokke/men-like-compliments-as-women-do-442561844931

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