8 Ctrl Tattoos: Taking Control With This Powerful Symbol

Simplistic yet captivating body art that can motivate you to reclaim control of your life.

Reviewed by Ruslan Millinhton, Tattoo Artist Ruslan Millinhton Ruslan MillinhtonTattoo Artist facebook_iconyoutube_iconinsta_icon
Written by , MSc Manjari Uppal MSc linkedin_icon Experience: 3 years
Edited by , MA (English Literature) Ramona Sinha MA (English Literature) linkedin_icon Experience: 11 years
Fact-checked by , MA (Mass Communication & Journalism) Joyce Joyson MA (Mass Communication & Journalism) linkedin_icon
Last Updated on

A ctrl tattoo combines today’s technologically advanced world with the age-old human urge to control one’s own life on own terms. Although a few people across the globe had already embraced this tattoo as a symbol of reclaiming one’s agency, its trend was sparked by American singer and songwriter SZA’s debut album “Ctrl”. The artist herself has a tattoo of it on her forearm and many of her fans express how the album has been life-changing for them. Even for those who might not specifically be her fans, this tattoo can signify the inner needs or wants of those who always find themselves at a crossroads, unable to make decisions solely on their own. If you relate to these sentiments, this tattoo is for you, and we are here to help you with creative ideas for your tattoo. Keep reading this article for visual examples and illustrative tips.

Meaning Of Ctrl Tattoos

American music artist SZA, as the trendsetter of this tattoo, spoke of how it was meant to shed light on the technological shift in human life from analog to digital living. It is meant to show how we have all the information in the world accessible to us and yet very little control over it. Once it was believed that knowledge is power, but one may ask if it really is power if one has no control to wield it. The ctrl tattoo in such a world can help us de-haze the illusion of being invincible just because we theoretically know more than we were supposed to. Further, she also talks about how, if it is not possible for one to be in control at all times, this tattoo can be a reminder that the concept of control is simply reduced to a computer function, we may relinquish the yearning for it in real life, and simply go with the flow, freeing ourselves of the expectations it puts on us. Additionally, for fans of SZA, this tattoo may also be a show of devotion or admiration for the artist and her craft.

For individuals who have no particular interest in the artist, these philosophies may still be of great value, making the ctrl tattoo a symbol of self-empowerment. It could motivate one to be bolder with their choice and voice, or contrastingly, let go of control and live in the moment. If you would like a tattoo featuring this symbol, continue on to the next section for some cool and attractive ctrl tattoo ideas.

8 Best Ctrl Tattoo Ideas

The placement, font, and complementary elements can play a huge role in how your ctrl tattoo turns out. Check out our list of eye-catching and clever tattoo ideas to express your heartfelt emotions and ideologies.

1. Ctrl C Ctrl V Tattoo

A ctrl c ctrl v tattoo on the upper arm
Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team

Ctrl c-ctrl v key combinations on the keypad are a shortcut for the copy-paste function. It may represent the need for fast and efficient replication of good moments in life, or for the hope that one’s circumstances remain steady and stable. It can also make for a wholesome parent-child tattoo, paired with their portrait to talk of how the child takes after their parent in appearance, mannerisms, or thought process.

2. Ctrl Alt Del Tattoo

A ctrl alt del tattoo on the forearm
Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team

The ctrl-alt-del key combination on a keyboard is a function that enables closing an application that has hung and is thereby obstructing the system from functioning normally. Alternatively, it also allows the computer to shut down and reboot afresh. Such a tattoo can signify the yearning for a smooth-running life, free of blocks and delays, or perhaps a renewal where an individual can lead a transformed life, leaving negative or toxic things behind.

3. Ctrl Z Tattoo

A ctrl z tattoo on the hand
Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team

The ctrl-z refers to the undo function. This tattoo expresses hopefulness that any wrong done, or mistakes committed may be undone so that one can move forward in life without regrets. The above ctrl-z tattoo is paired with a colorful ensemble of flowers, probably hinting at a freshly blooming start, leaving an unpleasant past behind.

4. Ctrl Hand Tattoo

A ctrl hand tattoo
Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team

The hand is a confident, bold, and self-assertive placement for any tattoo. It is a high-visibility spot which makes your tattoo the first thing your audience would notice due to exposure and how frequently your hands move. The above tattoo has a wholesome addition of a paper plane paired with ctrl. A paper plane generally symbolizes love of travel, flight, or freedom which complements the need for both control as well as spontaneity.

5. Ctrl Neck Tattoo

A ctrl neck tattoo
Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team

The neck makes for a sensuous tattoo placement due to the complex network of nerves that make it sensitive. It also stands as a testament to the pain you are willing to go through to ensure your tattoo design shines in the best light. The above design features a ctrl tattoo with a blackwork-shaded flower. You may choose a specific flower to further define the meaning of your tattoo.

6. Ctrl Ankle Tattoo

A ctrl ankle tattoo
Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team

The ankle is one of the strongest joints of the body as it holds up its entire weight. Due to the thinner skin and multiple nerve endings, it is also a delicate placement for tattoos. You may experiment with a variety of delicate or bold fonts to represent the groundedness of your emotions and resolve as this placement, due to close proximity with the ground, adds an earthy and anchored touch to your thoughts. The above tattoo shows the pairing of the ctrl with a whirlpool, representing a chaotic circumstance that the wearer wishes to control. You can try similar combinations for custom symbolism.

7. Ctrl Wrist Tattoo

A ctrl wrist tattoo
Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team

The wrist is both a visible placement as well as a sensitive one. Especially the inside of the wrist may signify a special connection to the tattoo as it is a spot through which one’s pulse beat can be detected. A small ctrl tattoo with a crisp and readable font with some fine-line, swirly and elegant designs would suit this placement beautifully.

8. Ctrl Finger Tattoo

A ctrl finger tattoo
Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team

The ctrl is a tiny word that can be customized to any size, even tiny enough to fit on a finger. Based on the position and physical or social context of the finger, the meaning may change. For instance, an index finger used to point or direct, paired with a ctrl tattoo may mean a yearning for control with direction in life. The above image shows the ctrl tattoo on the thumb, which is a crucial digit to grasp things with your hand. It is also one of the strongest fingers that determines the strength of your grip, hence signifying the need for strength and control.

A ctrl tattoo is a perfect fit for a tech-savvy individual who also finds a curiously aligned symbolic connection between modern-day technology and the intrinsic human tendency to want to be in control. Although American artist SZA may have played a part in setting off the trend, the presence of this function in our computers which have an omnipresent existence in our regular lives, plays into extended individual philosophies. Like we have seen above how the ctrl C-ctrl V or the ctrl-alt-del tattoo can also make for meaningful tattoos whose symbolism, although inspired by computer functionality, can be applied to our real lives. So if you find the idea of claiming the ctrl function from a digitalized space and redefining its impact on your life while also adding more nuance to its symbolism, play around with various placements and pairing it with other elements for a wholesome and personalized tattoo.

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Ruslan Millinhton
Ruslan MillinhtonTattoo Artist
Ruslan Millinhton has been tattooing since 2015. While he is originally from the city of Sumy in Ukraine, he now spends most of his time in Charlotte, NC, USA. He has been doing tattoos for over 10 years. He primarily works in color and black & gray realism.

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Manjari Uppal
Manjari Uppal Beauty & Lifestyle Writer
Manjari is a beauty and lifestyle writer with over three years of experience in writing across different niches, including beauty, health, wellness, and technology. She first discovered her passion for writing in school and has since honed her craft to perfection.

Read full bio of Manjari Uppal
Ramona is an editor at StyleCraze with 11 years of experience in writing and editing. She has authored over 200 articles on skin and hair care. She graduated from the University of Calcutta, West Bengal, and did her post-graduation from the University of Kalyani, West Bengal.

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Joyce Joyson
Joyce JoysonBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Joyce Joyson is a beauty and lifestyle writer with over a year of experience crafting short-form content for the beauty, fashion, and lifestyle niches. She has a triple majors bachelor’s degree in History, Political Science, and Geography from IIS University and a master’s degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Kristu Jayanti College.

Read full bio of Joyce Joyson