Dating Vs. Relationship: Know Where You Are With Your Partner
Understanding the relationship status helps you avoid mistakes and lets you achieve peace of mind.

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It is time to clear the eternal confusion of dating vs. relationships. You should know one thing about dating: it can sometimes be tough to understand. It isn’t easy to get a hold of where you are with the criteria, multiple generational dating trends, and popular dating lingos. But it is also difficult to avoid the nagging question that can run through your head for most of the day: What exactly are we? Approaching your partner might be difficult, but failing to do so can lead to anxiety. However, don’t be concerned! In this article, we have explained the differences between dating and relationships to help you determine where you are with your partner. Keep scrolling.
In This Article
Dating Vs. Relationship
Dating and relationships are two distinct romantic stages of life. Both have their unique sets of advantages. Everyone seeking to build a bond goes through these stages and gains emotional, physical, and psychological development. Cultural influence is vital in determining how one behaves in the dating phase and what one wants for the future. In many traditions, relationships are seen as the beginning points for courtship, which should ultimately culminate in marriage. Family is deeply involved, and partners engage with each other with marriage in mind. However, in modern times, with the popularity of online dating platforms, people’s perspectives on connections have altered. In the age of digital landscapes, people prefer navigating the dating world and exploring multiple connections before moving into a serious relationship. Even a monogamous relationship is not the ideal anymore.
Let’s dive deep into the topic and explore these two phases one by one.
What Is Dating?

What Does Dating Mean? The traditional definition of dating is when you initiate the casual process of getting to know someone individually or in a group of people. You may develop a romantic relationship with the person in the future. However, dating means different things to different individuals. It can be about wanting to get to know the person of the opposite or same sex by asking them out or being asked out– be it making plans for seeing a movie together, taking a walk, or just going to a restaurant for dinner.
Note that at this point, you are not necessarily committed to the person, and it is mutually clear between the two of you. Well, what is dating all about? Dating is more about getting to know each other, having fun, and enjoying spending time together. Physical intimacy can be included in dating. Even though it involves a certain level of closeness, it isn’t exactly wise to conclude it as a full-fledged relationship. It is important to have a conversation so you are both on the same page before engaging in physical intimacy so there isn’t any confusion as some people aren’t comfortable with this type of intimacy unless they are in an exclusive relationship. There are various forms of dating. Let me explain each one below.
- Casual Dating: It is a low-pressure situation in which both partners spend casual time getting to know one another’s likes and preferences. This form of dating does not include any long-term planning or commitment and does not involve deep emotional involvement. One can see multiple people at the same time and enjoy each engagement.
- Online Dating: This form of dating involves meeting potential partners through online platforms even before seeing them in person. This setting allows one to explore their connection with multiple people at the same time. It is a convenient mode of dating, but it majorly leads one to form failed connections.
- Speed Dating: This is a fast-paced dating setting where you meet a series of potential partners for quick conversations to identify with whom you have the best compatibility. It is a modern dating setup organized in fun events.
- Friends With Benefits Dating: This form of dating refers to two people engaging in a sexual relationship without any serious emotional commitment. In such a setting, partners have a mutual understanding about not developing feelings for each other.
- Group Dating: This is a type of dating in which a group of friends has many potential pairings. It allows people to interact freely with their partners and not feel too conscious of being in a serious dating phase. It offers a relaxed setting, letting people connect better.
- Dating For Marriage: In this form of dating, individuals engage with each other with the intention of marrying them. They talk about shared goals and common likings to build a serious connection. It is more like the typical courtship dating where partners are focused on building a future together.
Now that you know the different types of dating, it’s time to understand what a relationship is in the next section.
What Is A Relationship?

You can call it a relationship when there is a mutual agreement between you and your partner. You become exclusive, and the idea of a casual relationship isn’t floating around anymore. A smooth transition from just going on dates together to referring to each other as boyfriend and girlfriend takes place. This can even lead to considering becoming partners for life and eventually, a happy marriage.
When you are in a relationship, you basically are in a romantic, committed union with your partner. A healthy relationship is mostly monogamous.
Your dating experience can go through a few stages before turning into a committed relationship.
Key Takeaways
- The lines between dating and relationships are blurred due to popular dating lingos and multiple generational dating trends.
- Dating is the process of getting to know someone and may or may not lead to a relationship.
- A relationship is a committed union.
- Knowing the differences can give you a more clear understanding of where you are and what you might want in the long run.
Stages Of Dating
There can be several stages of dating depending on how two people approach it, but the phases can be broadly classified as follows:
- Initial Attraction
You are strongly attracted to them and might need a couple more dates to clear the fog created by their physical appearance. Until then, everything they do seems charming. - Curiosity Or Exploration
You hang out with them a lot, want to know more about them, celebrate shared interests, and learn how you feel about your differences. - Enlightenment
You might still be unsure about committing, but you are certain about whether it feels nice to be around them or not. You begin exploring the possibility of commitment. - Commitment
You want to give your relationship an official label, make things exclusive, and proudly show your partner off to your friends and family.
Let us discuss in detail about the identifiers that can make the blurry lines between dating and relationship more clear.
How Is A Relationship Different From Dating?
Casual dating and deeply committed relationships are two stages of a romantic journey. Casual dating is a fun stage where two people enjoy spending time together and making cute memories. In this stage, both are finding their compatibility level and are focused on exploring the perks of romance. They do not have any strict expectations of exclusivity or are not seeking any long-term goals with their partner. In most cases, people also date multiple people to realize with whom they gel up the best. On the other hand, a serious or committed relationship is more like a meaningful partnership where both partners are emotionally invested in each other and prioritize one another’s well-being. In this stage of romantic involvement, both partners have shared goals and responsibilities. They expect exclusivity, deep trust, and understanding from each other. Scroll down for a detailed comparison of dating vs. relationships.
- You Can Just Faff Together

A common sign that your short-term fling is turning into a complete relationship is that your plans do not necessarily involve actual plans. Indulging in individual hobbies while sitting next to each or faffing together (spending time doing nothing) becomes a regular feature. If your significant other is busy watching a football match on TV, you can just do your own thing and read a book or maybe do the laundry together. This means that you have become comfortable doing the less glamorous everyday chores with them and are letting your walls down.
- You Lose Interest In All Others
This is one of those involuntary things that happen without even thinking. If you are dating around a lot but have encountered someone really special, you will find yourself in a position where you have let all others fall off without giving it much thought. If you are on a dating app and are not feeling compelled to start a new conversation with a new guy/girl, you have definitely been bitten by the love bug and have stepped into desiring a relationship territory.
- You Are Not Afraid To Be ’You’

When you are in a relationship, you are not scared to be yourself around this person – be it being paranoid when there are creases on the bed cover or wrapping your hair around in a messy bun with no makeup on. This is as opposed to dating, where you typically keep your raw behavior under wraps while going out and just getting to know someone. Indulging in geeky obsessions or revealing your guilty pleasures, such as watching re-runs of Friends or Desperate Housewives, can only be done when you are absolutely comfortable around the other person.
You share each and every detail of your past and present life with each other in a committed relationship. But there is limited communication and sharing during the dating phase.
- It’s All Mutual
A key difference between dating and a relationship is how you each feel about where you stand with the other person
. In relationships, both individuals are on the same page with respect to the question, “What are we?” However, in dating, the idea of exclusivity while being with someone may differ. Certain people like to date each other exclusively, while others like to date multiple people at once and not just be committed to one partner.
- You Tend To Have Expectations

It is obvious that the level of expectations is different in dating versus that in a relationship. Do you feel comfortable asking your partner for a favor? Do you have confidence that they will be there for you in the time of need? Do you have certain expectations from the other person? If the answers to the above questions are yes, well, you are in a relationship mode. When you both know that it is casual, you don’t tend to expect a future or many things from each other.
- There Is A Change Of Priorities
When you are dating someone, you will notice that you may try to plan everything around your timetable and preferences. Contrarily, when you are in a relationship, you make sure that your plans are made, keeping in mind the schedules and comfort of both the people involved. You almost treat them like your family, and they become a top priority.
- You Introduce Them To Your Friends And Family

This is a major identifier of a relationship. Integrating your special someone into your current social life and introducing them to your close friends and family is a great way to tell that you are serious about your bond with this person. When your friends reveal embarrassing incidents about you and your sweetheart doesn’t seem to be disturbed by them but rather joins in and laughs out loud, you know that this person is interested in getting to know the real you.
- A Promise Of Commitment
This is sort of a given. Commitment is what separates casual dating and a relationship. Partners who are serious about their relationship tend to look forward to spending a lifetime together and are willing to make sacrifices for that to happen. On the other hand, while dating, the commitment people may have is watching a movie together post-dinner.
- Emotional Intimacy
The journey from dating to a relationship can be complex. The depth of emotional intimacy usually changes dramatically. Couples are usually hesitant to explore each other’s personality on a personal level when they are dating. However, a relationship generates an atmosphere of trust and vulnerability and slowly gets much deeper with emotional intimacy. Couples begin to know each other’s common emotional language as the relationship unfolds, ensuring an understanding of each other’s nonverbal communication and unspoken wants. Establishing emotional intimacy is soon followed by a feeling of security and comfort in the relationship that creates a safe space for both people to be themselves.
Let us now understand how a relationship progresses through different stages.
What Are The Different Stages Of A Relationship?
1. The Attraction And Romance Stage
This is the stage of glee and euphoria, where your favorite person is always on your mind. You feel like you are falling in love, and no obstacle can stop you.
From the jitters on the initial dates and the light in your eyes when you look at them to the absolute electricity you experience around them and the first kiss – everything seems perfect. The oxytocin released into your brain because of this state of happiness can cause you to have a constant state of high or even keep you up at night.
You know you are at the ‘attraction and romance’ stage when you can relate every love song or romantic movie to you and your feelings.
2. The Crisis Stage
As the honeymoon period often starts to come to an end after a few months of dating, the dopamine eventually runs out. This is where trouble kicks in. It is the tricky stage where you start getting to know the person deeper, making things more clear.
Once you get comfortable with each other, you will start noticing the littlest of things, which may even annoy you. Whether it is leaving dishes in the kitchen sink or saying something unkind in front of the others’ friends, anything can become topics for arguments and result in relationship anxiety.
But this is also the stage in which your bond with each other is put to the test. Unfortunately, some couples go through this stage and choose to break up by the end of it because they feel that their current partner isn’t right for them in the long run. However, others work through their differences, sometimes even embracing the little quips and annoying habits.
3. The Working Stage
Well, congrats on conquering the crisis stage! The two things that you gain from the previous stage are patience and harmony. This is the acceptance stage, and it makes the relationship, as well as each individual, grow. You begin to develop a routine, with one making coffee in the morning and the other making breakfast, one doing the dishes and the other taking the trash out. You find yourself in a calm situation where you can imagine yourself with this person in the long run.
4. The Commitment Stage
After all the hard work, tension, and probably some anxiety, here you are, confessing your love to each other. You choose to stay together, even in the hardest of times. You accept that you are in love with the person as a whole: the good, the bad, and the ugly.
You now know each other’s goals, desires, and dreams and constantly push your partner to become the best version of themselves. Ultimately, you decide that you want to remain committed to this one individual alone. A committed relationship is usually where the couple decides to take the next step in the partnership, which could be moving in together, getting married, or having kids.
5. The Real Love Stage
This is it. Everything you did to get here finally seems worth it. You have become a team, a family, coming far from the first time where you met as strangers. This stage is where the couple becomes one, working unanimously towards bigger goals.
While there will be no dearth of challenges here either, you realize your love can battle any obstacle that comes along. Your past mistakes have made you wiser. The great times you have spent become cherished memories, and the bad ones make you realize that it was all worth it at the end of the day.
Knowing about these stages can enable couples to prepare and take care of their relationship proactively. They can experience the honeymoon stage while preparing for deeper connections and challenges associated with later stages. It keeps the romance alive in a healthy, long-lasting relationship. It nurtures acceptance of the fact that passion waxes and wanes but can be rekindled if there is a conscious effort and intent. Ultimately, every relationship is unique, but these common stages help to establish a framework for growth, communication, and mutual understanding. This equips couples with the ability to engage in intentional ways within their relationship, deepening their connection and strengthening it to survive the test of time. While the difference between dating and relationship is significant, it is imperative to realize that both the experiences help you understand what you want in the long run. When you indulge in either or both, you discover yourself as a human, as a lover, and as a partner. At times, people get so immersed with their partner that they struggle to identify whether they are in the dating phase or have moved into the relationship stage. However, understanding where you stand is essential to make the right decisions for yourself and the connection. Scroll down to explore some questions that you must ask yourself to assess which stage you are in.
Self-Assessment Questions To Know Which Stage You Are In
Assessing which stage of your romantic journey is often tricky, especially when your bond with him feels natural and easy-going. But, it becomes essential to determine the stage and express your expectations accordingly. Here, we have listed a few self-assessment questions that you must ask to clarify whether you are still dating or already in a relationship.
- How often do you communicate with your partner?
If you communicate only occasionally and when you wish to make plans, it means you are focused on building a casual fun bond. It is the dating dynamic where you want to spend carefree time with your romantic interest. However, if your conversations with your partner feel meaningful and serious, and you tend to overshare at times, it is an indicator that you both have stepped into a relationship. - Have you discussed exclusivity?
If you both are not ready for exclusivity and want to keep your options open, you are still stuck in the dating phase. If you have already had a conversation about exclusivity and understand that you both are committed to each other, then you have developed a serious relationship. - How do you handle conflicts?
In the dating phase, conflicts never really arise, and when they do, partners prefer parting ways. Usually, people brush off conflicts as the partners are not emotionally attached to each other to resolve deep-seated issues. However, in relationships, partners engage in open communication and find solutions to problems respecting each other’s perspectives. - How much do you know about each other’s lives?
If you know just the basics but nothing about their family, past relationships, or life goals, your partner does not want to involve you in their personal space. You both are dating and still have a lot more to know about one another.
But, if you share everything about your life and they do the same, you are deeply invested in each other’s lives and are seriously invested in each other. - Do You Discuss About A Future Together?
If you are casually dating, you do not discuss shared goals or a future together. You focus on simply having fun at the moment. On the other hand, when in a relationship, you share your long-term goals and discuss things you would want to do together as a couple in the future. This shows you both are happily integrating into each other’s lives.
Moving from the dating phase to the relationship stage can feel daunting, as it requires careful thought and clear communication. To make the transition smooth, one must aim to strengthen the foundation of their connection. In the next section, we have listed the steps that will help you navigate the transition easily.
How To Transition From Dating To A Relationship?
If the bond with your date feels special and you wish to strengthen it further, moving into the relationship phase is the best idea. But, the transition from dating to relationship is exciting but nerve-wracking. Scroll down to explore the stages a couple must go through to develop a meaningful relationship.
- Communicate Openly: Communication is the key to the success of every relationship. Talk about your feelings and express your needs clearly with your date. Listen to their perspective and see whether you and your partner want the relationship to last forever. Discuss whether both of you are ready to take it to the next and much more serious level.
- Discuss Expectations and Boundaries: A healthy relationship is one in which both partners fulfill each other’s desires wholeheartedly yet let one another enjoy their privacy. Discuss your emotional needs and aspects where you want exclusivity and space. These are very significant to building the foundation of a committed relationship.
- Develop Mutual Trust And Understanding: Trust is extremely important for a relationship to flourish. Express your deepest secrets and share your heart openly to let your partner understand you on a deeper level. Additionally, show consistency in your efforts towards him and expect the same in return to build deep trust.
- Spend Time Together: In the dating phase, you must have planned casual outings and random meetings. Now, if you want to turn the bond into something serious, take time to plan meaningful meetings where you can create memorable experiences. It will help strengthen the bond and deepen mutual appreciation.
- Motivate Each Other And Celebrate Growth: Start pushing your partner and showing support for their dreams. Celebrate their success like your own and be a part of their hard and happy times. Expect the same from your partner, and if it’s fulfilled, see your bond transforming into something beautiful.
- Introduce Each Other To Close Friends And Family: This step is crucial as it shows how serious both partners are about each other. Integrating your partner into your social circles and family reflects your commitment towards them. This not only strengthens your bond but fosters a sense of belongingness.
Transitioning from dating to a relationship is not as simple as it seems. The transition comes with its own set of challenges that couples should try to overcome. Let’s check out four common problems that may arise during the shift.
- Different Expectations From A Relationship: Two people are bound to have different opinions and needs. They may have different viewpoints about the pace and the direction the relationship is moving. Open and clear communication provides the ultimate solution to this typical issue.
- Fear Of Losing Independence: When entering the relationship stage, people find it difficult to strike a balance between togetherness and independence. The trick is to allot time for personal interests and hobbies while separating fixed time for bonding as a couple. This way, you can both maintain your individual liberty and enjoy a happy relationship.
- Different Future Goals: Two people will have different future goals and plans. But, when you are committing to someone, having shared aspirations is the ultimate source of happiness. Even if your desires differ, both must support and motivate each other to achieve their individual wishes. Have open communication with your partner regarding your goals early on to avoid later clashes. Compromise slightly, if possible, and align your goals to make the relationship work effortlessly.
- Fear Of Opening Up Emotionally: Moving from the dating phase to the relationship stage may be difficult for some, as sharing the deepest emotions is hard. Some prefer not to show their vulnerable moments openly to anyone. However, in a relationship, you trust your partner with your weaknesses and desire stability. So, slowly start by expressing your heart and opening up about your expectations.
Illustration: Dating Vs. Relationship: Know Where You Are With Your Partner

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team
When you begin spending more time with the other person rather than just official dates and outings, and there is a promise of commitment, chances are you have moved from dating or exclusivity to a full-fledged relationship. You also meet their friends and family, prioritize each other, build mutual trust, and lose any romantic interest in other people. However, the relationship also becomes deeper in stages. While it will be all about romance, compatibility, and attraction initially, things eventually boil down to commitment and real love. So, you can gauge the stage you and your partner are at to help understand the future and nature of your bond.
Infographic: Key Differences Between Dating And A Relationship
While dating involves getting to know the person you are attracted to, a relationship is where both partners have realized their feelings and want to be mutually exclusive. However, people tend to confuse these two easily, leaving the people involved struggling for answers. Don’t worry. We have got you covered with a detailed dating vs. relationship infographic. Check it out below to understand how a relationship is different from dating.

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
Frequently Asked Questions
How many dates before it is a relationship?
While there is no fixed or preordained number of dates after which two people automatically fall into a relationship, 10 dates or a dating period of one to two months is considered sufficient time to decide whether you want to be exclusive or in a relationship with each other.
How long does the average dating relationship last?
The average dating relationship lasts between 1 to 2 years before culminating in an engagement or a breakup.
How many dates before you decide it’s not a match?
Three dates are often considered enough to identify whether a match is good or not.
What are the signs that you are ready for a relationship?
Although preparedness for a committed relationship is subjective, there are some common signs to indicate whether one is ready for that step. You know it when you feel a strong emotional connection to your partner and the need to get more quality time with them. Another indication is being able to share openly about your future plans with them. Moreover, if you have a sense of your own identity along with the willingness to prioritize the relationship, it is a positive sign that you are ready for a relationship.
Are you confused about the differences between dating and relationships? Check out this video to learn the top 10 differences between the two!

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