Disrespect In Marriage: How To Deal With It
Keep an eye on these signs and learn the ways to save your marital relationship.

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Marriages are made in heaven. But working towards a happy marriage happens on Earth! And, quite often, disrespect in marriage can ruin the happiest of relationships.
Every marriage has its ups and downs. But a strong foundation based on mutual respect, trust, and love and staying committed to make it work can help you weather all sorts of storms. If disrespect creeps in, it can destroy everything you both have worked towards. In this post, you will learn about the signs of disrespect in marriage and how to address them tactfully. Read on!
In This Article
17 Signs Of Disrespect In A Marriage
Respect could mean different things to different people. It could also have gendered or cultural connotations, which adds to the diversity of what constitutes respect.
However, respect is about treating your partner as an equal and acknowledging their individuality. It allows each partner to freely live their lives on their terms while acknowledging the shared relationship and the responsibilities that come with it. Respect is a thread that joins two separate, whole beings.
Respect also forms the ground for trust and faith even when there are disagreements between the couple. And even if you do end up arguing with each other, respect calls for fighting fair wherein the opinions and feelings of both partners are honored and validated.
It is important to understand what disrespect in marriage is. It can manifest in various forms and can be anything from subtle gestures to overt actions. Disrespect can erode the foundation of trust and intimacy between partners. It often includes dismissive behavior, belittling comments, or a lack of consideration for each other’s feelings and boundaries.
Quite often, people fail to notice disrespectful behavior in a relationship. They may shrug off disrespectful actions in marriage as a part of their partner’s personality or assume that they are over-sensitive. But over time, these actions can lead to emotional disconnection and conflict. Understanding disrespect in a marriage involves recognizing these patterns and addressing them through open communication. If you find yourself in an unhappy marriage, it is essential to identify the root causes and take steps towards healing. Without proper intervention, disrespect can damage the bond. So, let us uncover what various signs of disrespect in a marriage are and how to identify them.
1. Dishonesty

Honesty is always the best policy, especially in a relationship. There are studies that show if there is no honesty, the relationship will soon collapse (1). An honest partner is respectful as they share and communicate with you as though you are their equal. In contrast, if your partner is dishonest with you, it indicates that they do not think of you as worthy enough to know all the information. In this way, your partner is depriving you of building deeper connections, which is also, in a way, disrespectful.
Of course, white lies, such as saying that the dress does not make you look like you gained weight, are harmless. But dishonesty regarding major issues like finances and whom you spend your time with erode trust.
2. Dismissing Needs
A healthy marriage requires that both partners meet each other’s needs, including physical, emotional, and mental needs.
However, if you notice that your partner does not pay attention to your needs or ignores them entirely, it is disrespectful. It suggests they do not value you as an individual.
3. Constant Comparison
If your partner is always comparing you to other men or women and acting woeful about it, it is certainly a disrespectful way of behaving in a marriage. Marriage is about loving and accepting another person just the way they are. And such unwarranted and unnecessary comparisons show that they do not respect your individuality.
4. Blocking Off Communication

Communication is the key to a healthy and happy marriage. It is the determiner of how smooth sailing a relationship or marriage can be (2). If you feel unheard or that your opinion does not matter, your partner is shutting themselves out of such conversations.
Marriage calls for openly communicating feelings and emotions and listening to them without judgments. But if you are just a punching bag for your partner to vent their emotions without catering to yours, that is a clear sign of disrespect. Learning how to communicate with your spouse can help you bridge gaps and strengthen your bond, ensuring that both partners feel heard and valued.
5. Demanding Too Much
Does your partner take up all your time and energy with a long list of demands? If they implicitly expect you to clean up after them, fix their favorite food, pay all their bills, or catering to their emotional needs – it is a warning sign of disrespect in a marriage.
It shows that they do not respect your time and only see you as an easy way to meet their needs. Such a situation worsens when they are not ready to compromise and be accommodating in your direction. It is mostly “my way or the highway” with such a person.
6. Not Prioritizing You
In a marriage, your partner is always your priority. Their needs and wants should be put first to keep the marriage blissful (3). Putting them and their needs above everyone and anything else indicates your respect for your partner and the relationship. If your partner puts you at the bottom of their priority list, that is disrespectful.
7. Taking Major Decisions Individually
Be it handling a financial crisis or managing other crucial crises, if your partner does not value your opinion and refuses to find a solution together, that is a red flag– especially when there are constant financial disagreements. Moreover, if your partner determines all the crucial decisions by themselves – be it your child’s education or moving to a new city for work – that is also a sign of disrespect.
8. Being Unsupportive

A healthy relationship is impossible without couples supporting each other. When one falters, the other must stand beside them like a rock to help them get back on their feet. You should be able to count on your spouse for support, even in the craziest of situations or adventures.
It indicates that your spouse trusts your judgment and decisions and is willing to support you wholeheartedly. But if you find this aspect missing and feel like you are all alone in the marriage, your partner is disrespectful.
9. Insults And Mocks You
Insulting and mocking a partner or making fun of you is a clear indication of disrespect, whether it is done directly to you or behind your back.
Of course, an occasional playful jab at you is an entirely different thing. But if you notice them constantly making jokes about you in social settings to the point where others get uncomfortable, it is time to draw the line. This is completely disrespectful.
10. Complaining Constantly
No matter how hard you try, there is no pleasing your partner. Does this statement ring a bell? If yes, it is another sign of disrespectful behavior. Complaining about your paycheck, job, looks, cooking, friends, family, or anyone dear to you shows your partner’s lack of respect for you.
Such behavior is a subtle indication that your partner considers themselves above you. It may also mean that you do not fit the mold of their ideal partner even though you leave no stone unturned. Of course, pushing you to be a better person or encouraging you to achieve more is a healthy thing to do. But if their demands leave you utterly exhausted, it is disrespectful.
11. Acting Bossy
Does your partner have control issues, meaning that they try to control your actions? Do they often try to dictate exactly how to do things to the point of distress and anxiety for you? If yes, your partner is bossy and controlling. This is a major flaw in a relationship and a sign of disrespect. Even signs of microaggressions and contempt, such as talking over you, undermining your achievements, or making decisions on your behalf, demonstrate that they do not value your opinions. In this situation, you might often face power struggles in the relationship with your partner, which can cause friction and resentment in your relationship.
Colleen Sheehy Orme, transitioned from a marketing/business columnist to a national relationship columnist and journalist, following several sessions of counseling and relationship research. She was married to a passive-aggressive person who manipulated and sabotaged her but was “normal” at other times, making it difficult to recognize any signs of disrespect. They would keep going in circles with the same conversations and her problems always remained unresolved. She adds, “It is impossible to resolve conflict with disrespectful people because they communicate with their ego (i).” She faced issues like frustration over conveying thoughts and a constant need to defend and prove herself.
12. Not Apologizing

Even the healthiest marriages have arguments and disagreements. But how the couple reconciles and overcomes the problem is what makes the marriage successful. Regardless of who is at fault, both partners must have the humility to say sorry and extend the white flag occasionally (4).
But if you are the one who is always apologizing while your partner basks in it, something is off. Your partner’s inability to apologize indicates that they do not value your thoughts and emotions. Certain mistakes, such as infidelity and physical or emotional abuse, are the hardest to forgive. These behaviors are generally not accepted, and sometimes apologies make no difference. But in case of other less damaging or silly mistakes, it’s always better to take responsibility and apologize.
13. Withdrawing Affection
If your partner is using sex, intimacy, or affection as a tool to have things their way, they are disrespecting the relationship. They may withdraw affection to use it as leverage to pressure you into something you had not agreed to in the first place.
14. Giving You The Silent Treatment
Much like withdrawing affection, giving silent treatment is also a sign of disrespect. Moreover, it is rude to deliberately ignore someone you love. It is one of the most unproductive ways of communicating in the relationship and reflects your partner’s immaturity. Since it is a passive-aggressive cry for control, experts often categorize it as a form of emotional abuse.
15. Invading Your Personal Space
Is your partner snooping around your phone or obsessively checking out your social media profile? If yes, they are clearly out of line. It is a sign that they do not trust you to be faithful. Of course, such behavior may make sense if your marriage has had a brush with infidelity. However, if it stems from a place where reason does not reside, it is a clear sign of disrespect.
16. Being Late
Being on time often conveys one’s reliability and trustworthiness. In marriage, spending quality time with your partner is key to maintaining a strong and healthy bond. While being occasionally late due to emergencies is fine, tardiness may indicate a lack of consideration and respect for your partner’s time. This can lead to constant conflicts, stress, anxiety, or feeling unappreciated or unimportant in a marriage.
17. Breaking Promises
Promises are the foundation of a trusting and happy relationship. Repeatedly breaking your partner’s promises is seen as a sign of disrespect and also undermines the integrity of the relationship. In addition, this kind of behavior creates mistrust and emotional detachment, hindering the collaborative effort required for a successful marriage.
It will not do to dismiss these signs at all. Even if you have learned to brush such behavior aside silently, it can have damaging consequences later. Learn more below.
Key Takeaways
- Ups and downs in a marriage are inevitable, but working towards having a happy and loving marriage can make it work.
- Lack of communication, having too many unrealistic demands, ignoring the required marriage needs, dishonesty, constant hurtful comparisons, and the like indicate the fact that the marriage lacks respect.
- Respect is of utmost importance to make a marriage last forever.
The Consequences Of Disrespect In Marriage
The consequences of disrespect in marriage can be long-lasting. It affects both partners and the overall relationship. When one or both partners consistently engage in rude or belittling behavior, it creates an environment of emotional pain. This can lead to feelings of resentment.
This unresolved disrespect can gradually weaken communication and trust in the marriage. This makes it difficult for partners to connect. In severe cases, disrespect can contribute to the breakdown of the marriage. Recognizing and addressing the issue early on is crucial to prevent long-term damage.
Once you have detected the signs of disrespect, what do you do? Does it mean the marriage is so damaged that divorce should be considered? Not necessarily.
There are several ways to salvage a relationship, even if it has been ravaged by disrespectful behavior. Here are a few tips.
How To Deal With A Disrespectful Spouse

- Have an honest conversation with your partner. Share your emotions on how their behavior or treatment makes you feel and find ways to improve the situation.
- Start by addressing minor disrespectful behaviors before tackling larger issues. Building small victories can gradually create a foundation of mutual respect and understanding.
- Give your spouse the benefit of the doubt. It is occasionally possible that your better half decided to say something in mirth, which ended up being tone-deaf or disrespectful. Talk to them and clarify. Try to understand if it was unintentional. Discussing the issue will help them practice caution in the future.
- Start becoming verbal with your praise and appreciation, and who knows, your partner may soon follow suit and do the same for you!
- Have a trusted friend or confidante who can offer you a third person’s perspective on what is wrong and how to deal with the situation. However, be careful about what you share, as publicizing your private affairs could also be disrespectful.
- Respect yourself and set clear boundaries. Whenever required, stand up for yourself. Let your partner know that you feel hurt by their behavior and disrespected. Understand the reason behind their behavior and work with them. If they are ready to rectify their mistakes, it is fine.
- If your spouse makes genuine efforts to change, recognize and appreciate their improvement. This encouragement can motivate them to continue working on the relationship.
- If your partner feels excluded or unheard, it may manifest as disrespectful behavior. Involve them in discussions about finances, family matters, or other important topics to ensure they feel valued.
- If both of you have issues coming to a common ground, consult a marriage counselor. They can help create an environment where both of you can navigate the problems, communicate about the differences, and try to resolve issues amicably. With a counselor you will be able to eventually ascertain whether or not the marriage can be saved.
Infographic: 6 Telltale Signs Of Disrespect In A Relationship
Disrespectful behavior can take a toll on your relationship and self-esteem. While some behaviors, like lying and stopping communication, are clear to identify, most may go unnoticed. The infographic below lists a few not-so-obvious signs of disrespectful behavior you need to watch out for. Take a look.

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
While love may be the foundation of your relationship, it may not always be enough, especially when dealing with disrespect in marriage. Respect for each other is key in cementing your love and trust and strengthening your relationship. No matter how much your partner loves you, and if he truly loves you, respect for your opinions, likes, preferences, comfort, and space is vital for a healthy, sustainable marriage.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can couples establish healthy communication to prevent disrespect in marriage?
Couples can establish healthy communication by actively listening, expressing feelings openly and respectfully, and addressing issues early to prevent misunderstandings and build mutual respect.
What are the signs of a disrespectful wife?
A disrespectful wife often shows rude behavior, never listens to a partner’s opinion, belittles the partner, and neglects household responsibilities.
What is a stronger word for ‘disrespectful’?
Impertinent, blasphemous, flippant, and contemptuous are a few stronger words for ‘disrespectful’.
How can disrespect impact a marriage?
Disrespect can have a negative impact on marriage and may even lead to divorce. If your partner thinks that you do not respect them and the work they do, it might make them feel demeaned and less valued. Respect, courtesy, and thoughtfulness are important to maintain a healthy marriage.
What are some common causes of disrespect in a marriage?
Some common causes of disrespect are – they have anger management issues, they might be trying to mask their insecurities, or may not feel an emotional connection towards you anymore. Knowing ways to deal with an angry spouse can help de-escalate conflicts and foster a more peaceful home environment.
How can couples establish healthy boundaries in their marriage to prevent disrespect?
It is important to practice open communication with your partner, express your thoughts and feelings, maintain personal space, and accept your mistakes instead of blaming them. Celebrate each other’s accomplishments as well.
Are there any specific gender dynamics that can lead to disrespect in a marriage?
Often orthodox societal ideas about gender dynamics may cause individuals to have a biased opinion, leading to disrespect in a marriage. For instance, husbands may belittle housewives and disregard their feelings because they are not an earning member of the house and hence are deemed inferior to them.
Illustration: Signs Of Disrespect In Marriage And Tips To Deal With It

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team
Do you feel disrespected in your relationship and are constantly made to feel small? Watch this video to figure out why this is happening and how to resolve these issues.
Personal Experience: Source
StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic personal narratives that provide depth and resonance to our content. Below are the sources of the personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. 7 Things I Learned from a Marriage with a Disrespectful Spousehttps://medium.com/hello-love/7-things-i-learned-from-a-marriage-with-a-disrespectful-spouse-ee726f1de4c6
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- If you don’t have honesty in a relationship, then there is no relationship”: African American girls’ characterization of healthy dating relationships, a qualitative study
https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4218869/ - Does Couples’ Communication Predict Marital Satisfaction, or Does Marital Satisfaction Predict Communication?
https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4852543/ - The keys to a good and lasting marriage: Exploration of Iranian couple’s experiences
https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8826870/ - Forgiveness and conflict resolution in marriage.

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