20 Clear Signs You Are In Love With Him
From sharing secrets with him to feeling happy around him – here is what you need to look out for.

Image: Created with Dall.E
If you just cannot get over thinking about someone and always find yourself daydreaming about him, you probably like him. But, if that goes too far and you always feel like being with him, you may be asking yourself — Do I love him? Well, do not rush to conclude until you are super sure about it.
There is a flood of thoughts, emotions, and feelings running in your mind for your partner, especially if you have been dating him for some time. But how do you make out if you are in love with him?
In this article, we have compiled the 20 clear signs you are in love with him. So, keep scrolling to find out.
In This Article
20 Signs You Are In Love With Him
Noticing certain signs in your relationship can help you understand your feelings better and build a stronger connection with your partner. Being aware of these signals allows you to nurture your bond, communicate more openly, and ensure you are on the same page. It’s a way to grow closer and strengthen the relationship with care and understanding. Read along to find out the key signs you are in love with him and how to interpret these signs in the context of your relationship.
1. You Check Your Phone Constantly

If you’re checking your phone every few minutes to see if he has texted you, you may have developed stronger feelings for him. Checking to see your partner’s name pop up on your phone is a sign of wanting to stay in contact with him. His replies to your texts have the power to evoke a surge of excitement, a rush of happiness, and a wave of cheerfulness. This is a clear sign of your deep affection for him and the profound influence he has on your emotions.
2. You Feel Comfortable Sharing Your Secrets

Love eliminates the feeling of embarrassment and encourages vulnerability as it helps you share the keys to your respective secret worlds with each other. As you fall in love with someone, the protective walls that you have built around yourself start to break down, and you reveal your true self to the person you are fond of. If you feel at ease sharing your deepest, darkest, or even innocent secrets, it’s a sign of love. Since you trust him, you don’t feel the need to hide anything from him. It also signifies a deeper emotional connection, a sense of security, and a feeling of being truly understood.
3. You Are Experiencing Mood Swings
Falling in love can feel like an emotional roller coaster. Since you are experiencing a surge of hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, and adrenaline, you may go through many conflicting emotions all at once. It can be challenging to fully decipher what you are going through. Plus, you are constantly trying to figure out if he loves you back; you may overthink or overanalyze his every move, thereby worsening the mood swings. At one point, you may feel overjoyed by his actions, then get extremely anxious and question his feelings towards you. The constant overthinking and mood swings leave you exhausted. It is a true sign of love.
4. You Relive The Moments You Spent Together
Memories are the very essence of human life. When people fall in love, they relive the sweet memories they share with their partners when they are not around. If there is great chemistry between you two, you cannot help but reminisce about those romantic gestures and happy moments with him. Your state of mind indicates that you deeply value the emotional connection you share with them. Your recent memories about him may be steering you toward love. They also trigger the senses of unfiltered happiness and romantic warmth in your heart. You eagerly anticipate the moments you will share with him in the future.
5. The Silence Between You Never Feels Awkward
The silence, awkwardness, and tension among strangers is very apparent. But, that may not be the case with your partner. You feel absolutely comfortable even when the two of you silently stare at each other. This comfortable silence is a sign that you love him. The silence feels intimate, natural, and peaceful. If you enjoy the silent moments with him, it highlights that you have developed a beautiful sense of emotional security with him. You are emotionally attuned to him and don’t need him to constantly impress you.
6. You Have Him In Your Future

Seeing him in your future is a real sign of falling in love. You may be making plans to travel together, move into his house, or even get married. By seeing him right beside you in all your future endeavors, you show a level of commitment to him and are interested in developing your relationship even further. Your ability to envision a future with him is a normal and natural expression of your deep affection. You see him as a key figure in your life, and your desire for a shared future is a reflection of the significance he holds in your heart. Your feelings are important and they guide your desire to take the relationship to a deeper level. If this is not a characteristic of real love, then we do not know what is!
7. You Feel Nervous About Impressing Him
You can be concerned about what your partner thinks of you, causing you to feel a little nervous or anxious around him. You may try to think of ways to impress him and worry about your appearance or what to say to him. Such self-consciousness and nervousness unintentionally induced by him can be an indicator of falling in love. It also reveals your emotional involvement with him. You want to look amazing when he is around, as you want him to see your best version. This approach of yours also showcases that you value his opinions.
8. You Think Of Him When You Are In Trouble
These days, if your car breaks down or you face problems at work, you prefer speed-dialing your partner over anyone else. Taking advice from your partner or asking for his help indicates that you are most likely falling in love with him. It shows that you value his opinion and are trying to make him an active part of your life. It also reveals your complete trust in him and signifies that you feel content in sharing your problems with him. This act of love also underscores the role of emotional dependence, a key factor in feeling connected and understood, and in developing a lasting bond.
9. His Presence Makes Everything Better
Being with your partner is a rewarding experience as it enhances your feelings of joy and excitement. You are always longing to meet him; no matter what you are doing, finding ways to spend time with him is always on your mind. The excitement you feel when you are around him can make new and scary activities easier to do. Besides, when he is there with you, your mind relaxes, and you feel energized and secured. Whether it’s waking up early to go to the gym or trying out a new restaurant, you’ll find it easier to step out of your comfort zone if he is around you. On top of that, boring chores like doing the laundry or dishes are way more fun when he is around.

10. You Are Curious About His Little Details
Do you remember the little things about him, like his favorite song or a story he shared with you once? Remembering the small but important details about him means you are deeply invested in him and have probably fallen in love with him. It’s a sign that you are hoping to make him happy by being invested in his life. Remembering the not-so-important details about someone reveals how much you value them and wish to make them feel appreciated.
11. Your Happiness Seems To Have No Bounds
The feeling of love, attraction, admiration, and infatuation can bring a smile to anyone’s face. Ever since he entered your life, the world may seem a lot brighter than it was. Being in love releases happy hormones such as serotonin and oxytocin, giving you a feeling of euphoria when you think about him.
Oxytocin (the love hormone) also dilates your pupils whenever you see someone you love. The hormone controls the muscles of the irises, which get activated especially when you are experiencing a change in your emotions.
12. You Have Become A Different Person, Thanks To Him
You may have developed new traits after meeting your partner and now feel like a different person. Your friends and family may remark that you seem happier and more confident since you met him. If you find your personality changing due to his presence in your life, it can be a strong sign of love. It also indicates emotional stability and fulfillment, triggering your personal growth in his presence.
13. Your Past Relationships Don’t Seem To Affect You Anymore
Have you experienced unrequited love or break-ups? The hurt of past relationships can act as a hurdle between loving and trusting your current partner. But when you begin to develop deeper feelings for someone, your past trauma and experiences just don’t seem as overwhelming anymore. You may find yourself not missing your ex ever since your current partner came into your life. It’s a complete turnaround from your past relationship, where your needs might not have been met. Now, your present feelings towards this new person are reciprocated, and your needs are duly fulfilled. The new love offers you a renewed sense of hope, overshadowing the sad memories of your past relationship.
14. No Other Man Seems Charming To You
When you really love someone, you are less likely to find anyone else attractive. Your man instinctively becomes the center of all your desires. You naturally stop checking out other boys, especially if your partner is just as into you as you are into him. If he reciprocates your affection, a deep sense of security develops in your heart. This mutual affection fosters a deep sense of security, making you feel deeply connected and uninterested in anyone else.
You may also experience a surge of energy whenever he is around. Your thoughts will all be about him.
15. You Make Little Sacrifices To Spend More Time With Him
Since you can’t wait to spend more time with him, you are happy to miss out on dinners and movie nights with friends and family. You prefer spending time with your partner, even if you have a busy schedule. This is because time spent with him feels more fulfilling and lively. It may not even feel like making a compromise. Making more time to be with him is a sure sign that you are falling in love with him. It makes you wonder if he is the one for you.
16. His Happiness Comes Before Yours

Do you find that other priorities are on hold when he’s with you? Are his success and happiness important to you? When you form a deeper bond with your partner, you want to support him and keep him happy no matter what it takes. You may constantly be finding ways to please him, even if it is a bit inconvenient for you sometimes. This indicates you don’t mind stepping out of your way to make him happy, as you value his presence in your life and want to build a meaningful connection with him.
17. Everything Seems To Remind You Of Him
Lately, you have been seeing him in everyone and everything, and you cannot control what’s happening to you. You miss him when he’s not around – which is why every little thing around you reminds you of him. It means that you have become emotionally attached to your partner. This is a strong indication that you are in love with him. Thinking about them constantly and feeling their presence everywhere indicates your depth of feelings and genuine affection.
18. You Lose Track Of Time With Him
You know you love him when one of the hardest things to do is to say ‘goodbye’ to him after spending time with him. You may feel as though time moves too fast when you are with him, hoping and wishing to spend a few more minutes together. You want to be around him as much as possible, and no amount of time spent with him feels enough.
19. You Seem To Share His Emotions
If you are in love with him, you are more likely to mirror his emotions. Some days you may feel like his feelings resonate with your heart. You become more sensitive to his emotional needs and develop a deep understanding of his feelings. For instance, you might notice a change in their body language or tone of voice, or pick up on subtle cues in their behavior. Building strong emotional connections brings people closer, allowing them to understand what their partner is feeling without them uttering a single word.
20. His Likes And Dislikes Matter A Lot To You
Do you care about how to present yourself to your partner on a date? Are you continually trying to pick a dress in his favorite color to impress him? Do you actively avoid making food that he doesn’t like? If all these small likes and dislikes mean the world to you, it’s safe to conclude that you are slowly falling in love with him.
These are the primary signs you are in love with him. Recognizing love is a deeply introspective process that requires in-depth assessment. Asking yourself certain questions can aid you in determining whether your feelings towards him have taken a romantic turn and if you have developed a deep connection with him. We have compiled these self-assessment questions below. Check them out.
Self-Assessment Questions To Recognize Signs You Are In Love With Him
These deeply personal questions will help you understand your emotions toward him and clarify any doubts you may have. Answering them honestly will give you insights into your heart. Keep reading.
- Do I think about him often, even when I am with friends and family?
When you are in love, you tend to think about the person all day. You may miss his presence when he is away, so imagine scenarios with him to feel better. You may also struggle to concentrate on your work or other engagements during this phase.
- Do I prioritize his happiness?
If you find yourself doing things to bring a smile to his face or to make his day brighter, know that you deeply care for him. His happiness will, in turn, make you happy and satisfied. This state of mind strongly indicates your romantic interest in him.
- How do I feel when he is upset?
Assess how you feel when you see him visibly upset or when his mood is not too lively and happy. If his sadness impacts you deeply and makes you worry, it is a sign of love.
- Do I like who I am when I’m with him?
If you feel happy, content, and calm with him and believe that he brings out the best qualities in you, it means you like being around him and enjoy the partnership.
- Do I want to share everything about my life with him?
It is a common trait of a person in love. If you want to share every detail about your life, whether good or bad experiences, it means you trust him to the core and wish to build a good relationship with him.
- Do I feel protective and jealous instincts?
Jealousy is a common characteristic of a person in love. Notice how you feel when he is with someone else. Another major instinct is feeling protective of him and his emotions. This emotional state indicates you care about his well-being.
- Am I willing to take his bad traits with the good ones?
When you get to know a person, you discover their preferences. You may like certain behavior patterns and dislike some. If you accept his flaws and embrace them wholeheartedly, you are in love. You become flexible all of a sudden and give leeway to his habits that you don’t like.
After identifying the key signs that show you’re in love, it’s very important to convey your feelings and let them know what you are experiencing. Communication is an important factor that helps you develop and build a loving relationship. Let’s explore its importance in detail.
Key Takeaways
- If you imagine spending your future with someone and are comfortable sharing your secrets with that person, you are in love with them.
- If he makes you feel better and brings out the best in you, you have feelings for him.
- If you lose track of time when you are with him and want to relive the moments spent together, there is great chemistry between you two.
The Role Of Communication In Love
Communication plays a key role in any loving relationship. When you openly share your thoughts and feelings, it helps build a stronger emotional connection and creates a sense of trust. It ensures that both partners feel heard, appreciated, and understood. Clear, honest communication can also prevent misunderstandings and strengthen the bond, making the relationship more fulfilling and resilient over time.
Infographic: Songs That Let You Know You Are in Love
Often, songs give you a peek into our souls. They explain our emotions better than our own thoughts. Certain songs, apart from the aforementioned signs, can give you a better understanding of how you truly feel about your partner.
So, scroll down and add these songs to your playlist. Then sit back, close your eyes, and listen as you experience what it means to be in love!

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
It is natural to feel confused about your growing feelings for someone. On certain days, those feelings might overwhelm you so much that you find yourself wondering, “Do I love them?”. If you constantly want to be around that person and think of them in their absence, it is a prominent sign you are in love with him. Being curious about their likes and dislikes is another sign. This list of 20 signs helps you identify your feelings before you try to find different ways of saying I love you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the physical signs of love?
Loss of appetite and sleeplessness may be some of the physical signs of love. However, science is yet to determine if love actually causes these physical signs.
Does a woman glow when in love?
Oxytocin is a hormone that induces the feeling of love (1). Since it has skin-enhancing properties, it may cause one to glow when in love (2).
Can I fall in love with someone I just met?
Although it’s rare, falling in love at first sight is possible.
How do I know if it’s love or just infatuation?
While love is a deeper experience that involves knowing someone intimately, feeling bonded to them, and being compassionate about them in a way that is both enduring and not dependent on how they make you feel, infatuation typically occurs quickly and involves a strong attraction that wears off over time.
How do I know if I have an instant connection?
You know when even on your first meeting, you feel as if you have known each other for years. You will be able to fit in with them quickly and enjoy their company. Thoughts of you having finally found the person you’ve been looking for will cross your mind. Finally, you won’t be able to erase them from your memory.
Can physical attraction or chemistry indicate that I am in love with someone?
It is not necessary that you are in love with someone toward whom you feel a physical attraction; it’s possible that the urge stems from a need for physical intimacy. The same can be said of someone’s intelligence as well. Love, on the other hand, is unconditional and unmotivated by any individual need. While you can fall in love with someone due to attraction, it only lasts a while.
How can I tell if what I feel is love or just a crush?
A crush is often intense but short-lived, characterized by infatuation and idealization. Love, on the other hand, involves deeper emotional connection and commitment. It grows over time and includes understanding, support, and a willingness to work through challenges together. Experts suggest evaluating the depth of your feelings and how well you know and appreciate the other person.
Are you wondering if that special guy in your life likes you back? Look out for these 20 signs – from subtle body language cues to more obvious actions – to find out if he’s into you.
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- Oxytocin- The Hormone of Love
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335160166_Oxytocin-_The_Hormone_of_Love - Impact of oxytocin on skin aging

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