Home Remedies For Abdominal Bloating – 19 Effective Ways
Ease the discomfort and pain associated with a bloated abdomen with natural remedies.

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We have got you covered if you are looking for ways to get rid of abdominal bloating. Overeating, excess alcohol intake, or even periods can cause abdominal boating that may leave you feeling uneasy and uncomfortable. While it mostly resolves on its own in a day or two, you may also find yourself needing home remedies for a bloated stomach to ease the discomfort. In addition to the following home remedies, changes in your lifestyle, the right food timings, and regular bowel habits can also help. Continue reading to know more.
In This Article
What Is Abdominal Bloating?
Abdominal bloating is a condition where the tissues inside your stomach become bloated or enlarged. In fact, it almost feels like you have swallowed a balloon! Abdominal swelling can either be restricted to a small area inside your stomach or occur in a larger area. Nevertheless, in most cases, stomach bloating lasts only for a short period, depending on its cause.
A bloated stomach or abdomen can be triggered by many factors. It could also be a symptom of an underlying disease or disorder. Let’s look at the main causes of this condition.
Key Takeaways
- Constipation, lactose intolerance, and indigestion are a few causes of stomach bloating.
- A few symptoms of bloating include flatulence, a feeling of tightness, and recurrent burping.
- Ingredients like fennel seeds, ginger, and coconut oil may treat symptoms of stomach bloating.
- Exercising regularly and avoiding smoking may help prevent the recurrence of bloating.
- Seek medical help if you experience chest pain, fatigue, and dizziness.
What Causes Abdominal Bloating?
The most common causes of abdominal or stomach bloating are:
- Foods like beans, broccoli, cauliflower, or fizzy drinks – all of which produce gas
- Indigestion
- A change in your diet or not eating for too long
- Constipation
- Certain medications such as antacids, aspirin and opioidi A class of drugs that consists of pain-relieving properties, thus, used in anesthesia but could be addicting if taken frequently in high doses. painkillers
- Lactose intolerance
- Multivitamin and iron supplements
- Any underlying medical condition like irritable bowel syndrome, gastritisi A group of conditions that cause Inflammation of the stomach lining due to bacterial infection and regular painkiller intake. , cancer, or premenstrual syndrome.
If the bloating is caused by some underlying gastrointestinal or digestive disorder like IBS, following specialized diet, like a low-FODMAP diet can help.Now that you have an idea of what might have been causing you stomach discomfort and bloating, let us look at the symptoms that can help you detect its onset.
Signs Of Abdominal Bloating
If you experience any of the symptoms below in addition to feeling bloated, there is a high possibility that you are experiencing abdominal bloating.
- Flatulence: Excessive gas inside your intestines
- Stomach feels tight and full
- Stomach pains
- Recurrent burping and/or belching
- Rumbles and gurgles from within your abdomen
- Fever
- Nausea or vomiting
- Fatigue
Bloating can have a serious negative impact on your everyday activities and overall quality of life. It may lead to gastrointestinal distress, difficulties focusing, and general anxiety. These issues highlight the importance of managing bloating effectively.
A study conducted on 54,127 participants across 26 countries found that 51.9% of them experienced abdominal pain within three months, out of which 11.10% experienced meal-related abdominal pain frequently. Out of these participants, those who experienced bloating might be attributed it to having more frequent meal-related abdominal pain.
A bloated stomach can prove to be quite disturbing in the long run. Have you been suffering from stomach bloating? Are you on the lookout for quick and effective solutions to solve your problem? Then, go ahead and read on to find some of the best natural home remedies for bloating.
How To Treat Abdominal Bloating Naturally
- Tea
- Fennel Seeds
- Baking Soda
- Ginger
- Pumpkin Dreams
- Warm Lemon Water
- Caraway Seeds
- Anise
- Bananas
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Castor Oil
- Detox Drink
- Essential Oil
- Green Tea
- Aloe Vera Juice
- Coconut Oil
- Yogurt
- Pineapple Juice
- Orange Juice
Home Remedies For Abdominal Bloating
1. Tea
Teas are known for their calming effects on the body. You can opt for pre-made herbal tea bags or brew your own cup of goodness using these powerful herbs. Most of these teas are used as herbal remedies due to their healing properties.
a. Peppermint Tea

You Will Need
- 1 teaspoon of dry peppermint leaves OR a handful of fresh peppermint leaves
- 1 cup of water
- Honey (optional)
What You Have To Do
- Add the peppermint leaves to a cup of hot water and bring it to a boil in a saucepan.
- Simmer for 5 minutes and strain.
- Add honey for flavor and consume the peppermint tea before it turns cold.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this at least thrice daily.
Why This Works
Peppermint tea is extremely beneficial for curing digestive problems, including stomach bloating. If you are searching for one of the best home remedies for gas and indigestion, you may definitely try peppermint tea (1).
Marissa, a blogger shared her experience about reducing bloating naturally in her blog. She said, “Tea is also amazing for reducing bloat. Peppermint and ginger are two of my go-to’s (i).”
b. Chamomile Tea

You Will Need
- 1 to 2 teaspoons of chamomile herb
- 1 cup of water
- Honey (optional)
What You Have To Do
- Add the chamomile herb to a cup of hot water.
- Allow it to steep for 5 to 10 minutes.
- Strain and add honey to taste.
- Consume the chamomile tea before it turns cold.
How Often You Should Do This
You must drink this tea 2 to 3 times daily.
Why This Works
Chamomile tea has been used for ages for its stomach healing properties
. It exhibits soothing and relaxing properties that can help with abdominal bloating and flatulence (2).
2. Fennel Seeds

You Will Need
- 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of crushed fennel seeds
- 1 cup of water
- Honey (optional)
What You Have To Do
- Add the crushed fennel seeds to a cup of steaming water.
- Let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes.
- Strain and add honey for flavor.
- Consume this tea daily.
- Alternatively, you can also chew about half a teaspoon of fennel seeds daily.
How Often You Should Do This
You can do this 2 to 3 times daily.
Why This Works
Fennel seeds, scientifically known as Foeniculum vulgare, are quite popular for their digestive properties. They contain compounds called estragolei A colorless organic compound used as a flavoring agent or additive in food, cosmetic, and cleaning products. , fenchonei Colorless oily chemical compound smelling like camphor used to treat kidney, bladder, and urinary tract stones , and anetholei Aromatic compound that forms the main constituent of essential oils of aromatic plants like anise and fennel. that exhibit antispasmodic properties, which can be helpful in relieving stomach gas and abdominal bloating (3).
3. Baking Soda

You Will Need
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda
- 1 glass of warm water
What You Have To Do
- Mix a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water.
- Drink this solution.
How Often You Should Do This
You must do this at least once daily.
Why This Works
Baking soda acts as an antacid and relieves indigestion. Its alkalinei A water solution with a pH of more than 7 that has the ability to neutralize or reduce the acidity of an acidic solution. nature can also counteract the hydrochloric acid in your stomach. This clears the gas, which, in turn, reduces abdominal bloating (4).
4. Ginger

You Will Need
- 1 inch of ginger
- 1 cup of water
- Honey (optional)
What You Have To Do
- Add ginger to a cup of water in a saucepan.
- Bring the water to a boil and simmer for 3 to 5 minutes.
- Strain and consume this daily.
- You can also add honey to this for flavor.
How Often You Should Do This
You can do this thrice daily. You can brew your own ginger tea using fresh ginger or use ginger powder.
Why This Works
Ginger possesses carminative properties that can help to expel gas and relieve cramps and indigestion. This shows the efficiency of ginger in treating stomach bloating along with its symptoms (5), (6).
5. Pumpkin

You Will Need
- 1 cup of cut pumpkin
- 2 cups of water
What You Have To Do
- Boil the pumpkins in water.
- Snack on the cooked pumpkin daily.
- Alternatively, you can also add pumpkin to your diet in other ways.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this daily to combat stomach bloating faster.
Why This Works
Being a natural source of fiber and potassium, pumpkin can be of great help in reducing stomach bloating (7), (8). The potassium in pumpkin can remove excess sodium from your body, which is often the culprit behind gas formation in your stomach.
6. Warm Lemon Water

You Will Need
- 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
- 1 glass of warm water
What You Have To Do
- Add one teaspoon of lemon juice to a glass of warm water.
- Consume this solution daily to get relief from stomach bloating.
- You can also add honey for flavor.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once every morning.
Why This Works
Lemons are natural diureticsi Class of drugs that remove excess salt (sodium) and water from your body through the kidneys and increased the production of urine. that exhibit mild laxative properties when mixed with warm water. This can be helpful in the treatment of salt-induced bloating as they reduce the amount of salt inside your body (9).
7. Caraway Seeds

You Will Need
- 1 teaspoon of caraway seeds
- 1 cup of hot water
- Honey (optional)
What You Have To Do
- Add caraway seeds to a cup of hot water and allow them to steep for 5 to 10 minutes.
- Strain and consume this water daily.
- You can also add honey for flavor.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this thrice daily.
Why This Works
Caraway (Carum carvi), also referred to as Persian fennel, exhibits antispasmodic and carminative properties that can be used to get rid of bloating and excessive gas in the stomach (10), (11). It is the presence of chemical compounds called carvol and carvene that imparts these beneficial properties to caraway seeds.
8. Anise

You Will Need
- 1 teaspoon of anise seeds
- 1 cup of hot water
- Honey (optional)
What You Have To Do
- Steep the anise seeds in a cup of hot water for 5 to 10 minutes.
- Strain the water and consume it before it turns cold.
- You can also add honey for taste.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this 2 to 3 times a day.
Why This Works
The antispasmodic properties of anise seeds (Pimpinella anisum) can aid the relaxation of your digestive tract, while its carminative effects can treat digestive issues like dyspepsiai A term used for frequent episodes of upset stomach or burning sensation in the upper abdomen, usually after eating and drinking. , which can lead to stomach bloating (12), (13).
9. Bananas

You Will Need
1-2 bananas
What You Have To Do
Include one or two bananas in your daily diet.
How Often You Should Do This
Eat this daily to combat stomach bloating naturally.
Why This Works
Bananas are one of the most fiber-rich foods that contain high levels of potassium (14), (15). This makes them a great remedy for salt-induced stomach bloating as the high potassium content in them will regulate the sodium levels in your body.
10. Apple Cider Vinegar

You Will Need
- 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
- 1 glass of warm water
- Honey (optional)
What You Have To Do
- Mix apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water.
- Drink this acidic solution daily.
- You can add honey for flavor.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once daily.
Why This Works
Apple cider vinegar kickstarts digestion in your stomach with its enzymes and digestive properties, which helps in reducing gastric emptying and treating bloating and its symptoms (16), (17).
11. Castor Oil

You Will Need
- 1 teaspoon of castor oil
- 1 cup of any fruit juice
What You Have To Do
- Add about one teaspoon of castor oil to a cup of fruit juice.
- Mix well and consume it immediately before the oil settles down.
- Alternatively, you can also swallow a teaspoon of castor oil directly if its strong flavor does not bother you.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this whenever you feel bloated.
Why This Works
Since abdominal bloating can also be caused by constipation, the use of laxativesi Medicines that contain chemicals or properties of a substance that increase bowel movements are mostly used to treat constipation. such as castor oil can help in eliminating its root cause (18), (19).
12. Detox Drink

You Will Need
- 1 cucumber
- 1 lemon
- 2 apples
What You Have To Do
- Blend the cucumber, lemon, and apples.
- Drink this juice immediately.
How Often You Should Do This
Drink this juice once a day until the bloating vanishes.
Why This Works
The high water content of cucumbers, in combination with the gentle laxative and diuretic properties of lemons and the high fiber content of apples, can help in eliminating excess salt from your body and relieve constipation (20), (21), (22). This can help reduce salt-induced water retention, a leading cause of bloating.
13. Essential Oils
a. Peppermint Essential Oil

You Will Need
- 3 to 4 drops of peppermint essential oil
- 2 teaspoons of any carrier oil (coconut or olive oil)
What You Have To Do
- Mix the essential oil with the carrier oil.
- Gently rub this blend on your stomach.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once daily.
Why This Works
Peppermint oil has antispasmodic effects that can relax your intestinal muscles and reduce bloating on external application (23).
b. Fennel Essential Oil

You Will Need
- 4 drops of fennel essential oil
- 2 teaspoons of any carrier oil (coconut or almond oil)
What You Have To Do
- Mix fennel essential oil with a carrier oil of your choice.
- Massage this mixture gently on your abdomen.
How Often You Should Do This
You can do this once daily.
Why This Works
Fennel oil exhibits some amazing diuretic, antispasmodic, and carminative properties, which can help in relaxing your intestinal muscles and relieving gas, thus treating stomach bloating (24).
14. Green Tea

You Will Need
- 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves
- 1 cup of hot water
- Honey
What You Have To Do
- Boil the green tea leaves in water in a saucepan.
- Simmer for 5 minutes.
- Strain and consume this tea daily.
- You can also add honey for flavor.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this at least thrice daily.
Why This Works
Green tea is a natural diuretic and is rich in antioxidants (25). These properties help in increasing the urine output, thus getting rid of the excess water that your body has been holding (26). This, in turn, helps to get rid of stomach bloating that occurs due to result of water retention. Additionally, green tea has been found to ease gas build-up and other digestive problems that can indirectly cause bloating (27).
15. Aloe Vera Juice

You Will Need
1/4 to 1/2 cup of aloe vera juice
What You Have To Do
Drink about half a cup of aloe vera juice to get relief from stomach bloating.
How Often You Should Do This
You can do this 1 to 2 times a day.
Why This Works
Aloe vera is mostly used for its soothing anti-inflammatory effects, which can ease the irritation that accompanies a bloated stomach (28). Aloe vera has also been found to show mild laxative effects, which can be effective in the treatment of constipation and stomach bloating (29).
16. Coconut Oil

You Will Need
1 tablespoon of coconut oil
What You Have To Do
Consume one tablespoon of coconut oil or add it to your salad or juice.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once daily.
Why This Works
Coconut oil, with its anti-inflammatory properties, can help to get things moving in your intestine, thus treating abdominal bloating and its symptoms (30).
17. Yogurt

You Will Need
1 cup of plain yogurt
What You Have To Do
Consume one cup of plain yogurt.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once daily.
Why This Works
Yogurt is a natural probiotic that increases the levels of healthy bacteria in your body (31). These bacteria can accelerate your digestion, which can also help in reducing abdominal bloating (32), (33).
18. Pineapple Juice

You Will Need
- 1 cup of cut pineapples
- 1 cup of water
What You Have To Do
- Blend the pineapples with water.
- Consume this juice daily.
How Often You Should Do This
Drink this juice once daily.
Why This Works
Pineapples are a rich source of an enzyme called bromelain, which is anti-inflammatory and can help in digestion by breaking down the proteins in your stomach. This can consequently help in reducing bloating in the stomach (34), (35).
Do not drink pineapple juice on an empty stomach.
19. Orange Juice

You Will Need
- 1 to 2 oranges
- 1 cup of water
What You Have To Do
- Blend the oranges with water.
- Drink this juice daily to fight stomach bloating.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once daily, before you have your meals.
Why This Works
Oranges are a natural source of fiber and acids. The highly acidic nature of oranges can aid digestion by lowering the pH of your stomach (36), (37). This can indirectly help in treating stomach bloating.
All the remedies listed in this article can be used to cure stomach bloating. You can try these remedies either individually or in combination for faster recovery. Additionally, taking a few precautions can help you avoid the recurrence of this condition.
Prevention And Relief From Abdominal Bloating
- Avoid consuming gas-producing foods like cabbage, beans, and carbonated drinks.
- Avoid swallowing air while eating or drinking.
- Do not smoke.
- Avoid drinking alcohol.
- Do not eat more than your stomach can take.
- Treat constipation as it is one of the main culprits behind stomach bloating.
- Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
- Practice yoga poses that can help ease digestion and gas problems such as the Vayu mudra.
While these home remedies are helpful, they may not be enough to completely solve the problem. If bloating persists, you should consult a doctor. Scroll down to know more.
When To Seek Help
Seeking medical attention is important if you have severe abdominal pain, fever, change in bowel habits, or persistent bloating that lasts more than a few days. These signs can point to a more serious underlying illness that needs medical attention. If you notice bloating even after trying the above home remedies or changing your diet, consult a doctor immediately.
Most cases of abdominal bloating are not of much concern. But in some cases, stomach bloating can have severe side effects on your health and can even be a symptom of a more serious underlying medical condition.
Side Effects Of Abdominal Bloating
Some of the side effects and complications of a bloated abdomen that call for immediate medical attention include:
- A pain or pressure in the chest
- Breathing difficulty
- Fatigue and dizziness
- Fever
- Vomiting blood or some black substance
- Severe and intolerable abdominal pain
- Rapid pulse
- Signs of jaundice such as yellow skin or eyes
You can get rid of abdominal pain and release trapped gas by massaging your bloated abdomen. Check out the following section to know more.
How To Massage To Relieve Abdominal Bloating
- Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
- Take slow deep breaths and relax your abdomen.
- Use a little bit of olive or coconut oil.
- Gently rub your hands together to generate some heat.
- Gently massage the right side of the abdomen in circular motions with your fingertips. Then move up towards your ribcage,
- across your left side, and towards the left side of the abdomen.
- Do this for about 2-3 minutes. Avoid pressing too hard as it may cause pain.
Infographic: Top Drinks To Soothe Stomach Bloating
Bloating typically results from a buildup of gas brought on by excessive consumption of foods that cause gas. You can relieve yourself from this uncomfortable situation by having a few drinks that either promote digestion or increase your urine output.
Check out the infographic below to learn more about the natural beverages you need to have to soothe stomach bloating. Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
Abdominal bloating is characterized by enlarged stomach tissues due to indigestion, constipation, medications such as antacids, aspirin, opioid painkillers, and lactose intolerance. In addition, symptoms like stomach pains, recurrent burping or belching, rumbles, tight and full stomach, and gurgles from within the abdomen can be seen in abdominal bloating. However, If you have tried most of the remedies and still find yourself asking “how to get rid of bloating”, it might be a sign of an underlying medical issue. If you experience any of the above side effects, visit your doctor immediately. However, you can try out the bloating home remedies mentioned in the article for mild to moderate cases of a bloated stomach.
Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of foods should be avoided when you have stomach bloating?
If you experience abdominal bloating, it is recommended that you minimize your sodium intake and avoid gas-producing foods like broccoli, cabbages, and beans.
Why does alcohol cause bloating and gas?
Alcohol can cause bloating if you are intolerant to any of the substances used in it. Also, alcohol has high levels of carbohydrates, which can contribute to bloating.
Why does gas fill in your stomach and how is it relieved after passing wind?
Indigestion or intolerance to any substance like lactose can cause stomach gas. When you pass wind, the accumulated gas is expelled from your body, and this provides temporary relief. If you are wondering how to get rid of indigestion, some home remedies, such as apple cider vinegar, aloe vera juice, and buttermilk, may prove effective.
Do eggs cause bloating?
Not usually. However, if you have an intolerance towards eggs, you may experience gastric upset symptoms like bloating and diarrhea.
How do you massage a bloated stomach?
Gently press your fingers on your abdomen and massage in a clockwise direction to release the trapped gas and clear out the large intestine. Movements should be small and circular. Repeat the process 3-5 times.
Does lying down help ease bloating?
There’s no evidence for this. But simply lying on the left side with knees bent can help relieve the trapped gas, as gravity helps push it to the colon.
Does coffee cause bloating?
Yes. Coffee, in some individuals, can stimulate the digestive tract and cause spasms in the bowels. This can lead to temporary bloating.
Can drinking lots of water reduce bloating?
Water intake is essential to maintain the body’s hydration levels. Drinking water can potentially reduce bloating by flushing out the excess fluids and ridding the body of excess sodium is one of the most common natural remedies for bloating.
Illustration: Home Remedies For Abdominal Bloating - 19 Effective Ways

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team
Learn about natural remedies that can help manage gas and bloating. Watch the video below to discover some simple ways to reduce discomfort and get relief quickly.
Personal Experience: Source
StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic personal narratives that provide depth and resonance to our content. Below are the sources of the personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. My Top 5 Tips to Debloathttps://mindfulmimosas.wordpress.com/2019/04/21/my-top-5-tips-to-de-bloat/
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