Best Exercises To Get Rid Of A Hunchback

Written by , BA Shirin Mehdi BA linkedin_icon Experience: 3 years
Last Updated on

Are you worried about your back posture? Have you often experienced trouble at work while trying to sit? Do you think having a hunchback is making you less attractive and confident? If that was a yes, then this article would be just the one for you.

Some of the best hunchback posture exercises have been enlisted here. They are simple, effective and show results super quick.

Would you like to know what they are? Keep reading.

1. Massage Ball

Massage ball exercises help in massaging body tissues that help you improve body posture. If you have trouble around the chest region or would like to improve flexibility, this exercise would be perfect for you.

  1. Get hold of a massage ball at first. Hold it using both your hands.
  2. Now press it on your chest and roll it gently. This will help in relieving tension.
  3. When you are pressing the ball, make sure you add more pressure to those areas that are tight.
  4. You should massage for around 30 seconds.
  5. Complete 3 sets in total.

2. Phone Y Extension

The Phone Y extension will strengthen your back muscles and stretch your chest too. Not just that, this exercise will also stretch your abdomen, making you more flexible.

  1. Lie down on the floor with your face on the ground and keep your legs apart.
  2. Your arms should be extended over your head.
  3. Lift the torso and continue to rotate your shoulders so that your palms are facing upwards.
  4. Continue to hold this position for the next 5 to 10 seconds.
  5. Do about 3 reps. 8 sets in total is enough.

[ Read: Yoga Poses For Posture Improvement ]

3. Cat Pose

The cat pose can really help you improve your body posture. This is actually a quick fix for all those who are worried about their hunchbacks. You can always start your day with this exercise. It will help when you begin your day at work.

  1. Get down on your hands and knees like a cat. Stretch your head in all four directions at first.
  2. Rotate your head a bit. This will help you massage your neck.
  3. Now that you are on your hands and knees, make sure to curl upwards just like a cat would. Then come back down. You should hold for a couple of seconds before finishing the first rep.
  4. Try this exercise a few times a day. It will not only improve your sleeping patterns but also improve your energy levels significantly. Cat poses are great for people who work out regularly.

Other Important Ways That Can Help You Improve Posture

  • Be aware and conscious
  • Try different kinds of exercises

If you would like to make permanent changes, make sure you are conscious of the way you are sitting. Human beings haven’t been designed in such a way that they can sit in the office the whole time. So get up, get out and walk around a bit. You can walk around during breaks. This will help.

Now that you know how to fix a hunch back posture, what are you waiting for? Exercises such as bench press, crunches and curls are great for improving body posture. You can also include some exercises like the ones enlisted above in order to stretch and improve your chest muscles. This will definitely improve your posture, especially if you are a hunchback. Apart from that, they will also help you maintain the right posture.

How did you like this post? Have you ever tried any of these exercises for hunchback posture? If not, then do so right away and let us know your experiences in the comment box below. We would love to hear from you!

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Shirin Mehdi
Shirin MehdiHealth & Wellness Writer
Shirin is a health and wellness writer with three years of experience and specializes in writing articles on yoga and has extensive knowledge about the postures of the asanas. Prior to joining Stylecraze, she interned with an advertising firm as a copywriter and as an editorial intern for a luxury fashion magazine.

Read full bio of Shirin Mehdi