24 Ways To Keep A Guy Interested & Secrets To Get Him Hooked

From having the confidence to dealing with past traumas, get a masterclass on captivating a man.

Reviewed by Rodolfo Parlati, Professional Life Coach Rodolfo Parlati Rodolfo ParlatiProfessional Life Coach facebook_iconlinkedin_iconyoutube_iconinsta_iconinsta_icon
Written by Sneha Tete, Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach Sneha Tete Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Edited by Subhrojyoti Mukherjee, MA (English) Subhrojyoti Mukherjee MA (English) linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Fact-checked by Gracia Odile, MA Gracia Odile MA linkedin_icon Experience: 3 years
Last Updated on
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If you are struggling to understand how to keep a guy interested in you, you are definitely not alone. This happens quite frequently during the dating stages but is fairly common in committed relationships as well. However, the solution is quite simple. Just like for women, small but genuine physical and emotional gestures matter for men. They value intimacy, good communication, and a high level of commitment. Of course, everybody has different expectations from an exclusive relationship. However, certain things are universal, most likely to please your loved one.

Also, always be respectful and avoid treating him as a personal object. Give them a sense of freedom and make them feel valued. Furthermore, it’s essential to not pass judgements about him and his personal traits. Always try to have an open dialogue with him and make him feel listened to and appreciated. Rodolfo Parlati, a personal life coach and relationship expert, opines, “A man’s interest in a long-term relationship is sustained by emotional fulfillment, mutual respect, shared goals, and a sense of novelty or excitement. When he feels appreciated, understood, and supported, it strengthens his commitment and deepens the bond. The emotional connection and communication styles play a crucial role in attraction by building trust, minimizing misunderstandings, and creating a safe environment for vulnerability. Maintaining a healthy balance of openness, active listening, and expressing needs keeps the relationship engaging and helps prevent emotional distance.” Understanding the tips to keep your guy hooked creates a fulfilling relationship. A few practical strategies and insights can help you not only keep a guy interested but also promote a thriving relationship and keep the excitement alive.

In this article, we have listed a few secrets that can help keep your boyfriend hooked on you. Keep scrolling to know what they are.

24 Essential Strategies to Keep Him Interested

Want to know the basic tips on how to keep a guy interested and invested in you for life? You need to know what makes you stand out and what things men look for in a woman. Read these 24 secrets to see how you can capture his attention and keep it. These secrets will help you understand what really makes him tick!

1. Have Confidence In Yourself

Before you get into this whole process of keeping a man interested, ask yourself, are you confident in yourself? High self-confidence and self-esteem levels have been known to positively influence romantic relationships. A little bit of self-doubt is completely natural and something most people grapple with, but that does not mean that you question or second guess your every move. Be a confident woman! You should be able to have faith in your capabilities and relationship. Reflect back on the things that triggered the initial attraction between you two. They will likely work again, as many long-term relationships seem to get boring only when couples stop putting in the same effort they did at the start of the relationship or during the honeymoon phase. Engage in positive self-talk even if you may not believe it completely, and invest time and effort into yourself. Make sure to take time for yourself, do things you enjoy, pick up a new hobby, and appreciate the progress that you make in every sector of your life. Consider writing a journal that will help reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Self-reflection is a great way to understand your strengths, achievements, and values. Most importantly, worry less and enjoy the dating process! Believe in yourself and your relationship, do not give in to the moments of doubts, and your man will be forever engaged with you. Building self-confidence improves your life and also compels your partner to believe in you. He will see you with deep respect and admire your worth at every step. This may keep him hooked and make him fall in love with you deeply.

2. Do Not Be Too Clingy And Needy

When you have just recently fallen in love, it can get difficult to keep your hands off your partner. You may want to spend the majority of your day with him, do things together, constantly be in his presence, and have a great sex life. This may be romantic, but you must remember that both of you had a life before you got together. A healthy relationship is where both partners have enough time and space for themselves. It also needs to have enough room to maintain other social relationships and personal interests outside of the couple’s relationship. This enriches your personal lives and keeps you from becoming co-dependant. It also builds a fulfilling partnership founded on mutual respect and independence.

Hence, if you are struggling to figure out ways to keep your man interested and rekindle physical attraction, remember this golden rule – give him and yourself space. This will also lead to personal growth and help you connect at a deeper level and allow him to feel your absence. Having personal time and space is necessary to identify what you want in a relationship. The ‘me’ time allows you to focus on yourself and strengthen your character, making you more admirable as an individual. The same holds true for your partner. They need their time and space to work on themselves and address their personal problems outside the relationship. Understanding what men want in a relationship can also help you balance closeness with individuality.

Megan, a blogger, shared how it is also important for you to prioritize yourself in life. She wrote, “He didn’t text me back for a week because he was busy with work, then just forgot. He hasn’t called me in a month because he’s tied up with a family issue. He hasn’t taken me on a real date in weeks, but that’s okay because I’m fine just chilling on the couch watching TV (i).”

3. But Do Not Be Too Aloof

The key is to strike the right balance between being there for him and giving him space. In your plan to give him space and keeping him interested, do not get very distant from him. The whole point of two people being in a romantic relationship and sharing their life is to be able to lean on each other in difficult times. Learn to analyze the situation and understand when he needs support. You can also discuss this with him to try and understand his needs. Try to establish a routine check-in where both of you can share about your day, feelings, and needs freely. It not only facilitates communication but also allows both of you to feel valued, connected, and be genuinely interested in each other’s lives. Being there for each other during happy and sad times is what companionship means in the true sense. If your partner knows they can rely on you for support without being judged, they will value your presence in their life. So, never avoid conversations and listen to their joys and sorrows, even the silly banters to be a part of their life at all times.

4. Appreciate Him And Compliment Him

Woman giving a back hug to her partner to appreciate him and express herself
Image: Created with Dall.E

Who does not like being showered with compliments? It is high time we break away from the myth that only women like to hear compliments. Men like it too. Do not shy away from expressing your love for him and complimenting him on his personality, looks, intellectual capabilities, etc. Such words of affirmation will boost his confidence and make him feel good about his worth in your life. He will admire you and make sure to do more for you in return as a gesture of love and appreciation. You can also tell him how protective you feel around him as this will surely trigger his hero instinct and make him feel good about him. Praise him every now and then, and this simple yet effective way will keep him smitten with you for an eternity. It’s a clear sign you find him irresistible and attractive.

5. Keep It Light, Fun, And Playful

As you grow old and your relationship matures, the probability of both of you giving in to the pressures of life increases.

You will have to constantly battle work issues, family problems, health complications, etc. Amidst all the stress and hard work, do not kill your inner child. Keep your sense of humor, as it will help you stay calm in tense situations. Remember to have fun and relieve stress by spending playful moments with each other. Simple things like chasing each other in the kitchen, trying gardening together, taking up an art project, etc. Whether you share a passion for music or travel, look for a common ground and enjoy doing such activities together that align with both of your interests. This will go a long way in keeping your man interested in you and valuing you for your ability to keep it light and lively throughout the dating process, resulting in a long-lasting relationship. Besides, he will feel that he can come to you to de-stress and feel rejuvenated again. Always take the initiative to do something cute and funny. This will not only put a broad smile on his face but also help you both make lovely memories.

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You may also ask him out by surprising him with tickets to his favorite concert, stand-up comedy, or a game night and make him interested in you.

6. Be The Real You

The idea of being someone else and pretending to like things he likes may seem tempting but do not fall into this trap. It is nice to show interest in what he likes and put effort into understanding it better but pretending to love it as much as he does is highly unadvisable. It is important to be the real you and not pretend to keep him interested. This can help foster his emotional commitment and the guy can find it as an attractive quality in you.This may work momentarily, but it will be extremely difficult to keep up with it in the long run. Be your authentic self and let them know your honest preferences. This will allow him to value you for your interests and choices, help maintain your own identity in the relationship, and keep you satisfied and content with yourself.

7. Be Spontaneous

Are you constantly worrying about how to keep your man interested? One way you can do that is by being spontaneous. Spontaneity does not demand you to do something new, exciting, and adventurous every day of every week. But, you can surprise your man once or twice a month. This can be something as simple as booking a table at his favorite restaurant or something adventurous like scuba diving sessions, karate classes, hand boxing lessons, etc., to treat his adrenaline junkie spirit. This will keep him interested and make him wonder what new experiences you might bring to the table. Spontaneous plans and thoughtful surprises will keep the spark in your relationship alive despite conflicts. However, not every man may like spontaneous plans, some prefer detailed planning. So, understand whether your partner would be happy seeing surprises or feel overwhelmed with new experiences.

8. Take Over In The Bedroom

A sexual relationship is one of the important aspects to set the chemistry with your partner at the right pace. Try something new in the bedroom regularly to keep the spark alive in the relationship and keep him hooked. Everybody has unique preferences in terms of what they like in the bedroom, and while you should always communicate the same with your partner, it is also important to remember that men also enjoy it when the woman takes charge. Take control, lead things, and make him swoon over you and your confidence. Surprise him with your actions and let him be at the receiver’s side to add a spark to your intimate moments. If you are hesitant to do this or feeling shy, there are lots of resources available on the web. They will help you ease into the process, show you how to enjoy it, build physical and emotional attraction, and help you have a better sex life. Remember to discuss your choices openly with your partner to ensure mutual satisfaction and pleasure. Additionally, share your needs and what you don’t like with him to give him clarity. This will help you foster a healthy, understanding relationship.

9. Never Stop Flirting

Usually, once the honeymoon phase of a relationship ends, a routine sets in. Avoid this and try to keep the romance alive, passionate, and exciting. Keep up the conversation momentum by flirting with your guy to make him feel wanted. Try to come up with fun questions to ask, interesting pick-up lines, and conversation-starter questions. Or, you can simply look for them on the web if you are running out of ideas. Go back to the honeymoon phase of your relationship and do the things he liked back then.  Pamela, a lifestyle and fashion blogger, shares, “Most men won’t approach a woman unless they see some kind of signal that it’s OK to do so. A genuine smile, a friendly expression, and lingering eye contact usually do the trick (ii).” Flirting keeps the romance alive in your relationship and prevents you both from taking each other for granted. It will make your relationship feel like a source of happiness instead of a routine that needs attending.

10. Take Into Consideration His Zodiac Sign

Woman reading man's zodiac traits o keep him interested

Zodiac signs reveal a lot about the person. If you are having trouble reading your man and figuring out his likes and dislikes, find out what his zodiac says. There are several star signs quizzes available online – sign him up for those to understand his emotional, sexual, physical, and intellectual sensibilities. This will also help you understand if he likes public display of affection or believes in old-school romance. There are several books also that you can read to deeply understand your man’s zodiac sign and act accordingly. The zodiac knowledge will help you understand their personality dynamics in general and lead you to learn how they behave in certain situations. So, use the knowledge in the right direction and plan out things that would make him happy and feel appreciated.

11. Share Your Vulnerabilities With Him

If you need emotional or any other kind of support, do not shy away from asking for help. This conversation will not only help you deal with your problem better but also make your man feel important. He will enjoy the fact that he was the first person you thought of in your hour of need. This will help develop a sense of responsibility in him for you. In the future, he may also do the same. Through this, you will make a special place for yourself in his life. If not emotional support, you can ask for help for something as simple as a grocery run, advice while buying a new phone, etc. This will make him feel valued. If you share your moments of sadness with him quite often, he may alsofeel encouraged to do the same. Therefore, it can help foster emotional connection.

12. Do Not Be Afraid To Commit

Man proposing to woman to show commitment in the relationship

Commitment is one of the many keys to a successful and healthy relationship. If the man you are interested in is getting around to the idea of being exclusive with you, and you have also begun to feel certain about him, do the same in return. Through a strong commitment bond, you and your partner can build a great life together, lean on each other when needed, and create beautiful moments you will be able to cherish for a lifetime. Knowing you are there for him while going through a very difficult time, he will never think of leaving you. Being committed to someone isn’t difficult if you love him. So, show your dedication to him and display your open affection by being exclusively his.

13. Do Not Play Hard To Get

It is fine to keep your man a little curious about you to keep him interested and excited to know more, but do not go overboard with it. Playing mind games and making it extremely hard for him to get you not only adversely affects your relationship but also makes him lose interest in you. The whole point of being in a committed relationship is to derive happiness from it. If being with you demands constant effort and strategizing, he will eventually want to leave you. Remember, having peace of mind is key to a successful relationship. Therefore, show love and express your genuine happiness when you are around him. Let him know that you value his presence so that he remains interested. Accept his romantic advances and make wonderful memories together.

14. Busy Or Not, Keep Having Sex

Many couples make the mistake of forgetting sex as they get increasingly involved in the responsibilities of adulting, like professional challenges and family commitments. However, no matter how hard it gets, never take romantic attraction and sex for granted. Constantly look for ways to improve your sex life even if you have passed the dating stage. Sex allows you to build not only physical intimacy but also emotional intimacy with your partner. You can even have discussions on intimacy; this will help you know each other at the physical level and emotional level. You also can understand their frame of mind. Make sure that you and your partner have a decent amount of sex to keep things interesting in your relationship. It will help enhance your bond by fulfilling your physical needs. Besides, it will help you both rekindle the romance in your life.

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You may surprise him by wearing his favorite role-play costumes or unexpected lingeries to enhance the mood in the bedroom and increase physical intimacy in your relationship.

15. Do Not Be Afraid Of Conflicts

Couple resolving conflicts

Not every conflict is bad, and conflicts help a great deal in improving the quality of communication you share with your partner. Make sure to bring your concerns before your partner from time to time. Don’t keep them to yourself, as it will only complicate things. Whether your form of communication is assertive or passive, it’s important to focus on resolving conflicts in a healthy way. Unlike what’s shown in movies, relationships in real life are far from perfect. Problems and disagreements are perpetual. So, it’s important to always speak your mind and give your partner space to speak his. Your partner will greatly appreciate the fact that he can share everything with you without being scared of you judging him. Having occasional conflicts is a natural part of any healthy relationship. However, it’s always better to address the issues openly than holding your problems close to your heart. Not discussing issues of conflict might burden your heart, affect your mental health, and eventually build a barrier between you and your partner. So, share your concerns and voice what you feel is wrong. This will not only keep him interested in you but also love and respect you immensely.

16. Do Not Drag Your Fights

Despite putting in numerous efforts to have a calm conversation about things that bother you both, sometimes things can get out of hand, and you may end up arguing with your guy. This might leave you feeling emotionally drained and low on energy. Remember, having occasional fights does not mean you are incompatible as a couple. However, always keep the golden rule in mind, which is, to never go to bed angry with each other. Learn to put aside your ego and apologize if you think you were wrong. Seeing you, he will also learn and do the same when required. However, also keep in mind that feminine energy is different from masculine energy. The former is more flowing and the latter is stable. Thus, it’s important to strike the right balance between them for a healthy long-term relationship. Ending conflicts on a good note and finding solutions to deep-seated problems encourages healthy communication. If your approach is to find ways to sort problems instead of finding your partner’s faults, he will appreciate you and try to align his approaches in the same direction.

17. Keep It Interesting Over Text

If you are struggling with figuring out how to keep your long-distance boyfriend interested, then this tip can be useful for you. Text messages are a great platform to be both loving and naughty. It helps you enjoy your dating stage. Drop some love messages now and then. Spice it up with some naughty messages that will make him look forward to meeting you. Sending frequent text messages can help increase relationship satisfaction and strengthen it. If he keeps receiving interesting messages, he will feel pampered and admired. Flirty messages foster emotional intimacy, encourage exploration of secret fantasies, and build anticipation. You can also text him about some roleplay ideas you want to try with him. Remember, understanding what makes a man fall in love can guide you in crafting messages that keep the romance alive, ensuring your connection stays strong.

18. Do Not Make His Friends Your Friends

It is great that you and your partner are sharing a life, but that does not mean you have to share every aspect of it. One such misconception is that being friends with your partner’s friend can really help improve your equation with your boyfriend. However, this need not to be true. You must give him the liberty to meet his friends by himself, meet new people, and go on adventures without you. Having a friend who knows your partner well or just the same group of friends will not allow him to take a break from you, which might get overwhelming. The key to keeping him interested is to let him breathe and have personal space of his own. This will allow him to see you as someone who values his freedom and lets him have a life of his own. This will ensure you maintain a healthy relationship.

19. Ask Him Important And Thoughtful Questions

A relationship is not always about having fun and keeping it light. What makes a relationship great is being able to talk about everything. Spend quality time with your partner. Do not shy away from asking him thoughtful and deep questions about his individual life and past experiences. This will help strengthen your interpersonal relationship. The questions can be about work, school, parents, friends, hobbies, favorite band, current events, tennis matches, etc. It will show him that you genuinely care about him and his choices, and want him to share a slice of his life with you. This will help you have a happy and long lasting relationship. However, do not be repetitive with your questions. Listen to him properly when he answers the questions and share your insights. Do not just ask the questions for the sake of seeming interested. Engaging in meaningful conversations is one of the best ways on how to get him to commit. It shows that you are invested in understanding and connecting with him on a deeper level.

20. Cook For Him

Woman cooking for him to keep him interested

Who does not love a delicious meal? Cooking for someone is probably one of the most beautiful ways to express that you love them, and there is no harm in trying it out yourself. Try your hand at cooking or baking some of his favorite food or certain never-tried-before dishes. Do not worry about getting the dish absolutely right. What counts the most is your effort and willingness to try out different things for him instead of merely preparing delicious food. He will cherish this effort of yours and love the food, irrespective of its taste. It will also motivate him to do the same for you and make you happy. Lastly, if you think you cannot handle cooking yourself, get your favorite food delivered at home and have a nice date night. Laineofthoughts, a blogger shares her opinion on steps to captivate a man’s heart. She says, “The old saying that the way to a man’s heart is through his #stomach isn’t just an old saying for no reason- it’s totally true! I always bake a little treat for a guy when I’m trying to make him fall in love with me, and then I just surprise him with it on a random day. When my husband and I were first dating, I left a bag of treats in his locker before every football game. He just loved it (iii)!”

21. Communicate Openly

Communicate freely and do not keep things bottled up inside you. This is especially important at the beginning of a budding relationship. Indulge in intelligent conversations and ask deep questions. This will help you feel closer to your partner than ever. If you are uncomfortable talking about certain things, you can text him. If you are thinking about what to text him to keep him interested, the answer is pretty simple – speak your mind. This will ensure smooth and effective communication and keep you both interested in each other. If you think your texts sound very serious, you can tone them down by using his favorite emojis. Always remember that effective communication skills can help save your relationship when misunderstandings and disagreements arise. If you can communicate well, it will push your partner to express their heart openly. Healthy communication helps you uncover the underlying issues and sort them at the right time. Your partner will feel at ease as they will know that a simple conversation with you will lift their mood and lighten their heart.

22. Make An Effort To Smell Good

There’s nothing like the feeling of your significant other putting on a sexy perfume. Just the type of women men cannot resist. Try to figure out his favorite scent, or experiment with some basic yet attractive scents like vanilla, citrus, rose, orchid, lavender, sandalwood, peppermint, etc. For date nights at home, you can try using scented candles to create a romantic atmosphere. It will lead him to go crazy over you and he will want you more.

23. Dress Up For Him

One way to make your guy feel important and keep him interested in you is to dress nicely for him. Everyone appreciates it when their partner makes an extra effort for them. It is one of the few ways to show your partner that you want to please them and care about their needs while also loving yourself enough to make an effort to look great! This enhances the emotional connection between you and your partner and also boosts mutual attraction.

24. Commit To Dealing With Past Trauma

While it is not easy to come to terms with past trauma, choosing to deal with your mental health is a great step in improving the health of your committed relationship as well. This approach will help you reach out to your partner and communicate your needs better. Sharing your needs demonstrates your willingness to make this relationship work. Your partner is more likely to support you and even share his past issues openly, which will give you both a deep sense of understanding of yourself and how past experiences have shaped your life. Your mental health journey will be long and painful but make sure to take it at your pace.

These are the best tips to keep your partner interested and wanting you. But, what is the foundation of any relationship? The answer is communication. The ability to communicate with your partner in a harmonious and meaningful way is crucial for developing a strong bond. In the next section, you will find the key tips to improve communication with your special person. Read on.

Steps To Improve Communication To Keep Him Interested

Communicating effectively is the first step in knowing how to keep a guy interested in you. Engage in interesting and meaningful conversations with him to keep him hooked. Here are some key aspects of enhancing your communication skills. Check them out.

  • First and foremost, practice patience and active listening. Pay attention when he speaks and show your interest in his opinions. This will make him feel heard and valued.
  • Express your thoughts and feelings freely without any fear of judgment. It will allow him to understand your perspective and act accordingly.
  • Focus on constructive discussions and use ‘I’ statements instead of placing blame on him. He will value the conversations and express himself openly.
  • Acknowledge his efforts and express that his presence makes you happy. This will make him feel respected and admired. He will cherish you forever.
  • Ask open-ended questions instead of simple ones that require more than yes/no answers. This will encourage you both to engage in deep discussions and enhance your bond.
  • Resolve conflicts with the aim of finding solutions instead of trying to prove your points. This will encourage him to find resolutions and compel him to never give up on you.
  • Lastly, be consistent with your efforts for smooth communication. When together, break the ice and talk about random things but when away, do not forget to message daily and ask about his day.

Key Takeaways

  • In a relationship, small gestures go a long way in keeping the partners connected with each other even after the honeymoon phase is over.
  • Accepting, acknowledging, and appreciating your man for the person he is, helps build a strong bond of love, care, and respect.
  • Working on improving your own skill set while giving them their own personal space, would keep them eager and confident to reach back to you.

Infographic: 8 Simple Tips To Capture His Interest

There are many effortless ways to attract a guy, but keeping him interested in you is a different ball game altogether. However, it is not difficult once you understand that he may feel the same way about you but approaches things and processes them differently. We have narrowed down eight tips that will keep you on his mind every moment that he is away from you. Check them out in the infographic below.

8 simple tips to capture his interest (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

While these tips on how to keep a guy interested will help you keep him hooked initially, you must also know that long-term serious relationships are seldom built without love and respect. Only apply these when you have genuine feelings for someone. It is disrespectful to use someone’s feelings to prove a point. However, if you do like the person, do not be too harsh on yourself while pursuing them, and remember to love yourself. Be true to your feelings and let the guy know your intentions without overwhelming them. Things will slowly but surely fall into place.

Frequently Asked Questions

What attracts a man to a woman?

Some of the traits men find attractive in women include self-confidence, a sense of humor, independence, and sexual compatibility.

Does ignoring a boy get his attention?

Possibly. In fact, if you are wondering about how to impress a boy who is not interested in you, this could be one effective formula. Ignoring a boy can keep him on his toes and keep him guessing, but it can also backfire and make him think you are not interested, and the connection may fizzle.

What to do when a man is no longer interested in me?

To discover that he is no longer interested in you can be a painful thing to discover. Respect his decisions and part ways amicably. Seek emotional support from your family, close friends, or that one female friend or guy friend that you can always rely on. Focus on personal growth and self-care. Remember to not take this rejection as a reflection of your worth or value as a person.

Learn the secret to keeping a man interested in you! Watch this video to discover the tips and tricks to make him stay in love with you forever.

Personal Experience: Source

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Rodolfo Parlati
Rodolfo ParlatiProfessional Life Coach
After having graduated in Business Administration, Rodolfo decided to follow his passion for supporting others by becoming a professional coach. Today, his mission is to help people be happy and successful by discovering their potential and finding together the right way to fully exploit it.

Read full bio of Rodolfo Parlati
  • Rodolfo ParlatiProfessional Life Coach After having graduated in Business Administration, Rodolfo Parlati decided to follow his passion for supporting others by becoming a professional coach. After studying at the Italian Coaching Association, today, he helps people be happy and successful by discovering their potential and finding the right way to fully make use of it. His clients experience improvements in their communication skills, relationships, work-life balance, productivity, conflict resolution, goal achievement, time management, and stress reduction.
    After having graduated in Business Administration, Rodolfo Parlati decided to follow his passion for supporting others by becoming a professional coach. After studying at the Italian Coaching Association, today, he helps people be happy and successful by discovering their potential and finding the right way to fully make use of it. His clients experience improvements in their communication skills, relationships, work-life balance, productivity, conflict resolution, goal achievement, time management, and stress reduction.
Sneha Tete
Sneha TeteBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sneha holds a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad and a professional Relationship Coach diploma. With over four years of experience in writing, she specializes in crafting insightful articles on relationships and lifestyle.

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Subhrojyoti Mukherjee
Subhrojyoti MukherjeeAssociate Editor
Subhrojyoti is an associate editor at StyleCraze with four years of experience. He has a master’s degree in English from Presidency University, Kolkata, and has also done a post-graduate certificate course in Editing and Publishing from Jadavpur University, Kolkata.

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Gracia Odile
Gracia OdileBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Gracia Odile is a teacher-turned-beauty and lifestyle writer with three years of professional experience. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English from St. Stephen’s College, a Master’s in Anthropology from the University of Madras, and a degree in education from GGSIPU.

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