37 Ways To Love Your Husband And Express Your Adoration

Cute and inspiring ideas to shower him with your bold and subtle expressions of love

Reviewed by Bayu Prihandito, Life Coach Bayu Prihandito Bayu PrihanditoLife Coach facebook_iconlinkedin_iconyoutube_iconinsta_icon
Written by , MA (English Literature), Certified Relationship Coach Shivani Chandel MA (English Literature), Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Edited by , MA (English) Subhrojyoti Mukherjee MA (English) linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Fact-checked by , Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach Sneha Tete Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Last Updated on

There comes the point in life when you may not feel the same love for your husband as you had when you both tied the knot. You may end up wondering how to love your husband and feel the same for him that you used to feel once. This may sound weird, but you should not brush off such thoughts. Neglecting such thoughts and emotions may make you feel that the love and connection between you and your husband have faded. You may start feeling stuck in a loveless marriage.

Sometimes, with the changing lifestyles and hectic work schedules and kids to manage, you may not get enough time to spend with each other. As a result, you may feel neglected, and the spark may fade. However, if you wish to put your love life back on track, it is not that difficult. It may be the right time to invest time and effort into your relationship.

If you look closely, you will understand love is the only factor that has kept you together even now. It is just hidden in the corner, unable to catch your attention. Keep reading this article if you are looking for tips to love your husband or express how much you love him.

37 Ways To Love Your Husband

Some of the tips here can be easy to implement, while others may take some effort. No matter which ones you choose to implement, remember that you are doing it for the well-being of your marriage.

1. Be Confident

Here is a simple tip. Be confident in yourself. Your husband chose you just as you chose him. He chose to spend his life with you. Be confident that you are the right one for him. When you have confidence in yourself, it automatically impacts how you and your husband perceive your relationship.

2. Spend Time Together

When you were newlyweds, you might have spent tons of time with your husband. Over the years, this time may have reduced significantly for one reason or another. It is essential to revive the spark in your marriage by setting up some time for yourselves – a bit of conversation, some personal time – anything that lets you two spend some time together.

In a survey conducted with 1,000 U.S. citizens, it was found that the predominant love languages for men under 45 are quality time (36%), and physical touch (29%). This indicates that these individuals value spending meaningful time together and physical affection as significant expressions of love.

protip_icon Pro Tip
One of the best ways to spend quality time is to plan surprise date nights or weekend vacations. You can also engage in daily activities like cooking, exercising, or playing couple games to relive the spark in the relationship even after years of marriage.

3. Seek Your Husband’s Opinion

You do not need to ask your husband’s opinion on every decision you take. However, if there are some major or semi-serious issues that you need help with, seek out your husband’s judgment. He may have a unique take that can help you make an informed decision. This will also make him feel valued and loved.

4. Listen To Your Husband

Every person is not the same. Their experiences lend them a different perspective on events. When your husband tells you something, listen attentively. You may disagree with his opinion but respect his words. This will show him that you love him even when you both have some difference in opinion.

5. Initiate Intimate Moments

It need not always be your husband who initiates your intimate moments. Surprise him with some impromptu moments you both can enjoy. After all, intimacy is a two-way street.

6. Public Displays Of Affection

Extreme public displays of affection are often cringy. You do not need to go that far. Holding hands while taking a walk, linking your fingers, or small pecks on the cheek are some small gestures that can significantly improve your relationship with your husband. Also, make sure both of you respect each other’s boundaries and preferences regarding public displays of affection. This is crucial for maintaining mutual comfort and respect.

7. Give Him Privacy

Even though you are married, you don’t need to be aware of every aspect of your husband’s life. Give him privacy, respect his personal space, and trust that whatever you need to know, your husband will tell you. Just the way there are some things that you may not tell your husband, your husband may have a few things he might prefer to keep private.

8. Do Things Together

While living your daily lives, you and your husband may be busy with your jobs, children, and many other things. These can prevent you from spending some alone time with your husband. If it is not possible to have some special time, do housework together. Clean your house, do your laundry, wash dishes – just ensure that you get some time with just the two of you. Also, you may pursue common passions or interests. Doing activities that both partners enjoy can help strengthen the bond, and create a sense of accountability, teamwork, and life-long memories too.

9. Write Him Love Notes

Remember in your courtship days how you would anticipate those love letters from your husband? Or how you would ponder over what to write to him yourself. It is time to revive those old moments. Write love letters or even small notes to your husband. Express how much you love him and how you find him endearing when he does certain things. Leave them out for him to find and watch the smile on his face grow.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Rather than copying quotes online, try writing heartfelt love notes. You do not need to wait to write a love note for a special occasion. It can be as simple as a note in your partner’s lunch bag expressing your appreciation for their support and care.

10. Ask Him To Teach You

There may be small things your husband knows that you would love to learn. He may be a great artist or an excellent guitar player. Ask him to teach you a few chords on the guitar or conduct a small art session for you. Not only will it flatter your husband, but it will also give you some time to spend with him.

11. Do Not Argue Unnecessarily

Fights are pretty common in a marriage. Even the happiest relationship has some back and forth between spouses. As long as these arguments do not persist and are resolved quickly, they are suitable for vitalizing your marriage. However, do not argue for the sake of arguing. If it is not going to have an impact on your marriage, let things be.

12. Be Affectionate

You do not need a reason to be affectionate with your husband. But, you might have lost the habit of showing affection over the years. Be spontaneous. A quick peck here or a sudden hug there – not only will this surprise your husband, but it will also help reignite the spark in your marriage.

13. Revisit Old Memories

Take out those old photo albums or fire up that old hard disk full of photos. Take a look at your wedding photos, your honeymoon album, or videos from that first trip you took with your child. Those old photos have captured endless happy moments between you. Reminisce about those memories and see how you soften towards each other.

14. Say ‘I Love You’

Although you love your husband, and he may know it, it is still important to express your love with words. An ‘I love you’ in the morning, before sleep, or even just randomly during the day can make a huge difference in how the rest of the day goes.

15. Surprise Him

Who does not like surprises? You do not need to do anything elaborate to surprise your husband. You can buy something that he has been eyeing at the mall or make something that he loves to eat or drink.

16. Make Him Feel Special

Take a random day and make it a day for your husband. Celebrate the fact that he is a good husband and a good father. People often congratulate or celebrate mothers but tend to forget the contribution that fathers make. Choose a day to express how much you appreciate your husband and his support.

Sandra, a blogger, shares how she expresses her love to her husband. She writes, “When he arrives home from a work trip I can hug and kiss him and talk about his trip and everything that has been going on at home and just spend a lot of time with him (i).”

17. Laugh Together

Not only does laughter lighten the mood, but it also helps revive affection between you and your husband. Sharing laughter helps to break up tense situations and resolve any issues better. If you can laugh with your husband, everything else can be managed. Laughter is an essential part of a happy marriage.

18. Play Games Together

Carve some time out to play with your husband. Play board games, tennis, badminton, or even a game of cards. If your husband enjoys fitness, work out with him in the mornings. Choosing to spend time doing something your husband loves is a great way to make him appreciate you more.

19. Dress Up

Take your husband with you when you go shopping. Ask him what he finds attractive on you. Buy a few of those dresses and wear them on special occasions or an outing with him. You can even buy some lingerie to spice up your intimate moments.

20. Forgive The Small Things

For some reason or another, your husband may have forgotten something he might have promised to do – washing the dishes, taking out the garbage, or even planning a vacation. It is alright. These are just a few small things in your life, so learn to forgive and forget. There is no need to escalate the issue unnecessarily.

21. Be Spontaneous

Your day works on a routine – breakfast, work, lunch, chores, dinner, and sleep. It gets quite monotonous at times, doesn’t it? You can arrange for you and your husband to take the day off and enjoy doing something you both love. Try a new place for dinner or catch a new movie.

22. Give Space

Your husband may be stressed about work or something else. In such cases, he may not give his all at home and may seem distracted. Rather than pressure him to spend time with the family, give him space. Let him know that you understand that he is stressed and to take time to get back to a normal state of mind.

23. Defend Him

Your husband may be wrong or have an unpopular opinion. But, when you are with other people, support him. If you want to disagree with him, say it gently behind closed doors or after you get back home. But, be a supportive wife when you are in company.

24. Be Accepting

Your friend’s husband may come home from work with a bouquet or a box of chocolates. It is entirely unnecessary for you to expect the same from your husband. He may be showing his love for you in other ways. Accept him as he is and does not try to change him.

25. Spend Time With His Friends

Just like you, your husband may have his own set of friends he likes to spend time with. Show interest in his friends, and if possible, arrange for an outing with them and their significant others. Not only will it help you make new friends, but it will also help you bond with your husband better.

26. Stop Talking About Your Children

You and your husband love your kids – they are your life. But when you are spending time with your husband, concentrate on him. Make him a priority as well. Ask him about things that are going on in his life. Set some rules – when it is quality time for you as a couple, avoid talking about your kids.

27. Be In Contact Throughout The Day

You do not need to send a hundred texts throughout the day. This can irritate your husband and make him lose his temper. Also, do not just send messages to ask him to pick something up on the way home. Instead, send a romantic message to your husband once a day to show him that he is on your mind.

28. Do Not Guess What Is On His Mind

Over the years of your marriage, you may feel that you know your husband inside and out. However, you need to make sure that you do not assume what your husband is thinking or going to say. Ask his opinion and talk any issues out.

29. Make Up An Anniversary

Celebrating your birthdays and anniversary is quite common. Surprise your husband by making up an anniversary. Your first date, the first time you both said your ‘I love you,’ or even the date you decided to get married. You do not need to be extravagant. Plan a simple picnic or make his favorite dish and enjoy some time together.

30. Make Up A Coupon Booklet

List out several things you and your husband can do together. Keep it someplace both of you know. If either one of you feels neglected or wants some couple time, you can choose a coupon and take time to plan something.

31. Bring Him A Drink/Food

If your husband is hard at work and you are free, bring him a few refreshments at work. This will make him appreciate your love and effort. It will also show that he is always on your mind.

32. Watch A Movie or TV Show Together

You and your husband may have different tastes when it comes to movies and TV shows. But, try to find something you both will enjoy and watch it together. It is an excellent way to enjoy each other’s company and share opinions.

33. Praise Your Husband

Praise your husband in front of your children, family, and friends. Your husband will know that you are appreciative of what he does, and it will fill him with warmth. Your children will also appreciate and respect their father.

34. Ask Him What He Wants

Your husband may not openly ask for your help even when he needs it. If you feel that he needs something, ask how you can help him. This will definitely make him appreciate you more and make him realize how much you love him.

35. Learn His Love Language

Your husband may be telling you he loves you in different ways. You may not realize it, so try to understand his love language and respond in kind. This will surprise him and make your relationship stronger.

36. Communicate Clearly

Communication is an essential part of every successful marriage. If not every day, map out a time every week where you and your husband can discuss anything that you want to talk about. This ensures that there is no resentment building up and both of you are up-to-date on each other’s life.

37. Love Him Unconditionally

While surprises, gifts, and compliments keep the spark alive, they are not the only way to express your love. Simple gestures, such as hugging or kissing him before going out, cuddling with him when he feels low, ordering his favorite food, or turning on his favorite movie to lift his mood, show your unconditional love for him. Pay attention to his small details and habits, remind him to take medicine or have lunch on time, and encourage him to attempt new things on his bucket list. Be there with him through thick and thin, and let him know that no matter the situation, you will always be there for him.

We often get blinded by elaborate, grand declarations of love on social media. It isn’t necessary to spend recklessly or make an exhibition out of your love for your relationship to be beautiful. It is easy to overlook the beauty of simplicity and sincerity. If you sit back and reflect on this article, it is probably a list of things you did when you were younger and crazier in love. You already know how to love your husband. You have just stopped believing that those things matter, but we want to tell you that they always will, and your husband will greatly appreciate it. Use this guide to spice up your relationship by going back to the basics!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I love my husband with all my heart?

Communication is the key to any relationship. Express your love without any boundaries. Try understanding him and plan things for him. These include cooking for him, planning a date, or writing short romantic quotes for him.

How do I fall madly in love with my husband?

Spend quality time together, plan surprises, and help your husband ease those things that are difficult to handle (it may be financial planning or his office activities, if possible). Ask yourself what they need and plan accordingly.

Key Takeaways

  • There are several ways to rekindle the romance in your relationship and show your husband you love him.
  • Write love notes or letters to your better half, seek his opinion, and listen to his needs and wants.
  • Spending time with your husband or his friends is another way to show that you are interested in him.
  • Appreciate your husband to let him know you see all the amazing things he has accomplished.

Personal Experience: Source

Watch the following video for 100 heartwarming ways to show love to your husband. It talks about the varied gestures and actions that can help you nurture and cherish your relationship. Hit the play button now!

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Bayu Prihandito
Bayu PrihanditoLife Coach
Bayu Prihandito is a life coach, a certified psychology consultant, and an RYT 200 yoga teacher. He is also the founder of Life Architekture, a platform focusing on relationships, mindfulness, emotional Intelligence, and personal development.

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Shivani Chandel
Shivani ChandelBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Shivani Chandel is a postgraduate in English literature from Panjab University, Chandigarh and a certified relationship coach. She has four years of experience in copy editing and writing about entertainment, health, lifestyle, and beauty.

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Subhrojyoti Mukherjee
Subhrojyoti MukherjeeAssociate Editor
Subhrojyoti is an associate editor at StyleCraze with four years of experience. He has a master’s degree in English from Presidency University, Kolkata, and has also done a post-graduate certificate course in Editing and Publishing from Jadavpur University, Kolkata.

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Sneha Tete
Sneha TeteBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sneha has a master's degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad, a professional Relationship Coach diploma, and over four years of experience in writing. She writes about relationships and lifestyle.Sneha began her career as an instructional designer, shifted to freelance technical and research writing, and self-published a novella on the theme of adolescent mental health.

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