14 Tips On How To Make Him Chase You Like Never Before

Be yourself and maintain your personality and charisma to have a man chasing after you.

Reviewed by Darrell Reese, MS, LMFT-A Darrell Reese Darrell ReeseMS, LMFT-A insta_iconinsta_icon
Written by Sneha Tete, Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach Sneha Tete Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Edited by Subhrojyoti Mukherjee, MA (English) Subhrojyoti Mukherjee MA (English) linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Fact-checked by Sangita Goel, MA Sangita Goel MA linkedin_icon Experience: 2 years
Last Updated on
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Man is often praised for the perseverance they demonstrate to pursue the woman he likes. And it would be a lie if we say there is no thrill in being pursued by a man we like. So, how do you make him chase you? Recognizing and maintaining your self-worth is essential to attract the right man. When you value yourself and remain content with your choices and desires, the right man will admire you and become more eager to get to know you and crave your company.

If it is not stalkerish, and you too like to know how much he loves you, it is fun to add some thrill to your romantic life. Also, if you wish to watch him go to any lengths to get you, you may try the tips discussed in the article. These tips will help you make a man chase after your love in a healthy manner. Scroll down.

14 Tips On How To Make Him Chase You

Attraction and relationships are purely personal, and the personalities of individuals, cultural backgrounds, and, most importantly, personal experiences shape them. Some prefer the thrill of the chase, while others enjoy a more direct approach to love and commitment. The insights in this article are just general suggestions that many may find useful. This article draws on a variety of sources, including popular relationship blogs, online discussions, forums, and anecdotal evidence shared by individuals who have navigated the complexities of dating and relationships. These insights provide valuable perspectives on the concept of “how to make him chase you” and how to maintain healthy, balanced relationships. Use these tips as your guide to how to make him chase you and fit them to your comfort level and personal beliefs, rather than strictly adhering to a one-size-fits-all approach. We strongly suggest that you approach dates with authenticity, mutual respect, and an understanding of what works best for you and your partner. Keep reading!

1. Make Him Step Up His Game

Let him put in the effort to meet your needs

Just because a guy gives you flowers or chocolates does not mean you have to say him ‘yes immediately’. Make him go the distance to show how important you are to him. If he wants to be with you, he has to up his game. He has to do better and be better. Do not make it easy for him and give in.

When you do not say yes to a man, they are smitten with you and might chase after you. Do not settle for anything less. No, you are a prized person, and if he wants you, he has to earn your respect and love.

For instance, if he gives you flowers and chocolates, don’t say yes right away. Let him know that you need more effort to see if he is really into you. In due time, he will begin planning thoughtful gestures to win you over. Don’t make it too easy for him, let him prove his worth. Here’s how to make him chase you better:

  • Politely decline his first moves and observe how he takes it.
  • State your expectations from the very beginning of what you expect in a partner.
  • Support meaningful gestures, not material gifts.

2. Let Him Know What Doesn’t Work For You

You are out with him, and he does something you don’t like? Instead of adjusting, call it out. This shows that you are not afraid to own who you are and what you dislike. It also reflects honesty, and men appreciate such qualities. They will not repeat things you are uncomfortable with and chase after you to figure out your likes.

For example, when he interrupts you while having dinner, don’t just bend over. Point out that he is interrupting you and tell him it actually bothers you. He will learn to respect your honesty and will do better. Here’s how to make him chase you better:

  • Speak up when he does something that bothers you.
  • Communicate your limits without worrying about driving him away.
  • Demand respect by being firm on your principles.

3. Don’t Settle For Anything Less

Don’t settle for your partner if they are not committing to you. Giving in to everything they want can make your relationship toxic. Do not be complacent when they fail to show up on time or get angry and yell at you. Have a list of qualities you want in your partner and stick to it. Before long, you’ll notice them trying to be better for you.

If he is not committing, do not get along with his excuses. Stand your ground and he will soon start accommodating. Never accept mediocrity in your relationship. Here’s what more you can do:

  • Require your partner to be always willing to work to maintain the relationship and stay consistent with that effort.

4. Set Your Boundaries

Have healthy boundaries to allow them to miss you

Having boundaries will show your partner that you have standards and unwilling to compromise on them. They will respect your boundaries and try to figure out in other ways what makes you tick. Your man might try to do better instead of forcing you to adhere to their rules. It is a subtle way of chasing someone.

For instance, when he texts you at midnight and interrupts your schedule, make it clear that you need to concentrate during certain hours uninterrupted. Boundaries attract respect and govern healthy relationships. Here’s what more you can do:

  • Clearly define what you will and won’t tolerate.
  • Communicate your expectations from the beginning.
  • Hold firm if he tries to cross your limits.

5. Exclusivity

Until you are sure that this is the man you want to be with and he lives up to your expectations, do not go exclusive with him. If you want to see other people, go for it. Show him that other men are interested in going out with you. If he genuinely wants to be with you, he will try his best and up to his game.

For example, don’t go exclusive with him right off the bat. Go out with other people and show him that if he really wants you, he has to step his game up. He will realize he needs to work harder to win your commitment. You may also try the following to earn his interest and make him yearn for you:

  • Keep your options open until he makes his intentions clear.
  • Avoid introducing him to family and friends too soon.
  • Show him that you are in demand and he must earn your exclusivity.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Avoid posting pictures with him on social media or taking him as a plus 1 to weddings or family or friends gatherings to control exclusivity.

This might backfire, and your partner might break up with you. But if they could not go the distance to prove they want you, was it even worth it?

6. Have Sexual Boundaries

To make them chase you, don't succumb to all their demands right away

Taking things slow sexually can make a man chase after you. Just give him a taste of things – give him a little pleasure and then cut it off. This will drive him wild. It can be a seduction game or prolonged foreplay. You can make him chase you by being vocal about what you want in physical activities. However, if you are not comfortable being intimate with him, don’t push yourself to it.

For instance, in case you’re not ready to move things forward physically, let him know. Go slowly and set proper boundaries. He will respect your pace, and your relationship will grow without the pressure. Make sure you do these:

  • Do not feel forced into intimacy until you feel ready.
  • Lead him in setting the pace with physical intimacy according to your comfort levels.
  • Express yourself about what you want and what you do not want.
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It is okay to delay sexual contact in a relationship. All you need to do is be honest with your partner and tell them that you are not ready yet.

7. Be Yourself

If you become someone else so that he chases you, it is not you whom he is after. It will only break your chance of being with him once he realizes that the person he was chasing was not really who you are. Authenticity will give you a long-lasting relationship. For example, if you try to act a certain way to impress him, stop. Be authentic and true to yourself. He will appreciate who you are, and you’ll attract him more. Here’s how to do it better:

  • You need not pretend to be someone else to impress him.
  • Let him appreciate you for who you really are.
  • Build a relationship on honesty and not on illusions.

8. Take Your Time

Take the relationship slow to make them chase you

Don’t divulge all your secrets in a day to make him stay with you. Take your time to open up with him. Men will go to extreme lengths to make the women they like to open up to them. Let your partner work at peeling your layers before you let him in on your secrets and dreams. Allow him to show you that these secrets and fantasies are equally important to him. Let him earn your trust before you open up fully. Here’s how to do it better:

  • Share your emotions and secrets gradually.
  • Let him put in his effort to understand you better.
  • Have a little mystery to keep the spark alive.

9. Be Independent

Spend time with yourself and engage in solo activities. Spend some me-time and prioritize yourself. This will make you attractive and create a sense of intrigue in the mind of your prospective partner. He will adore your personality and want to pursue you even more. Besides, maintaining independence is helpful in the long run to develop an effective and meaningful relationship.

Men love women who are independent. For example, make some time for yourself or try to show him that you really have a separate life outside this relationship. That’s when he’ll appreciate being independent and how beautiful you’ll look. Here’s how to do it better:

  • Maintain your interests, career, and personal growth.
  • Spend time alone and enjoy your own company.
  • Let him know that your happiness doesn’t depend on him.

10. Be Confident

Confidence is key when it comes to flirting and attraction. Men chase after confidence. If they feel the person they are dating is confident about themselves, they like it. Show them that you are confident in your work, life choices, personal growth, self-improvement, or any other area you decide to pursue. Confidence is incredibly attractive. For instance, when you are on a date, talk confidently about your experiences and opinions. Show that you believe in yourself. His attraction to your confidence will grow. Here’s how to do it better:

  • Carry yourself with self-assurance in every walk of life.
  • Own your choices and decisions without needing anyone’s approval.
  • Show him that you know your worth.

11. Don’t Be Afraid To Let Go

If he is not stepping up his game, just let go of him and walk away. Men find it boring when a woman is willing to forsake her beliefs and opinions for him. They find such women clingy and make them want space. Men want to chase after women who are not afraid to dump them. Cut him loose and watch the wheels turn in his head.

Moreover, you have to prioritize yourself. Michelle Marie Warner, a blogger, writes about how she let go of her true love because they wanted different things in life. This doesn’t mean that the love was any less real, she says, “I love him enough to let him go. Not only on this trip but entirely. I’ve never been able to let go of anyone like this before. I’ve held on too tightly in the past, and it only pushed others away. Now I’m letting go with ease (i).”

For instance, when the relationship is not meeting your needs, don’t be afraid to walk away. Letting go might make him realize what he’s losing, and he’ll reflect on his actions. Here’s how to do it better:

  • Don’t lower your values to keep him around.
  • Avoid being clingy or too accommodating.
  • Show him you are willing to leave if he does not take things higher.

12. Be Dramatic

If you want to step out of your comfort zone and have fun, being a little theatrical might help. But make sure that you do not go overboard. Whatever you do should not be a contrast to who you really are. The aim is not to create a different you and fool him. The aim is to have fun with a tad bit of exaggeration. Show him your good and bad side while staying true to who you are. Little drama can spice things up but don’t let it go over the top. Here’s how to do it better:

  • Play up the drama a little and be a little dramatic in expressing your emotions to keep things fun. 
  • Bring in some spontaneity to keep the relationship interesting.
  • For instance, wear a costume or plan something that he least expects to make the night special.

13. Let Him Miss You

Allow space for your boyfriend to miss you

If you feel underappreciated, step back. Maybe you are doing everything for your partner without any acknowledgment. In such a scenario, let the man miss you. Do not reply to his texts immediately or be willing to show up when it works for him. Take a beat and time for yourself. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. For instance, if he never had to wait for you before, back off a little. Here’s how to do it better:

  • Give him space instead of always being available.
  • Take time for yourself and let him come to you.
  • Do not reply to his messages immediately. Let him wait.

14. Create An Aura Of Mystery

Do not reveal everything about yourself to your potential partner on the first day. While it is essential to get the basics straight as early as possible, it is also quite enjoyable to tease them with hints of your life experiences without revealing the whole story. Let them strive harder to know about your preferences and needs. The mysterious aura will also make the chase exciting for him. Keep him intrigued by revealing yourself slowly. Here’s how to do it better:

  • Share personal stories gradually instead of all at once.
  • Tease him with hints and intriguing details to spark his curiosity.
  • Surprises him with unexpected interests or talents at times.

Key Takeaways

  • Be yourself and maintain self-worth and self-confidence at all times and you will have a man chasing after you.
  • Do not adjust too much and call out when you dislike something the man has done.
  • Take it slow and steady instead of sharing everything all at once or being physically intimate right at the start.

Is It Important That A Man Chases After You?

All through mythologies, history, movies, songs, and books, we find epic sagas of men going through great lengths to chase after a woman. While it may be beautiful, there is a lot of pressure on men to walk the extra mile and show a woman he loves her. However, a man does not have to chase after his partner to show love. He only needs to be caring, understanding, and loving.

If you want to be chased, you might not be happy once you’re caught. Things may seem too docile or simple for you. Also, if you are pushing your man to chase you, he might lose interest once he has you. The chase might be thrilling, but the relationship may sink.

While it’s fun to learn how to make him chase you, do understand that in the long run, a healthy relationship is built on mutual effort and respect. The goal isn’t just to make him chase you, but to create a connection where both partners are equally invested. When both people value and prioritize each other, the relationship naturally flourishes without the need for constant pursuit. 

Then again, not every man is worth chasing or being chased by. If someone isn’t putting in the effort despite your signals, it may be a sign to move on. Love should never feel like a one-sided pursuit. If he’s truly interested, he will make an effort. If not, know your worth and walk away with confidence.

Infographic: 7 Ways To Make Him Pursue You

There is something thrilling about being chased by the man you like. But that does not mean you settle for anything less than what you deserve. If you want him to go the extra mile but don’t know how, don’t worry. We have got you covered. Check out the infographic below to learn about the 7 simple ways to make him chase you.

7 ways to make him persue you (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

Who doesn’t want to be desired by their partners? Naturally, you want your man to chase after you to feel how much they want and love you. However, you should also be careful not to overdo it, as your partner might lose interest if they feel you are making them run after you. Some easy ways to keep him on his toes and try to come closer to you are being dramatic, taking your time, having sexual boundaries, and letting him know what doesn’t work for you. Follow the tips discussed in the article on how to get a guy to chase you. Moreover, you may also explore the subtle art of flirting, that helps in piquing the interest of the guys. If you don’t know how to do it then you may read our section on How to flirt with a guy?

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I create a sense of challenge in my relationship?

Create a sense of challenge by being not readily available to him and maintaining your boundaries at all costs. When he understands that winning your heart is not simple and requires effort, he will take it up as a challenge to chase you until you accept him.

How do you know if a guy wants you to chase him?

If a guy wants you to chase him, he will leave subtle hints. He will be playful with you and teases you in a way that doesn’t hurt you. Also, he plays mind games with you that make you think about him more often.

What to text a guy to make him chase you?

Try asking him thoughtful questions about himself, give him heartfelt compliments, share a few funny memes with him, and share with him the song you are listening to that gives him subtle signs. Make sure you do not reveal too much about yourself in text. Let him cope with the little mysteries around you, which may eventually make him chase you.

How long should a man chase a woman?

A man should try to court a woman until it becomes clear that she is not interested. Usually, 3 to 6 months is considered to be the courtship period.

How can you maintain your own independence and interests while making time for a man and nurturing a relationship?

You should continue engaging in activities that interest you, go out with your friends and give some time to yourselves to grow outside of the relationship rather than making each other the center of your existence. Follow your passion and set goals for yourself while you also work on your relationship without constricting yourself and your partner.

Is it possible to make a man chase me, or is that an outdated dating tactic?

It might seem a bit outdated but a chase certainly adds to the appeal and passion right before the relationship begins. A chase allows you to give him a little teaser of what he should look forward to without giving away everything.

Illustration: Tips On How To Make Him Chase You Like Never Before

12 Tips On How To Make Him Chase You Like Never Before

Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team

Want expert hacks to make him pursue you? A psychologist offers 5 effective tips in the video below to activate his natural instincts and keep him interested. Watch and learn!

Personal Experience: Source

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Darrell ReeseMS, LMFT-A
Darrell Reese is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Associate with 20 years of experience. He helps couples rekindle their love and create a loving and happy relationship through Darrell Reese Counseling.

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Sneha Tete
Sneha TeteBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sneha holds a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad and a professional Relationship Coach diploma. With over four years of experience in writing, she specializes in crafting insightful articles on relationships and lifestyle.

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Subhrojyoti Mukherjee
Subhrojyoti MukherjeeAssociate Editor
Subhrojyoti is an associate editor at StyleCraze with four years of experience. He has a master’s degree in English from Presidency University, Kolkata, and has also done a post-graduate certificate course in Editing and Publishing from Jadavpur University, Kolkata.

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Sangita Goel
Sangita GoelBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sangita is a content writer with a passion for exploring diverse genres. She has written 100+ blogs on an array of topics, including relationships, travel, beauty, and fashion. Armed with a master’s degree in history from Indira Gandhi National Open University, she has leveraged her curiosity to write captivating, engaging, and informative articles.

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