How To Tell If A Guy Likes You: 50 Signs To Observe
A list of simple signs to tell you if he is really into you or just being nice

Image: Midjourney/ StyleCraze Design Team
Every girl who likes someone makes some effort to find out if he is interested in her. Definitely, it is an overwhelming task. So, how to tell if a guy likes you? Do they show any signs unknowingly? If yes, what are they?
Guys may behave awkwardly, out of nervousness, when someone they are crushing on is around them. But, they might not utter a word, which can be frustrating for a girl. If you are encountering a similar situation, don’t worry! We can help you out. We will equip you with all the information to find out if he is also head over heels in love with you. You can know what love feels like, but how to know if a guy likes you, especially if there are mixed signals? In this article, we have come up with a few things guys are most likely to do when crushing on you. Glance through these signs if a guy is interested in you and go all Detective Pikachu on him.
In This Article
50 Signs A Guy Likes You
You can look for many subtle signs if you are clueless about whether the guy likes you or not. Honestly, learning how to tell if someone likes you isn’t tough only if you keep your eyes open. We know the suspense and uncertainty can kill, but we have some surefire ways of knowing if he is really into you. Read on!
- He Smiles A Lot When You Are Around
He smiles a lot when you are around, even when talking to other people. Not in a creepy way, of course. He is genuinely happy to see you, and that shows on his face.
- He Admires Your Face Intently
He looks keenly at your face, and his eyes wander over your eyes and lips. He is secretly mesmerized by your beauty, and oh, it’s so obvious!
- He Unintentionally Leans Toward You
When sitting together, his body leans towards you, even without him knowing. This is true for anyone, actually. People who are interested in you will lean towards you, while others lean away from you. There is even a study that highlights that leaning forward can signify openness, confidence, and higher romantic desirability. The study also states that such posture is considered an attractive trait in initial romantic encounters (1).
- He Looks Into Your Eyes
He looks into your eyes and holds your gaze. He is trying to get to know the secrets of your soul, so beware! Just kidding. You can read a person by looking into their eyes, and he sure is trying to read you.

- He Never Turns His Back To You
He never turns his back to you, especially when you are talking to him. Friends don’t care, they walk away even when you are not done speaking. But, a guy who likes you will try to be the perfect gentleman.
- He Finds A Way To Touch You
He touches you every time he gets a chance. It doesn’t always have to be a forced or unwanted touch, but something sweet – like the ‘touched-your-arm-by-mistake’ kind. Then, he gets nervous. If you like him too, touch him back and give him a mini heart attack!
- He Flirts With Other Girls To See Your Reaction
He tries to flirt with his “girl”friends and then looks at you for your reaction. His friends are probably in on it and playing along. If he notices that it bothers you, he is going to grin the rest of the day. So much for all the drama!
- He Shows Interest In Your Hobbies
He asks you about the things you like. Showing interest in your hobbies is a way of showing he cares about your likes and dislikes. He may even read up on them and try to casually throw in his thoughts about them to impress you.
- He Quickly Turns His Gaze When Caught Staring At You
Whenever you look at him, he looks away quickly. He was probably staring at you the whole time. This is a tell-tale sign that a guy likes you.
- He May Tease You In A Playful Way
He may say things to irritate you only to get your reaction. He will monkey around, mimic you, or make fun of you. Yes, I know, guys are weird. If he only teases you and not other girls, you are special to him. He does those things to hide the fact that he has feelings for you.
- He Pinches You Playfully
He pinches you playfully, and when you protest, tries to “soothe” the pain. Of course, if you don’t like it, let him know that it hurts you. But if you want to flirt back, pinch him and run!
- He Asks Questions To Strike A Conversation
He asks you questions, starts conversations, and asks you out “as friends” to talk. He is interested in your opinion about everything and wants to get to know you better.

- He Compliments You In Front Of Others
He compliments you in a slightly boastful manner in front of other people. It could be something as simple as “She has great taste in music” to obvious boasting like “She won a medal in high school in a relay race!” It just means he is proud of your achievements and wants to show you off. As per a study, the frequency and even the creativity of a compliment can signify romantic interest in an individual. The study reveals that women find men more attractive and come up with metaphorical compliments than those who use plain language (2).
- He Takes Notice Of Little Details About You
He notices your clothes, your hair, and your makeup. He notices your perfume. If he compliments you on any of these, girl, he is totally into you. Generally, boys don’t notice even the most basic things, so if he is eyeing you, it is a good sign.
- He Acts Weirdly When You Are Around Other Guys
He behaves weirdly when you are with other guy friends. He knows that they are just friends, and you are not interested in them romantically, but he cannot hide the fact that he wants you to himself. He considers other boys as competitors for your attention.
- He Is Jealous Of Your Suitors
He is jealous of other guys who like you. Even though he doesn’t make a move himself, he thinks nobody is good enough to date you and criticizes all of them.
- He Stalks You On Social Media
He stalks you online. He likes your Facebook posts, retweets your tweets, and comments on your Insta pics regularly. He also keeps track of the other guys reacting to your pictures.
- He Gives Thoughtful Gifts
He showers gifts on you. It may be little things like the candies you like, or stuff that he knows you have been mooning for for a long time. If the gift has sentimental value for you, it means he probably put in a lot of thought into it.
- He Prioritizes You Over Others
He makes plans to hang out with you, even though you know he has a project due. You come first. Physical closeness is a big indicator. If he sits next to you in class, makes excuses to talk to you during breaks, or if he simply likes being close to you, it shows that he is drawn to you and enjoys your company.
- He Calls You For No Reason
He calls you for no apparent reason, just to ask, “Hey, wassup?” He says hearing your voice “makes him feel better.” He shows clear signs of attraction and expresses his wish of dating.

- He Is Extra Sweet Around You
He is nicer, kinder, and more polite when you are around. His friends keep making fun of his changed behavior.
- He Rarely Disappoints You
He rarely says ‘no’ to you. Disappointing you is out of the question! He will do anything in his power to get you what you want, even if it is inconvenient for him.
- He Stands Up For You
God help the person who tries to hurt or insult you when he is around! He will fight for your honor and care more about it than you.
- He Misses You
If he ever says he misses you when you are away, he definitely has feelings for you, girl.
- He Is There For You In Difficult Times
He offers his shoulder to cry on if something bad happens to you – even if it is a breakup with another guy. Though he may be secretly glad, he puts his feelings on hold and focuses on taking care of you.
- He Checks On You Regularly
If you don’t show up, he goes all FBI on you by calling, texting, and pestering your friends about your whereabouts.
- He Dresses To Impress You
He makes an effort to dress better. Boys don’t care. And if they do, something is fishy.
- He Is Happy To Be Seen With You
He is not afraid to be seen with you. In fact, he likes that people think you two are a couple. He says things like, “How does it matter what people think about us?” But trust me, he is secretly glad.

- He Gives You Subtle Compliments
He may offhandedly comment about you being pretty. Very quickly. You may almost miss it.
- He Takes Care Of You When You Are Unwell
He mothers you when you are unwell. He probably gets you soup, watches over you, and spends time with you instead of doing fun things with his friends.
- He Takes On Extra Work To Help You
He tries to take up extra tasks just to help you. When you are overwhelmed, he does everything possible to make things better for you.
- He Shows Up For All Your Significant Events
He is there for all the important events in your life – birthdays, graduations, pet’s birthdays…
- He Cares For Your Safety
He grabs your hand while crossing the road.
- He Shares His Deepest Secrets With You
He shares his secrets with you, things that he is afraid to tell others out of the fear of being judged. He bares his soul to you.

- He Protects You From Untoward Situations
He is protective of you. If he has rowdy friends, he is probably trying to avoid introducing them to you.
- He Takes Interest In Your Hobbies
He is interested in things like your favorite TV shows, bands you are into, and movies you love.
- He Introduces You To His Close Ones
He introduces you to the people who are important to him – his parents, siblings, and best friend.
- He Mimics You
He copies you! If you make a gesture and he immediately copies it, he probably likes you. Let him know you are interested too – copy him! A study highlights that individuals tend to mimic the behavior of those they are attracted to such as their mannerisms, facial expressions, or postures (3).
- He Always Responds To Your Texts
He always responds to your texts, calls, and voice notes. If he misses it, he calls or texts you back as soon as he can.
- He Takes Note Of Small Changes About You
He notices when you get a haircut or something else not so prominent, even when others don’t! It doesn’t matter if he likes it or makes fun of it, the fact that he noticed it shows that he has feelings for you.
- His Friends Know A Lot About You
If you are meeting his friends for the first time, and they already know everything about you, girrrrrl, this guy has been talking their ears off about you all day. That only happens when he has a serious thing for you.

- He Is Fully Present When You Are With Him
He does not check his phone when you are doing things together. He is too preoccupied with you to care.
- He Cares About Your Inner Circle
He cares about your family and friends. He is very respectful to your parents and tries hard to make a good impression. He also never flirts with your sisters/friends and treats them like kids or buddies.
- He Tries To Appear Confident Before You
He goes all alpha on you – he stands taller, squares his shoulders, and pulls in his stomach. He also tries to take up as much space as possible with his body when he is close to you.
- He Shares His Vision For His Future
He talks about his future plans. He wants to show you that he is an ambitious guy and sorted in life. He also possibly sees a future with you and wants you to be aware of what he is offering. He basically wants to impress you. Also, he is trying to show that he is in it for the long-term.
- He Turns Up Wherever You Seem To Go
He shows up where you are. Okay, this is kind of low-key stalking, but when guys like you, they want you to see them. They are afraid that it’s ‘out of sight, out of mind’ for you, and you might fall for someone else. So, when you are out and about and have declared your plans on Facebook, him turning up at the same place means that he likes you.
- He Tries To Make You Laugh
He says something funny, then checks if you laughed. It is very important to him that you find him cute and funny and appreciate his sense of humor. According to a study, humor is a sign that a person is attracted to someone. And, if there is a positive response to humor it can indicate mutual interest(4).
- He Appears Uncomfortable When You Talk To Other Guys
When you talk to other guys, he starts looking over, trying to assess the situation. A guy who is not into you won’t bother caring when you talk to other guys. The next time you speak to him, he will appear disgruntled or offended. Lol, he is jealous!

- He Pays Attention To All The Small Things About You
He remembers little things about you. Guys are not really good at remembering the little things, so if he does, he probably likes you. It means he paid attention to you when you were telling him about it, which is a sign that you matter to him.
- He Genuinely Wants You In His Life
He uses classic lines like “I wish I get a girlfriend just like you” and “I want to be best friends with my girl – just the way we are.” This is his way of saying he approves of you as a person and wants you to be more than just a friend. If you are interested as well, just look into his eyes and say “me too.”
Watch out for these signs to get a clearer picture of his intentions. Emotional intimacy and vulnerability are also big indicators of the relationship. If you share real and meaningful conversations, support each other, and are willing to face challenges and problems together, this means that you both are comfortable being emotionally intimate with each other. This helps you understand each other’s emotional needs and feels secure. But, how to know if a boy likes you genuinely and is not flirting? Sure, some guys are just into playing games, and once you give in, they lose interest. However, there are some great ones too who don’t play games to win someone’s affection. To gain better clarity, read on to learn some warning signs that may help you discern if a guy is using you or really likes you.
Key Takeaways
- Determining whether a guy likes you can occasionally be challenging due to how differently they react to feelings, sometimes awkwardly.
- If someone pays attention, compliments, makes an effort, and spends time with you, those are some of the frequent indications to watch for to figure out if the guy likes you.
- Each person differs from the next and has a unique way of expressing themselves.
- People who are interested in you will lean in your direction, while uninterested parties will lean away.
The good thing is, there will be signs he wants a relationship too! So, if you are tired of guessing whether he likes you or not, check out the 5 tips in the following video to be certain about their feelings for you.
How To Know If A Guy Is Using You
- He is emotionally distant and avoids deep conversations. His conversations only linger around physical attraction and temporary attachments.
- He never talks about the future of the relationship or commitment indicating his lack of interest in a long-term partnership. He is merely enjoying the benefits of your company.
- He doesn’t take you and your emotions seriously. He always disrespects you or belittles your opinions.
- He frequently asks for money, borrows amounts without even repaying, or expects you to provide for his expenses. It is a clear sign of exploitation.
- He consistently dismisses your feelings and boundaries by always being extra carefree around you.
- He never answers your call or is around when you need him, But always hounds you when he needs something from you.
If you see these above-mentioned signs then it might indicate that the guy does not genuinely like you. If a guy is genuinely interested in you, he will be available for you and make an effort to know you better. He might do this by spending more time with you, bombarding you with questions, and taking an interest in the activities you love. So, if you notice any of these genuine signs of affection, then it’s a clear sign that the guy is truly interested in you and wants to take things further. If you too share mutual feelings beyond simple attraction and have developed a soft corner for him, you can look for ways to deepen your connection with him. Let’s know more in the next section.
What To Do If A Guy Likes You
If you think a guy likes you and you like him back, here are a few things that you can consider to take your relationship forward:
1. Communicate About What You Feel
Have an open and honest conversation about your feelings. You can also ask him whether he feels the same about you or not. If he does, you can tell him how much you enjoy his company and appreciate the efforts he is putting into strengthening your bond. Remember, clear communication is the key to understanding one’s desires, intentions, and expectations.
2. Spend Quality Time
Plan activities, events, or outings to get time to know each other well. You can plan a movie night, go for a coffee date, take a walk in the park, or take a weekend trip to deepen your relationship, create meaningful memories, and get to know each other better.
3. Strengthen Your Emotional Connection
Share about yourself and encourage him to do the same as well. Talk about your thoughts, desires, feelings, hopes, and dreams. In addition to this, be open about your fears, insecurities, and vulnerabilities to build trust, and understanding, and strengthen your emotional intimacy.
4. Take Things Slow
Once you know that you both have feelings for each other, it’s important to take things slow. The idea is to enjoy the process of getting to know each other without rushing anything. This can help your relationship to develop naturally and help your bond to foster over time.
5. Discuss About Relationship
Talk about what you want from this connection. Discuss your ideas, expectations, and boundaries you wish to set. Get an idea of whether you both are ready to commit to a relationship. The idea is to leave no scope for miscommunication and make sure you both are on the same page.
Following these steps can help you understand what you both need from the relationship and whether or not you are comfortable moving forward. It can also help you to create a more nurturing, fulfilling, and emotionally satisfying relationship. However, if you feel this connection is not worth spending your time and energy on or if you feel the guy is not into you, you must subtly let him know by not reciprocating favors or responding to his approaches. A better way is to have an honest dialogue.
Infographic: How To Act Around A Guy Who Likes You
When you know a guy likes you back, you might feel the urge to show yourself to him under filtered light. You wouldn’t want him to see you as anything less than perfection. However, in the process, you might end up being someone you are not and encourage unfair expectations. Check out the infographic below to know how you can show your good side to a guy who is interested in you without losing yourself. Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
You are head over heels in love with a guy but do not know how to tell if the boy likes you back? So, you stay friends, fearing that confessing your feelings might create a rift in your friendship. But if you know how to tell if a guy likes you, things can get interesting quite fast! The abovementioned pointers are sure signs that a guy likes you, such as being interested in your favorite things, depending on you for advice, and going out of their way to help you—all of these are signals he likes you and imply that they are willing to take your relationship to the next level. So, if you notice these signs that a boy likes you, and you like him back, quit the shy act and let him know that the feelings are mutual. However, these signs are often also subjective, and individual behaviors can vary considerably. Cultural backgrounds and upbringing can also play a pivotal role in how people express their interest or show affection. Thus, it’s also important to consider the cultural context to get an understanding of their true feelings. The idea is to take into view the context, understand the consistency of actions and intent behind them, and communicate openly to understand one’s feelings.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you know if a guy likes you or is he just being nice?
Notice if he treats you differently (in a nice way, of course). That’s one of the most obvious signs if he likes you more than a friend or is just being nice. If a guy is interested only in hooking up, then he will mostly call you at night. He won’t really message or call you otherwise. But a man interested in having a serious relationship with you will message you often, try to ask you things about yourself, take you out on dates, and plan a future with you.
How do I respond if I realize that a guy likes me but I’m not interested in him romantically?
Be direct about your feelings towards them and reject them politely.
How can I approach a guy and start a conversation to determine whether he likes me or not?
Make eye contact with the guy and send a warm smile towards him. Next, walk calmly in his direction and start a simple conversation like “How was your day” or if you are in an event “How are you liking the event?”. If you feel shy, you can always ask a friend to tag along or ask a mutual friend to introduce you to him. As you talk to him, notice if he pays attention to what you are saying, how his friends react to you both conversing, and his body language.
What kind of questions will a guy ask if he likes me?
If a guy asks you about your goals, shows genuine interest in your family, likes, and dislikes, or wants to know about your past relationships, it is likely that he is into you.
What if he shows mixed signals?
A man who gives mixed signals is confused himself and leaves you wondering whether his love is real. The signals often manifest as both affectionate and indifferent behavior at the same time. These mixed signals can emanate from various reasons, including personal insecurities, fear of commitment, or external stressors in his life. Open communication is the way out of this confusion. Talking out your concerns can give clarity as to where he is coming from and if he is ready for a serious commitment.
Are you tired of guessing whether he likes you or not? Check out the 5 tips in the following video to be certain about their feelings for you.
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