How To Tell If Someone Likes You – 15 Tell-Tale Signs
Subtle hints that lay his heart and soul bare for you to know his exact feelings.

Image: ShutterStock
In this article, we have listed some sure signs to help you figure out how to tell if someone likes you. This query may make you restless and anxious too. So, making assumptions based on the last flower petal may not help calm you down. Read on to know the signs if a person is showing interest in you physically and behaviorally. The article covers insights from real-life experiences to help you assess if someone likes you or not. Scroll down to learn some nonverbal clues that someone really likes you.
In This Article
Signs That Someone Likes You (Even If They Do Not Say It)
When someone is attracted to you, they are likely to behave in a certain way and exhibit physical signs. Pay close attention and look out for the nonverbal cues discussed in the following sections.
Physical Signs Of Attraction You Should Look For
1. Maintaining Eye Contact

Eye contact signifies interest and attraction. Research suggests that people mostly choose partners with whom they share more eye-contact (1). Is the person staring at you when they talk to you? Is that a meaningful and deep gaze as if they are trying to speak to you through their eyes? If your person of interest is locking gazes with you, it is not without reason – it is a sign they are attracted to you.
You should, however, understand that a nervous or shy person may have trouble maintaining eye contact. It can be unnerving for them, and they might avert their gaze. However, if you often catch them stealing glances at you, that’s a sign they are into you!
2. Blushing When You Meet
Blushing is an involuntary response. It is an honest reaction of your body when caught being excited about others. We blush due to a rush of emotions like embarrassment, attraction, or feeling shy.
If you notice the other person blushing when talking to you, they might be excited to meet you and spend time with you.
3. Change In The Tone Of Voice
The tonal change in voice is one of the subconscious traits that could signify attraction and fondness. People often change their tone to engage their partner’s attention. Research indicates that some people purposely change their vocal behaviour in an attempt to sound more attractive to their mate (2). A husky and deep male voice appears more dominant, while the high-pitched tone in females can stand out and grab your attention.
If you notice a change in your partner’s voice around you, it can signify their interest in you. And if both of your tones differ around each other, it may suggest mutual attraction.
4. Leaning Towards You When Talking

Someone who is attracted to you will want to be close to you. The way they sit or stand, whether they lean or tilt their body towards you, is a strong indicator of interest (3). So if your person is turning away from you, they are probably not interested in you the way you are.
5. Mimicking Your Body Posture
If the person mimics your posture and facial expressions or adopts your slang terms, there is a good chance they are into you (3). When people feel comfortable, they often mimic each other’s body posture, movements, and gestures. Watch closely – do they run fingers through their hair after you do? Do they pick up their coffee cup right after you take a sip? If your partner changes their body language to match yours – gotcha!
6. Increased Breathing And Body Temperature
The terms ’hot’ and ’steamy’ exist for a reason, especially regarding matters of passion. Being in love and attracted to someone is like an addiction, and your body often reacts to it. The physiological changes, like increased body temperature and heart rate and deep and faster breathing, suggest excitement due to emotional or physical attraction (4). These may make you feel nervous in front of the person you like and give you flushed cheeks!
7. Being Clumsy Around You

You go weak in your knees when you meet the person for whom you’re full of admiration. This happens when you are self-conscious and feel like your nerves have become super sensitive. If you notice the signs of clumsiness in the person (like stumbling over words), it is a clear sign that they are into you.
Is the person particularly so in your company? If yes, it may be because they cannot maintain their balance in your presence, tripping head over heels for you.
8. Tries To Make You Laugh
When we are attracted to someone, we often try to make them laugh (5). Is your partner trying to joke a lot and make you smile? Are they always like this with other people, or are they treating you differently? If it differs for you, maybe there is some attraction.
Natesky, a blogger, reminisced about the innocence and intensity of puppy love and shared her personal experience of wooing her crush. She wrote, “I would constantly try to get his attention by making jokes and being the center of attention, but it never seemed to work (i).”
9. Walks Matching Your Pace
When a person likes you, they will ensure to walk at the same pace as you. Research suggests that males walk at a significantly slower pace to match the females’ paces (6). They will try to walk beside you and keep you safe from people and traffic. They will also be more attentive to what you say and stay closer to you.
Behavioral Signs Of Attraction
1. Keeps Checking On You

One of the few things that can tell you if a person is interested in you is their intention to know all about you. Listed below are some signs your friend likes you. See if they exhibit any of the following:
- Asking you about your likes and dislikes.
- Remembering the tiniest details and dates that concern the two of you.
- Attempting to do something special on such occasions.
- Trying to talk to you or constantly staying in touch.
- These are all signs of attraction and attentiveness.
Say a guy you know starts texting you regularly, asking about your day and remembering little things you mentioned in passing. He brings you coffee just the way you like it and makes an effort to spend time with you, even rearranging his schedule. When your favorite band announces a concert, he surprises you with tickets.
These small but consistent actions suggest he likes you. If you feel the same way, engaging in deeper conversations and reciprocating his efforts can strengthen the connection. If not, acknowledging his kindness while gently setting boundaries ensures clarity.
2. Removes Physical Barriers Between You
Does your special person keep clearing obstacles between you, such as removing centerpieces off the table or pillows on the couch? Removing physical barriers is a psychological response to initiating intimacy. It can indicate an interest in you.
For instance, suppose a guy you know always finds a way to sit next to you, whether at a cafe, in a group setting, or during a movie night. He casually shifts objects aside to make room for you or leans in when you talk, eliminating any physical distance. When walking together, he instinctively moves closer, matching your pace. These subtle actions often signal a desire to be near you and create a sense of closeness.
3. Does Things To Impress You
This is a no-brainer. If they like you, they will do everything to impress you and grab your attention. If you have noticed that they are dressing up extra carefully, grooming themselves, and doing things with the sole purpose of dazzling you – maybe it is mutual attraction.
For example, a guy you know suddenly starts wearing cologne he knows you like or styling his hair differently after you mentioned a preference. He casually brings up his achievements when you are around, whether it’s a recent promotion or a skill he’s mastered. When you mention an interest in a certain book or hobby, he quickly learns about it to spark conversations. These little efforts to stand out often indicate he’s trying to leave a lasting impression on you.
4. Follows You On Social Media

Social media has given us quite the platform for interactions and building relationships. It can also give us a peek into the other person’s life, interests, and dreams. If the one you like is a loyal follower on your social media – liking and commenting on your posts – it may mean affinity.
If a person you know consistently likes your posts within minutes of you sharing them and leaves thoughtful comments that show he is paying attention. He reacts to your stories, whether it’s a simple emoji or a message that sparks a conversation. If you post about a favorite place or hobby, he might bring it up later in person, showing he is genuinely interested. His steady online presence could be a sign that he is trying to stay connected and engaged in your world.
5. Treats You As A Confidant
One of the best ways to tell if someone likes you is to notice what they talk about to you. They may share more things about themselves and try to open up about their life. Does it look like they try to keep talking to you? Do they dive into the most trivial things in their lives in an attempt to strike a meaningful conversation? Do they confide in you? If yes, they rely on you and are interested in building a close relationship with you.
For example, a guy you know starts sharing personal stories with you, from childhood memories to his daily struggles and future aspirations. He brings up small, seemingly unimportant details just to keep the conversation going, even when there is nothing urgent to discuss. When something significant happens in his life, you are one of the first people he tells. If he trusts you with his thoughts and feelings, it’s a strong sign that he values your connection and wants to grow closer.
6. Feels A Little Jealous About Other Men Around You
Jealousy in men, when they have feelings for someone, often surfaces as a curious blend of protectiveness and insecurity. It doesn’t intend to harm but instead stems from a deep affection. It might arise from a fear of losing the person they care about to someone else. When a man likes you, he might find himself feeling possessive or competitive, even if he doesn’t consciously want to. It doesn’t necessarily mean any serious harm but is more of a playful thing. You can identify these signals if he’s teasing you too much about other men or getting a little protective at other times. While jealousy is not the healthiest way to express affection, it does reveal the depth of his feelings.
Say a guy you know playfully teases you when you mention another guy, making joking remarks but always steering the conversation back to himself. If someone flirts with you at a party, he subtly shifts closer or finds a way to pull you into a private conversation. He might ask casual but pointed questions about your interactions with others, trying to gauge where he stands. While he never directly admits it, his small protective gestures and subtle competitiveness hint at emotions he’s struggling to fully express.
Still not sure whether they like you or not? Check some more signals to get a clear idea.
Key Takeaways
- Not everyone likes to express themselves with words. You will have to look for physical and behavioral signs in such cases.
- Blushing, intense eye contact, and mimicking your body language are all signs that a person likes you.
- If they keep doing things to impress you and treat you as their confidant, they probably like you.
- Trust your instincts about their approaches but ask them openly if you are confused and uncertain about their feelings.
Signs To Look For If You Are Still Not Sure If Someone Likes You

An open body language can give off a strong vibe when it comes to intimacy. A wide stance and open arms angled towards you suggest an inviting body posture (7). Conversely, if someone crosses their arms over the chest, crosses their legs, sits with a slouched posture, or has their feet and pelvis directed away from you, it could signify disinterest. Remember that crossing the arms could also be a way to stay at ease with posture and not a clear demonstration of closeness.
For a guy, you will find the following signs:
- He will constantly find excuses to brush your skin as he talks to you.
- He will keep stealing glances at you, especially when you look away.
- He may jumble his words trying to impress you.
- He will do his best to remove any other distracting factors and can be a bit overprotective towards you.
For a girl, you will find the following signs:
- She will keep playing and fiddling with her hair while talking to you.
- She will always giggle and laugh at your jokes, no matter how bad they may be.
- She will keep attempting to touch you when she talks to you.
- She will always try to dress up and appear her best around you.
- So now we know how to tell if someone likes you. But these signs do not always stand true. Are they flirting or being friendly? Is there any way to find out? Scroll down to the next section for the answer.
Flirty Or Friendly?
The line between friendly and flirty is thin. The subtle differences between these two can save you from embarrassment if you figure out how to know if someone likes you. Friendly contact involves maintaining eye contact and casual touches. They will also include open body language. The difference lies in the intent behind these gestures. Friendly gazes, touches, and body language will lack intensity. A friendly person will be courteous and stay attentive to you as a sign of respect. Friendly interactions involve lighthearted conversations with a casual tone. Jokes are common in such conversations.
How do you know if someone likes you more than a friend? Or how to know if a guy likes you? A genuinely interested person will show that he is impressed with you. They may also express an interest in knowing more about you, your skills and qualities too. A flirty person will take interest in you, find ways to strike up a conversation, may try to steal a hug or a touch. If his subtle touches feel different than casual touches, know that he is romantically attracted to you. They may throw in some playful teasing remarks from time to time to get your attention. Additionally, if you notice that he is consistently trying to spend some time with you alone and is frequently initiating contact, he likes you more than a friend.
Finding out if someone likes you is only the tip of the iceberg. Discerning body language and learning the actual meaning behind it is a skill. It is better to communicate with your partner directly. Additionally, you can ask yourself certain questions to analyze their intentions better. Listed below are some questions to help you better gauge if a person really likes you or not. Read on.
Questions To Ask Yourself To Understand If Someone Likes You
Sometimes it is tricky to know if someone likes you especially if your feelings are involved. Asking yourself the right questions becomes crucial to assess someone’s approaches towards you. There are some key questions that may help you understand a certain person’s feelings towards you, such as:
- Have they reached out first in conversations?
- Do they remember small details about you?
- Are they attentive to your needs?
- Are they curious about your love life?
- Do they introduce you to their family and friends?
- Do they seem to get jealous seeing you with others?
- How often do they make an effort to spend time with you?
Now the golden question is, what do you do when you learn that someone likes you? If someone likes you, the best approach is to acknowledge their feelings with kindness and honesty. Take time to reflect on your own feelings. Ask yourself, do you share their interest or see them only as a friend? If you like them back, communicate openly and get to know them better to see if a deeper connection can develop.
If you don’t feel the same way, be respectful and clear while gently letting them know. Regardless of your response, maintaining kindness and consideration ensures that both of you can deal with the situation with respect.
Infographic: 7 Signs Someone Is Crushing On You
When someone likes you, they tend to show it in some way or the other. Either they spend a lot of time with you or their body language reveals their feelings. There are 7 basic signs that someone might have a crush on you that you should keep in mind. Check out the infographic below instead of plucking the petals off a flower!

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
Still wondering how to tell if someone likes you? When you like someone, you can be afraid to approach them as you are unsure of how they feel about you. While understanding the subtle signs of interest can be tricky, some signs are quite evident. For instance, if someone maintains eye contact with you, leans toward you while talking, or is awkward around you, they probably like you. Someone interested in you also shows behavioral signs, to indicate the same; for example, they treat you as a confidant, show affection, do things to impress you, and keep checking up on you. Finally, you may have to trust your intuition and understand the fine line between being friendly and flirty to figure out if someone is really into you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does it mean if you can’t stop thinking about someone?
If you are in a relationship, it is common to think about the person you love. But when you have just met someone and can’t stop thinking about them, it could be a sign of a crush or or an infatuation, or an obsession.
Do guys take it slow when they like you?
Not everyone is the same. If a guy wants to take it slow when he likes you, he may want some time to think about you or learn more about you.
What if your crush secretly likes you?
If your crush secretly likes you, it may be difficult to tell without direct communication or clear signs of interest.
Do guys tell their friends when they like a girl?
Some guys may tell their friends when they like a girl, but it varies from person to person. Some may keep it to themselves or only confide in a close friend.
How can you tell if someone is just being friendly or if they are actually interested in you romantically?
It can be hard to tell whether someone is just being friendly or is interested in you romantically. Look for signals, such as prolonged eye contact, physical touch, and the desire to spend time with you outside of group settings, to know if they want to pursue a romantic relationship with you.
Can you rely on your intuition to tell if someone likes you, or is it better to look for concrete evidence?
Relying on your intuition can be helpful but may not be very accurate. It’s important to look for concrete evidence before assuming someone likes you.
Are there any gender differences in how people show attraction or interest?
There may be some gender differences in how people show attraction or interest, but it varies from person to person and is not necessarily linked to gender.
Is it appropriate to ask someone directly if they like you, or is that too forward?
It is appropriate to ask someone directly if they like you, but it’s important to do so in a respectful and non-threatening manner. Be prepared for any answer and respect their response.
Illustration: How To Tell If Someone Likes You - 15 Tell-Tale Signs

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team
Do they laugh at your jokes? Smile when they see you? These are just two of the 10 signs that someone likes you – watch the video below to find out the rest!
Personal Experience: Source
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i. 7 Affirming Signs That Someone Really Likes You
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