206 Icebreaker Questions To Start A Conversation
Kickstarting conversations becomes easy and enjoyable with the right questions.

Image: Shutterstock
When you are with strangers, things can get awkward fast. All you need is a few icebreaker questions to get the conversation flowing. If you’ve been set up on a blind date or joined a new workplace, you may feel this need.
It is not uncommon to speak to a stranger from time to time in life. However, most of us have experienced uncomfortable silences and anxious greetings. The idea of meeting new people has scared us more than once. To overcome this, you can make the situation more casual and playful with a fun icebreaker and witty conversation starters. It not only diffuses a sticky situation but also promotes stronger bonds between people.
To get people talking, ask them fun questions that allow them to express themselves effortlessly. Here is a list of 206 questions that will help bridge the communication gap. These questions are lighthearted, helpful for easing nerves, and some of the best communication starters. Check them out!
If you want to ask icebreaker questions at your workplace, make sure to use a subtle formal tone. Do not ask personal questions right away. Instead, you may keep them when your colleagues become your besties.
In This Article
Benefits Of Icebreaker Questions
We are here to explore some interesting and engaging icebreaker questions. But what role does it exactly play in a conversation? To begin with, icebreakers ideally begin with topics that people are generally comfortable with. The sense of comfort that the topic or question brings, can help people settle and encourage them to be active participants. In fact, researchers claim that an icebreaking session is an important strategy that even helps research participants engage with each other and enjoy healthy collaboration (1). Let us break down the potential ways in which it can help in conversations:
- Icebreaker questions help ease nerves, making participants feel more comfortable in new or unfamiliar settings.
- These questions encourage open dialogue creating an interactive environment where everyone can share their thoughts and experiences.
- There can be hypothetical questions allowing the participants to think outside the box, and offer a glimpse into their minds.
- These questions help create connections between people. It helps everyone be comfortable and friendly with each other.
- Starting with light-hearted questions helps create a friendly atmosphere, making it easier to talk about deeper topics later.
So you see, icebreaker questions can actually improve the quality of your interactions while also relieving some stress. Continue on to the next section to check out a large range of interesting questions.
Key Takeaways
- Ice-breaker questions help strike new conversations and build relationships, be it at work or during a date with your crush.
- These questions are especially a godsend for shy and introverted individuals.
- These ice-breakers are lighthearted and do not get too personal.
- They revolve around a person’s personal preferences and outlook on life.
206 Fun Icebreaker Questions
If you are in a dating scenario, consider asking some of the best speed dating questions to quickly find common ground. Here are some questions you can ask to get the conversation flowing:

- If you could travel to any fictional world, where would you go?
- After a long day, what is your favorite way to relax?
- If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
- What is that one outfit that someone could wear that will make you go on a date with them?
- If there is a zombie apocalypse, who are the three people you would want on your team?
- Which emoji do you use most?
- What was the worst fashion faux pas you ever made?
- Describe the worst haircut you ever had? What age were you?
- Who was your childhood celebrity crush?
- If you were a hero in a movie, what would your entrance theme song be?
- Have you ever been told you look like a celebrity? Who was it?
- What was the most embarrassing fashion trend you used to follow?
- If you had your own talk show, who would you invite as your first guest?
- If you were famous, what do you think it would be for?
- If you had to karaoke, what song would you pick?
- What was your least favorite food/dish as a kid? Do you still hate it?
- If you had to eat one food every day for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
- If you were left on an island with either your worst enemy or no one, which option would you choose? Why?

- Do you think aliens exist?
- What is your favorite sandwich, and why?
- What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? Who gave it to you?
- After you die, what do you want to be remembered for?
- What is the most expensive item you have bought this year?
- What is your dream job?
- What would you title your autobiography?
- If you get super rich, would you still like to work?
- If you had to delete all apps but three from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?
- What is your favorite animal? Do you have a pet?
- What fictional family would you like to be a member of?
- What is your favorite television show?
- Describe the worst boss you ever had to work for. What would he do?
- What would you choose as your superpower if you could, and why?
- As a child, what did you aim to be when you grew up?

- What is your favorite holiday?
- What place would you like to visit before getting old?
- What is your favorite food?
- Are you a coffee or tea person?
- Which book have you read recently that you would like to recommend? Why?
- What breed of dog would you prefer as a pet?
- If you get a time machine, would you go back in time or to the future?
- Can you live without your smartphone or any other gadget for 48 hours?
- What is your favorite color?
- What was your favorite sport as a child?
- Are you an optimist or pessimist?
- Have you ever met anyone famous?
- Do you have a bucket list?
- What did you have for lunch today?
- What is that one thing most people don’t know about you?

- Can you cook? What is your favorite meal to cook?
- Are you a morning person?
- What is your favorite musical instrument? Can you play any instruments?
- Are you a cat or dog person?
- How many languages can you speak?
- What is the weirdest food you have ever eaten? Where did you eat it?
- What is the most outrageous thing you have ever done?
- What is that on your cellphone wallpaper?
- If you can have an unlimited supply of something for the rest of your life, what would it be? Burger? Scotch Tape? Car tires?
- What season do you like?
- Would you prefer to have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?
- Would you prefer to have more time or more money?
- Where is the last place you would be caught dead?
- Are you a good dancer? What kind of music do you like to dance to?
- What vegetable would you be if you had to choose one?

- If you could live anywhere on Earth for a year, where would it be?
- If you could commit a crime and get away with it, what would you do and why?
- If you could choose any person from history to be your partner, who would it be and why?
- If you could see one particular movie again for the first time, what would it be?
- If you could choose any one celebrity to have dinner with, who would you choose?
- Do you believe in ghosts?
- If you could change places with anyone in the universe, who would it be?
- If you wanted to rename yourself, what name would you choose?
- If you had to teach a class on one thing at a moment’s notice, what would you teach?
- If you could be immortal like a vampire, at what age would you choose to stop aging?
- If you could be on a reality TV show, which one would you be on? Why?
- Would you rather live on the moon or in the midst of the ocean?
- Would you rather lose all your money or all your pictures?
- Would you rather be invisible or have the power to fly?
- Would you prefer to be slightly late or super early?

- If you had to give up your smartphone or your laptop, which one would you choose?
- Would you live without AC or social media?
- Would you rather always say everything on your mind or never speak again?
- Would you become someone else or just stay you?
- What is the silliest thing you were emotionally attached to?
- What is something you have done that no one would expect of you?
- Name the person in this room you think is the best dressed. What do you like most about their dressing sense?
- What is your biggest turn off in a man/woman?
- What would you prefer to stop – mental aging or physical aging?
- Would you rather be famous for your intelligence or your good looks?
- Would you choose to be stinking rich and live 500 years ago or be middle class today?
- Would you prefer to work more hours per day but fewer days per week or fewer hours per day but more days per week?
- Would you rather be able to talk to animals or speak all foreign languages?
- If you had to be handcuffed to one person of your choice for an entire month, who would it be?
- What type of traits do you want in your future partner?

- If you could eliminate one thing from the world, what would it be?
- Are you a talker or a listener?
- What are the childish things you still do as an adult?
- What is the best gift anyone has ever given you? Who gave it?
- What is in the trunk of your car right at this moment?
- What was in your high school locker?
- What are your ten favorite foods?
- Name one trashy movie that you secretly like. Why?
- Name your favorite children’s story. Why?
- If you are forced to wear a T-shirt with a single word on it for a year, which word would you choose?
- What is the cutest thing you did as a child that your parents still talk about?
- Do you prefer morning showers or night showers?
- What is your favorite flower?
- What are the top three things on your bucket list?
- If you could only listen to any one music genre forever, what genre would you choose?

- Which three apps do you use the most on your phone?
- What would you do if you were given an extra hour in the day?
- What’s the worst pick-up line someone has ever tried on you?
- What is the most loss you have ever experienced?
- What is the weirdest fact you know?
- What is your favorite city to explore?
- Which city did you grow up in?
- What is the funniest knock-knock joke you know?
- What movie scene do you think is worthy of an Oscar?
- What are the top three things you would do if you were invisible?
- When do you feel your most courageous self?
- Which was your favorite sport back in high school?
- What is your favorite cereal for breakfast?
- What is your favorite activity to do in summer?
- What is your favorite travel story to share?

- If you were to pick your first tattoo, what design would you get?
- What is your favorite travel snack to carry with you?
- Which song brings back your childhood memories?
- If you could form your own band, what would you call it?
- What was your favorite clothing item as a kid?
- What is the story of your first crush?
- If you wrote a book, what would be its title?
- What is the most dangerous animal you have ever owned as a pet?
- What is the best prank you have ever played on someone?
- Who would you say is your most interesting relative?
- What is your funniest talent?
- What sport did you play as a kid but failed at?
- What is your nickname in the house?
- If you recently bought a boat, what name would you give it?
- Have you ever tried baking cookies?

- If you could create a holiday, what would you do it for?
- If you were an Olympic athlete, what sport would you like to compete in?
- If you could take out one historical figure to lunch, who would you choose?
- Are you a sunrise, twilight, or daylight person?
- If you were auditioning for a dance reality show, what type of dance would you do?
- If you could become the brand ambassador for a clothing brand, which one would you choose?
- If you could pick three actors to be a part of your clique, who would you choose?
- If you could do one job forever, what would it be?
- What game show would you be great at?
- What’s the one book you would take with you on an island?
- What is your one favorite cuisine, and why?
- What blog are you embarrassed to admit you absolutely love?
- What is one foreign language you want to learn badly?
- What is the most random thing in your wallet?
- Are you a chocolate or strawberry ice cream lover?

- Would you rather tolerate someone’s bad breath or body odor?
- What completely safe, small animal are you afraid of?
- Which Disney character’s story would you say resembles your life the most?
- Which was your favorite Halloween costume as a child?
- What is the worst job you have ever had?
- Have you ever tried Korean barbecue?
- What after-school activity did you not like as a kid?
- What was your first job like?
- What name would you give your car?
- If you got the chance to switch places with anyone in your family for one day, who would you choose?
- Do you have any fun roommate stories?
- What is the craziest dare you ever accepted?
- What is your most embarrassing moment from your teenage years?
- Would you prefer swimming or cycling?
- Do you know how to drive?

- Who would you say are your top five closest people?
- If you could only eat at one café forever, what café would you choose?
- What’s your favorite type of cheesecake?
- If you could create your own country, what name would you give it?
- If all your clothes could be of only one color, what color would you choose?
- Which celebrity would you choose to exchange lives with?
- What type of decor would you follow for your dream house?
- Which band or artist would you prefer to be played at your funeral?
- What is your favorite family tradition, and why?
- Have you ever kept a fish as a pet?
- Would you consider yourself a homebody or a traveler?
- What is your favorite type of plant?
- What does your usual Saturday night look like?
- If you got the chance to travel to Mars, would you?
- What school subject was your favorite?

- What is the one New Year’s resolution that you kept and actually followed?
- What is the one movie you think everyone should watch at least once?
- What is the strangest habit you can’t seem to get rid of?
- What is your worst date story?
- What imaginary college class do you wish your college had offered?
- Would you rather explore the bottom of the ocean or outer space?
- If you could only eat one dessert forever, what would you choose?
- What would be your top idea for a new invention?
- What is your favorite ice cream topping?
- Have you ever made a gingerbread house before?
- What is the one thing you think your past self would be proud of?
- What is your family’s go-to holiday destination?
- Do you have any siblings? If yes, how many?
- Would you rather give up your mobile phone or your laptop?
- What flavor of popcorn is your favorite?

- Are you a sushi lover?
- What is the one thing you would say you are an expert in?
- What is the one fashion trend you wish to return?
- If you had to write a book, what genre would you choose?
- Which is your favorite planet, and why?
- If you could choose one generation to be born in, which one would you choose?
- What is the one thing no one can ever guess about you?
- If you were a wrestler, what song would you choose as your entrance theme?
If your date seems to be fun and playful, you may even try playing the 21 questions game, which can be a cool way to bond and get your conversation started. It could help you shed the initial inhibition and learn more about each other in an entertaining way.
Jacob Gross, a blogger, shares his experience with multiple icebreaker activities and his favorite icebreaker question. He writes, “I’ve reached a point of mixed emotions about icebreaker activities. They can seem super forced and not fun.” He continues, “Cue my favorite icebreaker question ever: What is your favorite kitchen appliance (i)?” He mentions that this question has sparked interesting conversations with unknown people, which makes it his favorite.
Ensure that everyone in the group gets a fair chance to answer their questions. However, do not force anyone to respond and let them know it’s okay to skip.
Using icebreaker questions is all about setting the right vibe and getting people talking. You can spark some fun conversations and help everyone feel more at ease by picking the right moment and questions. Keep reading for some easy tips on using these icebreaker questions efficiently.
How To Use Icebreaker Questions Effectively
Here are some tips to make those questions work their magic.
- Use lighter questions in casual settings, like parties or team gatherings, to create a relaxed atmosphere.
- Choose questions relevant to the audience. For example, use work-related queries in professional settings and personal questions for friends.
- Aim for questions that promote interaction and allow the other party to share their thoughts.
- Pay attention to the other person’s energy and adjust your approach based on their reactions to ensure they feel included.
- Be ready to answer too. If you ask a question, be prepared to share your own answer – it makes the conversation flow better.
- Keep it short and fun. The goal is to break the ice, not turn it into a long debate. Let things move at a comfortable pace.
- Keep it natural. Do not fire off questions like an interview. Slip them into the conversation when it feels right.
Infographic: Top 10 Questions That Work As Perfect Conversation Starters
Meeting a stranger on a blind date or being stuck at a boring party could be daunting. However, there are certain ways to break the awkward silence and make new friends. If you are hesitant about making the first move or simply can’t get the right words out, check out the infographic below for a list of 10 interesting conversation starters, perfect for breaking the ice in almost all situations.

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
We all find ourselves running short of words from time to time, whether on a blind date or in a new workplace where you want to work on getting to know someone but don’t know how. And it is alright. You do not have to sit in awkward silence, thinking of something to keep the conversation moving forward. Instead, just bookmark this page, and the next time you find yourself at a loss for words, whip out your phone and these questions will help you in breaking the ice with one of these fun icebreaker questions. These fun questions will not only help you initiate a conversation but also build new relationships and help you in team building. These thought-provoking questions and ice-breaking games can really work in group dynamics, where you desperately need interactive exercises and want to initiate open-ended questions. Try these fun-filled questions while networking with new people and amp up your socializing game!
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some creative ways to ask icebreaker questions?
You can spice things up by turning icebreakers into games, like a quick round of trivia or a fun quiz. Polls and team-building activities are also excellent ways to ask engaging questions and get everyone involved.
What are some fun virtual icebreakers?
Asking someone about their pet or asking them silly “would you rather” questions are some great ways to break the ice in a virtual conversation.
What are some good Zoom icebreakers?
Here are some good icebreaker questions to ask on Zoom:
- If you had a superpower, what would it be?
- What do you want people to remember you for?
- What is the worst travel experience you have ever had?
What are some fun icebreaker questions for a group of friends?
Here are some fun icebreaker questions for a group of friends:
- What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?
- If you could hang out with any cartoon character, who would you choose and why?
- Choose one- The Addams Family or The Incredibles?
What are some unique icebreaker questions for a networking event?
Here are some unique icebreaker questions for a networking event:
- If you won the lottery tomorrow, what is the first thing you would do?
- How would you describe your job to a five-year-old?
- Come up with a fun fake job title.
How can you tailor icebreaker questions to different age groups or demographics?
You have to keep in mind the group that you are trying to break the ice with—some icebreakers can be focused on networking and jobs for a professional setting, and some can include trivia and pop culture references for friends, families, and other social gatherings. You can also come up with different parameters based on the occasion and location. To dive deeper, you can explore questions to ask to get to know someone better, which can also help create meaningful connections.
What are some common mistakes to avoid when using icebreaker questions?
Try to keep the icebreakers sequential, if the atmosphere demands it. Keep them short and prompt without dragging them. Do not try too hard and expect long responses. Wait for them to feel comfortable before engaging in a full-blown conversation.
How do I make sure the conversation does not die after one question?
Listen carefully and respond with curiosity. If someone says their dream job is being a travel blogger, ask where they would go first or what is stopping them. Perhaps their responses can create an opening for you to add to their thoughts in a complementary way. Overall, the key is to keep it engaging and not limit it to just a one-liner Q and A exchange.
Illustration: Icebreaker Questions To Start A Conversation

Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team
Start your next meeting off on the right foot. Check this video for 8 fun and easy icebreakers to get everyone mingling and talking in no time.
Personal Experience: Source
StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic personal narratives that provide depth and resonance to our content. Below are the sources of the personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. My favorite icebreaker question. Ever.https://medium.com/@jcbgrss/my-favorite-icebreaker-question-ever-f134fd41b42b
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- Breaking the Ice: A Pre-intervention Strategy to Engage Research Participants

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