11 Signs That My Husband Hates Me And What To Do About It

Stop fearing the worst and know when to win your partner back or make a clean break.

Reviewed by Roma Williams, LMFT Roma Williams Roma WilliamsLMFT facebook_iconinsta_iconinsta_icon
Written by Sneha Tete, Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach Sneha Tete Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Edited by Shatabdi Bhattacharya, BSc Shatabdi Bhattacharya BSc linkedin_icon Experience: 2.5 years
Fact-checked by Sangita Goel, MA Sangita Goel MA linkedin_icon Experience: 2 years
Last Updated on
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Love and hate are common human emotions (1). Also, misunderstandings are common in any relationship, where smaller ones end within a couple of days, while bigger ones take some time to resolve. But are you one of those who keep wondering, “Why my husband hates me?” Couples share great feelings of love initially, but when differences arise, that bond may wreck. If your spouse shows signs of marital unhappiness like withdrawing from you or being critical of everything you do, it’s important to address the issue before it leads to further problems. You may notice changes in your husband’s behavior over time, but it does not mean he hates you. However, if his actions strongly suggest feelings of hatred, it is crucial to reflect on the underlying reasons such as unfulfilled needs or unresolved conflicts. If you are confused about whether your husband hates you, this post is for you. In this article, we have discussed possible signs of why your husband hates you and what to do in that situation. Scroll down for more information.

Why Would Your Husband Hate You?

Angry husband shouting at wife in hate

Many spouses tend to wonder if their husband hates them. But what is the genesis of such thinking? Well, hate stems from many places. A husband may exhibit behaviors perceived as ‘hate’ due to underlying psychological or emotional struggles that go unaddressed. Deep-seated stress, unresolved trauma, or mental health issues such as depression or anxiety may lead to irritability and emotional withdrawal. There are studies done to understand psychological trauma, trauma-related depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder and why it may lead to unusual behaviors (2). Feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, or personal failures may cause him to project frustration onto his spouse rather than confront his own struggles. 

In some cases, resentment can build over unmet expectations or unspoken conflicts. Additionally, if he grew up in an environment where affection was scarce or conflict was handled with aggression, he may struggle to express love in a healthy way. There are studies that prove that depression in parents is associated with a number of behavior problems in children (3).

Marital dissonance can be caused by a variety of factors like financial stress, communication breakdown, or infidelity. We explore some common triggers that create conflict between spouses. Marital disharmony or marital incompatibility often grows into deep-rooted resentment that can spiral into hatred.

You Are Not Investing In The Relationship

People and relationships are constantly evolving. But for many couples, complacency creeps in once they are married. Couples move into a routine and gradually stop making an effort to stay connected.

In the dating world, men usually tend to be hunters, enjoying the chase until their partner agrees to date or marry them. This can change the dynamic between them. The shift in their behavior post marriage could be unsettling for many women, and they may start to wonder if their husbands still desire them.

For example, imagine you and your husband used to go on spontaneous weekend getaways and have long late-night conversations before marriage. Now, your days revolve around work and scrolling through your phones in silence. Neither of you makes an effort to plan date nights or express appreciation. This leads to an emotional gap that grows wider with time.

Both men and women also may get caught up in the daily grind of responsibilities and not have the space or time to invest in the relationship. This can eventually escalate and result in a deep disconnection that, over time, compounds into a feeling of hatred.

You Are Not Mindful In The Relationship

Once the initial adrenalinei  A neurotransmitter and hormone released by the adrenal glands and is responsible for the body’s fight-or-flight response. rush of the relationship dies down, one partner may stop being as caring, thoughtful, and mindful as they were earlier. Selflessness may be replaced by selfishness. If this is a deeply ingrained quality in one of the partners, it might emerge in uglier ways later.

Many times, one partner feels disdain for the other when it is just them doing the heavy lifting in terms of responsibilities and giving their all to the relationship – without any apparent contribution from the partner. As that dynamic continues to grow, the two people settle into a pattern where one person does all the giving, and the other person gets used to receiving. This can be connected to household chores, taking care of children, planning parties, managing finances, etc.

For example, say your husband is the one always planning vacations, remembering anniversaries, and handling daily responsibilities, while you barely acknowledge these efforts. Over time, he starts feeling unappreciated and exhausted, while you assume this is normal. Resentment builds when your husband realizes that you don’t even notice the imbalance.

You Are Being Unfaithful To Your Partner

In the internet era, being unfaithful in relationships can take many shapes and forms. Sometimes, it can be an emotional relationship that is fully conducted online. Or it may involve texting with a colleague. Of course, it can also be a full-blown relationship that has resulted in physically cheating. As these relationships grow, partners tend to gradually engage less with their spouses and look to fulfill their needs outside the marriage.

For example, say your husband notices you spending more time on your phone and guarding the screen when they walk by. At first, they brush it off as work stress, but then they notice late-night texting and secretive smiles. As the signs of cheating become clear and the unfaithfulness comes to light, it can lead to deep feelings of resentment, aggressiveness, anger, and negativity between the couple. These negative emotions can lead to deep feelings of hatred or resentment.

These are some of the reasons your husband may seem to have grown apart or developed resentment or hate towards you. But how can you know for sure? The following signs can help you understand.

Key Takeaways

  • Every relation has the phase of love and hate, and it can be seen with some signs.
  • Constant fights, losing interest, lack of physical intimacy, physical and financial abuse, and over-controlling are certain signs that your husband may dislike you.
  • If you want to continue the relationship despite this behavior, try understanding the root of your marital problems and solve it with a plan of action.
  • Give time and communicate transparently.

Possible Signs Your Husband Hates You

Recognizing the signs of resentment from your husband is crucial if you want to address the issues and mend your relationship. The worst thing you can do is ignore the signs and pretend they don’t matter. These can cause immense emotional distress in the long run. So, address these signs with an open mind and communicate your feelings honestly. Continue reading to discover signs indicating that your husband has hateful feelings for you.

1. You And Your Spouse Are Constantly Fighting

Husband and wife yelling and fighting

Arguing over differences of opinion, marital disagreement, or the most trivial of issues is a sign of a healthy relationship. However, when clear communication is replaced by constant fights over the smallest of things, the relationship can become toxic. It can lead to an unhappy marriage.

For example, say you and your husband used to have occasional disagreements but could talk them through. Now, even minor issues escalate into full-blown arguments. The tension lingers long after the fight, making your home feel more like a battlefield than a place of comfort.

To avoid such circumstances, observe how often fights take place and how quickly they escalate. Secondly, observe how long it takes to resolve them and whether they get resolved at all.

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Another cause could be that you are being too negative, and he believes you are constantly criticizing or assaulting him.

2. Your Spouse Has Lost Interest In You

Sometimes, a spouse may drift away as a consequence of his own experiences or some trauma that might have led to a shift in his feelings. Early signs of marital discordance can include withdrawal from conversations, spending long hours away from home, shying away from intimacy, and not taking an interest in your life.

For example, say your spouse once made plans for the weekend and showed affection regularly. Now, conversations feel forced, and he barely acknowledges your presence. He spends more time on his phone or finds excuses to stay late at work. When you try to engage, he responds with indifference or one-word answers. Over time, the emotional distance grows, making you feel more like a roommate than a partner in the marriage.

Tracey Folly, a blogger, shared why she thought her husband hated her: “For years, I thought my husband hated me. After all, he didn’t call me or text me when we were apart. He made me feel like I was invisible. I started resenting him for not caring about me (i).”

As you become more frustrated, conflict may arise, and these interactions can result in hatred in the relationship.

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If he exhibits no evidence of missing you while you are away, this could signify animosity in the marriage. As you arrive at home, he may appear disinterested or even furious.

3. Reduced Intimacy

Lack of physical intimacy between husband and wife

This could be common among women after giving birth. Typically, the fatigue of caregiving and labor results in many women having postpartum depressioni  Also known as PPD, it is a common condition among new mothers who fall into depression post-childbirth. , and they may lose interest in intimacy. If lack of intimacy continues for an extended period, it may indicate an issue in the relationship. Marital incompatibility can cause deep-seated resentment and lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

For example, say you and your spouse once shared affectionate moments and deep conversations before bed. Now, days go by without physical closeness, and even small gestures like holding hands feel distant. 

When you try to initiate intimacy, he seems uninterested. Conversations about the issue are met with avoidance or excuses about being too tired or busy. Over time, this emotional and physical disconnect can make you feel unwanted and alone in the relationship.

A couple may also get caught up in the daily grind of responsibilities. As a result, intimacy comes to a grinding halt. But if your husband is not taking the initiative to restore that intimacy, talk about it! This could be a sign to watch out for.

4. Your Intimacy Is Not Consensual

Sometimes, spouses believe that they can have sex on demand once they are married. However, marital rape is recognized as a crime in most parts of the world. Coercion and assault are early signs of physical and sexual abuse. Studies prove that women who are victims of spousal sexual abuse often suffer from other types of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) as well (4). There also may be substance abuse involving alcohol or drugs. Typically, the perpetrators of such behavior will be very apologetic the next day and beg for forgiveness. These are early signs of an unsafe space in a marriage.

For example, say your spouse pressures you into intimacy even when you clearly express discomfort or reluctance. He dismisses your refusals, making you feel guilty for denying him or accusing you of neglecting the marriage. If you resist, he sulks, becomes aggressive, or manipulates you into submission. Over time, this pattern can make you feel trapped and unheard in your own relationship.

5. You Feel Taken For Granted

Your spouse may not stick to his commitments. He might not take ownership for any responsibilities, and all the burdens fall upon you. These can include paying bills, looking after children, attending Parent-Teacher Association meetings, and caring for each other’s families. He may also stop complimenting or appreciating you for all the efforts you make.

For example, say you handle all the household chores, manage the kids’ schedules, and take care of both your families without any acknowledgment. Your spouse, meanwhile, expects everything to be done without offering help or appreciation. When you bring it up, he brushes it off, saying you are overreacting or being too demanding.

These are early signs of disconnection that may signal that your husband does not like you as he once did. However, it also could be a sign that you all are lacking communication and may need to discuss how you are feeling.

6. There Are Signs He Is Cheating

Some of the early signs of cheating are that he is always preoccupied. For example, say your husband starts making sudden changes to his routine. When you try to talk to him, he dismisses your concerns or turns the conversation around to make you feel guilty for questioning him. He might always be on his phone. He returns late from the office or goes on impromptu business trips. He may also show less enthusiasm towards intimacy, but makes an effort to go to the gym, invests in grooming, and seems to have a spring in his step.

Another conflicting behavior is that he showers you with gifts. It could be so to compensate for his guilt. As you uncover the truth, it can result in feelings of marital discord, unrest, disappointment, anger, and hatred in the relationship.

7. He Is Very Controlling

Early signs of control in the relationship are when he tries to influence your decisions by being persuasive. For example, say your husband insists on choosing your outfits, criticizing your preferences under the guise of “helping you look better.” At first, it seems like harmless advice, but soon, he starts deciding where you can go, who you can meet, and how you should spend your money. If you push back, he either guilt-trips you or gives you the silent treatment. Over time, you find yourself making choices just to avoid conflict. This can evolve into stonewalling if you do not agree with his decision-making.

8. Physical Abuse

It may start with a slap or just pushing you around when he is angry. Extreme anger and rage are symptoms of physical abuse. It could also be that the perpetrator always apologizes and compensates for abuse with grand gestures, which leaves the victim very confused about the true nature of their spouse. As the violence grows, the marital strife and hatred in the relationship also grow.

For example, say your husband loses his temper during an argument and grabs your arm tightly, leaving a bruise. He apologizes the next day, bringing flowers and promising it will never happen again. But over time, his outbursts escalate. You find yourself walking on eggshells, unsure of when the next outburst will come.

9. Financial Abuse

Another frequently hidden form of abuse perpetrated within intimate partner relationships is economic abuse, also referred to as financial abuse (4). Financial abuse usually manifests in two ways. If one spouse is not working outside the home, the partner who brings home a paycheck may use it to control the other partner by withholding money or restricting its use. On the other hand, if a partner is not working and does not contribute in any other way, the entire financial burden can fall on one spouse. Ruining your partner’s credit or stealing can be additional forms of financial abuse and may cause marital tension.

For example, say your husband insists on handling all the finances and gives you a small allowance while refusing to let you access bank accounts. If you ask for money, he demands an explanation for every expense and criticizes your spending. Over time, you feel powerless and trapped, unable to make financial decisions or even leave the relationship if you want to.

10. You And Your Spouse Are Always On Smartphones

As spouses grow apart, the digital world becomes an easy escape from facing the fears, difficulties, and realities of a relationship. He may not be having an affair or seeking outside validation. It is just that he is not prioritizing the relationship due to some reason. He might be watching a show or talking to a friend instead of talking to you. For example, say you and your husband once spent evenings talking and sharing about your day. Now, dinner is eaten in silence while both of you scroll through your phones. He’s immersed in social media, while you check emails or watch videos. Conversations are brief, and quality time feels nonexistent. 

As you grow apart and the other partner gets more frustrated with this situation, feelings of resentment can easily grow into hate.

11. You Feel Unappreciated

Your bond and emotional well-being may suffer greatly if you feel unappreciated in the partnership. Long-term feelings of being unappreciated by your husband can contribute to stress, anxiety, or depression. An emotional distance may develop between you and your partner due to it. This could cause you to feel alone or isolated. Unaddressed sentiments of being unappreciated over time can also give rise to resentment. It can take a toll on your self-esteem and make you doubt the value you bring to the relationship. If not addressed properly, feelings of being unappreciated can hinder open communication, which is a major sign of disrespect in marriage.

For example, say you always make an effort to cook his favorite meals, remember important dates, and support him through tough times, yet he never acknowledges or thanks you. He comes home, eats, and barely looks up from his phone. When you express your feelings, he dismisses them, saying you are overreacting. Over time, the lack of appreciation leaves you feeling invisible and undervalued.

These are the 11 major signs that your husband may hate you. While it is a difficult situation, it sure must be dealt with. What can you do?

What To Do When Your Husband Hates You

Woman wondering what to do about her failing marriage

All relationships are unique and have different complexities. However, some patterns do exist, and they can work as cues to help you understand what actions to take going forward. Here is a list of ways in which you can navigate through these tough times with care, kindness, and firmness.

  • Understand If You Want To Make It Work

So, your relationship may be in trouble. But do you want to make it better? Think about whether the relationship has a positive or negative impact on your life. What is its impact, for instance, on your mental and physical health? Are you always suffering? Is there peace in the relationship? Do you look forward to spending the rest of your life with your spouse and growing old together? Can you be your true self in the relationship, or are you always operating from a place of fear, sadness, or obligation? You may journal the feelings to have a better understanding of what you want or consult a therapist if need more clarity.

  • Seek Professional Advice 

It is not always easy to find answers by yourself. Sometimes, it is a good idea to seek professional support to help you navigate and go deeper. Marriage is one of the most important, life-altering decisions you have taken, and hence, being able to see things logically and understanding the root cause of marital conflict is important before moving forward. You can either speak to a mental health counselor or a life coach based on your relationship goals. For instance, if you are in an abusive marriage, seeking support from a counselor is necessary to help you deal with the trauma. If you have difficulty being assertive and find yourself in compromising situations, working with a life coach can be effective.

  • Find A Safe Space 

If you are in a physically abusive marriage, safety can be a priority. You can reach out to organizations that offer shelter and support. If you have a good ecosystem, you can also seek shelter with close friends and family who can support you during these challenging times.

  • Communicate Your Feelings

Sometimes, the impact of conflict and negative words in a relationship can take a toll on your self-esteem. It could be that you and your spouse have gone for years without having an honest conversation about your feelings. You also do not take the opportunity to discuss boundaries and expectations. This results in a lack of agreement on a host of relationship issues and may cause marital dissatisfaction. In turn, it leads to little conflicts that grow into major rifts and turn into hatred over the years, which may lead to marital separation.

So, have a sit-down with your spouse and share your feelings without making accusations. Nurture a safe space where you don’t judge each other or play the blame game. Open up and share your difficulties. You may have to do this several times and that would be a great investment in your relationship regardless of which direction the conversation moves. So, schedule regular check-ins to communicate and discuss issues openly. It is never too late to start a new chapter in your relationship, especially if you and your spouse love each other.

  • Devise A Concrete Plan Of Action

The outcome of your conversation will help you determine what action is best for you. If you and your spouse decide to work things out, you need to work on your plan together. If you decide to go your separate ways, it is still a good idea to part on mutual consent. However, this aspect also depends on the energy levels between the spouses. Sometimes hatred can run so deep in a relationship that spouses prioritize revenge as opposed to an amicable separation.

  • Seek Out Couple’s Therapy

If you decide to work things out, a couple’s therapy intervention is a positive step. Therapy can help spouses get a deeper understanding of their issues. In addition to the expression of emotions, more general patterns of communication are typically a primary target of therapy. Listening and expression skills and problem-solving skills are usually addressed. This is an investment of time and resources. It demands that both do the work with commitment.

Divorce As An Outcome

Divorce is a possible outcome when a husband hates his wife

Despite couple’s therapy or a conversation with your spouse, sometimes marital dissolution may be the only solution. Hence, it is important to look at it not as an ending but as a new beginning for yourself. This is an opportunity to reinvent, recharge, and rejuvenate yourself. Seek the support of the right lawyer who understands your situation and start the process.

Also, be prepared that your spouse may seek ways to abuse or trigger you in the case of a non-amicable divorce. Think through things and decide how you are going to deal with it. Beware of such realities, too. At the same time, invest in your journey of growth. Although marital breakdown can be devastating for both partners, marital estrangement may also be an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Who knows – you may also be able to find love in the future.

Infographic: How To Be A Better Spouse

We all make mistakes; sometimes, we cross lines we should never have. Making such mistakes in a marriage could be damaging, but if you put your mind to it, you can always work towards improving things. Check out the infographic below on how to be a better partner in your marriage.

how to be a better spouse (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

A resentful marriage can have long-term negative consequences for your mental, physiological, financial, and physical well-being. Knowing when to part ways or remain is crucial for making life decisions. Make a sensible decision based on reality and your personal requirements, objectives, and future goals. Recognize why your husband may despise you. So, if you are wondering ‘why my husband hates me’, check out the article for possible signs that your husband hates you and what to do in that circumstance. Be objective and make the best decision you can; your future self will thank you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can someone hate you and love you at the same time?

Although hate and love are opposites, you may experience a sense of emotional ambivalence that develops both fond and not-so-fond feelings for someone. Therefore, love and hate may coexist.

Can a husband hate his wife even if he doesn’t show any outward signs of hostility or aggression?

Yes, husbands can harbor hatred and resentment without showing any signs of it. Silent treatment, indifference, neglect, and mental checkout from the relationship could be a sign of resentment.

Is it possible for a husband to hate his wife and still stay in the marriage?

Yes, spouses can hate each other and still stay together due to societal, financial, or family pressure. However, this type of relationship is bound to be unhealthy for both the parties involved.

When is it time to consider counseling or therapy for my relationship with my husband?

When the hatred starts affecting your mental, emotional, and physical health, it is time to consider a therapist or a marriage counselor.

Are there any warning signs that my husband may be considering a divorce?

When your husband starts staying out late, hides financial information, attempts to procure important documents, shows signs of being unfaithful, and acts indifferent towards you, it might be a sign of an upcoming divorce.

Illustration: Signs That My Husband Hates Me And What To Do About It

my husband hates me

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team

Learning that your husband hates you is one of the worst things to happen! Watch this video to learn the signs early on and what to do next.

Personal Experience: Source


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  1. The Deeper the Love, the Deeper the Hate
  2. Intimate partner violence
  3. Financial abuse
  4. Couples therapy
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Roma Williams
Roma Williams is a marriage, mental health, and family therapist and the Founder and Clinical Director at Unload It Therapy. She has 5 years of experience, and through her strategy-based and compassionate approaches, she helps her clients excel as individuals, life partners, and professionals and develop healthy mindset shifts by enabling them to deal with burnout, emotions, crisis/trauma, and navigate complex relationships.

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Sneha Tete
Sneha TeteBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sneha holds a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad and a professional Relationship Coach diploma. With over four years of experience in writing, she specializes in crafting insightful articles on relationships and lifestyle.

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Shatabdi Bhattacharya
Shatabdi BhattacharyaAssociate Editor
Shatabdi is an associate editor and an alumnus of Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata, where she honed her skills and developed a deep understanding of the world of literature and expression. She has worked with various organizations and websites operating in different industries, ranging from education to lifestyle, showing her adaptability and drive to learn.

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Sangita Goel
Sangita GoelBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sangita is a content writer with a passion for exploring diverse genres. She has written 100+ blogs on an array of topics, including relationships, travel, beauty, and fashion. Armed with a master’s degree in history from Indira Gandhi National Open University, she has leveraged her curiosity to write captivating, engaging, and informative articles.

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