206 Best “Never Have I Ever Questions” For Couples
Discover more about your partner and spice up your bond with the fun game of questions.

Image: Shutterstock
Looking for some of the best “Never Have I Ever” questions to spice up your next get-together? This slumber party classic is fun, flirty, and just a little bit naughty. And we have listed out some spicy, entertaining questions, so all you have to do is enjoy!
“Never Have I Ever” is an excellent game for getting to know someone, particularly your partner. This game can be played in two ways: non-drinking and drinking. If you want to unwind, order some nachos and soda and cuddle up to your lover while you ask the questions. On the other hand, you could get food and wine and make it a romantic night if you want to get a little woozy while making it personal. Just remember, don’t make it too difficult to answer the questions!
Don’t know what to ask? Don’t worry! We have put together a list of “Never Have I Ever” questions for couples. You can use these questions as is or modify them to make them more specific to you and your partner. Whatever you choose to do, remember to have fun! Keep scrolling to check out the ‘Never Have I Ever’ questions below.
In This Article
“Never Have I Ever” Questions For Couples

We have divided ‘Never Have I Ever Questions’ into four lists: talking stage, dating stage, long-term relationship, and funny topics. The selection and categorization of these sentences are based on the natural progression of the relationship. It contains light-hearted and funny sentences for casual conversations. The dating stage topics delve into personal preferences and compatibility. For long-term relationships, the topics are more reflective and thought-provoking. All of these topics are designed to help couples in different stages of their relationship. The article is compiled after consulting relationship coaches, counselors, and other social media platforms. Try these ‘Never Have I Ever’ questions and connect to your partner in a meaningful way!
“Never Have I Ever” Questions For Talking Stage
- Never have I ever broken my phone screen.
- Never have I ever eaten mud.
- Never have I ever jumped out of a flying plane.
- Never have I ever tripped and fallen in public.
- Never have I ever wet the bed after growing up.
- Never have I ever attempted to belly dance by myself.
- Never have I ever made a wish at a wish fountain.
- Never have I ever cut in front of someone in line.
- Never have I ever read a Harry Potter book.
- Never have I ever been inside a library.
- Never have I ever shot a gun.
- Never have I ever seen an elephant.
- Never have I ever been to Universal Studios.
- Never have I ever accidentally pooped my pants.
- Never have I ever walked in on someone using the toilet.
- Never have I ever had someone walk in on me while I was on the toilet.
- Never have I ever owned an Xbox.
- Never have I ever farted loudly in public.
- Never have I ever had food stuck between my teeth all day.
- Never have I ever Googled something, so I would know how to spell it.
- Never have I ever been so scared to be outside at night, that I ran back in.
- Never have I ever driven while drunk.
- Never have I ever mistaken a guy for a girl or vice versa.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard, I accidentally peed my pants.
- Never have I ever played in the snow.
- Never have I ever solved a Sudoku puzzle.
- Never have I ever had diarrhea at another person’s house.
- Never have I ever broken a chair by sitting on it.
- Never have I ever lost my bottoms while swimming.
- Never have I ever gone on a blind date.
- Never have I ever dined and dashed.
- Never have I ever used a pickup line.
- Never have I ever created a fake Instagram account.
- Never have I ever gone to a party I wasn’t invited to.
- Never have I ever had a crush on my friend’s sibling.
- Never have I ever been arrested.
- Never have I ever bullied someone at school.
- Never have I ever missed my flight.
- Never have I ever cheated on a test or exam
- Never have I ever sleepwalked.
- Never have I ever run into a glass door.
- Never have I ever been stuck in a lift.
- Never have I ever maxed out my credit card.
- Never have I ever used drugs.
- Never have I ever blacked out.
- Never have I ever jumped into a pool with clothes on.
- Never have I ever shoplifted.
- Never have I ever attempted a trending diet plan.
- Never have I ever danced in the rain.
- Never have I ever stolen money.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions For Talking Stage
- Never have I ever tried to pass a silent fart, but it came out surprisingly loud instead.
- Never have I ever stayed up all night reading a book or watching a movie.
- Never have I ever given cash to a homeless person.
- Never have I ever lied about my age.
- Never have I ever accidentally or intentionally eaten a bug.
- Never have I ever met a celebrity in real life.
- Never have I ever thought a movie remake was better than the book.
- Never have I ever voted.
- Never have I ever owned an expensive watch.
- Never have I ever gone bungee jumping
- Never have I ever had invasive surgery.
- Never have I ever had a dental cavity.
- Never have I ever gone mini-golfing.
- Never have I ever ridden a skateboard.
- Never have I ever played a musical instrument.
- Never have I ever bought clothing or shoes online.
- Never have I ever forgotten a joke while telling it.
- Never have I ever sung a song and messed up the lyrics.
- Never have I ever arrived somewhere super late and had everyone staring at me.
- Never have I ever dialed the wrong person, but pretended I was calling them.
- Never have I ever spent the entire night watching videos on YouTube.
- Never have I ever seen Titanic.
- Never have I ever gotten a tattoo.
- Never have I ever had a crush on my teacher.
- Never have I ever signed up on a dating website.
- Never have I ever ghosted someone after a date.
- Never have I ever had a one-night stand.
- Never have I ever drunk-dialed an ex.
- Never have I ever gone skinny dipping.
- Never have I ever had a crush on my best friend.
- Never have I ever had a crush on my friend’s partner.
- Never have I ever broken up through text messages.
- Never have I ever had a crush on two people at the same time.
- Never have I ever been in an open relationship.
- Never have I ever had someone draw a portrait of me.
- Never have I ever quit my job and walked out.
“Never Have I Ever” Questions For Couples In Long-Term Relationships

- Never have I ever tried to look into the sun.
- Never have I ever sent a text to the person I was gossiping about.
- Never have I ever said “I love you” when I didn’t mean it.
- Never have I ever lied to my parents that I was staying at my friend’s house but was actually somewhere else.
- Never have I ever dated or hooked up with someone 10 years older than me.
- Never have I ever looked through my partner’s phone.
- Never have I ever broken someone’s heart.
- Never have I ever dated 2 people at the same time.
- Never have I ever broken the law.
- Never have I ever cried in public.
- Never have I ever asked someone to marry me.
- Never have I ever cheated.
- Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight.
- Never have I ever kissed someone on the beach.
- Never have I ever been cheated on.
- Never have I ever fake-cried to get something.
- Never have I ever been jealous of my partner’s success.
- Never have I ever sent a handwritten love note.
Key Takeaways
- The ‘Never Have I Ever’ game provides a perfect opportunity to learn more about your partner’s life and experiences before they met you.
- You can find out what sort of experiences your partner has already had and which experiences you can undertake together in the future.
- It is best to play this game in the early days of your relationship to strengthen your bond further.
- You can also add a drinking element to the game to make it spicier.
Funny “Never Have I Ever” Questions For Couples

- Never have I ever drank expired water.
- Never have I ever missed a high five.
- Never have I ever heard someone else doing ‘it’.
- Never have I ever been scared of clowns.
- Never have I ever danced in the shower.
- Never have I ever blamed my farts on another person.
- Never have I ever slept in formal clothing.
- Never have I ever cooked rice in a Rice Cooker.
- Never have I ever played Candy Crush.
- Never have I ever won a game of Ludo.
- Never have I ever made a pout face when taking a selfie.
- Never have I ever driven my car and pretended to be in a music video.
- Never have I ever fantasized about a cartoon character.
- Never have I ever cried during a Disney movie.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a member of the same sex.
- Never have I ever wondered about what breed of dog I would be.
- Never have I ever watched children’s cartoons I am too old for.
- Never have I ever looked for glasses that I was already wearing.
- Never have I ever had a childish nightmare about zombies chasing me.

- Never have I ever pretended to laugh myself silly at a joke I didn’t get.
- Never have I ever watched the remake of Ghostbusters.
- Never have I ever dressed as a member of the opposite sex.
- Never have I ever watched Spongebob Squarepants.
- Never have I ever “cleaned up” by pushing everything into a closet.
- Never have I ever sung karaoke.
- Never have I ever danced to the Gangnam Style music video.
- Never have I ever pretended to know a stranger who seemed to know me.
- Never have I ever worn pajamas outside and pretended it was proper clothing.
- Never have I ever said “oh sorry” when there was no one around.
- Never have I ever startled myself by walking in front of a mirror.
- Never have I ever faked being sick, so I could stay home and chill.
- Never have I ever dreamed of being an actor.
- Never have I ever actually laughed out loud when typing LOL in a text.
- Never have I ever locked myself out of my car.
- Never have I ever not tipped at a restaurant.
- Never have I ever put chewing gum under a table.
- Never have I ever tasted dog or cat food.
- Never have I ever tried a DIY I saw on Pinterest.
- Never have I ever stalked someone on social media after I met them.

- Never have I ever traveled solo.
- Never have I ever regifted a gift.
- Never have I ever regretted sending an email after sending it.
- Never have I ever daydreamed about being the host on a talk show.
- Never have I ever Googled my details to see what comes up.
- Never have I ever pretended I was running from monsters while on a run.
- Never have I ever sat down while in the shower.
- Never have I ever stalked an ex.
- Never have I ever flown in a helicopter.
- Never have I ever been on stage in front of a large crowd.
- Never have I ever lied in a job interview.
- Never have I ever lied on a dating app.
- Never have I ever catfished someone.
- Never have I ever kissed a celebrity.
- Never have I ever cooked food while drunk and ended up burning it.
- Never have I ever worn a dress out of my dirty laundry.
- Never have I ever pretended to be asleep to avoid doing chores.
- Never have I ever brushed my teeth with someone else’s toothbrush.
- Never have I ever played strip poker.
- Never have I ever thrown a drink at someone.
- Never have I ever sent a dirty text unknowingly to the wrong person.

- Never have I ever spied on my neighbors.
- Never have I ever danced on the table.
- Never have I ever been kicked out of a bar.
- Never have I ever forgotten where I parked my car.
- Never have I ever tried to impress someone and failed miserably.
- Never have I ever been chased by a dog.
- Never have I ever disliked something that I cooked.
- Never have I ever pretended to not be at home when someone rang the doorbell.
- Never have I ever gone out without wearing my pants.
- Never have I ever called my date by the wrong name.
- Never have I ever dropped my phone in a toilet.
- Never have I ever eaten food off the floor.
- Never have I ever clogged someone’s toilet.
- Never have I ever been locked out of my house and slept outdoors.
- Never have I ever worn the same underwear for two consecutive days.
- Never have I ever screamed while watching a horror movie.
- Never have I ever used another person’s Netflix account.
- Never have I ever given a fake number away
- Never have I ever purposely given someone the wrong direction.
- Never have I ever broken something in a shop and quickly walked out.
- Never have I ever kissed a pillow to practice.
- Never have I ever worn someone else’s underwear.

- Never have I ever cheated in a card game.
- Never have I ever sent a dirty text to someone.
- Never have I ever said something embarrassing over the speakerphone.
- Never have I ever peed in a pool.
- Never have I ever pretended to be sick to get attention.
- Never have I ever called in sick and gone to the pub.
- Never have I ever quietly farted at the office and left the room.
- Never have I ever gone for days without showering.
- Never have I ever walked into the wrong restroom.
- Never have I ever made a prank call.
- Never have I ever given a fake name.
- Never have I ever tried to guess my neighbor’s Wi-Fi password.
- Never have I ever gone on more than one date in a day.
- Never have I ever peed outside.
- Never have I ever fallen on my face.
- Never have I ever got on the wrong train or bus.
- Never have I ever been out in public with a visible booger in my nose.
- Never have I ever enjoyed a smell I’m supposed to find gross.
- Never have I ever forgotten a family member’s birthday.
- Never have I ever made up a story about someone that wasn’t real.
While this game is fun and quite appropriate to be a part of an adult party game, it’s important to remember that not everyone likes sharing personal details with others. Aja Corliss, a blogger, critiques the game ‘10 Fingers’ (Never Have I Ever) for pressuring young individuals to disclose taboo experiences, particularly related to sex and drugs. The game, while seemingly innocent, perpetuates societal expectations and glorifies promiscuity, influencing perceptions of maturity and self-worth among adolescents. She writes, “I was profoundly affected by all the times I played this seemingly innocent game. Every time I couldn’t put a finger down, I felt disappointment and frustration (i).” A way to make this game fun for everyone is to include some impersonal and generic questions as well.
In addition, there are a few things to keep in mind before asking these questions to ensure the game remains comfortable and enjoyable for you and your partner. Let’s know more in the next section.
Things To Keep In Mind While Asking “Never Have I Ever Questions” For Couples
- Set The Scene: While asking ‘never have I ever questions’ make sure to set the scene right. You can look for a cozy place at a cafe or home, with soothing romantic songs or tunes playing in the backdrop. Further, you can add candles or dim the lights to create an intimate and relaxed vibe.
- Set Boundaries: Make sure the questions are respectful to keep your partner or someone you are seeing comfortable. The idea is to keep your relationship dynamics in mind while asking questions to avoid making the other person uncomfortable.
- Mix Up The Sentences: While you are playing these couple games, make sure to ask both light-hearted and deeper questions to keep the game balanced. If you are at a fairly new stage of a relationship, you can skip asking overly personal questions. The idea is to respect your partner’s comfort level and not make them awkward, uncomfortable, or stressed by asking questions.
- Keep Few Backup Questions: Always be prepared with some extra questions, if you notice a shift in mood or feel like a conversation is slowing down, you can throw up some unique questions according to relationship dynamics to keep the conversation interesting and flowing smoothly.
Keeping these points in mind can help you have a fun and memorable experience, irrespective of what stage of relationship you are in.
Infographic: Top 10 “Never Have I Ever Questions” For Couples
A simple game of ‘Never Have I Ever’ lets you know your partner better than a conversation. You get to know their weird quirks and embarrassing moments from their past that make them go red in the face. You also learn more about their interests and the things that they’d like to do with you. So, take a chance and ask your partner the 10 best ‘Never Have I Ever’ questions listed in the infographic below. Scroll down to read them now!

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
Everyone agrees that questions are catalysts for any conversation, and the same is true for a romantic tête-à-tête. The ’never have I ever’ questions can be the ultimate icebreakers, bond creators, and conversation starters. It is also one of the most popular drinking games and you can use these as truth or dare questions for couples also. When you are in the mood for some fun games but do not want to pass on the opportunity to know your partner better or let them get to know you, a few rounds of this game can be your best bet. It offers a sneak peek into your partner’s personality, habits, and preferences while providing a chance for you to open up to them. Group activities such as this game give you a chance for socializing and bonding and lets you hark up some good old childhood memories. You can ask all types of questions in a ’never have I ever’ game, such as personal questions, embarrassing questions, hypothetical questions, deep questions, funny questions, thought-provoking questions, relationship questions, and even family questions. So, let the games begin!
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some relationship-themed “Never Have I Ever” questions for couples?
You could ask questions about fidelity regarding past relationships, jealousy, responsibility, any secrets, or other aspects of your current relationship. Here are a few examples of how you can approach it:
- Never have I ever fallen out of love.
- Never have I ever given a massage.
- Never have I ever told a relationship secret that I wasn’t supposed to share.
- Never have I dated someone for their looks.
- Never have I ever got bored of a relationship.
What are some travel-themed “Never Have I Ever” questions for couples?
You could ask about previous travel plans, cities or countries your partner has traveled to, with whom they usually travel, or their preferred mode of travel.
Are there different variations of “Never Have I Ever”?
Yes, there are many versions of the popular game “Never Have I Ever.” The traditional version involves players taking turns saying things they’ve never done before and others taking a drink if they have. Some versions, like the one played by kids and teens, don’t involve drinking and instead have players count scores on their fingers. There are also versions with different themes, like holiday themes or embarrassing questions.
Can “Never Have I Ever” be played by people of all ages?
Yes, the “Never Have I Ever” game is suitable for people of all ages and can be played with modifications to suit the maturity level and age of players. The game involves mixing mundane activities with shocking ones and provides an opportunity for players to know each other better by asking questions.
Are there any rules or guidelines to follow while playing “Never Have I Ever”?
Yes, the basic rule to play the “Never Have I Ever” game is to take turns making statements starting with “Never have I ever.” If others have done the thing mentioned, they take a drink or put a card on their “Wall of Shame.” You can also play with cards containing questions or rules. Be sure to set clear rules and guidelines before starting to avoid any confusion.
Can “Never Have I Ever” questions be modified for a specific theme or event?
Yes, you can customize “Never Have I Ever” questions to suit any particular theme or group. Whether it’s for a holiday like Christmas or Halloween or a special occasion like a bachelorette party or a baby shower, tailor your questions to fit the situation and players.
How do you decide who starts the game of “Never Have I Ever”?
In some versions, the person with the coolest shoes or the person to their right goes first, while in others, it’s the one who drew the highest card or has the most embarrassing story. There are also versions where the newbie gets to start.
Is it necessary to disclose personal or embarrassing information while playing “Never Have I Ever”?
No, when you’re playing “Never Have I Ever,” you don’t have to share anything personal or embarrassing if you don’t want to. The game is supposed to be fun and casual, so you should feel free to make statements that are more general. If you’re really not comfortable sharing anything, you can always skip your turn.
Can “Never Have I Ever” questions be used as conversation starters or icebreakers?
Yes, “Never Have I Ever” is a game that can be used as a tool. You can learn more about people through this game, and it’s especially useful for getting to know new people. Using these questions can uncover surprising and even awkward facts about people you think you know inside out.
Illustration: Best “Never Have I Ever Questions” For Couples

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team
Spice up your gatherings with this interactive party game! Explore 20 intriguing “Never Have I Ever” questions for couples, igniting laughter and deepening connections. Watch this video now!
Personal Experience: Source
StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic personal narratives that provide depth and resonance to our content. Below are the sources of the personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. Never Have I Ever Hated a Game Morehttps://hackernoon.com/p/publish

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