734 Good Questions To Ask And Get To Know Someone Better
Put an end to the small talk when you have better ways to learn about someone special.

Image: Midjourney/ StyleCraze Design Team
Getting to know someone can take time. But knowing what questions to ask to get to know someone better can make the process easier. Whether it is a date, a new friend, or a colleague – learning more about them can be tricky, and it is always great to have some basic questions to ask to help establish a connection; however, if you want to really get to know someone, it’s important to ask good questions that reveal their personality, interests, and values. Asking meaningful questions may help break the ice and assist you in building an effective bond. Such questions may intrigue the person you are talking to, making them want to learn more about you. Some examples of questions to ask someone to get to know them better might include asking about their hobbies or passions, their favorite books or movies, or their life goals and aspirations. Other questions to ask when getting to know someone might focus on their family, childhood, or past experiences. You can also ask some fun or weird questions to get to know them and their preferences to see if you have anything in common.
Knowing someone better can help you understand their psyche and improve your relationship with them. In this post, we have listed out a few questions to ask people that are great conversation starters to learn more about your date or a new friend. Have a great time knowing the other person with these best questions to ask! Scroll down.
In This Article
Types Of Questions To Ask When Getting To Know Someone
When you are interested in someone, you want to get to know them better. The best way to do so is by asking them questions. While the first few basic questions may come to mind easily, it can be confusing to choose deeper questions without being invasive. You want to respect their privacy, but also ask them a few personal questions to gauge if you both are a right match. Here are a few different types of questions you can ask them:
- Personal Questions
These are questions regarding a person and their preferences like hobbies, jobs, and favorite places. These questions give you an insight into the person without being too deep or invasive.
- Fun Questions
These questions provoke laughter and make the mood cheerful. These light-hearted queries break the ice or any awkward silences and are effective in building good bonds. They can also take the conversation to a deeper level.
- Deep Questions
You can only ask these questions to a person when you already know them well. These are useful to understand someone’s perspective of life. They also come in handy if you want to build a serious relationship with the person.
- Ice-Breaker Questions
Ice-breaker questions are the best to ease the awkwardness between two people. They are great to start a conversation. Usually, people ask these questions in social gatherings to ease themselves and the person in front of them. They make interactions easy and fun-filled.
Getting to know someone properly involves a lot of different factors. Spending time with them is necessary. Asking each other questions is important to keep the conversation going. This helps you to have a peek into their personality and lets you analyze your chemistry with them. Check out some questions that you can ask a person to know them better.
Key Takeaways
- The task of breaking the ice can be awkward, whether you are on a date, conversing with a colleague, or meeting new people.
- These getting to know questions may help you get the conversation rolling if you are interested in learning more about them but don’t know where to begin.
- These interesting questions to ask cover a wide range of topics, from your basics of favorite things to in-depth philosophical ideas.
Perfect Questions To Ask And Get To Know Someone Better

These questions range from simple interrogations about hobbies and preferences to deep, insightful questions regarding career and life choices. Scroll down.

When it comes to getting to know someone on a deeper level, personal questions are the key to understanding their innermost thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Glenda Lux, a psychologist, says, “What makes these questions work is often in how you ask them. Asking questions should not feel like an interrogation with one coming after another in an unnatural way. Try to weave them into conversation vs reciting them from a list. Pick a few favorites, memorize them and try them out.” Such conversations can reveal their dreams, fears, and values, helping you build a more authentic connection.
- Are you a tea or coffee person?
- What song best sums you up?
- What do you do to keep yourself fit?
- Which public transport do you use?
- Do you like monsoons?
- What surprises do you like the most?
- Where did you learn baking from?
- How do you bake cookies at home?
- What was it like growing up as the youngest/oldest/middle/only child?
- What’s your latest memory?
- Where do you shop for groceries?
- What is your favorite place for shopping?
- How is your relationship with your family?
- What makes you laugh instantly?
- What is the funniest thing your inner child wants to do?
- Have you ever received a surprise party?
- What is your favorite quote from movies or books?
- Who is your closest friend?
- What do you like to do when together with your favorite person?
- Who is your favorite superhero?
- What do your friends have to say about you?
- What’s your favorite childhood memory?
- What’s something you are passionate about that not many people know?
- Who is the one person who knows you the best?
- What instantly calms you down?
- What is your biggest fear?
- What is your favorite season, and why?
- Which year was your favorite birthday?
- What’s that one thing that can instantly make your day?
- Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
- What did you want to be when you were a kid?
- Are you better at talking or listening?
- What is that one thing you will never do again?
- Do you call someone to vent your anger or spend time alone thinking it through?
- What are your addictions?
- What carries you away?
- What annoys you most?
- What is your best quality?
- What is your worst quality?
- How would you describe yourself?
- Were you a tomboy during your teenage years?
- Do you like to maintain space?
- Is peace of mind important to you over everything else?
- Do you go for stability or uncertainty?
- If you could go back in time, what year would you go to?
- Do you fantasize about anything?
- How many pillows do you use while sleeping?
- What’s the longest you’ve not slept?
- What is your take on the superhero movies that have become popular lately?
- Do you believe in horoscope reading?
- What things could you not go a day without?
- What is the weirdest thing you thought of when you were a kid?
- What is something you look forward to doing daily that makes you happy?
- What do you use, iPhone or Android?
- What would you do if you won the lottery?
- If you were forced to get a tattoo, what would it be?
- When is your birthday?
- What do you wish for your parents?
- Would you prefer to take a stroll or sit?
- Do you have any siblings?
- Where are your parents staying?
- Does social media make you feel better or worse?
- Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous?
- Do you consider yourself good at social networking?
- Do you like to set boundaries in relationships?
- Do you have a quote that reminds you to keep going every day?
- Describe your perfect day- a fun day outdoors or a cozy day in your pajamas.
- What is your biggest irrational fear?
- Would you describe yourself as an optimist, pessimist or realist?
- How would you define beauty?
- Is there anything holding you back from living your life to the fullest?
- Do you have a moment in your life that you wish to relive again?
- If I ask you to describe your life in a song, which one would you pick?
- Do you believe in home remedies?
- Do you pray daily?
- How many times do you pray in a day?
- What do you wish for while praying?
- Do you think social skills classes are beneficial?
- Do you believe in gossip?
- Do you know how to drive?
- Which car do you drive?
- Do you like soft toys?
- What is the best joke you have ever heard?
- If you could magically learn one language, what would you choose?
- Have you ever donated to charities?
- Which position do you like to sleep in?
- Which is your favorite day of the week?
- Have you ever disliked something and then changed your mind on the same?
- Have you ever disliked something?
- What do you need when you are stressed?
- Is there anything that makes you cry?
- What is the most special gift you have received?
- What is the worst gift you have received?
- How many pairs of shoes do you have?
- Do you believe in karma?
- Is there an offbeat language that you wish to learn and why?
- Are you a clean person or a messy one?
- Are you a materialistic person?
- Are you a pet lover?
- Are you more of a doer or a thinker?
- Are you on a diet?
- Did you have any pets growing up?
- Do people think you are scary?
- Do you believe in giving second chances?
- Do you believe in friendship?
- Do you believe in shortcuts in life?
- Do you believe in voluntary services?
- Do you ever wish that you were raised differently?
- Do you fight?
- Do you like hair colors?
- Do you think you’d be a great parent?
- Have you ever lost a friend?
- Have you ever successfully given up any bad habit?
- How can someone betray your trust?
- How can someone gain your trust?
- How do you spend your free time?
- How long can you live without checking your phone?
- How many languages do you know?
- If you could change one thing from the past, what would it be?
- Is there any product that you swear by?
- What extracurriculars were you into back in school?
- What have you been up to since I saw you last time?
- What is your favorite number?
- What is your go-to guilty pleasure?
- What kind of toys did you like as a kid?
- What kitchen appliances do you use daily?
- What makes a man a man?
- What makes you extremely happy?
- What was your favorite subject back in school?
- What’s something that not many people know about your personality?
- What’s the best birthday gift you ever received?
- What’s the biggest personality change you’ve seen in yourself?
- When are you going to settle?
- When was the last time you got angry?
- Which skin care regimen do you follow?
- Who do you admire most in the world?
- Who do you know reminds you of a fictional character?
- Who is your best friend?
- Who was your favorite superhero as a kid?
- Would you call yourself a mindful man?
- You don’t look your age. Has anyone said this before?
- Did you ever bunk a class or school day to have fun with your friends?
- Did you have a favorite teacher? Why did you like them?
- How often do you go to the gym?
- If there is one book that you want to recommend, which one is it?
- What do you miss the most about your teenage years?
- What is something you like to do that is winter/summer/autumn/spring specific?
- What is that one moment that made you realize that being brave is the only way to make it through?
- What is the one thing in life that you cannot go without?
- What kind of a student were you?
- What new ideas have been going through your head recently?
- What was the most memorable school trip that you went on?
- Which song do you jam to when you need to cheer up?
- When was the last time that a real-life story made you cry?
- Did you experience something this month that inspired you?
- Are you a religious person?
- Do you live by a motto in life?
- What do you love the most about yourself?
- What is the most brag-worthy thing that has happened to you?
- What does home mean to you?
- If you ever got a tattoo, what would it be and why?
- What is your weirdest habit when you are stressed?
- What is your take on destiny?
- What is that one moment in life that scared you the most?
- What, according to your belief, lies after death?
- What, according to you, adds meaning to life?
- Are you someone who believes in balancing their mental and physical well-being?
- Are you a believer in the power of manifestation?
- Are you ticklish anywhere?
- Did you ever think of gambling as a way to earn more money?
- Do you have a favorite sleeping position?
- Do you have a self-care routine?
- Have you ever been in a bad accident?
- Have you ever had a near-death experience?
- Is there something in your life that makes you feel overwhelmed?
- What are some of the most common experiences you have missed out on?
- What do you think is best and worst about today’s social media culture?
- What emoji do you use the most?
- What is the most disgusting thing that you have tried out till date?
- What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve done this week?
- What would an amusement park designed specifically to make you happy be like?
- Which wild animal would you choose to represent you?
- What’s one of the hard truths that you have had to come to grips with?
- When was the last time you were engaged in a very awkward conversation?
- Which phone app do you use the least but cannot delete?
- Do you have any habits that annoy people a lot?
- What gross and unhygienic things do people do that bother you the most?
- Did you do anything completely out of character in the past few weeks?
- Are you a ‘wake up early’ or ‘stay up late’ kind of person?
- What kind of legacy do you want to leave before your death?
- Do you find death to be a fascinating topic to talk about?
- What would you like to tell your younger self if you could meet them?
- What would you name this current chapter of your life?
- Which part of your body do you like the most?
- What is the one thing that you’re grateful for?
- Do you daydream a lot?
- Are you a procrastinator?
- What normally perks you up in a day?
- Minimalist house decor or something more maximalist?
- On a scale of 1-10, how funny would you say you are?
- What animal terrified/terrifies you the most?
- What criminal charge do you wish to be immune to?
- What is a superstition that you still believe in?
- What is a virtue people hold in high regard that you think is overrated?
- What is that one weird smell that you love?’
- What is the best compliment that you have ever received?
- What is the best name that you can think of for a cat?
- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
- Do you have a quirk?
- Are you afraid of heights or depth?
- Are you afraid of the dark or the unknown?
- What word would you use to describe the place you grew up in?
- What is the one thing about the future that scares you the most?
- Are you a spiritual person?
- Do you wonder what your life would have been like if you were born to a billionaire?
- How do you think your life has changed since COVID-19?
- Are you a clean freak or a messy person?
- Who is the most intelligent person in your life?
- Which one of your five senses is the strongest?
- Are you driven by logic or reason?
- If you were the last person on earth, what is the first thing you would do?
- If our world was ending, how would you spend the last week of your life?
- Do you ever want to get a piercing?
- What is your take on belly button piercings?
- Would you call yourself a jealous person?
Hobby-Based Questions

Hobbies offer a glimpse into a person’s soul. They reveal what lights them up and makes their hearts sing. Asking about someone’s hobbies is a chance to connect with them on a deeper level, discover shared passions, or simply learn something new about them. So, let the questions flow and see where the conversation leads.
- What’s the most interesting thing you have learned recently?
- What type of music do you prefer?
- What are your hobbies, and how do you pursue them?
- Are you into podcasts?
- What is your favorite outdoor game?
- Do you play any indoor games?
- What was the last thing you read?
- What was your favorite book when you were a kid?
- Which book or movie character do you relate to?
- What music affects your mood?
- What do you do for fun over the weekends?
- What is your favorite sport?
- Who are your favorite athletes?
- What is your favorite flower?
- What is your favorite car?
- What is your favorite boy band?
- What hobbies did you pick up when you were young that you still enjoy?
- Do you like gardening?
- What is your favorite social media platform?
- Which phone app do you use the most?
- Are you into collecting anything?
- What are your favorite topics to speak on?
- Would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read in the evening?
- What genre of books do you like?
- What would you like to sing at Karaoke night?
- What exotic animal would you like to have as a pet?
- Are you an outdoor person or an indoor person?
- Do you read magazines?
- Have you ever gone camping?
- What’s the most impressive thing you’ve ever crafted?
- Have you ever joined a book club or participated in book-related discussions or events?
- Do you have a set number of books that you read in a year?
- Were you a part of any school clubs?
- What did you read last that left quite an impression on you?
- What is that one sport that makes you extremely competitive?
- Do you want to pick up any other hobbies? If yes, what would it be?
- Are there any skills that you want to develop as part of your life journey?
- Do you like cooking or baking?
- Do you rock out to Queen or The Beatles?
- Are you the kind who avoids spicy foods or do you love it?
- Would you rather watch a mystery movie, read a mystery novel, or play an escape room game?
- Did you have a certain way you studied in school that worked for you?
- Are there any movie soundtracks that you enjoy?
- Are there any upcoming movies you’re eagerly waiting to watch?
- Which Carly Rae Jepsen song is your guilty pleasure?
- Do you have a favorite author? If so, what is it about their writing that resonates with you?
- Did you adopt any particular habits that help you unwind and take care of your mental health?
- Have you ever visited a library to spend time reading?
- Can you do different accents?
- Have you ever taken a Yoga or a Pilates class?
- What are your thoughts on Flying Yoga?
- Do you have a weird morning ritual without which you feel like your day started wrong?
- Would you rather go kayaking or skiing?
- Are you a walker or a runner?
- Are you an Instagram or Facebook person?
- Are you good at Monopoly?
- Do you have a night-time ritual that you follow every day?
- Do you prefer to work out in a gym or in the comfort of your home?
- Have you ever written a journal or wished to take up journaling?
- What do you do to relax after a long day at work?
- What are your go-to pick-me-ups after a bad day?
- Would you rather do 50 push-ups or 100 crunches?
- Would you rather go for a spa day or take a long bath?
- What is your favorite type of exercise that gets your heart pumping?
- Have you ever owned a pair of cowboy boots?
- What is one sport or activity that you do not like?
- Would you rather choose football or basketball?
- Would you rather play video games or sports out in the field?
- What is your favorite holiday?
- Do you stay in or go out on Friday nights?
- Can you play any musical instrument?
- Do you like the sound of a piano, violin, or guitar?
- What is your favorite video game, Call of Duty or Diablo?
If you are interested in learning more about someone you have a crush on, check out the next section.
Romantic Interest-Based Questions

When you are interested in someone romantically, it’s easy to feel nervous about how to keep the conversation flowing. That is where icebreakers come in. They are the perfect way to ease into deeper conversations and get to know each other better. As per Glenda Lux, “Asking questions is important in developing relationships. Questions like these help us understand another person’s mindset, experiences and perspectives. They allow us to observe another in ways that might not otherwise reveal themselves without the benefit of many years. Having said that, it is important to recognize that this list has enough questions to keep the discovery going for perhaps a few years and how wonderful it might be to return to this list just when you think you know everything there is to know about another, you might be wonderfully surprised.”
- Which is your favorite restaurant for dates?
- How was your first crush?
- Do you watch romantic movies?
- What is your favorite drinking game?
- Which celebrity would you like to meet at a Starbucks and why?
- What is your favorite way to spend a day off?
- How would you like to spend your birthday?
- What do you love the most in your life?
- Would you go to the beach or mountains in the summer?
- What is your favorite ride?
- What do you prefer, fame or money?
- Do you get the weekend off?
- How well do you know this place we’re in?
- Do you go to church on Sundays?
- Where did you do your schooling from?
- Did you ever cheat in exams?
- Do you believe in astrology?
- What’s the best pickup line you can come up with?
- What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen on Facebook?
- Will you share your bank password with your partner?
- How can you tell when someone is lying to you?
- When was the last time you met your best friend?
- What is the best way to make someone understand anything?
- Do you like to wear traditional dresses?
- Do you think moral science classes are essential in schools?
- Have you ever had a nervous breakdown?
- Where did you get your black dress from?
- Are you friends with any of your exes?
- Are you a romantic person?
- What do you believe is your love language?
- Did you ever get asked out on a date in a funny way?
- Are you still single?
- Do you believe in ‘love at first sight’?
- Do you believe in a live-in relationship?
- Do you have a boyfriend?
- Do you prefer coffee or ice cream on a date?
- Do you want a family of your own someday?
- Have you ever had any secret admirers?
- Have you ever lied to your partner?
- How many kids do you want?
- How old were you when you first felt for a man?
- What are the values that you believe are necessary to make a relationship work?
- What’s a relationship deal-breaker according to you?
- What’s more important for you, family or friends?
- What’s the craziest thing you’ve done for the sake of love?
- Who are you the closest to in your life?
- What makes you feel loved and treasured in a relationship?
- What annoys you the most about today’s dating culture?
- What is your take on a long-distance relationship?
- If you were to choose someone to set you up on a blind date, who would you choose – a friend, a colleague, or a family member?
- What do you think of soulmates?
- Do you believe in being friends with your exes?
- Have you ever dated someone who was hated by your family? If not, will you ever try to?
- What is the right age to get married?
- Can you recall a funny incident that happened to you on a date?
- What is your take on dating someone twice your age?
- How many relationships have you been in so far?
- Can you describe the first person you fell in love with?
- Are you a kissing-in-the-dark or kissing-in-the-rain kind of person?
- Other than cheating, what is one other action that would entail a breakup from your side?
- Would you take back someone who cheated on you?
- How serious should it get before you realize that you and your significant other might need some professional help with your relationship?
- What are the biggest lessons you have learned from your previous relationship/s?
- What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done lately?
- What would be your idea of a perfect date?
- How many times have you broken someone’s heart?
- How many times have you had your heart broken?
To get to know someone better, understanding their family background and where they have come from provides valuable insight into their moral values, upbringing, and the experiences that have shaped their worldview. It’s a way to understand their perspective on life, relationships, and the world around them.
Family-Oriented Questions

Family shapes many aspects of a person’s life, and learning about those relationships can help you understand their priorities, traditions, and how they approach the world.
- What’s your family like?
- When would you like to join us for dinner?
- Have you ever been to a family reunion?
- What is your favorite family holiday tradition?
- Do you enjoy your parents’ company?
- Do you call your parents to tell them that you will get home late from work?
- Have you ever lied to your family?
- Do you think your kids lie?
- Do you leave your kids in daycare?
- Do you think sending your kids to their grandparents’ place every week is important?
- How do your kids travel to school?
- Which summer camp are your kids going to?
- Where do you leave the kids when at work?
- Which schools are you trying to get your kids admitted in?
- Do you have a family tradition that you follow every year?
- Did you ever wish you had more siblings? Why?
- Are you named after anyone in your family?
- What was the most fun thing you did growing up with your parents?
- Who takes care of your young siblings?
- Did you get to meet your great-grandparents?
- Has your family ever pressured you to act in a certain way?
- How do you deal with arguments between your family members?
- How do you define your family?
- How much time do you spend with your family in a week?
- If you could only teach one thing to your child, what would it be?
- What always brings your family together?
- What does your child want to be when they grow up?
- What is that one quality of your parents that you wish you had?
- What makes you proud of your family members?
- What would be the worst name you could give to your child?
- What would you do if your kid came home drunk?
- Which of your personality traits is your family proud of?
- Who in your family would you describe as one of the “characters”?
- Would you prefer a son or a daughter, or both?
- Where would you settle if you wish to start your own family – the city or the countryside?
- Do you think that being the youngest/oldest/middle sibling has an effect on your personality?
- What memory comes to your mind when we discuss childhood?
- Who is the strangest person in your family and why?
- Are there any food-related traditions or family recipes that were passed down in your family?
- Did you have a favorite plushie while growing up?
- Are you still in contact with your high school friends?
- If you were to name a person who brightens your life, who would you choose?
- What has been your worst birthday experience?
- If someone close to you is having recurring negative thoughts, how would you help them?
- Can you share the story of how your parents met?
- Are you distantly related to someone of significance?
- Who has the biggest influence on your life, right now?
If you want to learn more about someone’s sense of adventure and curiosity, travel-related questions are the perfect way to dive deeper into their personalities.
Travel And Adventure Questions

Asking about their favorite trips, dream destinations, or even funny travel mishaps can spark a fun, engaging exchange. These types of questions reveal their interests and provide insights into their worldview and how they approach new experiences.
- Have you ever traveled solo?
- Have you ever been in a fight?
- What was your last travel destination?
- Where are you planning to trek this year?
- How long are you holidaying?
- Which is your favorite beach?
- What was the most special and fun adventure you have been on?
- What was the best vacation you ever had?
- What is the next place on your travel bucket list?
- In which place would you be happiest to live?
- Do you have a favorite holiday destination?
- If you could travel today, where would you go?
- What’s the tallest building you’ve seen?
- Where are your happy places?
- Would you rather vacation solo or in a group or both?
- Do you like roller coasters?
- What makes you smile every day?
- Which place do you someday want to live in?
- Did you ever go on a graduation trip with your school friends? If yes, where, and if not, why?
- Would you rather go on a hike or a cycling adventure?
- Do you prefer the beach, mountains, desert, forest, or an old city?
- You can only take 3 things with you on an impromptu trip, what are they?
- What’s the most unusual place you have ever slept in?
- If ever given the chance, would you go bull riding?
- Which mode of transportation do you hate the most?
- If you are told to leave your country and choose another one, which one would you choose – France, Italy, Greece?
- Would you rather go on a luxury cruise or travel on a luxury plane?
- If you had the power to teleport, where would you go?
- If you could jump into a pool of anything, what would it be filled with?
- Would you say yes to spontaneous plans or do you prefer preplanning?
- Are you the kind of person who checks in hours early for a flight?
- If you were to visit France, would you try snails?
- Would you rather go bungee jumping or rock climbing?
- Never able to go out during the day or night – what would you choose?
- Who would you want by your side if you’re ever stranded somewhere?
- Would you rather visit Hogwarts or Narnia?
- If you had a chance to go to the moon, who would you take with you?
When you want to connect with someone over shared interests or just get to know their personality a little better, entertainment-based questions are perfect.
Entertainment-Based Questions

Talking about entertainment preferences can lead to discovering shared passions or introducing each other to new things you might enjoy together, making the conversation more fun and meaningful. These questions help you understand their tastes and preferences.
- Do you go clubbing?
- Which is your all-time favorite comedy movie?
- Who is your favorite comedian?
- Which radio stations do you listen to when in the car?
- Do you like cheesy movies?
- Which song would make you dance to at any moment?
- Are you a fan of K-dramas? If so, which one is your favorite?
- Have you ever been to a concert? If so, which one was your favorite?
- Do you like going to the movies or prefer watching from the comfort of your home?
- Who is your favorite comedian to watch for laughter therapy?
- What was the last TV show you binge-watched on Netflix?
- What are your thoughts on scary movies?
- Who is your favorite actor?
- Which movie always makes you sad, and which one makes you happy?
- Do you like watching TV or streaming videos?
- Do you remember any famous movie quotes?
- If a movie was made about your life, which actor would you like to play your role?
- If you lived in a film universe, which one would you pick?
- Do you like late-night parties?
- What do you think has been the best movie of the year?
- What do you think of watching romantic comedies?
- What is your favorite show on Netflix?
- What movie would you recommend that you believe everyone should watch at least once?
- Who is your favorite director and what is it about their work that you admire?
- Choose one – AC/DC or Nirvana?
- Do you have a favorite era of pop culture, like the 80’s, 90′ 00’s, or 10’s?
- If you were to choose a Disney character that you feel close to, who will it be?
- If you were to choose between dying a hero or living long enough to become a villain, what would your choice be?
- What is that one book, movie, or story that changed the way you look at the world?
- Who was/is your favorite celebrity crush?
- Would you rather watch an adventure film or go on an adventure trip/sports?
- Since everyone knows a Taylor Swift song, which one do you like the most and why?
- Are there any movies you’ve watched multiple times because you couldn’t get enough of?
- Choose one – classic films or contemporary releases, and why?
- Which TV show do you watch when you feel down and need a laugh?
- If you could only listen to songs performed by one artist for the rest of your life, who would it be?
- If you were a character in The Vampire Diaries, would you be Team Damon or Team Stefan?
- Are there any movies you believe make us aware of human nature or social issues?
- What is that one movie that made you laugh or shed tears of emotion?
- Have you ever seen a movie that completely surprised you or had an unexpected twist?
- Are you a fan of reality TV?
- If I asked you to choose between Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, who would you choose?
- If I were to ask you about your favorite musical act, what would you choose?
- If you are Scooby Doo, who is your Shaggy?
- If you can watch one movie for the rest of your life, which one will you choose?
- If you were asked to choose between Angelina Jolie or Scarlett Johansson, who would you pick?
- If you were made to choose a favorite villain, who would it be?
- If you were to rank the best songs you’ve heard in your life till now, what will make the top five?
- If your life was a song, which one would it be?
- Which song, new or old, according to you, is the most annoying?
- Who was your favorite pop star in middle school?
- Would you rather be haunted by Casper: The friendly ghost, or Pevees, the trouble-making poltergeist from Harry Potter?
- Do you have a list of TV shows that you want to watch?
- Are there any TV shows that you initially didn’t expect to like but ended up loving?
- Do you still listen to radio stations often? Where do you like to listen to them the most?
- What is your go-to song at karaoke night or a party?
- If you were asked to pick a favorite detective show, which would you choose?
- If you were a character in Stranger Things, who would you be the closest to?
- What are some of the cheesiest movies that you still enjoy watching?
- Are you a fan of One Piece (anime)?
- What instrument, according to you, makes a funny sound?
- What is the one movie that you will never watch again?
- What is the one song that reminds you of a favorite memory?
- Who is your favorite Harry Potter character?
- Who is your favorite songwriter?
- Would you choose Nicki Minaj or Cardi B?
- Would you rather choose Charles Xavier (X-Men) or Eleven (Stranger Things)?
- Would you team up with the Joker or Haley Quinn?
- Are you a fan of the band Arctic Monkeys?
- Have you ever seen a Ghibli movie, if yes, which one was your absolute favorite?
- Do you have a favorite comic book? If yes, which one?
- Have you ever watched an anime movie or series?
- Would you rather watch Looney Tunes or Tom and Jerry?
- What is your favorite historical event?
- What is your go-to song when you feel down?
- What would you choose – Lord Of The Rings or The Chronicles Of Narnia?
- Are you a Swiftie or Arianator?
- Are you a sci-fi or a mystery kind of person?
- Would you choose Star Trek or Star Wars?
- What is your favorite Tom Cruise movie?
- Which one was funnier – Rush Hour or Shanghai Nights?
- Who is your favorite YouTuber?
- What is your favorite BuzzFeed Unsolved episode?
If you’re a foodie, there is a good chance that one of the first things you will want to know about someone is their taste in food.
Food And Drink Questions
Food has a unique way of connecting people, whether it’s bonding over a shared love of spicy dishes or discovering a new favorite restaurant. It is more than just sustenance; it’s about experiences, memories, and cultural identity. Asking someone about their favorite foods, cooking habits, or comfort meals can open up a whole world of interesting conversations and reveal little details about their personality.
- Do you often visit restaurants?
- Do you like sandwiches or burgers?
- Do you like to have iced tea?
- What’s your favorite family recipe?
- How do you take your coffee, with or without sugar?
- What is your all-time favorite drink?
- What breakfast cereal do you prefer?
- Which is your favorite coffee?
- What would you like to have as your last meal?
- What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
- Do you eat chocolates?
- Do you like sweets?
- Do you prefer your milk hot or cold?
- What drink do you hate?
- What’s your favorite ethnic cuisine?
- What’s your favorite fast food outlet?
- What’s your favorite type of pizza?
- When was the last time you ate out, where did you go, and did you like it?
- Would you cook or dine?
- What is your go-to drink at any event?
- Do you have any food cravings or combos that others may find weird?
- What is your go-to drink at any event?
- Are you allergic to any food or material?
- What is that one food item that you love and cannot live without?
- Choose one – Nutella or peanut butter?
- What is your favorite meal of the day: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
- What was your go-to meal in college?
- Are you a tea or a coffee person?
- If you could eat only pasta or burgers for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
- What is that one food item you will never share with anyone?
- Would you rather have cookies or cookie dough?
- What is your go-to snack?
- What is your favorite candy?
- What is your favorite popcorn flavor?
- Are you a pineapple-on-a-pizza kind of person?
- What is the one thing that you can cook best that nobody else can?
- Have you ever tried crayfish?
- What is your one go-to comfort meal?
- Which is the weirdest food that you have ever tried and what made you try it?
- Do you think sushi is an overrated dish?
- Are you a risotto or a fettucini person?
- Do you like dumplings or samosas?
- Would you rather have Mexican or Chinese food on a weekend?
- Which one is your favorite, cola or Sprite?
- What is your favorite type of cheese?
- What type of bread do you like the most?
- Do you like milk or dark chocolate?
- Are you a strawberries and cream or cookies and cream kind of person?
In a professional setting, getting to know someone can feel like a whole different ball game. The environment is often more structured, and the conversation tends to stay focused on work-related topics. Keep scrolling to read about professional questions
Professional Settings Questions

In a professional setting, asking thoughtful questions can help break the ice and reveal more about someone’s personality, interests, and values outside of work. These questions can create a deeper understanding, foster better teamwork, and even lead to unexpected friendships.
- Do you like to participate in a potluck?
- Do you think time is money?
- Do you think working from home is a better option after having a kid?
- What was your first job?
- Where do you see yourself in five years?
- What is your favorite thing about your job?
- What is your biggest complaint about your workplace?
- What is the best decision you have ever made in life?
- What are you most proud of and why?
- What is your proudest achievement?
- Which traits of your parents do you hope to get?
- Who do you look up to the most?
- What do you do while you commute to or from work?
- Does your job make you feel happy and fulfilled?
- What do you remember the most about your former job?
- What initially got you interested in your current work?
- When did you start your current job?
- Do you believe in work-life balance?
- What are your retirement plans?
- Do you plan to work forever?
- Do you have a favorite work buddy?
- What is your favorite part of the day at your job?
- How old were you when you started your first job?
- Have you ever had a side hustle or considered having one?
- How do you separate your work from your personal life?
- If there were 26 hours in a day, what would you give extra time to?
- Do you care about the type of media you pay attention to?
- What does your family think of your job?
- Are you looking forward to retiring?
- Where were you placed earlier?
- Do you like working on weekends?
- Are you planning to expand your business?
- What are your job timings?
- Who is your biggest influence, and why?
- What energizes you about your job?
- Would you wait to win the lottery or work at the perfect job?
- What 3 qualities, according to you, make a person trustworthy?
- If you get the chance to chat with three famous people in history, who would you choose and why?
- Do you want to be successful?
- If you were to face a difficult situation, how do you prepare yourself to get through it?
- Have you ever faced struggles?
- What are some of the qualities that you admire in people?
- What is success to you?
- Where were you employed before?
- If you were asked to choose between bringing a drastic and abrupt change or a gradual change in the way you live, what would it be?
- Choose one – college life or work life?
- If you were asked to teach a class on any subject, what topic would you choose?
- What are your current life goals and have they changed over time?
- What political issues or topics are you aware of in depth?
- What experiences do you think have shaped your political views?
- Are there any particular social issues that you are passionate about, like education, healthcare, immigration?
- How do you approach political discussions with people who have different beliefs from your own?
- When did you realize that building a political consciousness is important?
- What is the one thing that the government can do to improve the lives of its citizens?
- Do you think machines will bring about an improvement or an apocalypse?
- Do you believe in hearing someone out when they have crossed you or give them no chances at all?
- What situations often irritate you or make you angry?
- Who do you believe poses the greatest challenge to you and your goals?
- If you could describe your work life in two words, which two would you use?
- What is your current, short-term goal?
- Do you think you take constructive criticism well?
- How do you express displeasure?
If you’re ready to add a little humor to your conversation and bring out some lighthearted moments, check out the next section for some quirky and funny questions.
Unique And Fun Questions

When you want to get to know someone on a deeper level, asking unique and creative questions can spark an interesting conversation. These questions can go beyond the typical small talk and can uncover unexpected insights about someone’s personality, dreams, and quirky traits.
- Would you take a trip to outer space?
- What is the funniest name you’ve heard of a pet?
- What is the weirdest thing you have done?
- What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?
- Where are you expected to be found at a party?
- What embarrassing moment has stuck with you over the past few years?
- Have you stalked someone on social media?
- Who would you want to be stranded with on an island?
- If you could share a meal with an individual, living or dead, who would it be?
- If your life were a movie, what scene would you watch again and again?
- If you had a warning label, what would it say?
- What would be the one thing you would change about yourself if you could?
- What is your game plan to survive a zombie apocalypse?
- Do you believe in ghosts? Do they scare you?
- If today was the last day on this planet, how would you spend it?
- If you had access to a lot of money to start your dream business, what would it be?
- If your three wishes could be granted, what would they be?
- If you were the ruler of your country, what would be the first law you would make?
- If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would that be?
- If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which animal would it be?
- What candle scent is your favorite?
- What would you be doing right now if money wasn’t an important factor?
- Would you go back in time to meet your ancestors, or go to the future to meet your descendants?
- If you were reincarnated as a famous person, what is the first thing you would do?
- If you become invisible for a day, what would you do?
- What is your favorite conspiracy?
- What would you think if a guy spent more time on his looks than you?
- Do you believe in the existence of aliens?
- Do you have any weird skills that no one knows about?
- Do you think death comes easy?
- If animals could talk, which would have been the rudest?
- If you could erase one thing from existence, what would it be?
- If you could hire someone to help you, would it be cleaning, cooking, or gardening?
- If you could put wings on any animal, which animal would you choose?
- If you had to be haunted by a ghost but could choose which dead person the ghost would be, who would you go for?
- If you had to get a tail, what tail would you get, and what would you do with it?
- Is there anything you wished would come back into vogue?
- Tell me, is your glass half-full or half-empty?
- What cartoon world do you wish you could live in forever?
- What do you think about romanticizing crime?
- What do you think you would be if you were reincarnated as an animal based on your personality?
- What would be your strategy for an apocalypse?
- Would you steal or beg for food if you were homeless and working was not an option for you?
- If you were to go back in time, is there anything from your school life that you would like to experience again?
- What is the worst and the most embarrassing way you have been hurt?
- If you were a superhero, what would your powers be?
- If you were alive a thousand years ago, do you wonder what your job would have been?
- If not for verbal communication, what other way would you prefer to communicate?
- If people came with a warning sign, what would yours say?
- How would you rate your fashion sense back in college?
- Did you ever have a fangirl/fanboy moment, and for whom?
- What is your favorite go-to costume for Halloween and why?
- Would you prefer to go bowling or golfing?
- Beauty, money, or power?
- Choose one – phone call, video call, text, or a surprise visit?
- Do you think we will survive long enough to evolve or go extinct?
- If there was a remote control that helps you control anything, what would you use it for?
- If there was an amusement park filled with all the rides that you hate, what will be included?
- If you were to change your name, what would you change it to?
- What will you choose if you were to choose between a dystopia or utopia?
- Do you ever lower the volume of your music when you reverse your car?
- If you had a clone, would you be friends?
- Which one is creepier – sneaking up on someone or staring at them through binoculars?
- What is the funniest nickname you had?
- What would you call a TV show based on your and your best friend’s life?
- If you were to start a talk show, what would you name it and what will you discuss?
- If you could have a pet snake, what would you name it?
- Choose one – Yoda or Gandalf?
- Between world peace and world domination, what would you choose?
- Did you ever believe in the Tooth Fairy or Santa Claus as a kid?
- If you could talk to animals, what is the first thing you’d ask your pet?
- If you were to choose between time travel and space travel, what would you pick?
- In a perfect world, what 3 qualities should every human being have?
- If you were a ghost, who would you haunt?
- Do you have a nervous habit for when things get tense?
- Which one of the five senses do you think you can do without?
- Would you rather have Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel in your team?
- Would you rather sing or dance to every song that plays?
- Would you rather be deaf for 5 years or not be able to talk for 10 years?
- Do you crave respect or power?
- Would you want to have a lot of clothes or multiple pairs of shoes?
- How many pillows do you normally sleep with?
- Would you rather have a pet lizard or a pet snake?
- Have you ever thrown an extravagant party?
- What is the most absurd thing you believed in as a kid?
- What is the worst color, according to you?
- What is the weirdest text you have ever received?
- If you can steal anything in this world, what will it be?
- What TV advertisement that you saw recently made no sense to you?
- Do you ever count how many steps you take out of boredom?
- Have you ever gotten a tattoo while you were drunk?
- If you were to choose between a penguin or a toucan, what would you choose?
Infographic: Interesting Questions You Can Ask To Build Your Connection
Asking the right, fun get-to-know-you questions can help you understand someone better and build a strong bond. While asking serious questions is fine, a little fun can go a long way in fostering a new bond. We have compiled a list of good questions to ask to get to know someone better. Check out the infographic below to know more!

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
No matter the level of your social skills, with the above examples of 734 questions how to get to know someone, you can now feel more confident approaching your person of interest. However, make sure you don’t get too personal and maintain respect and boundaries when asking anything. Using thoughtful ice breaker questions will not only help you learn more about their personality, opinions, and ideas but will also allow you to break the ice and pave the way for a new connection. These questions help you connect with your crush and enhance your communication skills. While these questions set the mood for your date, remember the place and timing also help get the conversation going.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can asking about a person’s passions and interests lead to a deeper understanding of who they are?
Asking about a person’s hobbies, likes, dislikes, and perspectives opens the door to their life and helps you understand them on a deeper level. The passion with which they speak about their interest and plans will help you get a picture of their character and personality.
How can asking about someone’s experiences and challenges help to create a deeper connection?
Questions to ask a guy to get to know him deeper will help you understand how much the person has evolved and how they view life. Sharing personal stories will help create a stronger connection.
Can asking too many personal questions be perceived as intrusive or inappropriate?
There is a chance of being perceived as intrusive or inappropriate. When you ask questions to get to know someone, do not let your questions sound rude and too personal. Do not ask questions that may make them uncomfortable, and do not force them to answer if they do not want to. For example, do not choose persistent personal questions to ask a guy if he is not someone who shares a lot.
What are some tips for asking personal questions without making someone uncomfortable?
It is important to gauge the comfort level of the person you are talking to before asking any deep personal questions. Start with light-hearted questions about general preferences. Then, move into asking personal questions without being too forceful. If they seem hesitant to answer, drop the topic immediately to avoid making them uncomfortable.
Illustration: Good Questions To Ask And Get To Know Someone Better

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team
Baffled about how to get to know someone beyond pleasantries? Check out this video for a bevy of questions that you can ask to deeply connect with your person of interest.

Read full bio of Sarah Kenville
- Glenda Lux is a registered psychologist with over 20 years of experience, specializing in counseling related to separation, divorce, and co-parenting. She obtained her Bachelor's degree from Gonzaga University. She is the founder of Co-Parent College, an online resource and course to help parents. Glenda has trained with the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, and Battered Women's Justice Project to deal with domestic violence in families.Glenda Lux is a registered psychologist with over 20 years of experience, specializing in counseling related to separation, divorce, and co-parenting. She obtained her Bachelor's degree from Gonzaga University. She is the founder of Co-Parent College, an online resource and course to help parents. Glenda has trained with the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, and Battered Women's Justice Project to deal with domestic violence in families.
Read full bio of Sneha Tete
Read full bio of Asmita De
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