59 Romantic Gestures For Him
Ditch the expected and surprise him with something unusual yet sweet!

Image: Midjourney/ StyleCraze Design Team
You fell in love with a sweet, charming, and understanding guy. It has been some time that you both became a couple, and you want to make some romantic gestures for him. But now that you are comfortable in your relationship, you have forgotten the cute little things you did for each other in the initial phase of dating. If you want to bring back the spark in your relationship and reignite romance, we are here to help. Here are some romantic gestures to make him feel loved and appreciated.
Note: The gestures mentioned in this article may not be perfect for every man. Remember that every human is different and their preferences vary, so keep their personality in mind before planning something for them! Read on!
In This Article
Romantic Gestures For Him
Romantic gestures play a crucial role in keeping emotional bonds strong in a relationship. More than just sweet acts, they show love and appreciation, helping each partner feel valued. In the busy world we live in, these thoughtful actions remind your partner that they matter to you. Simple gestures can deepen your connection and create lasting moments that strengthen your relationship over time.
Note: Below are some sweet gestures to make your romantic partner feel special. They are gathered from knowledge of experts in the field and relationship enthusiasts. Feel free to customize them so they know a lot of effort was put into it!
1. Cook His Favorite Meal

There is an age-old saying – the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Caring for your man is also important, whether it is cooking his favorite food or paying close attention when he needs to talk. It may sound strange, but it is an amazing way to show that you care. Cook his favorite meal and win his love.
Picture this, your partner walks into the kitchen after a long day to the aroma of his favorite dish simmering on the stove. The table is set with his preferred drink and a plate with hot food awaits him. A smile spreads across his face as he takes the first bite, savoring the familiar flavors made just for him. The effort, the thoughtfulness, it all speaks louder than words.
2. A Sneak Peek Of Treats
If your bae is having a hard day, you can change his mood by sending him a photo of the lingerie you will be wearing that night.
Or if you are the demure kind, send a pic of the yummy dish that you are going to cook specially for him. This will motivate him if he is feeling depressed. He will have something exciting to look forward to.
You can also find a way to sneak a pair of your sexiest underwear in his briefcase or in the glove compartment of his car. A little tenderness can go a long way in showing your love and concern for another person. Then, text him to tell him where to look. If he asks questions, tell him you’re quiet until tonight.
3. Get A Bit Handsy
This is not about having sex or giving a massage. Showing physical warmth by touching him now and then is one of the most romantic ways to connect. Play footsie when you have company and hold hands when walking together. These are some deep and powerful romantic gestures that will remind him that you love and appreciate his body.
For example, you and your partner sit together on the couch. You casually run your fingers through his hair, letting them linger for a moment. Later, while waiting in line for coffee, you gently trace circles on the back of his hand with your thumb. A playful squeeze of his knee under the table or a light brush of your fingers against his arm reminds him that you are present, connected, and completely drawn to him.
4. Tell Him Your Secret
Sometimes, sharing a secret with your bae that nobody else knows will create a deeper level of trust between you both and better your relationship.
Imagine, as you and your partner sit together in a quiet moment, you take a deep breath and lean in closer. “I have never told anyone this before…” you whisper, watching his expression soften with curiosity. As you share a piece of your past, a hidden dream, or a silly childhood fear, he listens intently, appreciating the trust you have placed in him. The secret may be small, but the bond it strengthens is immeasurable.
5. Compliment Him

Praise and appreciation are vital in a romantic relationship – and this stands true for men as well. When your man does something good, he certainly wants you to notice it and appreciate it. Just like girls, guys also like to hear compliments from their loved ones. Some of the most genuine compliments that a girl can give to your guy are:
“I love the way you think – it’s so original.”
“I love the way you are!”
“It’s so amazing how hard you work.”
“You always know the right thing to say!”
“I love how you love me and take care of me.”
6. Give Him A Massage
A gentle love massage for him is what your man desires after a long, hard day. Whenever he feels tired, make him feel relaxed and comfortable by giving a body massage. You can look up YouTube videos if you are not sure how to go about it. This will add more romance in your relationship.
Picture this, your partner comes home and sinks into the couch, exhaustion evident in his posture. Without a word, you move behind him and gently place your hands on his shoulders, kneading away the tension. His eyes close as he exhales deeply, melting into your touch. Slowly, you work your way down his back, easing the stress from his muscles. Once you are done, he looks up at you with a smile.
7. Surprise Him With A Gift – Without A Reason
Giving a gift to someone is a way of expressing your emotions and feelings towards them. Surprising him with a gift will automatically infuse more romance in the relationship. If you are confused about how to surprise your boyfriend, make sure the gift is something that shows you’re attentive to him and his desires and needs. A thoughtful surprise can deepen your connection and make him feel truly special.
8. Wear His Favorite Dress
Every man likes to see his girl or wife in a specific outfit. Wear his favorite dress even if you don’t particularly like it. Make him feel special.
For example, as he walks through the door, there you are, wearing that dress he always says makes you look stunning. He instantly lightens up! You twirl playfully, giving him a full view, and his smile widens. “You wore this for me?” he asks, his voice filled with appreciation. With a wink, you nod, knowing that this simple gesture has made his day, and maybe even his whole week.
9. Give Him A Hug Before He Goes To Office
Men also love to be cuddled, adored, and pampered. Hence, do not miss giving your guy a tight hug when he goes to the office. This will make your relationship fun and fresh. This romantic gesture will ensure he begins his day happy and smiling. Give him a seductive kiss that is out of the ordinary. Make him think about it all day long.
Note: Devotion, thoughtfulness, and intimacy are the key in any relationship and can help strengthen the bond between partners.
10. Cuddle While Watching Movies Together

Watch a romantic movie together. This is a great way to spend your time with your bae. Cuddling, hugging, and kissing your guy while watching a movie will bring you both closer.
11. Show Interest In His Hobbies
Participate or at least show interest in his hobbies. Play his favorite game, go on a hike, or even plant a nursery – these are some awesome ways to get involved in his hobbies. This romantic gesture will help to make your relationship stronger.
For example, why not show interest in that video game he plays so often. As he excitedly explains the rules of his favorite game, his eyes shine with enthusiasm. You pick up the controller, fumbling at first, but you get better as he patiently guides you through it. Every victory—no matter how small—earns a proud smile from him. Later, as he talks about his latest project or favorite team, you listen intently, asking questions and sharing in his excitement. The effort doesn’t go unnoticed! He sees it, feels it, and loves you even more for it.
12. Send Him A Love Note
Write a love note and put it in his pocket. Or send love messages for him to read every morning via text. This way you can show your love even through a long-distance relationship. This is a super sweet way to express your love to your guy.
Imagine this, as his alarm goes off in the morning, his phone lights up with a text: “Good morning, handsome! Can’t wait to hear your voice later.” The simple message lingers in his mind, making him feel loved from the very start of his day.
13. Touch His Face After A Kiss
Touch his face and look into his eyes for a few moments after kissing him. This is a gesture of love, admiration, and adoration. This is a super romantic gesture that will melt his heart and also create a sense of fondness that can lead to the initial feelings of infatuation and attraction being reignited.
14. Make Your Partner Comfortable
You should always be truthful about your feelings and needs. This will make your guy more comfortable sharing his expectations with you. Make sure you communicate with him in a way that you both understand. Make sure he knows he matters, and this relationship is about the both of you and not just you.
For example, as he sits beside you, his expression hesitant, you reach for his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. “You can always talk to me,” you say softly, meeting his eyes with warmth. He exhales, relaxing as he begins to share his thoughts. You listen without interrupting, nodding in understanding, making sure he knows his feelings are just as important as yours. With every open conversation, trust deepens, and the bond between you grows even stronger.
15. Show your Love In Front Of Others

Showing love, affection, and care for your partner in front of other people is one of the most romantic things you can do. Openly hug him, kiss him, and hold his hand in front of his friends and yours.
Whenever you head out with your partner, either to meet friends or just spend time together, you instinctively reach for his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. Later, while chatting in a group, you gently brush a stray hair from his forehead and smile at him, making it clear he’s your person. Before parting ways, you press a soft kiss on his cheek, completely unbothered by the people around. These little acts of affection show him—and everyone else—just how much he means to you.
16. Tag Him In A Lovey Dovey Or Funny Meme
This is perfect for long-distance couples as well! Tag your boyfriend or hubby in a love themed or funny meme that you saw on Facebook or Instagram. Show him that it reminded you of him. This is a subtle way to convey your love to your man.
17. Invite Him For A Romantic Movie Or A Long Drive
This could be one of the most romantic ways of spending quality time with your baby boo. You should spend most of your time with your man – and these are some great ways to spend quality time with your bae.
Why not casually suggest, “How about a movie night, just the two of us?” Watch as his face lights up as you snuggle up on the couch, the soft glow of the screen illuminating your faces. You press play, but it’s not just the movie that makes the evening special, it’s the comfort of being together, laughing and sharing moments.
Alternatively, you can invite him for a spontaneous long drive, the wind rushing through the windows as you both talk about everything and nothing. The drive, filled with music and shared glances, is just as perfect as any planned date. It’s not about the destination; it’s about the time spent together, deepening your connection.
18. Play A Sport Together
Doing this will help you spend quality time with your man. Play a game of tennis or badminton and get all sweaty with him.
For example, grab tennis rackets and challenge him to a friendly match. As the game goes on, laughter fills the air! Neither of you is too concerned with winning, but rather enjoying each other’s company. You tease him playfully when he misses a shot, and he returns the favor when you trip over your own feet. Afterward, you both collapse, out of breath but happy, sharing a cold drink and high-fiving each other for the fun time spent together. The competition may have been light-hearted, but the bond it created is strong.
19. Appreciate The Things He Does For You
Everyone likes being appreciated for the efforts they take. Genuine appreciation can warm one’s heart. Thank him when he does something nice for you. Don’t ever take him for granted.
For example, when he picks up your favorite coffee on a busy morning or fixes something around the house, take a moment to look him in the eyes and say, “Thank you so much for that. I really appreciate it.” Whether it’s the small things or the big gestures, your genuine gratitude makes him feel valued and loved. A simple thank you, or a thoughtful note acknowledging his effort goes a long way in showing him that you don’t take him for granted.
20. Plan A Picnic

Get a picnic bag ready with his favorite snack and take him out on a special romantic place for an outdoor picnic. This is a really romantic gesture.
Picture this, you pack a basket with all his favorite snacks, sandwiches, fruit, and a couple of cold drinks, and head to a scenic spot. As you lay out the blanket, the sun sets, casting a golden glow over the surroundings. He smiles as you unpack the treats, and the two of you settle into the peaceful moment. You laugh, talk, and enjoy the quiet beauty around you, knowing that the simplicity of the moment is what makes it so special. A picnic is a sweet and romantic gesture that allows you both to relax and reconnect in nature’s embrace.
21. Organize A Candlelight Dinner
All you need to do is switch off the lights, put on some romantic music, and serve him a candlelight dinner. Make it a memorable night filled with love and passion. This is an insanely romantic gesture for your man.
22. Buy Him Flowers
You can gift him a bunch of roses or an aromatic plant. Roses are the quintessential flowers of romance. Shower your love upon him and see him reciprocate.
23. Cuddle With Him In Bed
Like girls, guys also love to be cuddled, hugged, and squished. Sometimes, they also want to be wrapped in your arms when he sleeps. Show him this romantic gesture and cuddle with him in bed.
Note: Any relationship can benefit from courtship and the art of wooing to maintain its flame.
24. Serve Him A Romantic Breakfast In Bed
Serving your guy breakfast in bed will make him fall in love with you all over again. This will make him feel super special. You can do this on a weekend; this will give you both more time to enjoy your breakfast.
25. Pamper Him When He Is Sick

When your partner is low and sick, you should shower your attention on him and fuss over him. Also, you should do all those things that make him feel better. Showering your love on him will make him feel all happy and warm within and he will recover sooner.
26. Flirt With Him In Front Of Others
This is a super cute way to make him feel special in front of others. This romantic gesture will also increase the romance in your relationship. Show him you are still super attracted to him.
For example, while laughing with friends, you subtly lean in close, brushing your hand against his arm, and whisper something playful in his ear. His eyes light up and he can’t help but grin. You keep it light and fun, flashing him a teasing smile across the room or gently complimenting him in front of others. The subtle flirtation makes it clear to everyone, especially him, that you are still head over heels and enjoying every moment of being together.
27. Remember The Things He Tells You
Do not forget the secrets and things your bae tells you. Listen closely when he confides in you his desires, concerns, and needs. This will increase the depth of trust, love, and respect in your bond.
Suppose your partner casually mentions how much he loves a specific band or that he’s been thinking about a big decision at work, remember it. You can bring it up another time asking him for some song suggestions from that band, showing that you remembered. “How did that meeting go?” you ask, genuinely curious, or “I found that song you mentioned, and it’s amazing.” By paying attention and recalling even the small details, you show him that his thoughts and feelings matter to you, strengthening the trust and emotional connection in your relationship.
28. Surprise Him With A Romantic Night
Surprise your partner by putting rose petals and candles on the bed. You can also put a gift for him on the pillow to add a surprise touch. Dimmer lights and charming fragrances incite romantic feelings. Light up the aromatic candles to create a super romantic environment.
29. Plan A Romantic Vacation

A romantic vacation can really spice up your relationship. You will create many new memories and strengthen your bond.
Surprise him with a carefully planned getaway, a cozy cabin in the mountains, a beachside resort, or a charming city you both have always wanted to visit. As you share the excitement of packing bags and dreaming of new adventures, the anticipation builds. When you finally arrive, the two of you explore the sights hand-in-hand, indulging in quiet moments together, whether it’s watching the sunset or sharing a meal under the stars. The experience not only offers relaxation but deepens your connection, as the memories created together will last a lifetime.
Jess and Gabriel are vloggers, and Jess plans a surprise vacation for her partner in Nashville. She plans a live show of his favorite band and gets help from a friend to plan the whole surprise. She even blocked the days as date day. She added, “I love surprising Gabe. Nothing makes my heart more happy than surprising him (i).”
30. Take A Day Off For Him
If your work schedule has been keeping you busy, you may not have had much time to spend with your partner. Plan a full day of relaxation and pampering for him at home. It is important to give him your undivided attention, so make sure you put your phone away and focus on spending quality time together. This is a great opportunity to go shopping together, be emotionally and physically present, and show him how much you care.
31. Make A Photo Book
Cherishing those sweet memories you experienced together is a great way to appreciate how far you both have come. It could be your first trip together, the first time you met, or a collection of pictures from the past year. Put these photos in a photo book and present it to your partner. Get cozy on the sofa and reminisce about those beautiful moments together.
32. Take Him To A Concert
Has he talked about his favorite band coming to town? Surprise him by getting two tickets and watching his favorite band together. It will not only be a special experience for both of you, but it will also show him that you care about his interests.
33. Discuss Important Matters With Him

Sometimes, people forget the power of conversation. It can bring two people closer and create a strong and healthy relationship. Discuss your work, family, and future plans with your partner. Listen to his inputs and opinions. This will make him feel loved and valued and create a sense of trust in the relationship.
34. Say “I Love You” Spontaneously
The power of these three simple words is timeless and always effective. Timing is key, so try to be creative and pick the right moment to say them. Instead of thanking him, tell him “I love you” after he brings you a cup of tea. Trust us, it will make all the difference.
35. Sing His Favorite Song
When you step outside of your comfort zone for someone you love, it creates a big impact. You don’t need to be a great singer. All you need to have his confidence to belt out his favorite tune. Get him to sing along and dance to his favorite track to create a fun memory together.
36. Send Naughty Voice Messages
This will work even if you are in a long-distance relationship. When your partner is busy with work, sending him unexpected naughty voice notes can rekindle the love between you. Send them when he least expects it to add an element of surprise. However, let him know that he should not play them on speaker to avoid potentially embarrassing moments at work.
37. Gift A Reasons Why Jar

Showing love doesn’t have to be expensive or big. Small gestures like telling him how much he means to you can be enough. Write down the reasons why you love him on index cards or post-it notes. Then, you put all the cards together in an adorable jar and gift it to him to make his day.
38. Workout Together
Maintaining physical fitness is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Partner up with your significant other during workout sessions to show that you prioritize your well-being. Physical changes in the body can also positively impact sexual intimacy. Plus, sharing this experience together can be very meaningful.
39. Take A Shower Together
Finding time to spend with your partner can be challenging amidst your busy schedule. One way to increase physical intimacy is by surprising him in the shower and turning ‘me time’ into ‘we time’.
40. Plan A Treasure Hunt
Looking for a unique and enjoyable date night idea? Plan a romantic scavenger hunt! You can find inspiration for clues online and watch the excitement grow as your partner deciphers them along the way. While it may require some effort to plan, a well-executed treasure hunt can result in unforgettable memories.
41. Buy Him Something Sexy

If he has gifted you with alluring lingerie or clothing, why not reciprocate the gesture? Be it a seductive thong, a swimsuit, or something as simple as a form-fitting shirt, gift him something to let him know that you still find attractive.
42. Help Him When He Is In A Hurry
Performing small acts of service can make a big impact. Handing him his belongings as he rushes out the door, helping him groom when he feels lazy, or giving him food while he works show how much you care and appreciate him.
43. Hang Out With His Friends
Arrange a get-together for him and his buddies. Get plenty of snacks and drinks, ask them over for an entertaining evening, and let them have their own space. Your partner will appreciate this sweet gesture.
44. Make A Romantic Playlist
Creating a romantic playlist is a thoughtful gesture for your partner who enjoys music. Choose songs that you both have cherished over the years as well as songs that have special significance to you both. Alternatively, you can opt for a well-curated selection of his favorite songs. Share the playlist with your partner to help him relax as he travels to work.
45. Recreate Your First Date

Recreating your first date can be a great way to rekindle the relationship and make it special. Try doing everything you did to attract your partner on that first date to recreate that sense of thrill and excitement you felt when you first met him.
46. Plan A Flash Mob
A flash mob is a creative and romantic way of letting him know you love and appreciate him every day. Take him to your special spot and see the surprise on his face as a group of professional dancers groove to his favorite tracks.
47. Spend Time With His Family
As a supportive partner, you can encourage your significant other and join them in spending time with their family. Cherishing his relationships and connecting with his loved ones demonstrates how much you care about him and the important people in his life.
Join him at his family’s gathering, even if it’s just a casual dinner or weekend outing. As you chat and laugh with his parents, siblings, or cousins, make an effort to connect and show genuine interest in their lives. Whether it’s playing a game with his nieces or sharing a heartfelt conversation with his mom, your presence speaks volumes. He notices how comfortable you are with his loved ones, making him appreciate you even more.
48. Wear His Clothes
Many men find it sexy when their partners wear their oversized clothes. So, cook him his favorite meal while wearing his t-shirt and see him express his love and appreciation passionately.
49. Put Your Couple Picture As Your Lock Screen
What better way of showing your love for him by putting a picture of you and your partner on your lock screen? It is a sweet and wonderful way of showing your pride and love for him and the relationship you share.
50. Shower Him With Kisses
Surprising your partner with a kiss is a sweet way of showing your affection. A gentle kiss on the forehead, a playful kiss during a conversation, or a quick kiss before he leaves for work can make the bond stronger.
51. Perform A Seductive Dance
If you are planning a hot date night, why not surprise him with a seductive dance number? With the right song and setting, you can make it a night to remember. Plus, it is a fun and exciting way to keep the spark alive in your relationship without leaving your home.
52. Plan A Game Night
A game night with some delicious food and drinks is a great way of destressing together after a hectic day at work. From never have I ever to truth or dare, a romantic game night is a great way of adding excitement to your relationship and evening.
53. Prepare A Relaxing Bath

A candlelit bath for your partner after a long day sounds perfect, doesn’t it? Go one step further and join him to turn up the heat. This is not only a simple way to destress together but also spend quality time together after work.
54. Do The Chores He Hates For A Day
Most people don’t enjoy doing their daily chores. This could also be true of your significant other. Take care of the tasks he hates for a day and leave fun notes around the house to let him know you see and appreciate him.
For example, you wake up early and tackle all the chores he usually dreads, whether it’s taking out the trash, doing the laundry, or cleaning the garage. As you finish each task, you leave little notes around the house: “Got the laundry done for you, now go relax! :)” or “Trash is out, you are welcome! Love you!” When he walks in and sees everything taken care of, he’s genuinely surprised and touched. Not only does it give him a break, but it also shows how much you appreciate all the little things he does.
55. Wash His Car
Men have deep love for their cars and take great care of them. Surprise him with a thorough car wash. If his car holds a special place in his heart, he will surely appreciate this gesture.
56. Make A Love Den
Create a cozy den by using a sofa as the base and cover it with sheets. You can raise the central area by using a selfie stick and secure it with cloth pegs. Decorate this den with fairy lights and rose petals and add some comfortable pillows and blankets to create a pleasant and cozy ambiance.
57. Make A Cute Video

Creating a video has become incredibly simple with the help of technology. Pick a song that holds special significance for both of you, select adorable videos from your collection, and add meaningful captions to create a sweet and romantic video. You can send it directly to your partner or share it on social media to show the whole world how much you love him.
58. Treat Him To Love Coupons
You can easily find love coupons online or create a personalized one and get them printed. Ask your partner to use them to redeem them in exchange for treats or romantic acts they want from you.
59. Send Text Messages Just Like That
Sending him texts, memes, or even reels will let him know that he is always in your thoughts. Even a simple ‘hi’ can show him that you care. This can even work if you are in a long distance relationship.
If you are in a long distance relationship, the next section covers some more cute gestures to keep the bond strong despite the distance. Keep reading!
Romantic Gestures In Long-Distance Relationship
Here are some sweet gestures to make your romantic partner feel special, even from miles away:
1. Virtual Dinner Date
Nothing beats the comfort of sharing a meal with a loved one, even if you are miles apart. And thanks to technology, you can always be there even when you aren’t physically there. Video call your partner and head out on a virtual dinner date where you both order the same type of cuisine or cook the same dish. Set the mood with candles, soft music, and even dress up as if you were dining together in person. This thoughtful gesture adds intimacy to your long-distance relationship.
2. Plan a Surprise Visit
One of the most heartfelt romantic gestures is showing up when he least expects it. If possible, plan a surprise visit to see him. Coordinate with his friends or family to make sure he is available, and when the time is right, knock on his door and watch his face light up with happiness. The joy of being together after a long time apart will make the effort worthwhile.
3. Send Him Surprise Packages
Let your partner know that you are thinking of them even when they aren’t around. Send him little goodies that he loves. Maybe he mentioned missing something in passing. Or why not order him food when he’s tired after a long day or has a headache. These gestures remind him that you love and cherish his presence in your life.
Long-distance relationships require effort, but with thoughtful gestures like these, you can keep the spark alive and make your partner feel loved no matter the distance.
Men appreciate gestures from their partners because they make them feel valued, respected, and emotionally connected. Thoughtful actions, whether big or small, reassure them of their significance in the relationship and boost their confidence. Acts of kindness, words of affirmation, or simple efforts like remembering their preferences trigger feelings of appreciation and deepen emotional intimacy. Psychologically, men often seek validation through actions rather than words, making these gestures even more impactful in strengthening the bond.
Key Takeaways
- Cooking his favorite meal is a great gesture to make your man feel loved and special.
- Cuddling, hugging, and kissing him can also help bring you both closer.
- Surprise him with a vacation, plan a picnic, or invite him for a long drive to create memories with him.
Infographic: 10 Adorable Gestures To Make Him Feel Loved
A strong and loving relationship requires effort from both sides. While it’s common for men to pamper their lady love, they also need to feel loved. And making someone feel loved is not always about grandeur and exuberance, but small gestures are enough to touch their heart. So while you can try any of the tips shared in the article, we have prepared a compilation of the top 10 ways to make him feel giddy. Take a look at the infographic below.

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
When you love someone, you want to shower them with all the happiness in the world and make them feel special every chance you get. However, thinking about romantic gestures for him that do not need much preparation time or monetary investment is not an easy feat. The above ideas can, thus, help you sweep your guy’s feet off the ground when you want to express your love through some romantic gestures. For example, you can compliment your man, give him a massage, send him a love note, or indulge in some PDA. If you are looking for more inspiration, consider exploring cute things to do for your boyfriend, such as simple acts of affection that will make him blush and smile.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I make special romantic gestures for him that he will remember?
Making special gestures like writing heartfelt love letters expressing gratitude, so that he can re-read them is a romantic gesture he will remember. You can also give a thoughtful gift like a photo frame with a special memory, so he can always remember those moments.
What are some romantic gestures I can do when I’m away from him?
• You can write some thoughtful message or email expressing how much you miss him.
• Send a care package containing his favorite snacks and something that makes him remember you.
• You can make a playlist of songs that are special to your relationship and share it with him.
• Both of you can plan a virtual date night and cook the same meal or watch the same movie together.
How often should I do romantic gestures for him?
It depends on the type of relationship you share and the amount of time you can dedicate to each other. Also, romantic gestures have an element of heartfelt surprise, so there’s no routine for it. You can keep alternating between planning big and small surprises with intervals.
What are some romantic gestures that can be done on a budget?
You don’t need to spend much to show love. Simple things like writing a heartfelt letter, cooking their favorite meal, or planning a cozy day at home can be just as romantic. Thoughtful actions often hold more meaning than pricey gifts. Helping them out with their chores everyday can be a daily romantic gesture, one that goes a long way!
Learn 8 female gestures that men absolutely adore in this video! See how these small gestures can make a big difference in relationships and simply make your man’s heart overflow with joy!
Personal Experience: Source
StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic personal narratives that provide depth and resonance to our content. Below are the sources of the personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. Taking My Husband On A Surprise Vacation! (PART 1) HE WAS SO SHOCKED!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4WSmskfr1c

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