20 Signs A Shy Guy Likes You
Simple chivalrous acts may be a hint of how your shy partner expresses their love for you.

Image: Midjourney/ StyleCraze Design Team
Deciphering the love language of shy guys is difficult. But, it can become easier if you know the signs that a shy guy likes you. Yes, they are quiet and not outgoing, loud, straightforward, and expressive when they like someone. They are cute that way, aren’t they? Their nature shows how caring, innocent, and soft-hearted they are. But, is he ever going to ask you out? Does he even like you? What is going on in his mind? And how to unlock the secrets close to his heart? These are all the things you may be wondering. One thing is clear – shy guys are like just other guys. They are just choosy when it comes to socializing with people. Their shyness may bother them too when they like someone and can’t express it.
If a shy guy is dropping hints, but his demeanor is also confusing you, we’re here to help you navigate through it! Here is a list of signs a shy guy likes you to look out for and figure out if a shy guy you have a crush on is also into you. Scroll down!
In This Article
How To Know If A Shy Guy Likes You

Understanding the intentions of a shy guy is crucial, as it can be very tricky to figure out if he likes you. However, certain signs, behaviors, and actions can give you cues about his feelings for you. Here are some key signs a shy guy likes you.
1. You Will Find Him Always Close To You
A shy guy who has a liking for you will try to hand around you, under the weirdest of pretexts
. While they cannot express their love directly to you, they will give you subtle signs without being obvious or verbal. Whether you are in the classroom, office, playground, library, or canteen, you will often find your shy guy around you. If you are up for it, try and make the first move and have a conversation with him.
2. You Find Him Often Staring At You
Whether a guy is super-shy or not, it doesn’t mean that he can’t express his feelings for you at all. Shy guys have a different way of expressing their love and adoration. They are not too obvious, boisterous, or showy about it. Most of the time, you won’t even get to know about it until a long time. They will never be able to tell you directly about it, but they will reveal it through their body language. You will be attracted to their nervous ways, and you can tell for sure that they like you. For instance, you might notice him stealing glances at you. Say if he is looking at you in a class or a meeting, the moment you notice him, he looks away and pretends to look elsewhere. Alternatively, you might see him fidgeting when you are around, like fixing the glasses or adjusting the sleeves.
3. You Get Gifts And Cards From Your Shy Lover
If you get some anonymous cards and gifts, be sure it is from your secret lover. He is simply too shy to write his name, but he does these cute things to convey his adoration for you. You may get very confused about this secret guy, but if you read the signs properly, you will surely figure out who your shy admirer is.
4. His Friends Tease And Nudge Him When You Enter The Room
One clear sign that a shy guy likes you is that he would have told all his friends about his feelings for you. You will notice a group of friends nudging and teasing a guy when you walk by. You may be the last person to know about his love for you, but the entire office or class will know. Perhaps he is just scared of getting rejected or too embarrassed to speak to you directly.
5. You May Find The Guy At Your Hangout Joints

Your shy guy will always be present at your favorite hangout places in the hope of seeing you or bumping into you. Do you notice a particular guy who is always hanging around giving you side looks whenever you go to your favorite pizza place? Gotcha! This is one of those subtle signs he wants a relationship! He is trying to get close to you and grab your attention.
6. He May Look Out For You
You can tell if a guy likes you if you find him looking at you. He may be trying to convey their feelings through weird antics. For instance, he might cough, stretch, or yawn in a dramatic way to catch your attention. He might also get nervous and clumsy around you. For example, he might accidentally trip over a stone when walking or drop his coffee cup because he is focusing on you. You can make things easier for him and ask him out yourself if you like him as well.
7. He Will Try To Talk To Your Friends
A shy guy who has his eyes on you will try to find out all about you from your friends. All your favorite things, your current boyfriend, if any, and your routine will be known to him. You are practically the center of his world. While he can’t talk to you directly, he will ensure he knows all about you from trusted sources.
To test the waters, he might ask one or more of his friends to ask you questions about yourself or about your interest in him if he doesn’t feel comfortable asking you directly.
8. He Will Blush When You Talk To Him
You can tell that a man likes you if he blushes when you speak to him. He may just not believe it that his secret crush is talking to him directly – and this will leave him blushing. If you notice his pupils dilate or find him redden, you can be sure that the guy likes you. The guy will try to make a run whenever you try to have a conversation because he is just too awkward and shy.
9. He Will Get Protective About You
While he may not show it, one of the most telltale signs a shy guy likes you is his protectiveness towards you. If your shy guy finds any other man misbehaving with you, he will get extremely protective about you. He may even end up having a fistfight with him for you. This kind of behavior mostly comes from a feeling of protectiveness for you.
10. His Body Language Tells You That He Likes You

You can tell by his silly body language that he likes you. He may fidget with something, drop things, or act clumsily if you come near him. He may behave just too awkwardly if you are around. This happens because he gets super-excited if you are near him, and the silly him has no control over his emotions. These are clues on how to tell if a guy likes you, as his excitement around you reveals his true feelings.
11. He Will Do Small Favors For You
Your shy guy will try to please you by doing little favors for you. Fetching books, food, drinks, or reserving a seat are all little gestures he may do to convey his liking for you.
12. He Will Try To Attract You With His Actions
For a shy man, actions speak louder than any words can. They will try to do brave things just to impress you. A study also highlights that shy people often experience social anxiety and strive to make a positive impression on others, but they lack confidence in their ability to do so. Thus, it comes as no surprise why shy people feel they will be rejected by others (2). For example, they might try to crack a joke or initiate a conversation in the group just to catch your attention, even if it makes them feel nervous. They may be going through internal struggles all the time, dying to talk to you, but they are afraid of rejection and lack the guts for it.
In her blog, Miss Jones addresses a reader’s query about shy guys and states that one can gauge his interest by deciphering subtle cues. She states, “Oh, and I think you tell if a shy guy likes you by paying attention to body language, eye contact, and his actions. Make it SUPER easy for him to date you if he wants to and then really a shy guy isn’t much different than a non shy guy. You just have to make things a little easier for shy guys (i).” This emphasizes the significance of a comfortable setting to encourage shy people to feel less intimidated to express interest. Furthermore, it also highlights how body language and subtle cues are your tickets to deciphering interest from the shy guys.
13. He Is Nervous Around You
You can tell that a shy guy likes you if he gets extremely nervous around you. He may suddenly start behaving awkwardly or clumsily. For instance, he might struggle to form simple sentences, chuckle nervously at inappropriate times, or fiddle with his watch, phone, or pen. Alternatively, out of nervousness, he might speak too fast or too slow, owing to his nervous excitement when you are near him. This kind of nervousness comes from wanting to appear cool and do things right in front of you, but failing miserably at it. So cute!
14. He Might Change His Looks Often

You can understand whether he likes you or not by noticing his physical changes. If he changes his looks and hairstyle too often, he may have something for you. He is doing that to impress you probably, and you should get a hint from it.
15. If He Smiles A Lot, You Know He Likes You
You can tell that he has feelings for you if he smiles a lot at you. He is showing his attraction and interest by smiling because he is just too shy to do anything else. You can ease his ordeal by initiating the talk yourself or smiling back at him. That will comfort him immensely.
16. He Will Share His Secrets With You
You only share secrets with someone when you really trust or like that person. For instance, he might confide in you about the mental struggle he is dealing with or might talk about his vulnerabilities and insecurities before you. For example, he could say, “I am not a very confident person-it’s something I have always struggled with.” He is trying to attract your attention towards himself with this cute gesture. Maybe you can share a secret of yours, too?
17. He Hates It When You Mention Other Guys
You can tell if a shy guy has feelings for you if he gets too annoyed or irritated whenever you mention the names of other guys. For example, if you mention other guys in a conversation, he might press his lips and become silent or try to change the topic of the conversation. He might also criticize the guy you are talking about. He might say, ” Though he is a good human, he comes across as arrogant.” This happens because he feels too possessive about you and gets jealous. He is scared that you talking about other guys means that you like them, not him. He wants you all for himself.
18. He Shows Interest In Your Actions
One of the key signs a shy guy likes you is his unwavering support and appreciation for what you do. Whatever you achieve, you will always find him appreciative of your work or your efforts. He likes the stuff you do and shows interest in your actions. For example, if you successfully complete a project at your workplace, he might praise and acknowledge your efforts, even if he is shy. Like, ‘You have done a great job; how you managed to finish the project before the deadline was really impressive.” Or if you get a promotion at work, he might just celebrate your win by keeping a small gift for his side on your desk. You can tell if he has feelings for you if he supports you in the things you do.
19. He Will Try To Connect Via Social Media

He will send you a friend request and will like and comment on ALL your posts. It is way easier to connect via social media because the fear of rejection is way lesser – he may even chat with you on social media! He will talk about a lot to you online but may be too scared to have a face-to-face conversation. He may be shy, but he wants you to know that he sees every move that you make. These are clear signs that he likes you as more than a friend. He is trying to communicate with you and express a deeper interest in you, even if it’s from behind a screen.
20. He Will Remember Little Details About You
A clear sign a shy guy likes you is his exceptional attention to detail. You can tell that a shy guy has feelings for you if he remembers your birthday and other special occasions. There may be days when even you may forget about your special occasion, but he won’t. Other than birthdays, a shy guy will also remember what you wore on a specific day, your outfit the first time he saw you, your little habits, and every little detail about you. Sighhhh, true love!
So, if you’ve been noticing these signs in a shy guy, it’s time to take a step forward and see if there’s a potential for a romantic relationship. Good luck!
Now that you know the signs that a shy guy likes you, learn how to talk to him easily.
Key Takeaways
- Shy guys are not very expressive and don’t socialize much, so it can be difficult to figure out if they like you.
- If you want a relationship with a shy guy, it will require oodles of patience and excellent observation powers.
- He might exhibit subtle signs to show you that he’s interested in you, such as being around you, sending you gifts, smiling at you, or sharing his secrets with you.
- All you need to do is draw him out and make him feel comfortable enough to open up to you.
How To Talk To Shy Guys
Most shy guys are just uncomfortable starting a conversation. However, as you get to know them, you’ll find that they are really good at carrying a conversation. The aim is to make them feel comfortable enough around you so they don’t get anxious.
- Choose a quiet and casual place to strike your initial interactions.
- Try to conduct yourself in a welcoming manner, using open body language.
- Notice if he is comfortable with eye contact or without it. Listen to him attentively and do not interrupt them.
- Ask them questions about their interests.
Once he feels at ease with you, you will not have to worry too much about talking to him.
Infographic: Common Signs A Shy Guy Likes You
Shy people are so mysterious. While you might be obvious about your feelings toward your crush, trying to figure out if they like you is like unraveling a cryptogram. To help you notice some of the most common signs a shy guy is head-over-heels for you, we have created an infographic below. So without further ado, check it out. Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
Understanding if a shy guy likes you can be tricky as they never speak about their feelings out loud and depend on covert body language and gestures. The key is to look for the signs a shy guy likes you. By observing these signs, you will get a clear picture of whether a guy is interested in you or not. So, if you are romantically interested in someone who is not as extroverted or expressive as a usual guy, it helps you know about various ways they could drop you a hint. For instance, a shy guy will be nervous around you, blush when you talk to them, and try to stay near you as much as possible. All these gestures are an invitation for you to initiate a conversation so that they can engage with you. So, pick the hints and let your shy man heave a sigh of relief!
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do if I think a shy guy likes me?
If you think a shy guy likes you, try to make him feel at ease by creating a friendly atmosphere. Start conversations, take an interest in what he enjoys, and be patient as he works through his shyness. This approach can help him feel more comfortable and encourage him to share his feelings.
How long does it take a shy guy to ask you out?
It might take some time for a shy guy to get the courage to ask you out. Most of them will only ask you out if they think you like them back. So, drop hints that you like them. Or, ask them out instead!
Do guys get shy around the girl they like?
Some men do get shy around the woman they like, especially if they think that she is out of their league.
Will a shy guy ignore a girl he likes?
A shy guy may ignore a girl he likes out of fear or nervousness, but this isn’t always the case. Some shy guys may show their interest in more subtle ways.
How can a shy guy flirt with a girl?
By making eye contact, smiling, and finding ways to be near the girl he likes. He can also try asking her open-ended questions to start a conversation.
How do you impress a shy guy?
To impress a shy guy, try to show interest in his hobbies and passions, ask him questions and show him you want to know more about him, be patient with him, and make him feel comfortable around you.
How can I make a shy guy feel comfortable enough to express his feelings to me?
To make a shy guy feel comfortable expressing his feelings, create a safe and supportive environment for him to open up in. Show empathy and be a good listener.
How can I differentiate between a shy guy’s romantic interest and his friendly nature?
It can be difficult to differentiate between a shy guy’s romantic interest and friendly nature. Look for subtle signs such as prolonged eye contact, nervousness around you, and attempts to make physical contact. However, the best way to know for sure is to have an open and honest conversation with him about his feelings.
Have you fallen for shy guy? Are you wondering if he likes you? Check out this video to learn 16 signs that indicate he might be into you!
Personal Experience: Source
StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic personal narratives that provide depth and resonance to our content. Below are the sources of the personal accounts referenced in this article.
(i) The Shy Guyhttps://singlemormongirl.wordpress.com/2009/05/29/the-shy-guy/
Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.
- Shyness Versus Social Phobia in US Youth
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3208958/ - Shyness and Marriage: Does Shyness Shape Even Established Relationships?

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