33 Signs He Wants To Marry You (What You Need To Look For)
Knowing everything about him to getting him familiar with your family, here’s the checklist.

Image: Midjourney/ StyleCraze Design Team
It is not wrong to wonder if your partner wants to marry you if you both have been dating for an extended period. But often, he may not feel like proposing marriage for fear of scaring you away. So, the only way that remains is to look for signs he wants to marry you. After all, it would be best if you got an answer at some point.
However, every relationship is different. The end goal of all relationships may not be marriage. Though we cannot be sure of what your partner feels, some telltale signs may indicate his intent toward a longtime commitment.
These signs he wants to marry you may not always manifest in the form of sudden gestures or obvious behavioral changes. But you can get a hint about his preferences. Here, we have curated a list of 33 signs showing he wants to lead a family life with you. Keep reading!
In This Article
33 Signs He Wants to Marry You
1. You Know Everything About Him

If you have been dating for a while and he is completely honest with you about everything – his past, present, and future – not only is it a marker for a healthy relationship, but it is also a sign that he may want to marry you. For instance, if he is honest and transparent about his past relationships and has told you what clearly went wrong and how those experiences shaped his current view on life.
It takes a lot of effort to open up to another person about your deepest, darkest secrets. Moreover, society’s expectations of men also mean they are not as open with sharing their emotions. But if he has still laid his heart bare in front of you, it means something.
Sharing his weaknesses, fears, traumas, and vulnerabilities mean he is extremely committed to your relationship.
2. He Shares His Future Plans With You

A major sign that he wants to marry you is that he talks to you candidly about the future. He shares his career and life goals with you and actively tries to understand where you fit in. Whether it is tailoring his decisions based on your goals or considering you before making major life decisions, he has you and your life together on his mind. For example, he can talk to you about the potential job changes or relocation places that he is considering and may ask you to give your input on it. Communication plays a big part in maintaining a healthy relationship and keeping each other in the loop not only improves your compatibility but also shows your excitement about future plans together.
3. You Know His Family

In many cultures, meeting the family is an important step toward planning your future. If he has introduced you to his family – his parents, siblings, and grandparents – he may want to marry you.
A person’s family is often the people they are closest to in their lives. By introducing you to them, he is setting an expectation with his family that you will be around long term. In turn, he is making you a part of his family – the people he loves dearly. This he can do by inviting you to his family dinner, reunion, or parents’ retirement party. It can signify that he values your presence and would love to see you being part of many such events in the near future. The way he talks about you to his family also makes a lot of difference. In an ideal scenario, he wants his family to like you and get to know who you are as a person. Trust me; he will tell them you are as important to him as they are. If you see that happening, you know he’s a keeper!
4. He Wants To Meet Your Family
Another important sign to watch out for is his keenness to meet your family. If he is the kind of person you see yourself with for the long term, you would also feel comfortable introducing him to your family.
Once he gets to know them, he makes an effort to form a good impression on them. He stays in touch with them and tries to communicate with them without your help. If you see your mom sending him the recipes for your favorite dishes or your dad sharing your childhood photos with him, know that he is trying his best to be close to them for you and it’s a sign he wants to marry you.
5. He Makes An Effort To Introduce You To His Friends
Much like his family, his friends are often his home away from home or his second family. Their opinion about you means as much to him as his parents or siblings. Therefore, he tries to ensure that you gel well with his group of close buddies and that they like you and care about you. For instance, he might invite you on a weekend trip with his friends or take you to a birthday party hosted by his best friend. This can help foster an opportunity to create a connection with his inner circle. If he sincerely tries to make his favorite people like each other, he is probably doing so because he wants to marry you.
6. He Is Into The Idea Of Marriage
Recently, not everyone is open to or has faith in the idea of getting married.
It could be because marriage only seems to be a legal process for love and affection that already exists.
You have spoken about marriage with him and realized that your views about the idea and institution of marriage match at some level. If he is in a committed relationship with you and believes in the sanctity of marriage, then he most likely considers marriage to be the natural progression. He can convey this by showing he values a long-term commitment and is up for it. For instance, he can casually mention to you the family traditions and customs that he wants to uphold in his future married life.
7. You Have Discussed Whether You Want Children
For most people, being a family involves having biological children. But this is a decision two partners must make together. In a heterosexual relationship, the physical and emotional stress of being a mother is often on the woman, and therefore, having a non-traditional opinion about parenthood is not uncommon in the 21st century.
Based on your professional goals and visions of growth, you and your boyfriend must have had discussions regarding starting a family and having children. Whether you both want it or not, the fact that you have agreed upon a certain expectation about parenthood is a huge step towards the future.
When a man wants to marry you, he will completely respect your decision to become a mother (or not to become one) and be open to whatever you decide is better for your physical and mental health.
8. You Are Invited To His Family’s Events
One of the biggest signs he wants to marry you is that you are now a constant fixture at his family’s events. Whether it is his grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary, his father’s birthday, or his brother’s wedding, you are invited to take part in organizing the event.
Family events are also a great place to meet his extended family. Therefore, the fact that he is okay with his larger kin knowing you is a huge indicator that he takes your relationship seriously and wants to be your husband someday.
9. He Values Your Opinion About His Decisions
Being in a mature, adult relationship also means being a team. You help each other with difficult decisions and act as a sounding board for the other person’s ideas. More importantly, he values your opinions and suggestions about his life and decisions.
He does not just want you to hear him out but takes your word seriously and reflects upon it to ensure you feel included in his judgments. It might be about the new appliance he wants to buy or a career move, but the fact that he seeks out your view about it is an excellent sign that he wants to marry you in the future!
10. His Friends Adore You
Given that he has already introduced you to his friends, you already feel like a part of the group – an indispensable member of the gang. You get along incredibly well with them, have your inside jokes, and they miss you when you are not around.
They view you as their own and want to have you around as much as they want him. You are a part of their text chains, you catch up with them without him, and they are there for you when you need them.
If a man’s friends love you as much as you love him, it could be a definite sign he will marry you someday!
11. He Takes Care Of Your Needs And Preferences
If he wants to build a life with you, you will automatically notice that he has started considering your needs and preferences and accommodating them in his behavior. For example, if he makes space to keep your belongings or revamps the home decor to suit your aesthetic preferences, it can indicate that he sees you as an integral part of his life and will continue to do so. He remembers what you like and dislike and makes an effort to address them in his behavior.
If he has made fundamental changes to his schedule and behavior to ensure that you are comfortable and happy around him, he could be considering marrying you soon.
12. Staying Away From Each Other Is Not Easy
You miss him if he is away on a trip with his friends or for work. And more than you, he misses you when you are away. He lets you know that your absence is difficult for him and does things to make up for it when you return. Even if it is a night’s gap between seeing each other, you are always on his mind. If he frequently calls you or texts you during this duration or simply plans a surprise for you when you come back, it can indicate he missed you while you were away.
If he can express his longing for you freely, he is committed to you in a way that he wants to be with you in the future. The fact that he can’t stay away from you for a few hours means that he cannot stay away from you in the future, which could be a sign that he wants you to be his wife.
13. You Are His Closest Confidante
You are the first person to get to know whatever is going on in his life. Whether it is something good or bad, he always has you on his speed dial. This is because he knows you will be as happy and excited as him to hear the good news, and when it’s bad news, you will stand by him and hold his hand. For instance, he can immediately call you after he gets a promotion or a tough day at work. This can signify you matter to him and he trusts you with his feelings.
14. He Opens Up To You Easily

He is extremely transparent with you. He talks to you about everything that goes on in his head and is extremely comfortable with you. He can be at his weirdest best around you and still not worry about you being put off by him.
He can also be serious with you and talk to you about his worries, stress, and anxiety without fearing judgment from you. The fact that he can be himself with you is one big sign that he may want to marry you.
15. He Does Not Show Romantic Interest In Other People
He may have several friends and meet a hundred new people every day, but he makes it known that there is no one else but you on his mind. He talks about you with strangers and mentions you casually to let people know he is unavailable.
He might admire other people and talk about their work or their character, which makes him like these people, but you know for sure that it is never in a romantic way. He makes you feel secure and loved at every point. This is one of the important signs that he wants to marry you.
16. You Have A Fulfilling Sex Life
Mind-blowing sex life is mandatory for a happy relationship. If your man is trying to keep you satisfied in bed, he’s a keeper. Given that he wants you around for much longer than a fling, he will make efforts to know your needs and learn what gives you pleasure. For example, he might ask you while lovemaking that you are enjoying yourself or what can he do to heighten your pleasure. This can signify that he cares about having a physical connection with you and satisfying you. It could also reflect that he wants to deepen his connection with you and take things to the next level.
17. He Plans His Schedule Around Yours

It can be a nightmare to match your schedules and stay updated on the other person’s day in our busy lives. Despite that, he makes an effort to find and spend time with you.
Whether it is staying up late at night to meet you when you come back from work or waking up early in the morning to cook breakfast for you, if he is bending his habits around being with you, it is one of the major signs that he may want to marry you.
18. You Are The Most Important Person In His Life
You are the first person he considers when he does anything, and he lets you know about that. You don’t feel like you are playing second fiddle to anything else in his life, and if there were a situation where he has to pick you against anything else, he would choose you. Giving you that level of assurance and safety is an interesting way of letting you know that he wants to build a future with you.
19. Most Of His Friends Are Married
When you hang out with his friends, they are primarily couples who are married and settled. They share the problems of their marital life with you, and even though you are not married, you can identify with them at a high level!
Having married friends creates a certain level of fear of missing out on your boyfriend, and you can almost be sure that he is thinking about walking down the aisle fairly soon.
20. He Wants To Be Married By A Certain Age
You have had the marriage discussion with him, and he has told you that he wants to settle down and build a family by a certain age. And if he is nearing that age, it is almost evident that he is planning to pop the question quite soon. If this is not one of the telltale signs he wants to marry you, we cannot tell you what is!
21. He Is Always Excited And Happy Around You
You make him dizzy with happiness. He is excited to see you, and you can see it on his face. For instance, he might compliment you and say, ‘You look so stunning’ or just smile and come to hug you. This reveals how excited he is to see you. He does not make excuses to cancel plans. He does not keep you wondering about when you will meet him next. He is ecstatic to meet you all the time and makes those plans with you. He also surprises you with dates and presents to make you feel special.
22. He Is Always Taking Care Of You
Did he get you a care package for your last period? Does he sit by you when you have a high fever? Did he come to the doctor’s appointment with you? Does he encourage you to seek therapy for your mental health in a supportive way?
If he wants you to be healthy and happy physically and mentally, he is not a guy who would not want to be with you for life. He cares for you enough, which is one of the biggest signs he will marry you.
23. You Have Shared Possessions
You already buy things that are shared. Whether it’s certain appliances at his place or clothes, you make purchases thinking about where the other person will fit in. It is even bigger if you have a pet together and share custody of them. It can signify that you make decisions as a team and have a willingness to build a life together. This could also reflect that he wants to create a shared environment where both of you can feel at home.
24. He Chooses You Over Others
Imagine he has a date with you and his boys make a last-minute plan to watch the game? If he cancels your date without an explanation, it is one of the major signs he will never marry you because he doesn’t prioritize you.
A man who wants to be with you forever will do everything in his power to ensure that he is placing you above everyone else during difficult decisions.
25. He Talks About Growing Old With You

He talks about being old with you. Even if it is in a joking manner or a casual conversation, he thinks about the far future with you. For example, he can talk about his future plans like how he wants to travel the world with you once you both retire or how exactly he wants his retirement home to look like. You probably are wrong if you think that this man is not contemplating marriage with you.
26. He Expresses Concern For You
He asks you how your day was and takes a general interest in what’s going on in your life. He asks you how your work has been and tries to understand why you are stressed out or anxious. He is by your side when you are not feeling good and is genuinely concerned about you and your well-being.
27. He Has Brought Up Marriage More Than Once
He speaks about your wedding like it’s an upcoming event. He brings it up in conversation and subtly tries talking about your future together. For instance, he has often asked you about your dream wedding idea, the location where you want to get married, or might just casually talk about exchanging rings. Or if he is putting off buying things because he would like to get them when he’s married. All these signs can suggest imagining his wedding with you.
28. He Has Suggested Moving In
He has brought up the idea that he would like to live with you if you aren’t living in the same house. Living with your partner before marrying is a great way to understand each other’s little quirks and habits. It’s a trial before becoming each other’s husband and wife – and if he suggests moving in, it is one of the obvious signs he wants to marry you soon!
29. You Can Sense He Is Planning Something
He has been sneaking around taking secret phone calls, and you have seen him more than once swiping tabs on his laptop as you walked into the room. Your spidey instincts are tingling, and you know he is doing something out of the ordinary. And given you know that he is loyal as ever, you can now be almost sure that he has got a plan under wraps.
30. He Has Been Speaking To Your Family More Than Usual
He has been texting a lot, and his dad has asked you where he is. Parents are the worst secret-keepers, and when they have been letting some of the pretenses slip, you can be suspicious that he is showing signs of a proposal brewing in the background.
31. He Has Asked For Your Ring Size
He has tried to sneakily ask you for your ring size. He might even have asked you what your favorite jewel or metal is. It indicates that the guy is serious about your relationship. A ring is a symbol of commitment and the guy is just being thoughtful to choose the right ring for you. It clearly represents his desire to make things official. If you can remember such instances, that could be a big sign and you should look forward to an engagement proposal.
32. He Wanted To Know Your Ideal Wedding
Has he asked for your wedding vision board? Has he asked what kind of food and beverages you would like served? Has he asked you about how you picture your perfect ceremony going? Or how you see each other exchanging your vows? If this is the case, then he is sure to ask you to marry him soon. It signifies that he wants to make the effort and understand what would truly make you feel special on your wedding day.
33. He Has Invited You To An Extra Special Date Without Any Reason
If he has been referring to a big date when there is no special day coming up, there you have it! For instance, he might just say, I have got something incredible planned for this day, so make sure to be free on that day. He might even tell you, it will be great if we both are dressed in so and so attire. All these are clear indicators that he is preparing for a big moment. It is one of the prime signs he wants to marry you soon and is planning a big proposal for you.
These were the signs that he wants to marry you, but how long does it take for a man to know that he you’re the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with?
Key Takeaways
- A major sign that he wants to marry you is that he is completely honest with you about everything – his past, present, and the future.
- If he has introduced you to his family, it is a big sign that he wants to marry you.
- If he has changed positively to ensure that you are comfortable and happy around him, he could be thinking about marrying you.
How Long Does It Take A Man To Know That He Wants To Marry You?
A man’s decision to get married depends more on his situation than on you. Most men want to settle down once they are financially and emotionally stable. So, the amount of time he takes to know and decide that he wants to marry you depends on where he is in his life.
However, if a man finds himself in a good position to get married and settle down, then he may take about 6-7 months to decide if he wants to marry the woman he is currently dating.
Some men say that they know if they want to be with their partner forever or not based on how well they get along emotionally, sexually, and generally. Other factors like personal values, past relationship experiences, and individual life goals can also greatly influence how quickly a man may realize his desire to marry you.
Once you feel through his actions and casual mention of future plans, that he is willing to marry you, it’s a good idea to evaluate the situation thoroughly. Here are steps that can ensure you both are ready for the life-changing decision.
What To Do Next If He Wants To Marry You
If you think your partner is ready to get married to you or are planning to do so in the near future, the first and most important thing is to ensure both you and your partner are on the same page. Here are some tips that you can keep in mind while initiating such a conversation.
1. Assess Your Situation: Think about how comfortable and excited you are about sharing your future with him and whether or not you are ready for it. Ask yourself if are you confident to take the next step. Consider your expectations from marriage and how you want it to align with your values, beliefs, and future goals.
2. Communicate What You Feel: Have an open and honest communication about where you both stand. Share your feelings and ask about his views on commitment and the idea of marriage.
3. Think About Your Readiness: Think on the lines of whether you both are physically, financially, and emotionally ready for marriage. In addition to this, also discuss your unresolved issues and how willing you are to accommodate each other’s needs and render support.
4. Start Thinking About Your Future: Have in-depth conversations about finances, living arrangements, career goals, children, etc. This can help you both feel more comfortable and confident about your next step.
5. Take Your Time: Though it’s natural to feel excited about the wedding, do not rush things. Take time to ensure you both are ready for the big change. Spend quality time together and truly enjoy your relationship. Let the relationship evolve naturally and ensure that you are entering the marriage for the right reasons.
These steps can help you get an idea about the strength of your relationship, reflect on the areas of growth, and can help you foster a solid relationship moving forward, whether it’s heading toward marriage or taking some more time to grow as a couple.
Infographic: Top 8 Signs That He Wants To Marry You
To be in love with someone from the bottom of your heart is a beautiful feeling, but having a romantic partner comes with its own happiness and struggles. If you are unsure whether he is going to propose to you, don’t worry! We have got you covered. We have rounded up the top 8 signs that make it evident that he wants to marry you. Check out the infographic below!

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
It is a nerve-wracking time when you have been in a serious relationship for a long time and are now waiting for a marriage proposal without knowing for sure if they want to tie to knot. While you are waiting in eager anticipation, it doesn’t help to be impatient as this might distance your future spouse from you. Instead, focus on the above 33 signs to know what they think about your future together. If they try to introduce you to their family and friends, value your opinions and decisions, and open up to you easily, the chances are that they might pop the question soon!
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take a man to know he wants to marry you?
A man typically takes about 6-7 months of consistent dating to know if he has found the one he wants to marry.
How do you know if he is your future husband?
You know that the man you are dating is a potential future husband if you can fully trust him, work out problems together, and visualize him in your future.
How a man acts before he proposes?
Before proposing, a man may definitely be a little unusual and you may notice a change in his general attitude. He might initiate conversations to discuss future plans and goals together.
What does a man want in a woman he wants to marry?
Every individual has their own unique preferences and priorities when it comes to choosing a life partner. However, some qualities include compatibility, a shared sense of values, kindness, and emotional maturity. A man will also want to find someone who makes him happy and with whom he can create a fulfilling life together.
How do I get him to decide to marry me?
You cannot force someone to marry you as marriage should be a mutual decision made out of love and respect for each other. Trying to force someone into marriage can lead to an unhealthy and unhappy relationship. But you can surely communicate your desire for a future together and talk about personal choices that help you move in the right direction.
What month do men propose?
There is no specific research or evidence to know which month when men propose. It depends on personal preferences, priorities, and the relationship.
When a man proposes to a woman what is he called?
When a man proposes to a woman, he is called to as the proposer or the groom-to-be.
What are the signs of a healthy relationship leading to marriage?
There are certain signs of a healthy relationship leading to marriage, these include, open communication, mutual respect, shared values, and consistent support. Both partners should feel valued, have strong emotional connection, and share long-term goals and commitment to each other.
From spending most of your weekends together to making future plans, a man exhibits various signs when is ready to commit to you. Watch the video below to learn about seven such signs.

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