How To Know If She’s The One: 15 Clear Signs That Indicate It

If your heart already knows, here are a few signs to confirm your hypothesis.

Reviewed by Joy Nwokoro, Relationship Coach Joy Nwokoro Joy NwokoroRelationship Coach facebook_icontwitter_iconlinkedin_iconyoutube_iconinsta_icon
Written by Sneha Tete, Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach Sneha Tete Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Edited by Subhrojyoti Mukherjee, MA (English) Subhrojyoti Mukherjee MA (English) linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Fact-checked by Reshma Latif, BSc Reshma Latif BSc linkedin_icon Experience: 5 years
Last Updated on
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We are all looking for that special person who can fill our lives with happiness and fulfillment. But when you meet a girl and fall for her at first sight, you need to know if she really is the one. So how to know if she is the one? Note that the person made for you is someone you share the rest of your life with. Always remember this quote: “I just looked up from my cereal. And I said, ‘You know what I want to do today? I want to marry you.’”- Jim Halpert, The Office. This article explores 15 clear signs to know that she is the one for you. Continue reading.

15 Signs To Know That She Is The One For You

Understanding these indicators can help you feel more confident in your relationship and guide you toward making the right decision for your future together.

1. You Are Happy

If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands! When you think of her, you smile like a giddy fool. While your friends complain about their relationships, you can’t wait to get back to her. Everything about her just makes you smile – including the annoying things. You always think of spending time with her. This is a key sign that she is your girl. She makes you so happy that you wouldn’t trade your relationship (and those arguments) for anything!

2. She Is Your Person

If you were to commit murder (accidentally, of course!), she would be the one you would call to hide the body. This not only shows a deep emotional connection but also an unusual level of compatibility even if the situation is grim! And you know she will take this secret to her grave. She is the one you call every time you have a problem or a bad day to have a conversation. She is the one you tell everything to.

3. She Loves You For Being You

She knows about your weird quirks and fetishes and still loves you. She doesn’t make you feel bad for who you are. She loves every part of you, including the messy bits – and vice versa. She doesn’t question you about your choices and understands you on a deeper level.

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She’s the first person you want to share your stories with and she also is always excited to hear all your stories.

4. She Supports You

Trust and loyalty are also the most crucial factors for men in selecting a partner (1). Remember the time you wanted to do something risky but couldn’t believe in yourself? But she believed in you! That’s part of why you love her and is the clearest sign of a strong relationship. She always supports you through thick and thin and is rooted in the relationship with equal commitment. She never ridicules your opinions. Instead, you love to spend quality time with your girl and engage in honest conversation. You can tell her your deepest desires, ambitions, and goals in life, and she will have your back. She might not see eye to eye on everything, but she respects that you have your own voice and opinions.

5. Your Friends And Family Love Her

If your friends and family love her, it is almost a signed deal. They get along with her really well and love her as their own. Her compatibility with your family is also a sign of a happy relationship.

However, sometimes friends and family might not appreciate your relationship– and that is alright. But we would want them, too! So it stands to reason that if we want them to love her and they do, something’s right. Basic compatibility between your girl and your family will positively impact your long-term relationship.

6. She Is Always There For You

A woman being supportive and consoling her boyfriend
Created with Dall.E

Remember the time you fell sick and acted like a baby? This lovable woman was there taking care of you and waiting on you hand and foot while you were having a tough time! She’s always there for you through the good, bad, and ugly and has constantly shown her loyalty towards you. These are all acts of connection and subtle yet important signs of a meaningful relationship and a beautiful love life.

7. You Both Learn From Your Fights

When you argue, rather than taking jabs to hurt each other, you both really discuss the issue to resolve it. That is a relationship worth holding on to forever. Proper communication is the gateway to a healthy relationship. Your girl does not resort to giving silent treatment, and your fights become learning experiences instead of a battleground.

8. You Imagine A Future With Her

Close your eyes and think about your future with your woman. Can you imagine her as your life partner, standing by you during the many challenges in life? Is she there with you when you get that dream job and buy that lake view house? If you’re already planning your future with her in mind, you already know that she is the one for you, and you are ready for a long-term commitment.

9. She Is Your Lobster

Man kissing woman's hand as a sign that she is the one

There is no one else who makes you feel loved the way she does. She is always looking out for you and makes sure she stays by your side during your good and bad times. She angers you, pushes you to be better, drives you crazy, and supports you. You can look at a million other people, but none of them give you that spark or connection she does. There isn’t another ‘her’ for you.

10. She Makes You A Better Person

Woman helps man load the dishwasher as a sign of supporting him

If you want to be a better person because of her, you know you are hooked. You have moved past the initial stage of dating and are interested in pursuing a committed relationship. She makes you want to load the dishwasher the right way. She makes you want to do better in everything – because she believes you can and you don’t want to let her down. So you push yourself and make yourself better for your woman. This is a subtle sign that you want to move up from a casual relationship to an advanced level.

11. Saying Sorry Isn’t Hard

Woman apologising for her mistake is a sign that she is the one

After a long fight, neither of you have a problem with saying sorry. The age-old question about who must apologize first is never a concern in your relationship. You both know that fights and disagreements are all part of a long-term relationship. And if you want it to work, you will have to apologize. Admitting defeat and saying sorry isn’t a problem because you know that the endgame is being together with your girl and not about who is right or wrong.

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A loving partner always recognizes, respects, and supports your choices irrespective of whatever differences you may have. They always make up and come to a compromise after every argument.

12. You Would Do Anything For Her

Don’t tell me it’s not worth fightin’ forI can’t help it, there’s nothin’ I want moreYou know it’s trueEverything I do I do it for you

Bryan Adams has it right! There is nothing you wouldn’t do for your girlfriend because she would do the same for you. You both know how important your relationship is to each other. And you both will cross the seven seas and battle mythical gods to fight for it! This is one of the biggest signs of a solid relationship. There isn’t much you wouldn’t do for each other because you both are forever.

13. Putting Each Other First

Despite what you want, you always put her needs first, and she does the same for you, every time. A compromise doesn’t feel like you are giving up on something – you instead feel you are making your girl happy, and that feeling of devotion makes you happy too. Putting her needs first doesn’t seem like you are sacrificing anything – and you know she feels the same about you. These are also some of the important qualities of a healthy relationship!

14. You Both Are Vulnerable

Woman whispering a secret into man's ear

You both share your deepest feelings, darkest secrets, and innermost fantasies with each other. This is a huge sign of a solid emotional connection. You know there is no judgment with her. You are unabashedly yourself with her. You tell her that secret family history because she will be there for you. You open up to her with your sexual desires. No matter what, you can be open and vulnerable with her physically, emotionally, and mentally.

15. You Are Already Thinking Of A Lifetime

If you are already planning trips with her and going on other adventures, it means you are comfortable spending time with her and want to build experiences that last a lifetime. It means you already know that this beautiful woman is the one for you.

Understanding who the right partner is important in creating a stable and happy future together. A solid relationship provides emotional support, joy, and space for personal growth. By recognizing the signs that she might be the one, you can empower yourself to make thoughtful decisions about where your relationship is headed. If you relate to these pointers and you feel she fits most of them, congratulations! Now you know the signs your relationship will last a lifetime. Stay tuned for other factors that can help you know more.

Key Takeaways

  • If you are wondering if she is the one, you are probably already serious about her.
  • Everything about her makes you smile, and she supports you through every endeavor.
  • She is the one you tell everything to, and you can imagine a future with her.
  • She loves every part of you, even your flaws.

Is She The One?

Books, movies, and songs will all have you believe that all we need in our lives is that one person – someone made specifically for us by the mystical gods above. But, in reality, the person who is made for you is someone you want to be with.

There may never be that soulmate made for you, but you will find a girl who moves you in all the right ways. You will fall in love with an attractive girl and want to make it work with her, even through marriage. If she understands you, fights for you, loves you, protects you, and respects you, she clearly is the right one for you. She sure may annoy you at times, but she is the woman you love – and you want to spend the rest of your life with her.

Sometimes, you fall head over heels in love and miss out on the warning cues. Check below for signs that tell you she’s not for you.

How To Know She Is Not The One

These signs let you know if you are blanketed by your partner’s red flags and need to take a step back.

1. She always wants you to herself

If wanting to be with you results in isolation from loved ones, it may indicate narcissistic behavior.

2. She wants everything the same as you

This is known as mirroring, whereby the partner mimics your likes and dislikes to portray a false image of being your ultimate soulmate.

3. She wants you as a different person

If you have to be a version of yourself that is not true to you while with her, there is a problem. A relationship in which you cannot be yourself means that you are not meant for each other.

Caleb, a vlogger, shares his love story and how he knew she was the right one. He mentions, “Everything in me wanted to believe that what I was feeling was in fact true, so in this moment, I gathered myself, got quiet, got into my heart space, took a deep breath, and I asked the question, and as soon as I asked the question, I knew in the deepest parts of my being that there is nobody who can love her better than me (i).”

However, if she is the one, the next part will guide you to act responsibly going forward. The following tips will help you in your endeavor to deepen your relationship and strengthen your bond into something greater and more fulfilling. It is time to move beyond signs and start building your forever.

Actionable Tips To Strengthen Your Bond And Take The Next Step

When it comes to matters of the heart, sometimes it’s not enough to simply know. Love is as much about actions as it is about feelings. If you’re wondering how to know if she’s the one and feel like you’re seeing the signs, it’s time to solidify your connection with intentional conversations and meaningful actions. After all, a strong foundation is crafted with care and effort.

1. Ask The Big Questions

Start exploring her ideals, desires, and dream plans for the future. Bring up a talk on the vision for her life with family, kids, career, or further development, as your goals need alignment when figuring out if it is him whom she desires. Here are some questions to help you:

“What would your perfect life be?”

“How do you feel about big life decisions such as moving, career change, or starting a family?”

2. Think About Your Compatibility

They say opposites attract, but shared values keep the bond alive. Take a moment to assess if your lifestyles, morals, and priorities align. This isn’t about nitpicking differences, it’s about seeing the bigger picture. If you’re wondering how to know if she’s the one, compatibility is the compass that points the way.

3. Have Mini Adventures

Stepping out of your comfort zone reveals so much about who someone is. It reveals how the other person works through difficult moments that appear out of nowhere, making one answer that all-important question: how to know if she’s the one. For example, you can go for a hike, camping together, or team up in a cooking class.

4. Have The “What-if” Conversation

Discuss hypothetical scenarios to understand each other’s mindset. From “What would you do if we had to move for a job?” to “How do you approach financial decisions?” These questions bring clarity to your outlook. When asking how to know if she’s the one, her answers will guide you closer to the truth.

5. Introduce Her To Your Inner Circle

Your family and close friends often have a special view. Bring her into the fold and observe how she interacts with the people you value most. Sometimes, their insights help solidify your answer to how to know if she’s the one.

6. Imagine Life Without Her

One way to know is to really imagine life without her. Does the thought leave you feeling incomplete? If the idea is unbearable, then probably you have found your answer as to how to know if she’s the one.

7. Start Building Together

A relationship flourishes with shared experiences and goals. Whether it’s planning a trip, saving for a future milestone, or starting a passion project together, building something meaningful can strengthen your bond. Taking these steps transforms the question of how to know if she’s the one into certainty.

8. Have The Hard Conversations

Don’t be afraid to talk about fears, insecurities, or old wounds. Vulnerability is the glue of intimacy. If she’s willing to open up and support you in doing the same, you’ve likely answered how to know if she’s the one.

Here are some questions to help you: “What are some challenges you’ve faced in past relationships?” “What are your biggest fears about the future?’

9. Trust Your Intuition

Ultimately, no checklist and no conversation can replace your inner voice. If your heart tells you she’s the one, listen to it. Trust that your feelings, combined with these actionable steps, will lead you to the truth.

Love isn’t just about finding the right person, it’s about making the effort to grow together. Whether it’s taking a leap of faith or diving deeper into your connection, remember that the next move is yours. So take the next step, you just might find that she’s been “the one” all along.

Infographic: What To Do When She Is The One

Finding love may not be easy. But one thing is for sure – everyone deserves love. So, you will definitely find the ‘one.’ And when you do, remember always to treasure them.

To help you get started, we want you to check our infographic below and know what to do when you find the love of your life. So, go on!

what to do when she's the one (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

If you are wondering if your current girlfriend is the one, odds are you have already made up your mind and are hoping this partnership to be true. You have most likely considered getting down on one knee and popping the question and have decided to spend the rest of your life with them. That is one of the common signs: being able to imagine a future with her. If she is someone who supports you, has compatibility with you, and makes you feel happy, seen, and heard through open communication, the chances are that you have met the one for you. Trust your intuition, the connection you have with her, and the above-mentioned signs that she is the one; there is no need to second-guess yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to know if she is the one?

Anecdotal evidence suggests that it takes around six months or 172 days of dating someone before deciding if they are a good match for commitment.

How important is physical chemistry when deciding if she’s the one?

Physical attraction is important for creating a strong bond between partners. A compatible sex life adds excitement and intensity to a relationship. If you don’t feel any physical connection or attraction towards your partner, over time, you may seem less interested in them, and the relationship may fizzle out.

What are the red flags to watch out for when trying to determine if she’s the one?

Some red flags to make sure you are not fostering a toxic relationship are –
• Is she willing to compromise on anything?
• Is she too possessive and does not respect your personal space?
• Does she ever accept her mistakes or rather put the blame on you?

How can you tell if your partner truly understands and supports your goals and aspirations?

Look for some positive signs like they celebrate even the smallest of your accomplishments, they offer good advice, and help you relax in stressful situations. These are some of the things to look for in a partner for a healthy and loving relationship.

How can you determine if your communication styles are compatible and conducive to a healthy relationship?

If your communication styles are compatible you will notice various positive signs like, there is direct communication and no passive-aggressive behavior, a willingness to work on conflicts instead of playing the blame game, and no form of abusive language or aggressive behavior during serious conversations.

Feeling like you can be yourself, trusting each other, and having a strong connection indicate that you have found the one. Watch this video to learn more!

Personal Experience: Source


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Joy Nwokoro
Joy NwokoroRelationship Coach
Joy Nwokoro is a Christian relationship and marriage speaker, counselor, and coach. Although she studied English and Literature at the Abia State University in Nigeria, she was called over a decade ago to help singles and married people build and nurture healthy relationships and marriages that will make them feel fulfilled and satisfied.

Read full bio of Joy Nwokoro
Sneha Tete
Sneha TeteBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sneha holds a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad and a professional Relationship Coach diploma. With over four years of experience in writing, she specializes in crafting insightful articles on relationships and lifestyle.

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Subhrojyoti Mukherjee
Subhrojyoti MukherjeeAssociate Editor
Subhrojyoti is an associate editor at StyleCraze with four years of experience. He has a master’s degree in English from Presidency University, Kolkata, and has also done a post-graduate certificate course in Editing and Publishing from Jadavpur University, Kolkata.

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Reshma Latif
Reshma LatifBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Reshma is a content writer with a penchant for writing articles on relationships, makeup, and beauty. She started her writing career in 2007, soon after graduating from Mahatma Gandhi University. What began as a love for blogging bloomed into several freelancing opportunities over the years.

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