35 Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings For You

Because while hidden feelings are very hard to identify, it is not impossible.

Reviewed by Darrell Reese, MS, LMFT-A Darrell Reese Darrell ReeseMS, LMFT-A insta_iconinsta_icon
Written by Sneha Tete, Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach Sneha Tete Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Edited by Asmita De, MA (English) Asmita De MA (English) linkedin_icon Experience: 3 years
Fact-checked by Gazala Firdos Ansari, Integrated MA (English) Gazala Firdos Ansari Integrated MA (English) linkedin_icon Experience: 2 years
Last Updated on
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It is hard to confirm if the girl you are crushing on likes you too. The good news is, you can recognize signs she is hiding her feelings for you. Simply take note of the way she expresses her feelings.

Those crushing hard and unsure of how their love interest’s answer will pan out will find this article especially helpful. Ultimately, it wouldn’t be worth it to make the wrong move and ruin your relationship. When you observe certain behaviors, you can tell she likes you. Take a look at these 35 telltale signs that she is trying to hide her affection for you. Check them out.

35 Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings For You

The world of emotions is complex. Even subtle signs can reveal true emotions. If you are wondering how to tell if someone likes you and whether they have the same feelings or not, this guide will help you understand. Read below to spot the signs!

1. She Makes Plans With You

Does she take the initiative to plan and watch a movie with you? Does she let you know that she is free to hang out after work? If yes, it means she likes spending time with you but is hiding her feelings for you.

2. Her Friends Know About You

If her friends know details about you, it is clear that she has been discussing you with them. Unlike men, women are more transparent in their friendships with their female friends. It is their circle of trust that they reach out to for opinions and suggestions. By bringing you up, she is giving a hint that you are special to her. It is a clear sign that she considers her relationship with you more than just casual.

3. She Wants To Know About Other Girls In Your Life

Is she curious to know about the girls you have dated in the past? Does she ask about the girls that she sees with you? Has she asked you who your favorite girl is? This might be her way of learning more about your love life. Perhaps she wants to know if there is someone in whom you are interested.

4. She Is Available For You

Does she drop hints that she is currently single and available? Does she tell you how she will spend Valentine’s Day or the long weekend because she does not have anyone else in her life? This can be her way of asking you out for a date without letting you know about her feelings.

5. She Looks For You

Do you catch her stealing glances with you? It can imply that she cannot get enough of you. If you are not sure, try to see if her eyes seek you out in a gathering. If she looks at you frequently while in a deep conversation with her friends, it means she is preparing herself to talk to you.

6. She Knows Every Detail About You

Do you feel that she knows more than you have let her on? Perhaps she has been stalking you on social media or gathered information from your mutual friends

. She might have spoken to your associates, cousins, or colleagues and asked about you. If she knows more than you have shared, it is a sign that she is interested in you.

7. She Shares Her Personal Information With You

If she shares about her past relationships and drops her guard down, it is a hint that she is letting you enter her personal space

. She trusts you and wants you to know about her dreams, struggles, and plans. Perhaps she is expecting a similar response from your side. She wants to measure your response, and this can mean she is hiding her feelings for you.

8. You Notice A Difference In Her Behavior

Have you noticed a difference in her behavior lately? You have been friends for a while, but suddenly she has become a little uncomfortable around you

. It can mean she has developed feelings for you and wants more than just a friendship. She is afraid of losing the bond she shares with you, and therefore, hiding her feelings for you.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Her fidgeting or stumbling her words whenever she is around you may indicate she is nervous about you as she might like you.

9. She Cares For You

She cares for you is a sign she is hiding her feelings for you

It is hard to ignore the motherly side of a woman. And when a woman is in love, this aspect of her personality always comes out. When a woman develops feelings for you, she will care for you and look after your needs. She might even go out of her way to make things possible for you. This implies she is in love with you but hiding her feelings.

10. She Blushes Around You

Blushing is a giveaway that a woman has developed feelings for a man. So the next time you find your crush blushing a lot around you, take it to be your hint. If her face turns red, or she tries to hide her face out of shyness, it is a clear sign she likes you.

11. She Constantly Wants To Know About You

When a girl likes a guy, she wants to know what he is doing or where he is going. If you constantly receive texts from her asking about these details, she is looking for more.

12. She Is The First Person To Wish You Everyday

Girl sending a text with a smile

Is messaging you the first thing she does in the morning and the last thing before she goes to bed? It means you hold a special place in her life, and she is always thinking about you. If you are the one who usually sends these messages, stop doing so for a while. She will miss you and come back asking about it. You can take this as a sign that she is hiding her feelings for you.

13. She Asks You About Herself

When a woman likes a man, she wants to know how he feels about her. If you find her asking you about how she looks or dresses up, take it as a sign that she is fishing for compliments. The fact that she’s directly asking you can mean she has feelings for you.

14. She Is Not Interested In Other Guys

She has been single for a while, and her friends have tried setting her up with other guys. However, she does not seem interested. She says she is ready to date but is never interested in the guys she meets. You are her go-to guy, and she calls you in her hour of need. Well, what more hints do you need? She is obviously into you but not disclosing her feelings.

15. She Replies To Your Calls And Texts Immediately

She replies to your calls and texts is a sign she is hiding her feelings for you

If the girl you like is always prompt with answering your calls and replying to your texts, it means she cannot get enough of you. She is missing you and looking forward to have a conversation with you.

16. She Likes Hanging Out With You

Does she often make plans to hang out only with you? Does she frequently cancel plans to meet her friends only to go out with you? She will do it only to spend quality time with you.  This is a clear sign she likes you secretly.

17. Her Body Language Tells You So

She may not tell you explicitly that she likes you, but her body language gives it away. If her body language is warm and open and not cross, she likes you. If your girl has square shoulders and turns them towards you, it is a sign that she has her attention on you. If she touches her hair frequently while talking to you, take that as another sign.

18. She Flirts With You

Woman flirting with a man

Flirting is harmless and can be her way of nudging you to ask her out. Look at her previous texts and see if they are subtly or outrageously flirty. Does she have a pattern of teasing you with her words? If yes, she is looking forward to taking the next step with you.

protip_icon Quick Tip
She may surprise you with sweet gifts or gestures to show her affection for you.

19. She Is There For You

When a girl likes a guy, she will always be around to offer her emotional support. She will be there to pick you up when you are in the dumps or during a stressful day. She will try to lift your spirits in her cute little ways. When you are sick, she will be the first one to turn up with chicken soup.

20. She Remembers Details About You

Does she remember tiny details about you? Does she know that you like eating your pizza with ketchup? Did she call your mom for the recipe of pancakes that you miss so dearly? When a girl is in love, she pays extra attention to the guy and likes to do little things that matter.

21. She Engages With You On Social Media

When a girl likes you, she will make sure that she is up-to-date about your social media activity. She prefers to have regular communication and will like and comment on your posts and never miss your stories. What you may not know is she may visit your profile when she misses you. These are all signals she is hiding her feelings for you.

22. She Looks Into Your Eyes

She looks into your eyes is a sign she is hiding her feelings for you

When she does, you feel as if she is looking for something. There is some kind of attraction when she looks into your eyes. She is trying to understand if you feel the same as she does for you. When you share your problems with her, she looks into your eyes, trying to assure you that it is all going to be fine. It is her way of showing you affection.

23. She Values Your Opinions

When a girl likes a guy, she will seek his opinions on issues that matter. If your girl has been crushing over you, she will ask for your views. She will want your opinion on everything, right from which dress to buy to which company she should apply for a job. She will include you in the major decisions of her life.

24. She Sends You Her Pictures

Does it not feel good when she sends see her picture in the middle of the day? Perhaps she wants to show you her new hairstyle or share her current vibe. Sending photographs is her way of staying connected with you. She might want to stay connected with you when you are not physically near her. If she asks you to send your picture, she is missing you.

25. You Make Her Laugh

If the way to a man’s heart is through food, the way to a woman’s heart is through jokes. Women like men who can make them laugh. So when a girl is into you, she will find you funny even when most people do not. She will laugh at your cracks and find them hilarious because she is in love with you.

26. She Jokes About Being A Couple

Well, there are several ways she can do it. She can tell you how crazy her friend is to think that you are a couple. In a game of “What-if,” she may want you to imagine the two of you together. Or she may tease you about how you behave like her boyfriend. These naughty expressions are to put the idea into your head and discern your reaction.

27. She Is Always Willing To Resolve Matters

It is challenging to accept when you are in the wrong. People find it tough to admit their mistakes and apologize. However, when a girl is in love with you, she will be willing to cross that bridge. She may not express it openly, but she will find ways to make up for it. She will not mess up what she has with you.

28. She Dresses Up For You

Looking like a million bucks takes time and effort. Have you observed a change in your crush’s outfits, hairstyles, and looks when she comes to meet you? If yes, it is a sign that she is craving your attention.

29. She Tells You What She Likes About You

By saying what she likes about you, she wants to confess her feelings for you indirectly. It can be the way you gobble down your fries or how you focus on your fitness goals.

30. She Behaves Differently With You

Does her behavior change when she is with her friends and when with you? Does she become conscious about the way she carries herself when you are around? Consider it as your clue that she thinks of you more than a friend.

31. You Heard A Rumour That She Likes You

Well, there is no smoke without fire. Have you heard from your friends that she likes you? It might be because she has let her secret out, and now it has reached you. Why has she not told you directly? She might be hiding her feelings for you because of fear of rejection.

32. She Is Always Ready To Meet You

If she makes an honest effort to meet you, there is a good chance that she wants to connect with you on a deeper level. However, she may feel shy or awkward when you are together. It is because she is trying to hide her emotions from you. Sometimes you may be dealing with someone more reserved, so understanding the signs that a shy girl likes you will be invaluable.

33. She Tries To Impress You

When a girl likes you, she will want to get your attention. She may subtly try to tell you of her achievements. She will also make an effort to try out things that you like. This is her way of arriving on the same page with you and strengthening the bond that you share.

34. She Is Possessive About You

Does she get jealous when you talk about other girls? Does she try to show other girls that you are off-limits? It is because she wants to have you only for herself.

35. She Is Your Best Cheerleader

Is she always there to cheer you regardless of your accomplishments? Is she helping you look at the brighter side of life? She is proud of you and wants to celebrate every little win. She may hide her feelings but wants to be with you in your moments of success.

While noticing a couple of these signs may hint at the possibility of a close female friend trying to hide her feelings for you, it is important to keep in mind that they may not always mean the same in every situation. For example, if she avoids eye contact, it could be shyness or just her nature, not necessarily her hiding feelings. Or, if there is a rumor that she likes you, it might be because she backed you up as a friend in a situation where many people were against you and onlookers misread that gesture of friendship. Brazen behavior, like being extra kind, attentive, touchy, or flirty can be obvious common signs of suppressed feelings of attraction. However, context-dependent behavior, like sudden mood changes or valuing your opinions may depend on the history or nature of your relationship with her.

Note: Everyone expresses emotions differently, and these signs are not a guarantee of hidden feelings. Culture, personality, and past experiences can influence behavior. Always communicate openly rather than relying solely on interpreting signs. It is best to observe patterns and approach the situation with sensitivity and understanding.

Now that you know the major signs of secrecy that your girl might be showing as an indication of her romantic inclination towards you, a new question might linger on your mind, “Why is she denying her feelings for me?” There might be ample reasons as to why the girl subsides her feelings. Have a look at the next section to know more about them.

Key Takeaways

  • It can be tricky to figure out whether a girl has feelings for you. But she may show some signs that you can pick up on and prepare yourself for your next move.
  • If she makes plans with you, knows everything about you, and feels shy around you, she may be trying to hide her feelings for you.
  • If her friends know about you, it is a clear indication that the relationship with you means a lot to her.

Why Is She Hiding Her Feelings For You?

A sad and depressed girl sitting alone

If you are trying to figure out how to tell if a girl likes you, we know it can be challenging. However, it’s essential to recognize her true feelings for anyone trying to move forward in a relationship. There are several possible reasons she might be hiding her true feelings:

  • She is afraid of the rejection that might leave a deep scar on her heart.
  • She somehow feels that her family might not be very supportive of you.
  • She has been through something tough in the past that restricts her advances.
  • She might be dealing with some grief or loss that may take some time to heal.
  • She doesn’t want to hamper the true bond of friendship between you two.
  • She may feel the pressure to act a certain way based on cultural or societal expectations.
  • Opening up to someone can make her feel exposed or vulnerable, and she may be afraid of getting hurt if things don’t work out.

Girls are subtle around their crushes, but they tend to express their affections unintentionally. Her blossoming love for you can be noticed easily if you know what to look for. Recognize these signs that she is hiding her feelings for you, so you are sure if she has feelings for you or if you are overthinking it. Discovering what a girl is thinking can be difficult. However, you can get a sense of what is going on by observing these signs and preparing yourself for the next step.

Now, scroll down to learn how you can respond if you notice these signs and want to move forward respectfully!

How To Respond To These Signs?

If you notice some of these signs, it’s important to handle the situation with care and understanding. Instead of jumping to conclusions, consider these strategies to help you navigate her hidden feelings while being respectful of her emotions.

1. Give her space to open up at her own pace without pressuring her.
2. Be supportive and show her that you are there for her, no matter what.
3. Start conversations that encourage honesty and trust, making her feel comfortable sharing her thoughts.
4. Be patient and don’t rush things; let her express herself when she feels ready.
5. Reflect on your own feelings and make sure you’re clear about what you want from the relationship too.

Infographic: How To Get Her To Confess Her Feelings

It is not always easy to get someone to confess their feelings. Knowing that, we have compiled a list of tips you can follow to seal the love deal for good.

If you have noticed the signs mentioned above, and feel the same way for her, scroll down and give the infographic a read to get your woman to grace your ears with nothing but “I Love You.”

how to get her to confess her feelings (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

Girls are subtle around their crushes, but they tend to express their affections unintentionally. Her blossoming love for you can be noticed easily if you know what to look for. Recognize these signs that she is hiding her feelings for you so you are sure if she has feelings for you or if you are overthinking it. Discovering what a girl is thinking can be difficult. However, you can get a sense of what is going on by observing these signs and preparing yourself for the next step.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make her confess her feelings?

Have an honest talk with her and tell her your feelings, try to spend some time, drop some hints, and make some kind gestures for her. And these things may make her confess her feelings towards you.

How do you know if a girl is testing you?

If she shows interest in knowing your past stories, cancels plans suddenly, wants to know how much care you have for her, or wants to know about your family, you can be sure she is testing you.

Do girls hide their feelings from guys?

Yes, some girls may hide their feelings from guys for similar reasons as mentioned above or even due to societal norms that discourage or forbid women from expressing themselves too openly.

When is a girl madly in love with you?

When a girl is madly in love with someone, she may be nervous around you, make an effort to spend time with them, or display signs of possessiveness when you interact with others. However, it’s important to note that not all girls express their love in the same way.

How do you know if a girl is not serious about you?

If a girl is not serious about you, she may not be consistent with communication, cancel or reschedule plans frequently, and may not introduce you to her friends or family. She shows indifference to pursuing a relationship or getting to know you.

How long do girls catch feelings?

It’s important to remember that there is no set timeline for developing feelings, and each person’s experience is unique. Factors such as the level of attraction, the individual’s personality, past experiences, and communication can also influence how quickly a girl develops feelings for someone.

At what age do girls start having feelings?

Girls may start having feelings at a young age, which can be termed as crushes or infatuations, but the age at which they start experiencing more serious and mature emotions may vary. This may depend on the individual’s development, cultural norms, and personal experiences.

What do girls do when they like someone?

The signs may vary from person to person, but some common signs when a girl likes someone are blushing, putting an effort to look good, laughing at their jokes, seeking opportunities to spend time, and having conversations to get to know them better.

How can I make her feel comfortable expressing her feelings?

To help her feel comfortable expressing her feelings, create a safe and open environment where she feels valued and heard. Be patient and understanding, and reassure her that she can share her thoughts without fear of judgment. Being supportive and non-judgmental can encourage her to open up more.

What should I do if I think she likes me?

If you think she likes you, consider gently expressing your own feelings and asking her how she feels about you. Pay attention to her responses and body language to gauge her interest. It’s important to communicate openly and honestly while being respectful of her feelings and boundaries.

Illustration: Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings For You

signs she is hiding her feelings for you

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team

Do you think she likes you but is hiding it? Then check out this video to find out the 18 subtle but obvious signs she likes you!

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Darrell Reese
Darrell ReeseMS, LMFT-A
Darrell Reese is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Associate with 20 years of experience. He helps couples rekindle their love and create a loving and happy relationship through Darrell Reese Counseling.

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Sneha Tete
Sneha TeteBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sneha holds a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad and a professional Relationship Coach diploma. With over four years of experience in writing, she specializes in crafting insightful articles on relationships and lifestyle.

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Asmita De
Asmita DeAssociate Editor
Asmita De is an associate editor with over three years of experience. She graduated in English Literature from the University of Calcutta. She has collaborated with several digital companies and reputed publishing houses as an editor.

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Gazala Firdos Ansari
Gazala Firdos AnsariBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Gazala Ansari is a beauty and lifestyle writer with two years of experience. She writes on relationships, makeup, and lifestyle and has bachelor's and master's degrees in English literature from the Central University of Jharkhand.

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