10 Signs She Is Testing You To Make Sure You Are Right For Her

Take a cue from these signs so you can do right by her and win her heart.

Reviewed by Sarah Kenville, MA (Marriage and Family Therapy) Sarah Kenville Sarah KenvilleMA (Marriage and Family Therapy) facebook_iconinsta_iconinsta_icon
Written by Sneha Tete, Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach Sneha Tete Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Edited by Asmita De, MA (English) Asmita De MA (English) linkedin_icon Experience: 3 years
Fact-checked by Sneha Tete, Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach Sneha Tete Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Last Updated on
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When a relationship is in its early stages, you may notice some signs that she is testing you.

It is not because she doubts you or she is not sure of her emotions towards you. Selecting a life partner is a major decision, so, understandably, a woman would put a man to the test to see if they are made for each other. These ‘relationship tests’ attempt to understand your personality, see if your values align, and assess the compatibility of the duo. They help you navigate the early stages of a relationship and build a strong foundation. This kind of ‘testing’ shows that she is interested in you and values you enough to see if the relationship has long-term potential.

A woman may put you to the test in a variety of ways. Each woman is unique, and her requirements may vary. We have compiled a list of the top ten signs a lady is putting you to the test to determine if you are the one for her. Keep reading!

10 Signs She Is Testing You To Decide If You Are Right for Her

1. She Asks You About Your Future Goals

She asks about your future goals is a sign she is testing you

If she is interested in you, she will care about what your plans for the future are. She will ask you what you want from life and where you see yourself in the next 5, 10, and 20 years. This signals that she wants something long-term and wants to see where you fall in her plans or vice versa. Do you plan to marry, have kids, or change your career?

While it is important to be spontaneous in life, having a broad life map planned out is important. Things might not always work out in the ways we planned, but having one indicates that you are far-sighted, organized, and focused – qualities deemed important in a life partner. If you have drastically different life goals, it will probably be a deal-breaker.

2. She Wants To Know About Your Past

She wants to know about your past is a sign she is testing you

If she wants to know about your past (especially your relationships), it indicates she wants to know more about your romantic history and what kind of partner you were. This is a sign she is testing you to gain insights about your behaviour and values. She will want to know who broke up with you (or who you broke up with) and why. She asks about all these not because she has any suspicions but because this is a subtle way to scan for any red flags that might become deal breakers in the future. The way your relationship ended and how you deal with it gives a unique perspective about the psychological and emotional profile and vulnerability of the person. A study highlights the impact of discussing past relationships. It states that discussing past relationships can help understand one’s emotional readiness, values, and expectations. It can also help to deepen intimacy and lead to greater relationship satisfaction (1).

Someone who is still obsessed with their ex-girlfriend or is prone to get into rebound relationships is not a good candidate for a long-term relationship. Learning of the past may shed light on more serious issues or behaviors, such as trust issues, insecurity, cheating, sexual abuse, repressed trauma, or domestic violence.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Certain past incidents may be difficult to discuss. Therefore, let her know you want some time if you are not comfortable sharing them with her just yet. It will not affect her feelings toward you. But never resort to lying.

3. She Asks You About Deal Breakers

She asks you dealbreakers is a sign she is testing you

Love, respect, and good communication are solid pillars of a relationship. Another crucial element is compatibility. While opposites may attract initially, people with more in common tend to stay together in the long run. Where do you draw a line on flirting? What about gambling? Debt? Raising children? Religious beliefs? These are common issues where most couples end up breaking up. That is why she will want to know about such dealbreakers. Obviously, you will not always agree on everything – but it is important to be on the same page on crucial issues.

4. She Checks Your Manners

She checks your manners is a sign she is testing you

Manners maketh a man! She will always keep an eye out on how you behave with other people, especially waiters, drivers, and other women. How you treat them shows much about your character! Losing temper, using unkind words, or belittling someone is an instant turn-off. Being considerate of others shows you are kind and patient. These are great qualities to check for in a future partner. Simple gestures like greeting people back, helping others, and thanking people help make a great impression.

Of course, pulling a chair, holding the door or an umbrella, or handing a jacket may seem old-fashioned. But these little actions can earn you brownie points.

5. She Wants To Know More About Your Family And Friends

She wants to know more about your family and friends is a sign she is testing you

Friends and family play a huge part in our social life. So, if she is interested in you, she will want to know more about your friends and meet your family. She will ask you questions about them and how important they are in your life. Are you estranged from your family? Do you have superficial friendships? Are you friends with toxic people who take advantage of you? Indeed, we are often judged by the company we keep.  A well-rounded person has a healthy social life. It is not the number of people around you but how emotionally connected you are with them. This also helps in gauging more about your family values. She will also better understand whether she can get along with your friends and family in the future.

6. She Will Introduce You To Her Friends

She will introduce you to her friends is a sign she is testing you

Another sign she is testing you is when she introduces you to her friends. It might often feel like a rite of passage to get accepted by her friends. Her friends might initially be a little hostile – prodding you, asking you questions, or teasing you. Her more protective friends will often judge whether you are good enough for her. Her close friends who know her well can guess if you are right for her or not. Hanging out with her friends will also help you understand her better. Half the battle is won if you get along with her friends!

7. She Asks You To Help Her With Something

She asks you to help her with something is a sign she is testing you

If she asks for help, she is testing if she can count on you. According to a study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, individuals test their partners by asking them for help, thus evaluating how reliable and supportive they are. The study also highlights that a person’s responsiveness to help can directly affect the health and longevity of the relationship (2). It implies that asking for help offers an opportunity is a way to determine how supportive and reliable a partner is. She will want to know how helpful you are and if you prioritize her. You can guess early on if a person is genuinely interested in helping or if they are self-centered or self-serving. you work well together without too many disagreements. You would make a good team, which is crucial for a long-term relationship and raising kids.

8. She Takes Notice When You Flirt With Or Check Out Other Women

She takes notice when you flirt with or check out other women is a sign she is testing you

No one wants to be with someone with a roving eye! She will always keep a tab on how you interact with other women that you find attractive. She will notice if you are flirting with a waitress or a colleague. Small, subtle gestures are dead giveaways in such cases. She will follow your eyes to see how you check out other women.

While it is normal to be attracted to other people, and a little bit of harmless flirting may not be objectionable, it is not okay to give too much attention to other women when you are dating someone seriously. Doing so signals you are open and available. Most importantly, it devalues your current relationship and your partner. This is definitely a red flag and a warning sign for your woman.

9. She Shares Her To-Do List With You

She shares her to do list with you is a sign she is testing you

You will notice she tells you little things she likes or wants to do. This is her way of seeing if you pay attention to her. She expects you to keep these in mind and surprise her later. This shows that you are attentive and thoughtful. From her Pinterest boards to vacay inspos, everything is game! A man who pays attention and dotes on his woman is what almost all women want. Hence, keeping a tab on the little details she keeps throwing in her conversations is important. Get her something from her wish list to make her happy. Most often, little gestures like remembering her favorite drinks or informing the chef of her allergies will show you care about her.

10. She Keeps A Tab On Whether You Initiate A Conversation

She keeps a tab on whether you initiate a conversation is a sign she is testing you

She will test you by not texting back immediately or keeping from initiating a conversation. This is a sign that she wants to see your interest in talking to her. She wants to see if you are trying to reach out to her. Sometimes, she may play hard to get to see if you will stick around. The current dating trends show that most people have “situationships” or complicated relationships where people pursue multiple interests without really committing to one person. So, if she likes you, she wants you to take the initiative and try to woo her exclusively. Loyalty and commitment are a requirement for a long-term relationship.

protip_icon Quick Tip
If you want the same things from the relationship as her, it is always wise to be honest. But if you have second thoughts, let her know instead of leading her on.

Key Takeaways

  • Choosing a life partner for a woman is an important life decision, and she may test you in various ways to see if you are a suitable partner.
  • Each woman is unique and has her own set of tests and requirements to determine if you are the one for her.
  • If she is interested in you and testing you, she may inquire about your future goals, try to know about your past, and understand you.

Why Would A Woman Test A Man?

Women have legitimate reasons to test men before they make a life-changing decision with them. The most prominent reasons are as follows:

1. Check his self-confidence

She may say things that make him uncomfortable to ensure that his confidence is not based just on her likability and charms. Women are always more attracted to confident men.

2. Test your interest in her

The woman in your life may just stop showing interest in you to check if you are still interested in her. She wants to see effort from her partner even when she doesn’t, and that works like reassurance for her to continue being with them.

3. Check if he is emotionally stronger

Women do not prefer caring for their man or protecting him in social situations. An emotionally strong woman will always want a guy who can hold his ground in the most complicated social situations.

Women test men because they see them as potential life partners. Testing a man lets them know if they are the right kind of person that they have been waiting for. However, if you are someone who sees ‘testing’ as problematic, then it is advisable to have an open dialogue and address the situation in a constructive way. Let us learn how to go about it in the next section.

How To Respond To Testing In Relationships?

The idea is to identify what she wants to assess, recognize the signs, and act accordingly. Here are some ways to navigate through tests in relationships.

  • Maintain Your Composure

Remain calm and patient and show emotional maturity when she tries to test you. For example, if you had already planned a date in advance and she arrives late without offering any explanation, then she might be trying to test your patience level. So, instead of expressing your frustration try to make a joke out of it or try talking about it in a casual manner in the conversation. 

  • Listen To Her 

Give your full attention to what she has to say without interrupting her. For instance, if she talks about her heartbreak, listen to her feelings and pain and try to show your empathy by saying ‘I understand’ or ‘I can’t imagine how painful it would have been for you’.

  • Communicate 

Address the issues by initiating a conversation. For instance, if she tries to test your commitment by mentioning a breakup, then calmly try to understand her feelings and avoid making accusations or using a defensive tone. Make sure to focus on finding solutions to the issues.

  • Be Emphathetic 

Understand her perspective by putting yourself in her shoes. For example: she tries to test you by making you jealous and talking about her guy best friend and why she admires him. You can respond to her by saying, ‘I understand you want to feel valued, but I want to tell you no one matters to me like you do.’

  • Support Her

Offer her emotional support through words, actions, and reassure her that you are there for her. For instance, if she wants you to take her to a last minute appointment to the doctor, then show your willingness to help her by saying ‘I will adjust my schedule and help you make it on time.’

  • Set Clear Boundaries

If you feel her tests are disrespectful, or excessive, or she is crossing the line, then express your limits in a clear and respectable manner. For example, if she repeatedly tries to test your patience by postponing a date multiple times, let her know you are not okay with it. You can respond to her by saying, “I understand things come up at the last minute, but it would be great if you could stick to our plans or communicate about delays or changes of plans a little earlier.”

  • Show Consistency In Your Actions And Words 

Try to build trust and confidence in your relationship. For instance, if she doubts whether you will follow through your promise of planning a special date on your first anniversary, then show her that you keep your word. You can surprise her with a thoughtful gift to show her your value and remember the important details of your relationship.

Following these approaches can help you win over someone. It can help build a foundation of trust and reliability. This way you can also meet her expectations and solidify your relationship.

Infographic: 8 Signs She Is Testing You To See If You Are Right For Her

Choosing a life partner is a big move. So if you find your lady love testing you in different ways, it is her way of saying you are important and figuring out what role you will play in her life. How will you know whether she is testing you or not? We have compiled a list of 8 signs that will let you know that your lady love is testing you. Check out the infographic below to know more!

8 signs she is testing you to see if you are right for her (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

During the initial stages of a relationship, people want to ensure that their partner will be right for them in the long run. Therefore, they tend to put them through multiple tests and gauge their maturity and overall personality. So, your girlfriend might also test you to ensure that you are right for her. For instance, she might ask about your future goals, check your manners, enlist your help in some work, or note how often you initiate conversations. These signs that a girl is testing you can create situations to elicit responses and test your commitment. If you are wondering how to tell if a girl likes you, pay attention to these subtle tests and signs. Every woman is different, so their method of testing you will also be varied. Therefore, if you notice any of the signs discussed in the article, understand that she is testing you!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a girl test your patience?

A girl can test your patience by acting difficult in different circumstances, making you wait for a date, ignoring your calls for a while, or making unreasonable demands of you. Every woman who wants to test a man’s patience may come up with ingenious circumstances where he will need to prove that he is not quick to give up, walk away or lose his temper.

Is she testing me by pulling away?

While a woman you are dating may be pulling away temporarily to test your persistence and level of interest in her, in some cases there may be some other underlying reason behind the distance she is creating. The best way to find out is to have a conversation with her.

What are some common mistakes that men make when being tested by a woman?

Men may react emotionally and become insecure and impatient when they find a woman testing them. They tend to become defensive or pull away to deal with the situation. Some men may even try to manipulate the circumstances to get what they want and eventually cause her to lose trust in them. They may ignore the situation and pretend everything is okay instead of facing it head-on. This attitude can make the woman feel unheard and confused and cause more tension in the relationship.

How can I build trust and show my value to a woman who is testing me?

Being honest and open about one’s intentions and feelings, listening actively, respecting boundaries, asking questions about her life and interests, keeping promises, and being patient and confident are some ways to build trust with the woman who is testing them.

How can I tell if her testing is legitimate?

‘Real’ testing is about understanding compatibility and is usually done with respect and open communication. Signs of healthy testing include honest conversations and thoughtful questions. Harmful manipulation, however, might involve controlling behavior or attempts to undermine your confidence. If you feel respected and valued through the process, it’s likely a genuine or legitimate test. If you feel belittled or pressured, it may be a red flag.

Illustration: Signs She Is Testing You To Make Sure You Are Right For Her

signs she is testing you

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team

Are you being tested by a girl? Learn the 10 signs, why she does it, and how to respond in the following video!


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  1. Effects of self- and partner’s online disclosure on relationship intimacy and satisfaction
  2. Partner Support and Goal Pursuit: A Meta-analysis
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Sarah Kenville
Sarah KenvilleMA (Marriage and Family Therapy)
Sarah Kenville has a master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and a law degree. She has 8 years of experience and offers premarital counseling and relationship coaching to dating, engaged, newlywed, and same-sex couples.

Read full bio of Sarah Kenville
Sneha Tete
Sneha TeteBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sneha holds a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad and a professional Relationship Coach diploma. With over four years of experience in writing, she specializes in crafting insightful articles on relationships and lifestyle.

Read full bio of Sneha Tete
Asmita De
Asmita DeAssociate Editor
Asmita De is an associate editor with over three years of experience. She graduated in English Literature from the University of Calcutta. She has collaborated with several digital companies and reputed publishing houses as an editor.

Read full bio of Asmita De
Sneha Tete
Sneha TeteBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sneha holds a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad and a professional Relationship Coach diploma. With over four years of experience in writing, she specializes in crafting insightful articles on relationships and lifestyle.

Read full bio of Sneha Tete