15 Sure Signs Someone Does Not Want to Be Your Friend

If a friendship feels one-sided and lacks communication, it might be time to part ways.

Reviewed by Dr. Chloe Carmichael, Licensed Clinical Psychologist Dr. Chloe Carmichael Dr. Chloe CarmichaelLicensed Clinical Psychologist facebook_icontwitter_iconlinkedin_iconyoutube_iconinsta_iconinsta_icon
Written by Sneha Tete, Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach Sneha Tete Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Edited by Shatabdi Bhattacharya, BSc Shatabdi Bhattacharya BSc linkedin_icon Experience: 2.5 years
Fact-checked by Gracia Odile, MA Gracia Odile MA linkedin_icon Experience: 3 years
Last Updated on
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Friends are an important part of life, and we agree you should make friends with everyone you click with. However, not everyone might be interested in this proposition, and you should know the signs someone doesn’t want to be your friend. You might feel disappointed to know when someone doesn’t want your friendship, but respecting their decision is the right way to go. We can’t and shouldn’t do anything about it as it depends on another individual to accept your friendship or not. Recognizing these signs not only helps you understand your friendships better but also encourages self-reflection on your behaviors. This article lists 15 signs that you can check for to know whether someone wants to be your friend or not. Scroll down!

Understanding One-Sided Friendships

Two women fighting with each other

Before we get to the signs that someone does not want to be your friend, let us understand what a one-sided friendship looks like. One-sided friendships occur when the effort to maintain the relationship is unbalanced. One person consistently invests more time, energy, and emotional support than the other. One person may always initiate conversations, make plans, and offer support, while the other remains passive or disengaged. This can eventually lead to feelings of emotional exhaustion for the person putting in more effort.

One-sided friendships can sometimes be difficult to recognize, as the person investing less may not intentionally neglect the relationship. However, identifying these imbalances is important for building more reciprocal connections where both parties feel valued and supported.

Let us now go over the signs that someone is not eager to be your friend.

Key Takeaways

  • Those who are not eager for good friendships will have difficulty maintaining healthy boundaries.
  • Look out for subtle hints like they are less reciprocal or contact you only in their need. These are indications that they do not care about you.
  • Sometimes, social media engagements can also reflect the true state of your relationship.

15 Sure Signs Someone Does Not Want to Be Your Friend

Let us now go over some sure signs that someone does not want to be your friend. We have curated this list based on people’s personal experiences shared on public online forums, which are also backed by expert opinion. While they may help you determine if someone does not want to be your friend, they are not absolutes as many factors determine human behavior, such as lived experiences, social conditioning, etc. It is important to keep an open mind and think twice before coming to any conclusions. That said, let us explore some potential signs that indicate that someone does not want to be your friend.

1. They Disregard Your Limits

All of us maintain some boundaries while forging healthy relationships and interactions. Someone genuinely interested in being your friend will not be repelled by these boundaries. Instead, they will work within acceptable limits while presenting their opinions.

Those who are not eager or capable of good friendships will have difficulty dealing with this. Healthy limits and assertiveness may either elicit positive responses or serve as warnings of potential conflict. Therefore, never spend your time arguing about limits that you have full power to set. Without healthy boundaries, friendship can become toxic and unsatisfying. So, if they continually ignore the boundaries set by you, it can be a clear sign your friend doesn’t respect you and does not value your friendship in their life.

Imagine you have been feeling stressed at work and confide in a friend about needing some space to unwind. Instead of offering support, your friend brushes it off, saying something like, “You are overreacting, just relax!” The next time you mention needing a break or some time to yourself, they ignore it again, offering advice that conflicts with your need for rest. 

Over time, you begin to notice that whenever you share personal struggles or set boundaries, your friend dismisses them without much consideration. This repeated disregard for your feelings and needs could be a sign that they are not fully invested in the friendship or respectful of your emotional well-being.

If your friend repeatedly disregards your boundaries, it is important to communicate your needs and expectations. If they continue to dismiss or ignore your limits, it may be time to reevaluate the friendship and prioritize relationships that respect your boundaries.

2. They Are Not Reciprocal

When someone doesn't want to be your friend, they are not reciprocal

Friendship is based on mutual love and connection. If you care for someone, you must demonstrate your love by treating them properly. And it is reasonable to expect the same treatment in return. However, if you are routinely putting in more effort or performing very imbalanced acts of love, it means your companion views your interactions as something less than a friendship.

For example, you might always be the one reaching out to make plans, checking in, and offering support during tough times. But when it is you who needs a little extra care or attention, your friend is nowhere to be found. Perhaps you have been going through a difficult period, and despite all the times you have been there for them, they barely acknowledge your struggles or make an effort to be there for you. This one-sided relationship is a clear indication that they do not value the friendship as much as you do.

If you notice this imbalance in your friendship, it is important to assess if the relationship is truly fulfilling and healthy. Try having an honest conversation about your feelings and see if they are willing to invest equally, or consider redirecting your energy to relationships that offer mutual support and care.

A blogger shared their experience with friendship and how, at times, it ends up being a disappointment rather than helpful. She mentioned that it was difficult for her to make friends and when she did, it would always fall on her to reach out: “Friendship is a two way street and I refuse to be the only car on the road (i).” She realized that putting in effort to maintain a friendship is not a one-person job, and that it’s better to let go and be happy with the people who are as invested as you are in the relationship.

3. They Only Contact You When They Want Something

When you contact your friend, they are usually busy. They only involve you in excursions when they need a ride or ask you to join when they need your assistance with a project. On the other hand, when you make plans, they always cancel beforehand. If this becomes a pattern, it is clear that someone isn’t interested in your friendship.

For instance, they might text you, asking if you can give them a lift to an appointment, but when you suggest hanging out for a coffee or catching up, they conveniently cancel or do not respond. Over time, you notice that they only show interest when it is convenient or profitable for them, but when you need support, they conveniently vanish. This pattern of one-sided contact is a clear sign that they might be seeing you more as a resource than a true friend.

If you find yourself in this situation, it is important to recognize that a healthy friendship should be based on mutual support. Consider addressing the issue directly with them or distance yourself from a relationship that feels transactional.

4. They Lack Curiosity In Your Life

When someone doesn't want to be your friend, they lack curiosity in your life

When in a gathering, if your friend is more busy with their phone than with you, it is a clear sign of unfriendliness. They do not seem interested when you talk and do not inquire about your personal life. Their behavior seems distant, and you feel something is off. If you feel something has changed, believe your intuition and move on.

For example, say you are catching up with this friend over coffee. You try sharing something important to you, like a new project at work or a personal achievement, but they barely acknowledge it. They do not ask follow-up questions or show genuine interest in your life. Instead of engaging in the conversation, they are glued to their phone, scrolling through social media, or texting someone else. You notice that this behavior is not just a one-time thing but has become a regular pattern when you spend time together. This lack of curiosity about your life can be a clear sign that they are no longer invested in the friendship.

If you notice this behavior, it is essential to recognize the signs of disinterest and evaluate if the friendship is still mutually fulfilling. It is okay to let go of relationships where your efforts are not reciprocated.

protip_icon Quick Tip

In certain cases, they tend to be active talkers and do little to listen about your interests, problems, or goals. True friends listen to your worries and support your interests.

5. They No Longer Communicate With You

Is your buddy not responding to your messages and phone calls, or do they reply in an unusually long period? This indifference means that the individual does not want to be your friend. Do not try to befriend someone who is not interested in your friendship. Surrounding yourself with people who appreciate and reciprocate your relationship will benefit you in the long term.

For instance, you text your friend about plans for the weekend, but days go by without a reply. When you follow up with a call, they pick up but give you short, disengaged answers, barely participating in the conversation. You have noticed this pattern occurring more frequently, where they take longer to reply, and sometimes not at all. When you ask them about it, they make excuses and seem uninterested in engaging. This lack of communication and effort can be a clear indication that the friendship has fizzled out.

If you are in this situation, it is best to acknowledge the lack of effort and respect your friend’s distance. Focus on building connections with people who actively engage with you and make an effort to maintain the relationship.

6. They Exclude You From Important Events

When someone doesn't want to be your friend, they exclude you from important events

The significance of this becomes even more apparent when the two of you have common acquaintances who were invited, but you did not receive an invitation.

For example, you find out through social media that your friend hosted a gathering, and all your mutual friends were there, but you were never invited. When you ask about it, they brush it off casually, offering vague reasons or saying they did not think you would be interested. Over time, you start to notice a pattern where they consistently exclude you from important events, whether it is birthdays, group outings, or celebrations. 

This behavior can be a subtle, but clear indication that they no longer value your friendship or simply do not prioritize you. Friendships should be inclusive, and if you find yourself constantly being left out, it may be time to reassess the relationship. It is important to acknowledge that being excluded repeatedly is a sign of disinterest. Instead of feeling hurt, focus on finding friends who value your presence and include you in their lives.

7. They Keep The Discussions Short

They have no interest in getting to know you, and they have no interest in you getting to know them. Therefore, they will pass up chances to do so. You often get one-word answers or no talking at all. They never listen to what you try to express or show any sign of interest.

For example, you try to catch up with a friend by asking how they have been, sharing some exciting news, or opening up about your day, but the conversation quickly becomes one-sided. They respond with brief, uninterested answers like “Good,” “Okay,” or “Nothing much,” without asking any follow-up questions or showing curiosity about your life. Even when you try to engage in deeper topics, they avoid contributing or change the subject quickly. This lack of effort in communication is a clear sign that they no longer wish to engage with you on a meaningful level.

If you are in this situation, recognize that meaningful friendships require effort from both sides. If they continue to give short responses and show no interest, it may be time to move on and invest in friendships where communication is reciprocated.

protip_icon Quick Tip

Look out for excessive use of polite but clipped responses. Conversations with people who do not wish to be your friend may feel formal or stiff because they treat you in a measured manner.

8. They Avoid Your Gaze

When someone doesn't want to be your friend, they avoid your gaze

If the two of you happen to run into each other, they keep the discussion short and find an excuse to depart soon. They look off in the distance or do not keep the conversation going.

Imagine running into a friend at a coffee shop or while out for a walk. You approach them with a smile, eager to catch up, but instead of engaging with you, they glance around, avoiding eye contact, and seem distracted. When you speak, they give short responses, looking at their phone or the people around them instead of maintaining eye contact. As soon as there is a lull in the conversation, they quickly make an excuse to leave, such as having to go somewhere or needing to get back to work. Their body language and lack of engagement show they are not invested in your friendship anymore.

If you find yourself in this situation, trust your instincts. Their body language and avoidance are signs of disinterest, and it is best to distance yourself from this one-sided connection.

9. They Do Not Appreciate Your Efforts

They do not answer your calls or respond to your messages. If they respond, it will be a concise answer since they do not want to continue the discussion. They never make any attempt to contact you. You are the one who always keeps in touch with them and communicates regularly.

Moreover, they do not even seem to appreciate your efforts to maintain the relationship. If they show real apathy when they hear from you, it is clear they are not interested in this friendship.

You have been reaching out to your friend for weeks, sending messages to check in, making plans to hang out, and even calling just to say hi. But every time, the response is minimal or absent altogether. When they do reply, it is a brief “I am busy” or “Can’t talk now,” and the conversation ends quickly. You are always the one to initiate contact, and despite your efforts, they do not make the same effort in return. It becomes increasingly clear that your attempts to connect are met with indifference. 

When you do finally hear from them, they do not seem to acknowledge or value the time and energy you have spent trying to keep the friendship alive. This lack of appreciation for your efforts is a strong indication that your friendship is no longer important to them.

If you are in this situation, it is important to recognize your worth and stop investing energy in people who do not value your efforts.

10. They Try To Ghost You

Watch how long it takes your buddy to reply when you send them a message. Do you ever feel that you are ‘blowing up their phone,’ even after several messages? It is a subtle indication that your supposed companion is trying to ghost you.

When your friend suddenly disappears into thin air, never to be seen or heard from again, it may leave you perplexed. However, do not tolerate this cruelty and try to get over such a toxic relationship.

Say you have been messaging your friend about plans for the weekend, but days go by without a response. Initially, you think they might just be busy, but after sending a few more messages with no reply, you start to feel like you are being ignored. You check if they are active on social media, but they are not responding to any of your attempts to get in touch. After a while, you cannot even view their social media profiles but your mutuals find them reachable on their accounts. You start questioning if you have done something wrong, but the silence only deepens the confusion. It is clear now, they are trying to ghost you. Their sudden disappearance from your life without any explanation or closure leaves you wondering if you even matter to them anymore.

If someone is ghosting you, resist the urge to keep reaching out for answers. Instead, accept their silence as a sign of their lack of respect and move forward. Focus on friendships where communication is valued.

11. They Never Respond To Your Questions

When someone doesn't want to be your friend, they ignore your questions

Even though you reach out to them continuously, there are instances when they do not attempt to answer. They may not reply unless you are asking a specific question. You will also find them disinterested in getting engaged in a conversation.

They may initially regard you as a friend but try to avoid your company if they feel you are not linked. Their avoidance serves as a reminder that they do not want a true relationship with you. Therefore, it is best to accept and let them go.

For example, say you have been trying to catch up with your friend and ask about their day or what is going on in their life, but they rarely give you more than a simple “I’m good” or an uninterested one-liner. Every time you send a thoughtful message or ask a deeper question, they either do not respond or offer no meaningful reply. It is as though they are only willing to engage when necessary, and when you try to get closer, they pull back. The conversation feels like a one-way street where you are the only one making an effort to keep things going.

If someone consistently ignores your questions and shows no interest in meaningful conversation, it may be time to stop chasing their attention. Invest your energy in relationships where communication is mutual and both parties genuinely care about staying connected.

12. They Do Not Appreciate Your Accomplishments

If your ‘so-called buddy’ frequently makes disparaging comments about your efforts and accomplishments, they consider you a competitor. But, on the other hand, if you get a promotion or save up for your vacation, your real friends will be pleased. People who do not want to be your friend may shut you down or pass nasty remarks about your career, appearance, and life choices.

Imagine sharing your recent promotion or the exciting vacation you have been planning for months, only for your friend to respond with a dismissive comment like, “Must be nice” or “I bet that was easy for you.” Instead of offering congratulations or expressing happiness for your success, they seem indifferent or even critical. This is a clear sign that they might not have your best interests at heart. True friends celebrate each other’s victories and encourage growth. But someone who does not value your friendship may downplay your achievements or make you feel like you compete with them.

If someone constantly belittles your accomplishments, recognize that their negativity stems from their own insecurities. Surround yourself with supportive people who celebrate your success instead of downplaying it. True friends uplift and encourage each other.

13. They Cancel Plans In A Short Period

You and your pals are planning a get-together, and you cannot be more thrilled about the prospect. But unfortunately, some of them cancel their plans a day before hangout, and the situation has never progressed beyond that point. When the time comes, they cancel the plans at the last minute with a vague excuse, like “Something came up” or “I’m just too tired today.” After a few times of this happening, you begin to notice a pattern. They are always unavailable when it is time to meet, and their excuses start sounding less convincing. It is a clear sign that they are not prioritizing the friendship or are genuinely not interested in spending time with you. True friends make an effort to follow through on plans, but if someone is constantly backing out or offering weak reasons, it shows they may not value the relationship as much as you do.

It is a sure sign that they are avoiding meeting up. Moreover, they always manage to come up with justifications that get repeated over and over again. Such companions tend to frame lame excuses regarding why they are unable to attend the event.

If someone consistently cancels plans at the last minute, recognize that they may not prioritize the friendship. Instead of chasing after them, redirect your energy toward people who genuinely want to spend time with you. True friends make an effort to be present.

14. They Don’t Keep Up With You On Social Media

Is your buddy yet to follow you on social media? You might follow and message them, but the notice of a new follower never includes their nickname. While this may not always indicate that a person does not want you as a friend, social media engagements can reflect the true state of your relationship.

If they ignore your posts and comments, it means they do not want to be seen with you on that platform. Although snapping connections on social media may seem trivial, you can measure how a person feels about you. They may not be interested in what you are up to.

At first, you brush it off, but over time, it becomes clear that they interact with others online but seem to be ignoring you. They also publicly share photos or memories and tag other people but refrain from displaying their connection to you. When you bring it up, they dismiss it as nothing, yet the distance continues to grow. Social media is not everything, but it does reflect how people choose to engage with others. If someone repeatedly avoids interacting with you online, it might be a sign that they no longer want to maintain the friendship. Prioritize real connections over digital validation.

15. They Make You Feel Like A Burden

A strong friendship should feel comfortable and natural, not like an obligation. If you constantly feel like you are imposing when asking to hang out or reaching out for support, it is a part of your brain giving you signals. You may have previously noticed them sigh irritatedly, roll their eyes, or respond in a way that makes you feel guilty for reaching out. 

For instance, imagine you are going through a tough time at work and really need someone to talk to. You reach out to your friend, but instead of listening or offering support, they respond with a sigh and say, Ugh, I guess I can talk, but make it quick, I am really busy.” Another time, you ask if they would like to grab lunch, and they reply, “I mean, I guess, if no one else is free.” These reactions make you feel like you are forcing the friendship rather than being someone they genuinely enjoy spending time with. Real friends will be happy to spend time with you and will never make you question their affection for you. If you find yourself in this situation, prioritize friendships that make you feel valued and appreciated. Let go of one-sided relationships and invest your time in people who genuinely care about you.

There are various reasons why friendships end – maybe you had a fight that you could not get over, or perhaps you just grew apart. Don’t get disappointed! You will be able to get through this, no matter what the circumstances are.

What You Need To Remember About Someone Not Wanting to Be Your Friend

  • Take time to process your feelings.
  • Remember that not everybody can be your friend forever.
  • Avoid contact with the person.
  • Get rid of all the memories related to the person.
  • Work on yourself and practice self-love.
  • Reflect on your own contributions to the friendship.

A true friend will be there for you in good times and provide a helping hand when things are not going well. Therefore, you must stop pushing something that isn’t there. Identify the signals and distance yourself from individuals who are not interested in being your friend. While you might experience rejection and loneliness, it is better not to waste your efforts on a friendship that was never meant to be. Remember that isolation and exclusion are not a reflection of your worth as a person. You need to walk away if you feel the friendship is taking a toll on your mental health. Here is how to move on.

How To Move On From One-Sided Friendships

A lonely woman sitting on her own

Ending friendships, even those where you were not valued, can be emotionally exhausting. However, time can heal all wounds, and you can find wholesome friendships again. Meanwhile, making some healthy efforts for personal growth can go a long way in helping you heal and feel happier again. Here are some useful tips:

  • Acknowledge your feelings and allow yourself time to grieve.
  • Reflect on the experience to build healthier connections in the future.
  • Visualize your idea of fulfilling friendships and set boundaries accordingly.
  • Identify nurturing relationships around you and build them.
  • Seek therapy from professionals if necessary.
  • Practice self-care through activities like journaling, meditation, crafting, etc.
  • Build self-esteem so you may be emotionally independent and not carry baggage from past friendships.

These tips and practices will give you some closure and help you move on from the friendship.

Infographic: 5 Signs Of One-Sided Friendship

Although friendship is an important part of life, you must realize that not everyone will share your desire for friendship. One-sided friendships can make you feel emotionally drained and exhausted. That’s why identifying the signs of imbalance is important. Check out the infographic below to learn about the sure-fire signs someone does not want to be your friend.

5 signs of one sided friendship (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

You might be a great person to be around and still not fit someone’s idea of a friend. And that is okay. It does not mean there is something wrong with you. People have their preferences, and it would be best to accept that things cannot get more than cordial with some people. We hope this article on how to know the signs someone does not want to be your friend will help you identify signs of people wishing you to steer clear.

Additionally, you must realize that real friends will stay by your side through thick and thin. Identify these people and prioritize them. It is not necessary to befriend everyone. A handful of good friends are better than a village of fake admirers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the emotional effects of recognizing a fading friendship?

Recognizing that a friendship may be fading can lead to feelings of sadness, confusion, and even relief. It is important to process these emotions and understand that not all friendships are meant to last forever. Give yourself the time and grace to heal and start anew with new people.

What is a one-sided friendship?

A one-sided friendship is where only one person bears the onus of sustaining the connection. In such friendships, the needs and interests of one friend take precedence over the other’s.

How do you politely cut off a friend?

The best way to end a friendship without being rude or impolite is to be direct about it. Explain your feelings honestly and be upfront about your decision.

How do you emotionally detach from a friend?

You should approach detachment as something that will happen over time. You can’t detach from a friend in a snap as there are a lot of unprocessed emotions and feelings. Take time to address and release them and start maintaining distance from the friend slowly.

Illustration: How To Know Someone Does Not Want to Be Your Friend

signs someone doesnt want to be your friend

Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team

Friendships hit many bumps on the road, however sometimes it’s truly time to move on. Check this video for 6 signs that tell you if it’s time to let go of your best friend and look ahead.

Personal Experience: Source

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Dr. Chloe Carmichael
Dr. Chloe CarmichaelLicensed Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Chloe Carmichael is a licensed clinical psychologist with 10 years of experience. She specializes in stress management, relationship issues, self-esteem, and coaching. She earned her BA in Psychology from Columbia University and has a doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Long Island University.

Read full bio of Dr. Chloe Carmichael
Sneha Tete
Sneha TeteBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sneha holds a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad and a professional Relationship Coach diploma. With over four years of experience in writing, she specializes in crafting insightful articles on relationships and lifestyle.

Read full bio of Sneha Tete
Shatabdi Bhattacharya
Shatabdi BhattacharyaAssociate Editor
Shatabdi is an associate editor and an alumnus of Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata, where she honed her skills and developed a deep understanding of the world of literature and expression. She has worked with various organizations and websites operating in different industries, ranging from education to lifestyle, showing her adaptability and drive to learn.

Read full bio of Shatabdi Bhattacharya
Gracia Odile
Gracia OdileBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Gracia Odile is a teacher-turned-beauty and lifestyle writer with three years of professional experience. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English from St. Stephen’s College, a Master’s in Anthropology from the University of Madras, and a degree in education from GGSIPU.

Read full bio of Gracia Odile