29 Signs That A Taurus Man Is In Love With You
If he is spending time with you and introducing you to his loved ones, you know he is smitten.

Image: Midjourney/ StyleCraze Design Team
Taurus men are stubborn, loyal, and sensitive. When they fall in love, it is for life. So, what are the signs that a Taurus man is in love with you? Reading a Taurus man is very hard. You may miss that a Taurus guy is fascinated, smitten, and deeply in love with you. Some Taurus men may try hard not to show their feelings and take drastic actions like ignoring you. This may not be what he is feeling on the inside. To understand where you stand with him and if he really likes you, you need to be patient.
As mentioned before, a Taurus man is extremely sensitive. Avoiding situations where there’s a chance of him getting hurt is his MO. But if you like him, we can help you look for those signs. Scroll down to learn all about the hidden and subtle signs that a Taurus man loves you, wants to be with you, and cares deeply for you. Read on!
In This Article
How To Tell If A Taurus Man Is Attracted To You

1. He Takes Things Slow – Too Slow
According to astrology, a sign that a Taurus man secretly likes you is when he seems to take the relationship at a snail’s pace.
This zodiac sign is well known for being extremely slow and steady. A bit of carefulness is associated with this sign, but only because a Taurus guy may want things to be perfect. When he finds a love interest, he will probably delay the chase to cherish every moment of it. He will want to savor and experience each bite of the relationship. That is why a Taurus man not jumping into bed is a sign that he actually likes you!
He may get scared that he is over-communicating with you and showing too much interest and fall off the radar for a couple of weeks to cool things off a little. Of course, all this waiting can drive you a little crazy, but try to be patient with this slow-moving sign if you like him too. For instance, he may hold off on getting too physical, which can be a sign that he values the emotional connection. While this deliberate pace might feel frustrating at times, it shows that he is deeply invested and wants to ensure everything is right before diving deeper. If you are patient with his rhythm, you will eventually see his true feelings unfold.
The Taurus man obsessively needs to go on at his own speed when it comes to relationships. Sometimes, the Taurus acts contrarily and very quickly. But this is a red flag, indicating his insecurities and lack of specific purpose. Some signs are very good with one another, for example, aries and taurus compatibility will surely impress you. There are other signs also who have a good rapport with the sun sign.
2. He Suddenly Acts Shy And Awkward Around You
A Taurus man may act boisterous and flirty when he is not really that interested in you. However, men belonging to this horoscope sign act shy and avoid eye contact when they fall for you. He may act shy and avoid eye contact when he is falling for you. He may pretend to talk to other people when you are talking. This is just his method of trying to find out if you are interested in him and whether he can make a move without getting hurt. You need to cut him some slack, though. A Taurus guy’s attempts at getting a woman’s love are nothing short of super charming. You may notice that he stammers when talking to you or makes silly jokes that fall flat. This is his way of testing the waters and figuring out how to approach you without risking rejection. His awkwardness is a sign of how much he values the connection.
Once you get past this awkward phase, and as he gets comfortable, he may open up to you and share his deepest thoughts, hopes, and desires with you. Taurus men may seem standoffish, but they are really kind and nice. He isn’t quick to jump in – because this means a lot to him. Instead of playing games or just waiting, make sure that you give him signs that you are interested in him as much as he is. If you do so, he may be more comfortable revealing his feelings.
3. He Memorizes Your Routines And Schedules
A Taurus man may show his interest by getting to know your daily routines and schedule. Most Taurus men prefer to make subtle approaches instead of grand gestures of love. He will try to surprise you to gain your attention. He may try to do so by showing up unexpectedly in the places that you often visit. He may be too shy to talk to you directly and will mostly hang back and admire you from afar. Feel free to take this gesture as a compliment – it is one of the signs that a Taurus guy likes you. This is his subtle way of showing interest in you romantically.
4. He Concerns Himself With Your Financial Well-Being
A Taurus guy may take your financial well-being into consideration when he starts dating you.
He may be willing to help you sort out your bills and file your taxes. It may not be the most romantic gesture in your books, but coming from a true Taurus man, this is an expression of true love. This zodiac sign is associated with resources, finances, and values.
A Taurus guy spends a long time getting these things in order. He also finds happiness in helping his love interest to do the same. He will never be judgmental about your financial decisions but will often be the first to offer any monetary help, ensuring you feel secure and cared for.
5. He May Deliberately Ignore You
A Taurus guy may go out of his way to avoid communication with you directly. If you are in a group, he may pay attention to someone else and avoid making eye contact at all costs. If you try to initiate the talk, he may suddenly become super engrossed in staring out of the window or reading the menu. This behavior, though seemingly indifferent, actually reveals how much he likes you. He is trying to deny his feelings to himself, even though his actions speak otherwise.
6. He Spends More Time With You
When it comes to commitment, Taurus signs tend to be straightforward. It is hard for them to hide their love. When a Taurus guy falls in love, he wants to spend all his time with the person he adores. He always wants to be surrounded by this new feeling of love and around the person who makes him feel more confident, and he will want to bask in the warmth of this new connection. His desire to be with you is his way of showing that you are an important part of his life and that he is ready to build something lasting.
7. His Eyes Will Give Him Away

If you want to know if a Taurus man is really in love with you, just look into his eyes. A Taurus guy may not always be vocal about his love, but his eyes will speak volumes, offering a glimpse into the depth of his affection. He cannot hide how he feels, and that is why he does not want to make eye contact with you. He may even act like he does not know you. Stay open to him and be patient, and he may eventually find the courage to show his love for you in good time.
8. He Invites You Into His Circle
A Taurus guy is very loyal. That is why he holds his family and friends close to him, and he won’t let just anybody into his close circle. This is also the way he protects his feelings. He may be slow to make the decision of introducing you to his loved ones, but once a Taurus shows you this sign, you are in for the long haul. It is a strong indication that he is committed and looking toward a long-term future with you.
9. He Pays You Thoughtful Compliments
A Taurus man may try to impress you by paying you thoughtful compliments. He may put in extra effort to make an impression in his own way. He will try to win your love by showing you that he is paying attention to you. A Taurus guy in love may shower his love interest with unfiltered admiration. His compliments will always be truthful, thoughtful, and hardly ever superficial. He puts extra effort into impressing you, and his words come from a place of respect and appreciation. These star sign people are known for perfectionism, and his wooing you will be nothing but classy.
10. He Is Concerned For Your Safety
Taurus men are obsessed with security and are possessive, so one way they show their love is by ensuring that you are always safe and secure. He may be protective and sometimes even bossy about the choices you make. If you show that you don’t need him or fight with him because of this, he may find it hard to express his love to you. For him, keeping you safe is his way of showing care and commitment.
11. He Boasts About You Or Quotes You When He Talks
A Taurus guy in love with you may pretend like he doesn’t even care about you, but he won’t be able to resist quoting things you say or dropping your name here or there into his daily conversation. Listen for it – his words may tell you how much he loves you. These little moments reveal how much he values you and cannot help but show you off, even if he is not overtly expressive. Listen closely, and you will hear the admiration and affection he has for you in the way he talks about you.
12. He Makes More Effort To Communicate
The Taurus man isn’t a talker. However, when he falls in love with someone, he may make an effort to communicate more with that person. He wants you to know him better and wants to get to know you, so he may try his best and make an effort even if it may go against his nature. Even if it goes against his usual reserved nature, he will make the extra effort to engage in conversation, share his thoughts, and deepen the connection. This change is a clear indication that he is serious about building a relationship with you and is willing to step outside his comfort zone to do so.
13. He Begins To Include You In Financial Decisions

The Taurus guy is a private person. He may mostly keep his thoughts to himself and make decisions in a very focused way. At times, this may come off as rude or stubborn, but to them, they are being responsible. It is a very good sign when a Taurus guy includes the girl he is dating in the money decisions he is making. If he is discussing his personal financial decisions with you, it is a sign that he is going to include you in all other major decisions.
14. He Makes Efforts To Build The Relationship
The Taurus man will put in the effort needed to keep the girl he has fallen for. He may go out of his way to appreciate and nurture the relationship. Even if it calls for him to go out of his comfort zone or change his behavior, the Taurus guy will be ready to do all this for the woman he loves. For him, love is about consistency and commitment, and he will invest time and energy into ensuring the relationship flourishes.
15. He Becomes More Confident
When a Taurus man falls in love, you may see a change in his behavior. You could see him becoming sure of himself and confident. Your presence in his life boosts his self-esteem, and it will show in the way he approaches situations with greater assurance. He may even start taking more risks. You are a positive influence on him, and you may see that through his behavior. This is not an obvious sign, but you will begin to see the changes once he falls deeper in love with you.
16. He Takes You Seriously
Taurus men have a practical and pragmatic approach to life. He is sure to extend that approach to you as well if he likes you. A Taurus guy may take those extra steps and show he truly values your goals, opinions, and likes and is actually listening to what you are saying. Your Taurus man may hang onto your every word – to him, it is pure poetry.
He will take every single thing you say to heart with genuine interest. He may remember every single sentence you said. Once he has gotten over his initial shyness and made contact with you, he will always openly support you! Providing support and solidarity is very important to him as his zodiac sign is associated with security and stability.
17. His Lovemaking Becomes Softer
When a Taurus guy is trying to win you over, he may want to cuddle and kiss you more and become way more vulnerable and softer. This softness is a reflection of his growing feelings and desire to nurture the bond. Enjoy the feeling – this is just a glimpse of what he is when he falls in love. He may be physically affectionate and very sensual. This sun sign is known for its indulgence in physical and sensual pleasure. He may even find excuses to shower physical affection on you. He will constantly hold your hand in public and massage your shoulders. Of course, he is quite shy, so it may take him a few attempts to build up his courage to make the first move.
18. He Makes Expensive Gestures
A Taurus guy loves his material luxuries, and when he falls in love with someone, he makes gestures that give away how valuable the woman is in his eyes. His love for you will be evident in the quality of the gifts he gives, reflecting his impeccable taste and attention to detail. These gestures may not always be expensive in the monetary sense. He may invite you to meet his bedridden grandmother, which is a big deal to him. He may also gift you chocolates and flowers like some secret admirer.
Being a logical Earth sign, a Taurus man never wants to take any chance in love. He is deeply sensitive – probably why he is a hopeless romantic! He may also be sure of your feelings before he confesses his love to you. That is why he may get you gifts without signing his name. This keeps him secure from any awkwardness that may happen if you reject the gesture. However, a Taurus man is known for his attention to aesthetics and classy, impeccable taste. He may really be good at choosing the perfect gifts for you.
19. You Will See His Romantic Side

Taurus men are known to be romantics. They are super quiet but show their love in many subtle ways. The more the relationship progresses, the more romantic your man becomes. His affection becomes more evident in the little things he does, whether it is leaving you handwritten notes, planning a surprise date, or simply being there when you need him. Pay close attention to these little signs. Don’t take his romantic nature for granted, though. Make sure to acknowledge and appreciate these moments, as showing him how much he means to you will strengthen the bond you share.
20. He Begins To Show His Jealous Side
As we mentioned before, the Taurus guy could be a little bit standoffish or shy. He probably isn’t going to bat an eyelid even if you are talking to another man at the bar. However, as his love gets deeper, the Taurus guy starts to get jealous. He may go out of his way to ensure that others know that you are his. He may put himself out there to announce in subtle ways that you aren’t single anymore. This is precisely where his masculinity comes through. While he is not the type to be overtly possessive or aggressive, he may find subtle ways to let others know that you are no longer single. Whether it is through small gestures or putting a little more emphasis on your connection, his jealousy becomes a quiet but clear sign of his love and desire to make sure you know you are his.
21. He Will Touch Your Skin – A Lot
Another sign that you can look out for is, he may find excuses to touch you constantly. A Taurus guy shows his love through his consistent and gentle touch. It may be very subtle, but you may feel that he considers you more than just a friend. When a Taurus guy touches the woman he loves, it will be soft and gentle. It is not just about intimacy, it is about making you feel safe and valued in his presence. This kind of touch speaks much louder than words, and this is his way of communicating.
22. He Confides In You
Trust is a major factor for a Taurus guy. He will only disclose his most deep dark shameful secrets to someone he loves and completely trusts. Guard his secret as you would your life. You need to create an environment where he can feel secure enough to bare his soul to you. Don’t worry about his mixed signals – just stay emotionally available to him and coax him out of his shell. A Taurus guy may show you he adores you by opening up to you, and he expects the same from you.
23. He Tries Silly Tricks To Get Noticed
He may talk ridiculously loudly with his friends, have a few extra drinks to get some liquid courage, and try to make you notice him. He may make attempts to find a topic that may interest you to get your attention. This is his way of expressing his emotions. He may obsessively want to know more about you and the things you like. He may shower you with plenty of compliments on your appearance as well! He will do anything to be noticed by his love bug. If he makes an extra effort to be outgoing and chatty in your presence, he likes you, girl.
24. He Tries To Be Your Handyman
A Taurus man is likely to look pretty muscular and rugged. He has “handyman” skills, which he may try to show off and impress you. When a Taurus man falls for someone, he works extra hard to win her over – even if it means physical labor on his part. He views his body as an instrument for all physical endeavors he pursues.
One of the signs a Taurus guy likes you is that he may offer to give your home a little tender loving care. He isn’t afraid of hard work and labor and likes to work with his hands. From repairing a leaky faucet to assembling furniture, he sees these acts of service as a way to show his affection. If you let him get the work done around the house, it tells him that you trust and like him too.
25. He Wants You All To Himself – All The Time

When a Taurus man likes you, he may want to spend all of his free time with you – and only you! He is not known for being social or a party person. He may just want to settle in with you and spend quality time. When a Taurus man falls in love with you, he is willing to devote his very precious resource – time – as a gift to you. Whether it’s cozy nights in or long conversations, he’s all about quality time. Most likely, he may not tell you this directly. But his actions will make it unmistakably clear just how much he treasures being with you.
26. He Will Turn Up The Sensual Heat
For a Taurus guy, love is an expression of tantalizing sounds, tastes, and smells. Watch for signs of attraction, such as fresh flowers, fragrant candles, or home-cooked meals. He may also take more care of his appearance and may even get a new haircut. If he runs a hot bath for you or fills the house with exotic fragrance, take that as a cue of compatibility and his unique brand of faithful love for you.
27. He Wants To Share His Luxurious Lifestyle With You
A Taurus guy has a taste for the finer things in life. He most likely lives a life of luxury and is looking to share all that with his special someone. Being with an earth sign can bring out the best in him. For example, a Taurus and Capricorn compatibility is super strong as they are both earth signs. He may lavish you with pretty jewels, take you out to nice dinners, and drive you around in his posh ride. Expect yummy food, decadent desserts, and good wine when you are his one. This zodiac sign places a high priority on comfort and enjoyment. If he likes someone, he may dote on them.
28. He Is Very Supportive Of You
The Taurus man expects to be unconditionally supported by his SO. That is why he wants to be with someone who is supportive and loyal. He is also very supportive himself and may show how much he loves you by being supportive of all the things you are involved in – whether it be emotionally, physically, mentally, or in any other way you require. If the Taurus man in love has other special friends in his life, he may maintain a boundary with them to prioritize his partner. He may be respectfully supportive, but not to the extent as he would be to his partner.
29. He Is Very Protective Of You
The Taurus guy is considered to be the bull among all the signs. He displays his bull-like behavior in various ways. When he loves someone, whether it is a family member or friend, he may act protective of them. When he is interested in you romantically, this protectiveness may go way over the roof. He may be extremely protective of you – especially the way other people treat you. This protective nature of the Taurus man may become stronger the harder he falls. He may not tolerate disrespect from anyone, especially towards you. You will always feel safe around him.
Note: While the above-mentioned signs can be generally true for Taurus men in love, they are not set in stone. A person’s behavior can also be shaped by their social conditioning and lived experiences that go beyond their astrological chart. Hence, having an open mind and being attentive to a Taurus man’s quirks can help you better understand his feelings rather than relying on general Taurus traits for insights.
Understanding his preferences and spending quality time together may help build a comfortable relationship. However, be patient and give time to the relationship, as everyone has their own pace. Understanding his love language may make it easy for you to develop a healthy bond and connect at a deeper level. Continue scrolling to know more about it.
Key Takeaways
- Rather than following the crowd, Taurus men set their own pace, even when displaying their feelings.
- Their approach toward their loved ones is thoughtful and serious, and they make an effort to include their partner in important life decisions.
- A Taurus man may act shy initially but grow to boast about you in front of his friends and become very protective of you.
Significance Of Recognizing The Love Language Of A Taurus Man
Understanding the signs that a Taurus man is in love with you is important in the context of relationships for many reasons:
- Knowing a Taurus man’s non-verbal signs and gestures can help enhance communication flow. For instance, if his love language is acts of service, he may love doing things for you or helping you with tasks.
- Recognizing these signs can help you understand what they seek from you. Thus, you can easily build stronger emotional intimacy and trust.
- Understanding his way of expressing love can also help you determine where the relationship stands. You will know if he is serious and whether it’s the right time to talk about long-term commitment.
- Recognizing his love language may also help you understand his intentions clearly, which may reduce the chances of misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
- Lastly, understanding how Taurus men express love can help you value his needs and preferences, and appreciate them.
Though these signs should be recognized, it’s equally important to remember that open and honest communication will always form the backbone of any good relationship.
Infographic: How To Make A Taurus Man Obsess Over You
Even if you are smitten with your Taurean sweetheart, that’s not where the journey ends. You need to put in constant effort to keep the spark alive. And to help you with the same, we have listed some tips you can follow to keep your man obsessed with you in the infographic below. Check it out now!

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
Taureans are characterized by their generous, loyal, kind-hearted, and simple personality. By seeing Taurus compatibility with various signs you will know more about how they react to each zodiac. For example, Taurus and Libra compatibility is built more on honesty and practicality. So, knowing what is in their heart can be tricky as they are not too vocal about their feelings. However, if they are suddenly shy or awkward around you, steal glances at you, and pay attention to small things about you, chances are the Taurus man is smitten by you. Finances are an important aspect of a relationship with a Taurean. So, if they share their financial plans with you, include you in money-related decisions, or shower you with expensive gifts, you can assume that they are serious about you. A Taurus man needs your understanding and patience and can prove to be an ideal partner.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you know if a Taurus man is serious about you?
Taurus men can barely hide their feelings. If they are serious about you, they will ensure to convey it – through words or actions. Moreover, Taurus tend to be practical individuals. A Taurus man will take you seriously and try to do things you like.
How does a Taurus man express their love?
Taurus men are romantic and passionate men in love. They are constantly thinking of ways to make their crush/partner happy. If they love you, they will always bring you gifts, hype you up, show up for your every need, and behave like lovesick puppies.
How do Taurus act when they have a crush?
Taurus men will initiate conversations, tease and joke around a lot, try to know more about you, compliment you, get physically close, and leave rather loud hints that they are into you. Not all Taurus men are shy. Taurus and scorpio compatibility shows that Taurus are as good as any other signs when it comes to professing love for their crush.
Are you wondering if your Taurus man is really into you? Check out this video to learn the 15 clear signs that a Taurus man is in love with you!

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