11 Signs Your Friend Doesn’t Respect You & How To Deal With It
If they make fun of you behind your back or demean your opinion, they probably don’t respect you.

Image: Midjourney/ StyleCraze Design Team
If you are confused about your friend’s behavior and aren’t sure if they respect you or that it’s just their nature, you have come to the right place. Here, we have listed some signs your friend doesn’t respect you to help you make the right decisions about the future.
Friendship is a beautiful bond that brings two different individuals together. But sometimes it may go wrong due to various reasons. Disrespect or disregard is one such reason. This article contains a list of signs, collected from personal experiences and expert opinions, that may indicate disrespect in friendship. Keep reading to know about the sure-shot signs of a disrespectful friend and how to tackle them.
In This Article
11 Signs That Your Friend Doesn’t Care About You
1. They Make Fun Of You

People who genuinely respect one another will never take part in relentless teasing and mocking. Often, people who do not respect others take this as an opportunity to laugh at their expense and feel better about themselves.
Imagine this, you are hanging out with friends and share an embarrassing story about a minor mishap. Instead of offering a sympathetic ear, a friend constantly brings up all the embarrassing parts of the story, talking about stupid they think you are. This happens repeatedly with the same person consistently targeting you with mocking remarks disguised as jokes. This behavior demonstrates that this friend does not respect you.
If your friend is unappreciative and constantly belittles you in public and mocks you, it’s a big red flag in a relationship.
2. They Always Tell You What To Do
Do your friends try to control your life? Do they constantly force their opinions on you and demand that you follow suit? This is a sign that they do not value your needs, ideas, and opinions.
Say you and a friend are planning a weekend trip. Your friend has very strong opinions about where you should go, what you should do, and even what you should pack. This person dismisses your suggestions with comments like, “That’s a terrible idea,” or “Why would you even think that?” This friend then presents their own meticulously planned itinerary, with no regard to what you would like to do. Every time you suggest an alternate activity, your friend becomes visibly annoyed and insists that their plan is the only way to have a good time.
This pattern of behavior, where one person dictates all decisions and disregards the preferences of others, demonstrates a lack of respect for individual autonomy within the friendship. If you feel like your friends expect you to do what they say all the time, it is best to distance yourself from them.
3. They Are Rude To You

There is a difference between being critical and being rude. Your friend doesn’t need to agree with your decisions always. However, instead of voicing their disagreements amicably, if your friend criticizes you in harsh words, without caring about your feelings, they are rude.
For example, say, you and your colleagues are discussing a recent presentation you delivered. Instead of offering constructive feedback, a colleague scoffs and says, “That was awful! I can’t believe you presented such disorganized and frankly, boring material. You clearly didn’t put any effort into it.” This type of harsh, dismissive criticism, delivered without any consideration for your feelings, exemplifies rudeness. It goes beyond simply disagreeing with the content and becomes a personal attack. If they do it constantly, it is time to consider how much you value this friendship.
4. They Make You Feel Guilty For No Reason
Do your friends blame you for their problems? Do they try to pass off their shortcomings as your fault, even if it has nothing to do with you? When a friend tries to make another person feel guilty for no apparent reason, it can signify that they do not care about your feelings. They want to make you feel bad so they can feel better about themselves.
Suppose you and your roommate are preparing for a party you are hosting. You are running late due to an unexpected work emergency. Upon arriving home, flustered and apologetic, you find the other roommate visibly upset. Instead of expressing understanding, your roommate launches into a tirade, saying, “You are so irresponsible! Because you were late, everything is a mess. The guests will arrive any minute, and the food is cold. You have ruined the entire evening!” This outburst unfairly blames you for circumstances outside your control and demonstrates an attempt to induce guilt for no valid reason. Your roommate’s reaction is disproportionate to the situation and reveals a tendency to shift blame rather than address the issue constructively.
If you feel like your friend guilt trips you without considering your feelings, the chances are that they don’t care about your emotions as much as their own.
5. They Make You Feel Insecure
This is one of the worst effects that a friend can have on somebody. Some friends may be straightforward, and their honest opinions may feel like a punch in your stomach. However, if they care, they will also try to boost your confidence and build you up. On the other hand, if they try to make you feel weighed down by belittling or insulting you, drain you emotionally, and make you feel unsure about yourself then listen to your gut feeling and reconsider the friendship.
For example, say your friends are discussing their career aspirations. You excitedly share your dream of starting your own business. Instead of offering encouragement or asking questions, a friend in the group dismissed your aspirations saying, “That’s a ridiculous idea. You don’t have the skills or the experience to run a business. You would probably just fail miserably and end up in debt.” This comment, designed to undermine your confidence, is a clear example of making someone feel insecure. It belittles ambition and creates self-doubt, rather than offering constructive feedback or support.
6. You Feel Conscious Around Them

If being their friend makes you feel like you are walking on eggshells, it is a red flag. Your friend surely neglects you and does not care about you if you are always conscious about what you say and how you behave. Because you are afraid that if you slip, they will fly into a rage. If this is the case, maybe you are in a toxic friendship.
Suppose you and your friends are at a social gathering. Your friend is naturally outgoing and enjoys meeting new people. However, when they are around a particular friend, they become noticeably quieter and more reserved. They hesitate before speaking, constantly glancing at their friend for approval or disapproval. If they do share something and their friend reacts with a slight frown or a critical comment, they immediately backtrack and apologize, even if they did nothing wrong. This constant self-monitoring and fear of upsetting their friend makes them feel extremely self-conscious and prevents them from acting naturally. They are always walking on eggshells, afraid of saying or doing something that might trigger a negative reaction.
The points discussed above are signs of aggressive behaviors in which your friend may only care about their needs and wants being met.
7. They Are Passive-Aggressive
Do your friends constantly seem upset with you for no good reason? Do they act like they are mad at you but never say anything? Examples of passive-aggressive behavior include constantly making sarcastic comments or saying one thing but implying another.
For instance, you and your friends are deciding where to go for dinner. You suggest a particular restaurant, and a friend sarcastically responds saying, “Oh, that place? Sure, if you really want to go there,” with a slight eye-roll. Later, at the restaurant, the same person makes subtle digs throughout the meal, like, “Wow, this food is… interesting,” or “I guess this is your kind of place,” all while maintaining a superficially polite demeanor. When directly asked if something is wrong, they deny it, saying, “No, everything’s fine,” but their body language and tone of voice convey clear displeasure. Even when another friend brings up how good the food they ordered tastes, this particular friend tries to find fault with the dish. This pattern of veiled insults and indirect expressions of negativity exemplifies passive-aggressive behavior. If your friends try to play mind games with you, there’s a pretty good chance that they don’t respect you.
8. It Is All About Them
Friendship is all about being there for each other. Sometimes, you may need some extra TLC, and sometimes, they will. However, if your relationship is all about them, and all the discussions are solely focused on them (like their issues, problems, and achievements), it’s a clear sign that your friend does not value you. It can be a sign of emotional immaturity too and linked to underlying selfishness.
Say you and your friend are having a conversation. You just received some good news, like a promotion at work. Instead of celebrating with you, your friend immediately steers the conversation towards themselves. They begin talking about their own job, complaining about their boss, and lamenting their lack of career progress. They barely acknowledge your good news, except for a perfunctory “Oh, that’s nice,” before launching into a lengthy monologue about their own perceived misfortunes. This pattern of consistently shifting the focus back to themselves, even in situations where you deserve attention and celebration, illustrates a self-centered behaviour. The conversation becomes less about mutual sharing and support and more about one person dominating the interaction. You should steer clear of such narcissistic friends, as it can take a toll on your mental health.
9. They Always Go Behind Your Back

If your friend excludes you from their plans, it might be a sign that they do not respect you. While they may have a separate set of friends, if they always plan their activities without you, it’s time to reconsider your friendship. This is one of the signs someone does not want to be your friend. They may also talk behind your back without considering your feelings.
Say, you and your colleagues are planning a weekend hiking trip. Being excited about the trip, you message a colleague to discuss some details about it. They respond with a slightly awkward, “Oh, yeah, we are going. It’s just a small group.” Later, you hear this colleague talking to others about the hiking trip, discussing details like carpooling and trail routes. It becomes clear that they deliberately excluded you from the planning and didn’t intend you to be included, despite working together and having a seemingly friendly relationship. When you bring it up, they feign ignorance saying,”Oh I didn’t know you were also included in the plan. I was told it was a small group” or try to gaslight you saying, “I thought you would be too busy to come since you may have prior commitments.”
This act of planning social activities without including someone, despite an expectation of inclusion, demonstrates a lack of respect and consideration. If this is the situation, your so-called friend does not respect you.
10. They Talk To You Only When They Need You
Does it feel like your friend speaks to you when they need a favor? Do they constantly interrupt you or try to change the subject when you are talking? Do they vanish and become unresponsive once they get what they want from you? Do they only care about getting their point across but do not listen to you? If yes, you have to make a decision.
Picture this, you and a friend occasionally interact. Your friend regularly contacts you when they need something, like a ride to the airport, help moving furniture, or borrowing a specific tool. During these interactions, they are very friendly and engaging, focusing entirely on their request. However, once they have received the favor, communication abruptly ceases. You try to initiate a conversation later, perhaps sharing news or asking for advice, but your attempts are met with short, dismissive replies or are simply ignored. This pattern of contact only when a need arises, followed by a complete lack of engagement once the need is met, illustrates a one-sided relationship.
11. Friendship Is One Sided
The friendship appears to be one-sided, with a noticeable disparity in effort and emotional investment. One person consistently contributes more than the other, resulting in feelings of neglect or unreciprocated support. This imbalance is evident due to the limited communication and lack of initiative from the other person. Managing such a one-sided friendship requires open communication that lets you assess whether both your needs are being met. An honest conversation can help if there is a future to the friendship and why the other person doesn’t feel the need to reciprocate the same emotional investment. Addressing the issue may lead to a healthier dynamic, fostering mutual understanding, or prompt a reassessment of the friendship’s value in one’s life. Striking a balance is crucial to sustain positive and meaningful connections.
Suppose, you and a friend have known each other for several years. You consistently reach out to your friend suggesting activities, planning outings, and initiating conversations. You remember important dates, offer support during difficult times, and actively listen to their concerns. However, your friend rarely reciprocates. They seldom initiate contact, often cancel plans at the last minute, and seem disengaged during conversations, offering minimal input or support.
While you are always there for them, the same cannot be said in reverse. This pattern of one person consistently putting in more effort to maintain the connection, while the other remains largely passive, illustrates a one-sided friendship.
You may have to set boundaries for your time and energy by limiting contact with that person and saying “no” when they ask too much of you.
While these are some signs that your friend does not care for you or respect you, you can also spot disrespect from their comments. Friends often joke around, and their comments may seem dismissive and inappropriate at times. However, there is a difference between intentional hurtful manipulative comments and a thoughtless slip of the tongue. Here are a few examples.
Key Takeaways
- Respect is the primary base in any relationship, and even friendship is not an exception.
- Many signs of lack of respect can be identified, like constant controlling, making fun, rude, and needy behavior.
- To cope with this behavior, communicate clearly. Prioritizing yourself and avoiding problematic situations/ topics may help to a certain extent.
- Try to tackle the situation, and if not possible, it may be high time to rethink such a friendship.
Spotting Disrespectful Comments From Friends

- “Why do you always have to be so emotional?”
- “You need to stop thinking so much.”
- “Have you even read that book?”
- “I don’t know why you’re upset. That’s just how it is.”
- “I don’t know why you always have to make such a big deal about things.”
- “It’s not like I did it on purpose.”
- “Why are you so sensitive?”
- “Don’t be ridiculous. Nobody is judging you.”
- “Just get over it already.”
- “Are you trying to start a fight?”
- “You’re ridiculous.”
- “I don’t know why you’re always complaining about things.”
- “It’s not like I did anything wrong.”
- “Who cares what you think?”
- “Just calm down.”
- “You always do the same thing every time, don’t you know that I’m sick of it already?”
- “What you’re saying doesn’t make sense.”
- “I don’t need to hear your problems. If you don’t want to talk about it, fine.”
- “Stop holding a grudge. It’s not good for your health.”
- “I don’t have time for your feelings.”
- “What makes you think that?”
- “Just stop thinking about it so much; you’re making yourself upset.”
- “You’ve said this before.”
- “Nobody cares about what you have to say.”
- “You’re overreacting.”
- “You always do this. Don’t you know how to calm down?”
- “That’s supposed to be funny?”
- “You’re so annoying.”
- “Can you just stop talking already?”
- “That’s not what I meant; you’re taking it the wrong way.”
All the above statements are examples of unhealthy communication styles. If you hear these comments quite often from your friend, they do not care about you or respect your feelings and opinions. People who care about you will respect your opinion, not try to change you, and never speak to you rudely. If your friend is rude to you, here are a few tips to help you deal with them.
How To Deal With Disrespectful Friends

- Recognize The Disrespect: Before taking action, identify what specifically feels disrespectful. Is it hurtful comments, dismissive behavior, or a lack of consideration? Understanding the issue helps in addressing it clearly.
- Assess The Situation: Consider whether this is a one-time occurrence or a recurring pattern. Ask yourself, was it intentional or accidental? Is your friend going through something that may have influenced their behavior? Have they shown similar behavior toward others?
- Talk To Them: Let your friend know that their comments are patronizing and hurtful. Communicate openly about your feelings and give them instances when their behavior or comments hurt you. Call them out on their unsupportive behavior. You cannot change a person overnight, but talking to them may help them realize where they went wrong and may apologize.
- Stay Away From Them: If your friend continues to disrespect you even after multiple discussions, it is better to stay away from their undermining and condescending words as they can only make you feel miserable.
Orla, a blogger, recalls her personal experience of feeling sidelined by her friends and close ones. She shares that decluttering things along with people who no longer value your friendship is essential. She sheds light on the fact that one shouldn’t feel sorry for the insecurity of others and stop chasing such people. She adds, “If people choose not to value me, they are free to do that. But after a while, I observe their behavior, and if it continues, I just walk away (i).”
- Avoid The Topic: If you know that a specific topic will trigger your friend, it is best to avoid going that way altogether. Such topics are hurtful for both – your friends and you – and affect the relationship. However, it is important to note that avoidance is not a healthy way to manage issues in any relationship. Learning how to talk about issues that trigger is more beneficial.
- Stop Putting Yourself Down: People who do not respect you will most likely try to bring you down in hopes that it will make them feel better. So, instead of listening to their negativity, finding a balance between what you can and will not tolerate is more beneficial. Such relationships are not likely to last due to it being one sided and a lack of respect. Make sure you build strong boundaries and work on being happy yourself.
- Prioritize Yourself: If somebody does not respect you, remember that they are not worth your time. Instead, focus on yourself and prioritize your needs instead of getting demotivated by your friend’s behavior.
- Surround Yourself With Respectful People: A strong support system of friends who respect, appreciate, and uplift you is essential for emotional well-being. Focus on those who treat you with kindness and mutual respect.
- Do Not Take It Personally: We all have bad days, and it often feels tempting to take our frustrations out on someone else. So, if your friend has disrespected you out of the blue, they might be having a tough day. Do not respond to negativity with negativity.
If your friend works with you and you cannot entirely remove them from your life, try to spend time with people who build you up and make you feel confident and energized instead.
Infographic: What To Look For In A Good Friend
Good friends and relationships strengthen you. There are signs that tell your good friends apart from the toxic ones. The TV show Friends left us all with high expectations. And while you may never find the Chandler to your Joey, you can always find a good friend to depend on.
Good friends might make fun of you or your exes, decisions, etc., but they will always support and stand by you when needed. Friends who don’t respect you don’t give you the same treatment.
Scroll down to read up on the signs to look for in a good friend! Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
Good friends are confidants and companions. Friendship is a strong emotional link built on mutual trust, respect, and respect, just like any other relationship. Things can be difficult at times, and you may feel disrespected. Before you cut them off, try to figure out if their actions were deliberate. You can also look for signs your friend doesn’t respect you, like rudeness, a sense of insecurity, controlling behavior, and persistent hurtful comments that make you feel bad about yourself. If you value the friendship a lot, give them a chance by communicating your boundaries and calling them out personally. However, it is better to move on from such a friendship if they continue to be disrespectful towards you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are rude characteristics?
Rude people are insensitive to other people. They act in inconsiderate ways, use harsh tone and language, are impolite, and deliberately do things that will offend others.
Who are toxic friends?
Toxic friends are those that take advantage of the trust you place in them. They might like you for being cooperative, they put on a facade of caring about you because you are a “true friend”, but they will be quick to throw you under the bus to save themselves. They will never put you first and they will make you feel guilty and selfish if you ever do good things for yourself.
Are friendships one-sided?
Healthy friendships are a two-way street. The love and care that you put in a friendship may not be returned in the exact same ways but if the friendship is true and healthy, your friend will show their love and care in their own way. Real friendships are never one-sided.
Do you feel like your friends don’t respect you or they look down on you? Learn 10 signs to look out for in this video. Play now!
Personal Experience: Source
StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic personal narratives that provide depth and resonance to our content. Below are the sources of the personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. Stop Chasing People Who Don’t Value Youhttps://medium.com/illumination/stop-chasing-people-who-dont-value-you-9c7e98f40bd8

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