How To Lose Weight In Your Thighs – 10 Exercises & Diet Tips
Learn ways to lose that excess thigh fat through exercises and dietary changes.

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The majority of thigh fat is subcutaneous fati Fat stored under the skin that protects the body from bumps and falls and is influenced by genetics and lifestyle. , which is found beneath the skin. To tone your thighs, you will need to do high-intensity exercises that target specific areas. Wondering how to lose weight in your thighs? Workouts like squats, lunges, and leg press, combined with a nutritious diet and lifestyle changes, can help you achieve long-term body shaping results.
We have compiled a list of exercises that can help you lose thigh fat while building lean muscle in this post. We have also talked about what you need to eat and how you should live in order to maintain a healthy weight.
To get smaller thighs, you will need a three-pronged approach: targeted exercises, a good diet, and a healthier lifestyle. Scroll down to learn how to reduce thigh fat!
In This Article
Understanding Thigh Fat
Fat based on the location of the body is generally of two types – visceral and subcutaneous. Visceral fat is primarily stored around internal organs in the abdominal cavity, but it is less of an issue in the thigh area. Thigh fat is usually subcutaneous fat, which is stored directly beneath the skin. Research suggests that genetics are associated with increased fat in the thighs (1). A study also indicates that poor glucose metabolism and obesity may be linked to thigh fat accumulation (2). High-calorie diets, lack of physical activity, and sedentary behavior may also contribute to thigh fat.
The best way to reduce this fat is through exercise, diet, and other healthy lifestyle changes. Learn more about them below.
Key Takeaways
- Specific leg-up exercises will help tone your thighs and enhance strength.
- Air cycling will reduce thigh fat and help you achieve your goals for thin thighs.
- Do lunges to work on your glutes; they enhance your buttocks and help you lose thigh fat as well.
- Avoid processed and sugary food, and have a nutritious and balanced diet.
1. Exercises To Get Slim Thighs At Home
- Leg Up
This is one of the best thigh fat loss exercises. It will help you shed fat from the lower body.
- Lie down on the floor, facing the ceiling.
- Keep your palms on the sides, facing the floor, and relax.
- Lift both the legs at a 30-degree angle from the ground.
- Hold for about five seconds. Bring the legs down to the floor slowly.
- Repeat 10 times.
- Leg Stretch
This stretching exercise will ensure proper blood circulation.
- Sit upright with your legs joined and stretched.
- Slowly move the legs apart as far as you can.
- Breathe in as you bend right to touch the toes of the right foot with both your hands.
- Try to touch the knees with your head. Relax and hold for 5 seconds.
- Slowly lift your head and bring your hands to each side of your pelvis. Breathe out while doing so.
- Do this for the left side.
- Repeat 10 times.
- Air Cycling
Do it 5 times on each side for 1 minute. Air cycling also takes care of your pelvic and knee joints.
- Lie on your back and face the ceiling.
- Lift your legs to 90 degrees with the floor.
- Start moving your legs as if you are cycling in the forward direction.
- Do this for 1 minute and then slowly put your legs down and relax.
- Move your legs up to 90 degrees and start air cycling in the backward direction for 1 minute.
- Repeat the set 5 times.
- Lunges

Lunges are the perfect workout for your inner thighs. Doing these 10 times every day can help you lose thigh fat in a week to some extent. This inner thigh exercise also takes care of the gluteal muscles and helps shed a few extra pounds from the buttocks.
- Stand straight with your feet about 3 cm apart.
- Hold light weights in each hand.
- Step forward with your right leg and bend your left leg to come to a “proposing” position.
- Do this with the left leg.
- Repeat the set 10 times.
Trace The Alphabets
This is the perfect exercise to reduce thigh fat and get toned thighs at home.
- Lie down on your back and face the ceiling.
- Lift your right leg and start tracing A-Z with it.
- Do this with your left leg as well.
- Breathe and relax in between.
- Table Top Cross Over

This exercise will help you lose fat from your outer and inner thighs.
- Lie down on your back and face the ceiling.
- Lift your body by supporting your body weight with your limbs, creating a “table” shape.
- Lift your right leg. Simultaneously, raise your left hand and touch the toes on your right foot.
- Repeat the same for the left leg.
- Repeat this for 20 times.
- Scissor Kick

This will work your thighs and buttock muscles and tone them, reducing your thigh size.
- Lie straight on the mat. Hold your head up by placing the palms of your hands behind your head.
- Lift your leg slowly and keep both legs straight.
- Move them apart vertically, bring them together, and move them apart again.
- Repeat 15 times with each leg.
- Squat
Do this only when you have lost a good amount of fat from your thighs. This well-known exercise for toned thighs helps build muscle. Without losing the fat, if you build muscle, you may actually end up making your thighs look bigger.
- Stand with your shoulders relaxed and legs apart. Point your toes outward.
- Keep your upper body straight. Inhale and slowly lower your buttocks until you come to a sitting position.
- Hold for about 5-10 seconds.
- Repeat this 10 times.
- Back Kick

This is a good exercise to get thin thighs easily at home.
- Get down on all fours, with the elbows straight and toes pointing toward the wall behind you.
- Look down at the floor so that the spine is parallel to it.
- Kick high at an angle such that the sole is parallel to the ceiling, and the thighs and calves are perpendiculars.
- After a few seconds, get back on all fours.
- Repeat this 15 times and do it with the other leg post that. You can increase the number of kicks based on your convenience.
- Sumo Squats

Also known as wide-stance squats, this is an effective way to sculpt your thighs
- Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Position your toes slightly outward.
- Take a step to the side with your right foot till your stance is 3-4 feet wide.
- Keep your back straight, chest up, and hands clasped in front.
- Bend your knees and lower your hips to a squat position.
- Lower till your thighs are parallel to the ground.
- Hold for 10-15 seconds and align your knees with toes.
- Exhale as you push through the heels to stand up.
- Repeat this 5-6 times for an effective thigh workout.
Here are some additional exercises you can do:
- Cardiovascular exercises can be very effective in thigh slimming and muscle toning. These include working out on cardio equipment like a stationary bike, treadmill, or elliptical trainer. Practicing cardiovascular exercises at home for half an hour of at least five days a week helps in slimming down the lower body and maintaining healthy body weight.
- Aerobic exercises help in fat burning on your inner thighs and the rest of the body as well. Certain exercises like stair climbing, brisk walking, jogging, running, and dancing increase the heart rate and work out your thigh muscles. Hence, make it a point to indulge in aerobic exercises for at least 45 minutes a day, five days a week.
Now that you know how to lose thigh fat with exercises for legs and thighs, take a look at some lifestyle changes you should consider making as well. Read on!
2. Dietary Changes
A healthy diet plays a key role in toning down the entire body, including the thighs. You need to follow some basic guidelines:
- Check On Your Calorie Intake
Reduce your calorie consumption to 1200-1500 calories based on age, sex, and physical activity. As a result, your body will start utilizing the extra fat as a source of fuel. Cut down on empty-calorie sources, replace them with healthy foods, and practice portion control.
- Eat Healthy Protein
Include lean meat, eggs, pulses, and legumes as sources of protein in your diet. Aim to include high protein foods in all your meals as protein is not only a major nutrient to build up muscles, but it also promotes satiety and regulates hunger (3). Have protein snacks between meals to curb hunger pangs.
- Healthy Fat
Dieting does not mean you need to avoid fat. Fat is one of the important macros that help maintain the elasticity of the skin and make it smooth and control your hunger. A study found that consuming a PUFAi Short for polyunsaturated fats, fatty acids in butter and oils that improve metabolism, which helps in losing weight. -rich diet for 7 days decreased fasting ghrelini A hormone produced and released by the stomach that signals the brain that it is time to eat and helps store body fat. levels and promoted satiety levels (4). Consume nuts and seeds mixed with one teaspoon of clarified butter to enhance the taste.
- Have More Fruits And Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and natural sources of fiber, which provides bulk to stool and helps in curbing hunger pangs (5). A study showed that increasing vegetable intake can help in maintaining weight (6).
- Foods To Avoid
Certain foods may promote fat storage, particularly in areas like the thighs. So, it is best to avoid them. These include refined carbs like white bread, trans fats like fried snacks, processed foods like instant noodles, and sugary drinks.
According to a survey, 49% of US adults consider themselves to be “health-oriented eaters” while 51%) are less focused on nutritional value and only select foods based on taste or other reasons. It was further seen that 56% of health-conscious eaters consume organic food in comparison to 22% of less health-conscious eaters.
Always consult with a doctor or nutritionist/dietitian before incorporating any changes in your lifestyle that approach healthy eating practices.
Sia Alexis, a fitness and healthy-eating blogger, recounted how she lost weight and toned her thighs. She writes, “That is exactly what I did when I lost all the weight. I ate clean for the most part. It’s honestly 80% diet and 20% working out. Ditch those junk foods, make yourself a healthy grocery list, and get to shopping for a healthier life (i).”
3. Turn Your Lifestyle Around
- We tend to accumulate a lot of fat when we overwork our body or mind. Proper rest is highly recommended for women who want to lose thigh fat or weight in general. Less than 7 hours of sleep can make you gain weight (7).
- Managing stress is very important. If you cannot control stress, the cortisol levels increase, which, in turn, stimulates the hunger hormone (8). Combine the above-mentioned exercises with some deep breathing practices to manage stress.
- Playing any sport, at least thrice a week, will help you in many ways. It can be playing fetch with your dog or playing soccer with your toddler. The adrenaline and the good hormones will help you lose weight and keep your hunger pangs at bay.
- Try and take out time for hiking, biking, or traveling to places that you always wanted to. Hiking and biking will help tone your thigh muscles, and traveling will help you see places and people that will open up a new world to you.
Infographic: Top 5 Home Exercises For Slim Thighs
Get ready to shed that stubborn fat around your thighs and have them toned to perfection. All of this is possible with a targeted workout that you can follow right at home. Check out the infographic below to learn more about the exercises you can perform to get toned and slim thighs in no time. Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
Shedding stubborn fat takes time, and there is no short cut method to achieve it without surgery. Though diet and lifestyle factors play a role, if you are lethargic and do not exercise, you will not be able to achieve your goal. Focus on healthy practices. As you lose total body fat, your legs and thighs will automatically get toned up.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the most common myth about thigh fat?
The most common myth about thigh fat is that its spot reduction is possible. The truth is that you cannot target fat in a specific area. Instead, you can try strength training and cardio to see overall changes in your body.
What are the best supplements to help me lose weight in my thighs?
Bryan Wright, Doctor of Physical Therapy, says, “The best supplements for weight loss are protein powder and green tea extract. Whey or plant-based protein powder helps build muscle while green tea extract provides antioxidants and may slightly boost metabolism. However, supplements should only be used to supplement a balanced diet and exercise plan. There are no shortcuts to achieving results.”
What are the best ways to increase muscle tone in my thighs?
According to Wright, “The keys to improving muscle tone are progressive resistance training and sufficient protein intake. Focus on progressively increasing the weight and difficulty of exercises like squats, lunges, leg presses, and calf raises. Aim for 2-3 strength training sessions per week. Increase your protein intake to 20-30 grams with each meal. This provides the amino acids your muscles need to repair and strengthen.”
What are the most common mistakes people make when trying to lose weight in their thighs?
Wright says, “The best way to lose weight in your thighs is through exercise and diet. Focus on high-intensity interval training that incorporates body-weight exercises like squats, lunges, and step-ups. Start with 2-3 sessions a week and build up intensity over time. Limit processed foods and added sugar, increase lean protein and complex carbohydrates.” He adds, “The most common mistake is not progressively overloading your muscles. You need to continuously challenge them by increasing weight, reps, or speed to see results.”
How many calories should I eat to lose weight in my thighs?
To determine how many calories you need to eat to loose weight depends on your body mass index and daily calorific needs. General guidelines say that to lose 1 pound, you need a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories (i.e., burning more calories than is consumed). It is best to consult a dietitian or a healthcare professional and decide.
How can I overcome a plateau in my weight loss journey and see results in my thighs?
A weight loss plateau can be frustrating, but the key is to be patient for the results, or working with a registered dietitian to re-evaluate the diet plan and increase the intensity and duration of workouts. Also, getting enough sleep and rest is important for healthy weight loss.
Are there any health concerns to be aware of when trying to lose weight from your thighs?
Health issues like nutritional deficiency, dehydration, or muscular imbalances can be caused if there is rapid weight loss due to crash dieting or calorie restriction. Always consult your doctor before starting to exercise for thigh fat reduction.
Can I lose weight in my thighs if I have a genetic predisposition to storing fat in that area?
Yes, you can still loose weight in thighs by creating calorie deficit and with regular physical activity. Resistance training and weightlifting also helps in weight loss and building lean muscle.
Are there any medical treatments available to help me lose weight in my thighs?
Yes, as per studies, medical treatments like taking injections of isoproterenol and creams containing colforsin (forskolin), aminophylline, or yohimbine can help in spot reduction of fat in thighs (9).
Regional fat loss from the thigh in obese women after adrenergic modulation, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
Tighten your inner and outer thighs, and lose stubborn fat with targeted exercises. Transform your legs and achieve a toned, sculpted appearance. Watch the video and start your journey to firmer thighs today.
Personal Experience: Source
StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic personal narratives that provide depth and resonance to our content. Below are the sources of the personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. How to Beat the Thunder Thighs;
Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.
- Mechanisms of body fat distribution and gluteal-femoral fat protection against metabolic disorders, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. - Thigh muscle fat fraction is independently associated with impaired glucose metabolism in individuals with obesity, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. - Protein, weight management, and satiety, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. - Hunger and satiety responses to high-fat meals after a high-polyunsaturated fat diet: A randomized trial, Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. - Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables, Advances in Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. - Strategies to increase vegetable or reduce energy and fat intake induce weight loss in adults, Experimental Biology and Medicine, the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. - Lose Sleep, Gain Weight: Another Piece of the Obesity Puzzle, Environmental Health Perspectives, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. - Stress, cortisol, and other appetite-related hormones: Prospective prediction of 6-month changes in food cravings and weight, Obesity, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. - Regional fat loss from the thigh in obese women after adrenergic modulation, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

Read full bio of Madhu Sharma
- Brian Wright, PT, DPT, OCS, MDT, is a board-certified orthopedic specialist and physical therapist. After graduating from Idaho State University, he went on to set up his own practice called Wright Physical Therapy. He aims to help his patients live a life of joy by alleviating their physical pain.Brian Wright, PT, DPT, OCS, MDT, is a board-certified orthopedic specialist and physical therapist. After graduating from Idaho State University, he went on to set up his own practice called Wright Physical Therapy. He aims to help his patients live a life of joy by alleviating their physical pain.
Read full bio of Priyanka Sadhukhan
Read full bio of Arshiya Syeda
Read full bio of Payal Karnik
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