44 Inspirational Poems For Single Moms
These poems can help motivate you to become a strong, confident, and caring single mom.

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Raising a child being a single mom is not an easy task. At times, you can feel overwhelmed and want to hide yourself to make some space. The sentiments and the struggles of a single mom are beautifully depicted in the poems listed below. The strength and great resilience that characterizes single mothers are reflected in these poems. They remind us of the sacrifices these mothers make and the myriad of responsibilities they shoulder as they raise their children. Through those words, these poems remind single moms that their great work, courage, and dedication do not go unnoticed. They celebrate the beauty of single parenthood and provide solidarity and support for every single mom who is experiencing both the joys and the trials of raising a family on her own.
The 41 inspirational single-mother poems below will help you motivate and appreciate yourself for managing multiple tasks single-handedly, from feeding and teaching to caring for your children. Scroll down for more information.
In This Article
44 Inspirational Poems About Single Moms
1. The Single Mother on the Train
The train rattles on,
its wheels grinding against life’s track.
Amidst the jostle and noise,
a single mother stands—
three children her world,
tethered to her every breath.
One cries for food,
another for a lost toy,
the third just seeks her gaze—
her eyes, deep pools of quiet storm.
Each station a reminder,
of the stops she never takes.
For her, the journey is constant,
through tunnels dark and long.
With each lurch, she steadies,
a hand for each small head.
In her gaze, a flicker—
of dreams deferred, but not dead.
The train pushes onward,
her hope a silent prayer.
For quieter tracks,
and a destination called ‘peace’.
– Nathaniel Bard
2. Single Mother
She raised a family single,
Everyday was a battle,
Fighting to put food on the table,
Trying to make her kids lives stable,
All she did was hustle,
Written on her face was struggle,
But she was so humble,
Loving and gentle,
Cause her inspiration was the bible,
Made her kids stay out of trouble,
Stay free from the bottle,
She prayed that her kids never stumble,
And her kids made it with that victory title,
She is a mother and she was able.
– Matus Michael
3. Shells
When my father left, I took to shells:
squatting in the corner, dark
summer night lapping—
oysters, conches, mother
of pearl heaped at my feet.
We lived by the ocean once,
my mother murmured, rocking
the baby. I loved
how shells sucked
against me, song of the dead
animal in my ear. I fell
for that suction, slurped up
that soulful humming, knocked
and nestled in those
chilly hollows. The baby
was also a shell, stuck
to my mother, clammy
with sleep and hunger.
But she had sailed here
by a different storm, clinging
to the waves of a different sea.
– Wendy Wisner
4. Single Mom
“She is a single mother
With a lot on her mind
She is strong and independent
That’s really hard to find
She is always doing her best
To keep up a lovely home
Even though sometimes deep down
She feels sad and alone
Her kids keep her going
Their the apple of her eye
They see here as a hero
That’s something she won’t deny
Everything she does
It’s with happiness and love
Each night before she goes to bed
She thanks the good lord above
For giving her the strength
To get through each long day
But being the world’s great mom
That’s something no one can take away”
– Movrike

5. Struggle Of A Single Mother

“Once upon a midnight other children asleep in bed
while mine are wide awake ignoring everything I said.
I am on my own without a supportive spouse
and there is much fighting going on in the house.
I do the best that I can but it is never enough
my children can be wild, taking care of them is rough.
Dressed in my nightwear, hands holding my head
I repeat myself often when I say, “Go to bed!”
The children are loud running up and down stairs.
while I go into a stupor, thinking “Aaahhh Who cares?”
Awakened from a daydream with wide open eye
I shout “Go to your rooms” then I start to cry.
“Please go to bed or you will be grounded”
I finally throw a shoe and they look astounded.
It was getting later and their behavior was bad
I wished they would mind me, I was getting mad.
My job is rough, being the mother of three
How can I get their attention? they must look at me.
My children notice my tears and ask me, “What’s wrong?”
I was very upset when I needed to be strong.
I told them that they need to behave in my care
because their behavior is getting too hard to bear.
They lead me to my room and turn out the light
Then they go to bed a little after midnight.
I struggle every night to be a parent on my own
cause my children won’t listen to my words alone.
The place is a mess and they will not do their share
I stress when I clean up and they don’t seem to care.
They can be sweet and they are full of surprise
but sleep doesn’t come easy until their mother cries.”
– Poetess12
6. A Baby Cries In The Middle Of The Night

“A baby cries in the middle of the night.
She’s the only one to calm her screams.
Exhausted at 3 in the morning
Every night it’s the same thing.
She works two jobs just to make ends meet.
She wishes she had more time.
Guilt stricken for leaving her 10 hours.
At the Day Care, she picks her up each night.
Every night she says to her baby, holding her close as she fights sleep,
“Looking at that face, it’s so hard to see
What would life be like without you next to me?
I know things are hard, just the two of us, but we’ll somehow make it through.
Mommy didn’t mean for this to be so hard.
Just don’t forget I will always love you! ”
Left all alone to raise a child.
No child support to help her out.
But, money is hard to get when daddy isn’t around.
He wasn’t there to hold her hand when their baby took her first breath.
He hasn’t even seen how much she looks like him,
Before she was born, he was killed by a drunk driver in an awful wreck.
She still blames herself and is mad he left her alone.
But she looks at her and sees him and knows her heart is his home.
The day came when she took her first step.
She held her close and looked in her eyes, and it nearly scared her to death.
She could see her husband looking at her too.
A tear ran down her cheek, and she said,
“Honey, God might have taken Daddy to Heaven, but he will always be right here with you.””
– Rachael Ruyle

7. My Hero, My Mom

“She gave me life.
She gave me talents.
She gave me the face I wear.
I look like her copy,
Yet I am so much more,
That “so much more”,
I learned from her,
From her mistakes.
She seems like the heroes
That rest inside the books.
She handles life,
Not always wisely,
But we always get though it unharmed.
She doubts herself,
Yet she’s the best leader;
She always finds the right solution,
From asking herself the same question,
Over and over again.
She’s brave.
She never runs away.
She faces trouble.
She does her best.
She is my mom.
Yet I see her like a sister,
My best old friend that knows so much.
She has her faults,
Don’t get me wrong.
Stress sometimes gets her,
At the end of the day.
But that is normal,
After all her tiring sacrifices.
Yet she is my hero.
She’s a single mother.
She works hard to make ends meet.
I admire her efforts,
And her determination,
To make life better.
She’s always reading with me,
Harry Potter
Or whatever books I read.
So I can debate with her.
Will Harry succeed?
Will he fail?
Mom always supports me,
In my important decisions.
She was my first poetry critic,
When I first started writing,
In English,
Three years ago.
She reads my poems,
She tells me what is right,
And we laugh about what’s wrong.
I thank her for all she’s done,
For all the times she opened my eyes,
For all the times she helped me,
For all the nights she didn’t sleep,
Because I was sick,
For all her efforts,
For all her support,
For being there,
For caring.
I love her.”
– Lune Argentie
8. A Single Mom In A Man’s World
“Smart and driven from the start of her career.
She completed her doctorate with nothing to fear.
Teaching generations of managers was her gift.
Her students were never bored or left adrift.
And now another employee has gone for no reason.
For her, a new job, a new life, and a brand new season.
She is a gentle yet blunt soul.
Equal pay for equal work was her goal.
Let’s give her credit for raising two boys with plenty of love.
That talent or skill requires assistance from above.
Single mom’s have it tougher than you or me.
Women deserve every chance, can’t you see?
A good friend to me she has been.
I truly believe she has won in the end.
Fame, fortune, and love will be hers.
Not that I think that is all she prefers.
Recognition for a job well done.
This is why Rhonda’s work has
only begun.
One more line, and I’ll be through.
Rhonda Bell, I am proud of you.”
– Manager Poet
9. I See Her Often Struggling All Alone
“I see her often….struggling all alone.
A diaper bag, pocketbook, and the baby.
The look of distress on her face as she pushes the stroller home.
She raises her child all by herself.
Her pockets are not overflowing….which means she’s lacking wealth.
She shuffles off to work each day.
She’s wondering when they will increase the dollars in her pay.
Single mom to some, Superwoman to her kids…..no regrets, it is what it is.
How I admire her strength and drive.
She’s strong during the day, but at night she cries.
This is not the way it was supposed to be.
My child should be seeing double, not just me.
Her mind is steady racing, but this is not a race.
The thought started here, and now it’s in a different place.
The sacrifices and staying up late when her child is sick.
She’s snapping pictures at Christmas time as her daughter opens presents
left by jolly ole Saint Nick.
She’s thankful for this precious jewel that she must shape and shine.
Smiling as she puts her child to bed because she has to be at work by
There’s always something to be done, so there’s not much time to sit.
This is a full-time job and one which she can’t quit.
The cooking, the cleaning and washing clothes,
She’s looking for some tissues so she can wipe her runny nose.
She thinks she’s a single mom, but that’s not entirely true.
The Lord is guiding and assisting….pulling her through.
Keep your head up, and don’t let anyone or anything bring you down.
A queen’s crown belongs on her head…..not upon the ground.
A dedication to the single mother’s……..Thank you for all that you do and
have done.”
– TheTeacher
10. Happy
“He cries for me when he leaves
with his father, the back and forth
boomerang, you never expect
your child will become. The sudden
woes of a two-year-old. The drama
of honey swirled incorrectly on oatmeal.
Should it have been doused
counter-clockwise? Three fires
have already been put out
in my house, this morning and I speak
without metaphor, about the imagination
of a two-year-old who seems to know
where I break, where my patience ends
and exactly where it will hurt worst
If a plastic fire truck slams into my shin.
Then, completely human, he senses
a crack in our connection, tantrum
suddenly ends, sticky hands grasp any body
part in reach – the need to know
you are loved, even after
you’ve thrown your bowl of hot oatmeal
on the floor: “mommy, are you happy
because you love me?””
– Crystal Ellefsen
11. News Radio
“I turn on the news. I turn
it off. I turn it on.
Off. I cry. I call
the lawyer to find out
when the divorce documents
will be ready to sign. I turn
on the news. I turn it off.
I text him a picture of our
son in a pumpkin patch.
I turn on the news.
I text him to say that our
son cried because
the little train was too loud
and squeaky, too scary. I turn
off the news. I turn it on.
Justice is only a word.
Cruel dictators die
rarely and how
does being cruel
to their corpse
make anything
– Crystal Ellefsen

12. My Mom

“My mom is very special,
My mom is very kind,
My mom always tells me I’m special,
She’s always on my mind.
My mom watches me grow,
My mom watches me cry,
Of course, she’ll always know,
She’ll never have to tell me good-bye.
My mom will always hug and kiss,
My mom will always care.
My days she will never miss,
Coz I’m her little teddy bear.
My mom is very special,
My mom is very kind,
My mom always tells me I’m special,
She’s always on my mind.”
– Anonymous
13. Mother And Child
“A mother’s love begins
Before the child is born
And lasts through time
And difficulties
And differences
And many wounds
And days of joy
And days of sorrow
Winding, wearing
Weeping, sharing
Until, at the end
What remains
Is that solid core
That began as love
Before the child was born.”
– Anonymous
14. The Hand That Rocks The Cradle Is The Hand That Rules The World

“Blessings on the hand of women!
Angels guard its strength and grace.
In the palace, cottage, hovel,
Oh, no matter where the place;
Would that never storms assailed it,
Rainbows ever gently curled,
For the hand that rocks the cradle
Is the hand that rules the world.
Infancy’s the tender fountain,
Power may with beauty flow,
Mothers first to guide the streamlets,
From them souls unresting grow—
Grow on for the good or evil,
Sunshine streamed or evil hurled,
For the hand that rocks the cradle
Is the hand that rules the world.
Woman, how divine your mission,
Here upon our natal sod;
Keep—oh, keep the young heart open
Always to the breath of God!
All true trophies of the ages
Are from mother-love impearled,
For the hand that rocks the cradle
Is the hand that rules the world.
Blessings on the hand of women!
Fathers, sons, and daughters cry,
And the sacred song is mingled
With the worship in the sky—
Mingles where no tempest darkens,
Rainbows evermore are hurled;
For the hand that rocks the cradle
Is the hand that rules the world”
– William Ross Wallace
15. The Best Mom
“Mom, you are the best mom in the world.
Of all the other moms, you are the best.
Many people are not as special as you are
Nothing in the world can compare how much I love you.
Got the best care I needed in the world
Unbelievable caring ness in a mother
Your kindness and great mood
Everything you give me is with the kindness of your heart.
Now I want to tell you “I love you with all my heart.””
– William Ross Wallace
16. A Single Mother Doesn’t Know Defeat
“Another day of kicking ass,
Of waking up with pride.
She drives herself to work,
Smiling at the her, she’s left behind.
Another day of dreaming,
Reconnecting with her soul.
She spreads her wings to fly,
Peace of mind is her goal.
Another day of victories,
One foot in front of the other.
She sows the seeds of paradise.
From her strength as a mother.
When the moon shines bright inside her lair,
Another day complete,
She holds her children close with care.
A single mother who doesn’t know defeat.
Her heart aches with love and joy,
As she begins to pray.
She walks an unknown path,
Grateful for every single day.”
– Cassie Faerber

17. Single And Struggling
“As the yellow sun sets o’er the ocean
And deep darkness envelopes the earth.
As the world is rocked to sleep by the night’s rhythm
She stays awake, and with the stars keep watch
She’s often terrified. She’s often paranoid.
Alone and lonely; choked by the grip of terror
She watches helplessly as life slowly passes by
Hurt and vulnerable, she curses her miserable fate
Perched precariously on the edge of the night
She wonders what new mischief the dawn brings
She rocks the cradle, and sings, and dozes, and wakes.
A vicious cycle from which there’s no breaking
Always the last to bed; always the first to rise
The lives of wild, innocent little things rest on her shoulder
She cannot falter. She cannot break. She cannot rest
She cries in the rain and sends her miseries to the clouds
Life is not fair. The world is a cruel, dark place
She’s an object of undeserved neglect – a Cinderella
Still, I marvel at her strength and her pride
Her resilience, and instinct, her love, and affection
She’s a father, and a mother, and a doctor, and a cook
Roles she hadn’t wanted, duties life hadn’t prepared her for
Her hair suddenly greys, but I still see her beauty
Her skin quickly wrinkles, but I still see her radiance”
– Ademola Adeyoju & Onashile Peace (Tolarnee)
18. Never Wanted To Be A Single Mother
“Never wanted to do it alone,
Raise a child on my own,
One-sided without assistance,
Always believed two parents were needed.
For a child to go the distance
Fought to keep that dream alive,
Battled my own insecurities inside
Took a long time to realize
I would only fail if I didn’t try,
So I took a new approach.
I needed to change how I felt,
For the sake of my child’s happiness
It was time to do it by myself.
Had to let go of hopeful wishing,
Had to make some harsh decisions,
No longer waiting on another’s efforts,
Had to stop lingering for the better
Assuming one day, the other party would get it,
Stressing because that person doesn’t listen,
Taking away from all I could give
Had to grow up and let go
So that we could comfortably live
No more bread crumbs,
And dropping hints,
No more directions to follow and pointless fits
No more tears shed because of events missed.
Because when I only focus on us,
It is just pure happiness.
I know what I can do,
It is now clear to me,
No longer do I look for support.
To come to me,
I have everything inside that my child will ever need,
No end to how far I’ll go,
For I am willing to take the lead
Never wanted to be a parent,
I seen the responsibilities coming,
It is a shame that both parents.
Couldn’t hit the ground running,
But I am happy with my decision,
Wouldn’t change anything,
Couldn’t imagine my life now,
Without my bundle of joy breathing
I’ve also learned not to blame,
Not to even whisper ones’ name,
No need to bad mouth the other,
I am grateful we were lovers,
For I got the greatest gift,
And it is all mine,
I have the biggest role,
And that is just fine,
For the love I have is stronger than any other,
So when it all is said and done…
I am a PROUD single mother!”
– Kayotic Konfessions
19. To Our Single Mom On Father’s Day!
“This poem is for our single Mom.
We hope it makes her laugh.
Because she’s like a dad as well
She’s never been just half!
So now that Father’s Day has come.
We couldn’t miss her out.
We need to shout it out!
We hope you have a lovely day.
And celebrate in style.
You try your very best for us.
And always make us smile.
We’ve never felt we’re missing out.
Not having Dad around.
You’re the best of both worlds, really.
And you keep us safe and sound.
We won’t bring you a pipe and slippers.
That would seem quite mean.
But we’ll bring you a sparkling golden crown.
For our single Mom, our Queen!
Happy Father’s Day, Mom – We love you!”
– Gerardo Campbell
20. Single Mom To Grandma
“I was a single mom
when I was young
I loved first my Lord
and then my son.
My prayer was simple
every day
Dear Lord,
Please don’t take my son away.
I have had many losses
throughout my life
Divorced with a six year old
filled my world with strife
Things were tough
it was hard to succeed
God gave me the skills
and opportunities I needed.
There were times
I felt disowned
I was in this world
alone with my son
I never loved a person
as much as I loved him
He was my everything
keeping him close
was more than a whim.
Now he’s grown into a
fine young man
with a beautiful wife
and two children in hand
I love them all with my
whole heart
and now I pray, Lord,
Ne’er pull them apart
and dear Lord
always keep them near
Losing any one of them
Is more than I could bear.
– Francine Morales
21. Single Moms
“We are strong
We want our kids to see it
Its not easy
Its challenging
Seeing our kids faces light up its a heaven send
Being a parent
A wonderful gift
A new experience that changes our life for the better
A never ending love
Our babies and us”
– S21

22. Eggshells
“I am a single mom
Fighting for my children
They peep inside tiny fragmented shells
and I tip toe around splintered oblong spheres
So the pin does not come out
I am a bird
With the weapon pointed at me
And metal
is cold
And feathers are fire
receiving the blast –
I am tired.
I am a single mom
My wings beat the wind
The frozen ice air
Long and always strong blast
I cannot hide from the weapons
But I can fly from them.
So I guard my hatchlings
And face the wind.
Flames curl around the metal edges – they laugh
and I laugh back.”
– Laura McKee15
23. Hang In There, My Friend
“Hang in there, my friend.
The days are long
The years are short.
You can get through it all you know you can because you have to,
You’re the strong one, you’re the support.
Some days you feel sad because you think you’re a shit parent.
That’s it – you’re bad…
But NO you aren’t at all, stand up stand tall!
Hang in there, my friend.
When your child succeeds you get to experience the joy all for you,
You did this you got them through!
They are happy,
They are clean,
They are fed.
And yes, lets not lie we count the time, the minutes and the hours til we can get
them to bed!
Bed time gets stretched out for quite a while as they plead in denial about their
sleepy heads.
Hang in there, my friend.
You didn’t plan on being a single parent but you have to deal with the cards you
are dealt the best way you can.
See the positive – you have your very own clan!
You see the eyes of pity, perhaps a tinge of sadness the moment you mention
“I’m a single parent”
Why should this be when just because you’re a single parent doesn’t mean you
can’t be a success.
Ok, kids aren’t easy, they can be a stress.
In the end, you’re the only one who can give your children a happy parent who
loves life!
A life without fear, worry or strife.
Hang in there my friend.
Parents, single or not, put a lot of pressure on themselves trying to balance it all.
It’s never going to be 100% balanced, the sooner you know this, the sooner you
can relieve some of the pressure you put on yourself, no matter how small.
As they say “Being a single parent is twice the work, twice the stress and twice
the tears but also twice the hugs, twice the love and twice the pride.”
You’ve got this just take it in your stride.
A single parent tries when things are hard and they never give up.
Because that’s the job for their little cub/s!
A single parent believes in their family, even when things are tough and they
know that above all things… Love is more than enough.
Hang in there my friend.
Parents don’t always know what to do or how to do it but are never willing to
give up when times get rough.
Remember – with shelter, food and clothes you have more than enough.
Remember – that beauty of having your own children isn’t in the perfect photos
we show the world,
Remember – the beauty is in the folds and creases of our lives – of your lives –
whether it’s bent or curled.
The tantrums, time outs and tears and throw ups.
The firsts, the lessons, the doctors check ups.
Parenting has no rules and it’s a tough job, and even when they’re grown you’ll
be a parent til the end.
Hang in there my friend.”
– Bryony A Shaw
24. There Are Angels
“There are AngelsGod puts on this EarthWho cares for us and guides us. You can feel their love and gentleness as they walk through life beside us.They do great things for us every day – they whisper in our ears, they even hold us in their hearts when we are filled with all our fears.They are always there to give us a hug and try to make us smile. They treat us with respect and love, they treat us like their child.God blessed me with an Angel, I’m proud to call my own. She’s been with me throughout my life, been with me as I’ve grown.She’s guided me the best she can, she’s taught me like no other, and I’m thankful I’m the lucky one who gets to call her…Mother.”— Kathleen J. Shields, QuotesGram.com
25. The Single Her
“Where would I be without my single mother?I’m sure glad you took the time to bother.You must have felt so alone,At a young age, left on your own.Growing up was toughBut we toughed it out.I learned through all the shoutsYou are so special to me,You have impressed me,When I think of you,My heart warms wonderfully”— Kathy Clark, QuotesGram.com
26. Single Mother
27. Mother
“Being a single mother is great, but sometimes you need a break.There are times when you want to run and escape, but you can’t because there’s a little one holding you back so you won’t break.Loved being who I was free and wild, now I have a child.started to go back and forth in life to get things right.I’m a mother, I have scars, I have marks, not only am I a mother I’m also a father.Fathers do their best to keep their families in check. Never was raised by my father, so I know I’ll be a better father than my last.People try to devour me, but it got exhausting so I put my foot down and ate all the crucial things said to me.Did I get paid for doing the things I do? No, but I got power and honored. I didn’t get metals but I had support from friends and family even from a counselor.I’m very new to this motherhood, but I know I will have an empire. I will try my best to protect my little one like an Alfa protects his pack. I don’t want to be known I just want to be seen.I’ve tried my hardest to be me – a mother a woman of power.”— Karymar Hernandez, AllPoetry

28. A Single Mother’s Vow

“This ‘mother love’
for you, sweet one,
will never ever end,
You are the glory,
and I now tell the story
of a wonderful child
who is my dear friend…
we loved long ago
before crying began.
I carried you in my
secret place, until my
hand took your hand,
and together through
the land we wandered.
So never ignore me,
for you are my glory.
Thou art my child ~
and alone for thee
I will fend until my
life’s end.”
— Joyce Hemsley, OZoFe.com
29. Single Mother’s Courage
“You will never come to know
Life’s cruel storms I have been
Sufferings kept in, no overt show
Searing pain within you’ve not seen
I had in my past timeline lost base
When my self-esteem hit all low
Felt so insecure, afraid to face
Next day of pain, take another blow
I prayed for faith, God made me brave
I prayed for hope, God gave me a vision
I prayed for love, God generously gave
I prayed for my children, He gave assurance
My children’s expectant faces gave courage
My children are my precious God’s gifts
My children before me, stir success rage
My children mean everything: reason to live
Born with the right to be happy
Flesh of my flesh, they’re part of me
Blood of blood, inseparable are we
I live for them and their dreams to be
Into nights I work late
Wake with dawn, early to race
Career I build, with sweat
Day’s challenges, boldly I face
Living frugally, I walk distances
Never minding wicked sun’s disdain
Weathering me through circumstances
Get home, aching all over with pain
My thoughts are everywhere
About your school performance
About grandma’s healthcare
About my career in insurance
I strive so you would be graduates
Your life success is my life’s joy
Determined to meet your needs
I focus, persist, my skills I employ
Nothing will stop me
Nothing can deter our goals
Come what may, whatever be
Together claim life’s honour rolls”
— Paul Sebastian, OZoFe.com

“Each and every flaw
Of yours
I replaced with beauty
Of mine
That’s the cost you
And the reason to
My choice to love
And faith to bear
Had it this way
Or another
That’s when I realised
I wasn’t ready
But yet prepared
To be a mother
A single one
To my child
It wasn’t a choice
But love
endless one.”
— Ashima Singh, YourQuote

31. She Is The Only One
“She is the only oneI take breath forMy heart beats for.Her care builds me strongerHer love makes me a fighter;Her modesty raises me truthfulHer trust makes me responsible;She is the only oneI take breath forMy heart beats for.Her mothering makes me kindHer fathering shapes me bold;Her social role draws me a loverHer own role builds me a carer;She is the only oneI take breath forMy heart beats for.Her struggle incites my human powerHer fight motivates me to be braver;Her sacrifice gives me a courteous lifeHer insight frees me “to live own life”;She is my wonder humanShe is my super womanShe is my mother; the light of my world.”— Asma Hosna, AAStory
32. The Single Mother
“She is a monument to motherhood.A pillar of strength;To protect and guide the kids, she’d go to any length.Puts the needs of her children ahead of herselfShe does anything they want and need, and hers wait on a shelf.She is the teacher, the preacher, the guardian, the nurse, the psychologist, her roles are endless.
There are times when she feels unappreciatedWhen no one tells her so.But she knows her reward will come,while watching her children grow.A woman of incredible strength,like the strength of no other.I give my humble tribute to you,the single mother.”— Charles Breitweiser, Inspiration of Time.com
33. A Single Mother’s Prayer
“Dear Lord, I’m having moments,when it’s hard to carry on,without another shoulder,to depend and lean upon.There are moments when I want to throwmy hands into the air,and tell the world I’m humanand I haven’t got a prayer.But then I hear the gentle laughbelonging to my child,and know my life upon this earthhas all been quite worthwhile.”– Pamela J. Randolph, Pinterest
34. The Strength of a Single Mother
Alt Image: poem on single mother“Your shoulders are heavy,but you stand tall and raise your head high,knowing that you are raising kings and queens,future leaders of the worldYou are pounding the pavement, kicking butt,making it look easy but we know better;we know the struggle,we understand the painYou are sometimes joyful sometimes fearful,saying quiet prayers,crying silent tears,working miracles with limited resourcesWe see you,We respect youWe are proud of you,We have your backThe road feels lonely but you are not alone.”— Janet Autherine, Janet
“Every night I stay awake..To check up on my little son…being a single motheris no easy taskthat too with support of none..Every night I stay awakeTo contemplateon my journey till now..Somewhere I cry hard andSomewhere I say WOW…Many a times I myself wonderon how I took decisionto not surrender..Abiding withthe fatal implications of societyBut soon I realised,Motherhood is simply a form of Divinity.!!”— Deeksha Gupta, YourQuote

“Not a safe lifeNo one’s productStruggles filledFrom society people’sMother of small childrenCalled single mother…”— Sherien Omar, Instagram
37. Unsung Avatar
“In strength and love, a single mother stands,With grace and courage, she takes life’s demands.She’s a beacon of hope, a guiding light,Through the darkest of hours, she shines so bright.With tender care, she nurtures and provides,For her children’s dreams, she always strives.She bears the weight of both worlds on her shoulders,Yet in her heart, love only grows bolder.Through sleepless nights and endless days,She finds a way to navigate life’s maze.Her sacrifices, countless and unseen,Fuel the dreams of her offspring’s serene.In her embrace, they find warmth and care,In her wisdom, they find lessons rare.A single mother’s love knows no bounds,In her love, endless treasures are found.With open arms and a heart so wide,She carries them through life’s tumultuous ride.A single mother, a hero so strong,In her love, her children truly belong.So here’s to the single mothers we admire,Whose love and strength never seem to tire.You’re an inspiration, a guiding star,In the story of life, you’re the unsung avatar.”
38. Journey Of A Single Mother
“In the tapestry of life, a single mother weaves,A tale of strength, resilience, and love that never leaves.Through trials and challenges, she walks with grace,A beacon of hope in life’s ever-changing maze.With arms that cradle and hands that guide,She’s a source of inspiration, standing tall with pride.In the face of adversity, she finds her way,For her child’s bright future, she’ll never sway.She juggles roles and carries the weight,Balancing dreams and destiny, never too late.A single mother’s love, a boundless sea,Endless waves of warmth, as far as the eye can see.She works by day and dreams by night,Fighting for a future that’s shining and bright.Her sacrifices, countless, her efforts, immense,A single mother’s love, an unwavering defense.Through sleepless nights and weary days,She nurtures dreams in countless ways.In her embrace, dreams take flight,Guided by her love, reaching new heights.So here’s to the single mothers, brave and true,You inspire us all, in all that you do.Your love, your strength, your endless care,A single mother’s journey, a tale beyond compare.In your story, we find hope anew,A testament to what one heart can pursue.In your love, we see a powerful force,A single mother’s journey, an unending source.”
39. Single Mothers

“You provided and hugged,
supported and loved,
gave me the world.
You sacrificed it all so I could have a
better life.
Because of you, I have never wanted
for more.
Just because I did not have a father
does not mean I was parentless.”
— Ashley Robles, X
40. Hybrid
“Sitting in wait in a silent room,glaring at a bright screen alone,Wondering will you return my message?I’ve always longed for what you hide,even the things that have haunted you inside,we’re family after all; I could forgive your secrets.Rummaging for a name never heard before,maybe what you know will make us sore,break our hearts in two or more,so maybe it’s a good idea you leave it vacant,delete it all and don’t call,do what you have done best,and just let me fall,I’ve come to learn how to pick up the pieces.However, there’s someone who’s always been conjointly alike,Never been a doubt I couldn’t count on her time,I fear the day she sheds her skin,For that day we lose a mixture of strength and compassion,For that woman is mother and father,For she the hybrid we see all too often,that can’t be replaced by your presence belatedly,for after she’s gone,even if I had what was left of your absence,she you could never replace,because she knew from the start,what had significance right away.”— Natalie M Lawrence, Hello Poetry
41. Ode to a Single Mother
“Oh, single mother, you’re a force to be reckoned with,A pillar of strength, a shining light.You juggle work, childcare, and household chores,With grace and ease, both day and night.You’re a role model for your child,Showing them that anything is possible.You’re teaching them independence, resilience, and love,Even when things are tough.You’re a superhero, without a cape.You’re a warrior, without a sword.You’re an inspiration to us all.”
42. My Single Mother
“My single mother, my hero,You’re the strongest person I know.You raised me with love and devotion,Even when times were tough.You taught me to be kind and compassionate,To work hard and never give up.You showed me that anything is possible,If I set my mind to it.I’m so grateful for everything you’ve done for me,For sacrificing so much to give me a better life.I love you more than words can say.”
43. Single Mommy
“You’re a single mommy, a superwoman,Wearing many hats, juggling many things.You’re a breadwinner, a caregiver, a teacher,All in one.You wake up early and go to bed late,Working tirelessly to provide for your family.You’re always there for your children,Even when you’re exhausted.You’re a role model for your children,Showing them what it means to be strong, independent, and resilient.You’re teaching them to never give up on their dreams.”

“We never got to sit and think if he looked more like you or me
We never got to talk and wonder how his future would be
You never got to see the emotions and facial expressions.
that made me smile for days.
You didn’t see the way he looked when I first called his name.
You will never get to share the special moments, that have made me so proud.
But you don’t even care to think.
On all those times you’ve missed out.
I hope just one day you get to think of the dreams you sold us both.
But on days like this I deeply think how I still need you the most.
I’m a fool for trying
I’m a fool for believing
But my heart is pure and true
I’ve forgiven you for the pain you’ve caused.
For him. not for you.
You’ve left me with my blessing.
No more pain I go through
But will always remember in my mind
It was meant to be three of us.
Not just us two.”
— Concreteros3, Instagram
April Sopczak, a blogger, celebrates Mother’s Day by honoring her friend, Melissa, a single mom to three children. In one of her blog posts, she writes to her, “I will never condescend to you and pretend like you are capable of being two people in one. I know tired is no longer a feeling, but a way of life for you. I see you push through and keep going when not even you think it’s possible. You amaze me. Happy Mother’s Day! (i)”
A single mom naturally bears an enormous responsibility as she takes care of her children, especially in their developing years. During these tiring times, these poems can foster a sense of community, even without its physical presence that assures you that you are not alone. Save these poems to your phone, write them in a journal, or even put one on the fridge to read, so when hard days come, they can act as positive affirmations.
Key Takeaways
- From managing their professions to looking after house chores and raising kids alone, single mothers are providers, protectors, and nurturers all rolled into one.
- Despite their struggles, they keep pushing forward for the brighter future of their children.
- They are strong, courageous, independent, an inspiration to their kids, and superheroes in the truest sense.
A Letter To All The Single Mothers
Dear Single Moms,
You make us proud the way you love, teach, and protect. You would go to the ends of the earth, spar with mythical beasts, and sail the seven seas for your child. Your strength knows no end, and your perseverance, no bounds. In all your battles, you always succeed because you never give up.
You manage your profession, fix three meals a day, have an eye on your child, and still get the laundry and cleaning done. It isn’t said enough – you are a powerhouse! For all the times you’ve struggled and come through, we applaud your resilience. You are God’s gift to mankind.
Yours always
Every single mom out there is a powerhouse. She is the protector, provider, and nurturer, all rolled into one. Managing a profession, looking after a household, and raising children alone is no mean feat. The sheer strength, courage, and perseverance it takes to play two roles simultaneously are worthy of accolades and the highest honors. The single mother poems shared in this article attempt to make you all feel as special, inspiring, and precious as you are. When you feel overwhelmed, may you remember the strength within as you read them and carry on being the wonderful woman you are! For more inspiration, our article with relatable being single quotes can also remind you of the beauty and resilience of walking your journey alone, while offering a comforting shoulder to let you know you are not truly alone.
Infographic: 2 Heartfelt Poems For Single Mothers
They say it takes a village to raise a child. Motherhood can be rewarding and challenging, but being a single mother is twice the hard work. And that requires immense inner strength and tenacity. That’s something to be proud of and should be celebrated. In the infographic below, we have shared two short poems that celebrate all single moms. Check it out.

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
Frequently Asked Questions
What can I say instead of a single mom?
Other words to use instead of saying single mom are: independent mother (mom, mum, etc.), single parent, and child-headed.
Do single mothers feel lonely?
Single mothers might feel lonely, but it’s not necessarily because they need a partner. They might just want a companion or group of friends with whom they can love, support, and hang out.
What do single mothers struggle with?
Some single parents might struggle with raising a child while focusing on their jobs. They might want to keep their dating life quiet from their kids. They might find it difficult to communicate with their ex.
How do single moms find happiness?
Plan a schedule ahead of time, always have a backup plan in case things fall through, give some time to yourself without feeling guilty, and hire a nanny because you may need help raising the kid and managing work. Also, spend time with your child doing things they love.
What is the hardest thing about being a single mom?
Juggling your life, work, child(ren), their school work, and splitting weekends with your ex can be tough for a single parent.
How can poetry help single mothers?
Poems can be a very wonderful comforting and empowering tool for a single mother; it gives her the voice to express her deep feelings. Reading or writing poetry enables a single mom to get validation for her battles and triumph as she discovers herself in words that echo love, sacrifice, and strength. Such poems celebrating single motherhood remind them in quiet ways that their efforts are indeed valued. These poems can be a vehicle through which one can easily connect to many people within a community of single mothers in ways that facilitate shared strength and solidarity.
Illustration: Inspirational Poems For Single Moms

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team
Personal Experience: Source
StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic personal narratives that provide depth and resonance to our content. Below are the sources of the personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. Mother’s Day and Single Momshttps://aprilsopczak.wordpress.com/tag/single-mothers-day-poem/

Read full bio of John Ryan De Oca
Read full bio of Sneha Tete
Read full bio of Shatabdi Bhattacharya
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