16 Best Wedding Vows To Express Your Love For Your Husband

Solemn promises made straight from your heart are the ones most likely to last

Reviewed by Ricardo Cruz, Certified Wedding Planner Ricardo Cruz Ricardo CruzCertified Wedding Planner facebook_iconlinkedin_iconyoutube_iconinsta_iconinsta_icon
Written by Shivani Chandel, MA (English Literature), Certified Relationship Coach Shivani Chandel MA (English Literature), Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Edited by Shatabdi Bhattacharya, BSc Shatabdi Bhattacharya BSc linkedin_icon Experience: 2.5 years
Fact-checked by Sneha Tete, Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach Sneha Tete Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Last Updated on
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If you are planning to write your own wedding vows, you have come to the right place. This article lists some examples of ’wedding vows for her’ to help you write the most impactful wedding vows. Here, we also discuss some unique ideas to help you write vows that can melt your to-be husband.

Charlene Xiaolan shares valuable lessons learned from her wedding experience about writing vows. She wishes she had done a better job and offers some advice on how to pre-prepare the writing and refine it a few days before the wedding to create a final copy. She also admits that “I started writing them a month before the wedding, but I was so caught up on the details that I couldn’t make up my mind about the final wording until thirty minutes before the ceremony on my wedding day when my bridesmaids were putting my veil on me (i).”

Wedding day is special for everyone. But, you can make it more special and memorable for your to-be husband by writing unique wedding vows as it gives a personal touch. Just pick one of the ideas we mentioned in the article and start writing. We have covered genres like heartfelt, romantic, traditional, and others. Keep scrolling!

How To Write Your Own Wedding Vows

A bride writing in her diary

Before we begin exploring ideas on ‘wedding vows for her’, it is important to know how to go about it and write a vow that best supports your relationship. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create meaningful, memorable vows.

  1. Brainstorm Ideas

Make a list of ideas, words, or phrases that come to mind when you think of your partner. This could include the qualities you love, inside jokes, shared dreams, or meaningful promises you want to make. You don’t need to write full sentences yet, just jot down anything that feels important or special to your relationship.

  1. Consider The Tone

Decide on the tone you want for your vows. They could be funny, serious, romantic, or a mix of both. Keep your personality and the mood of your wedding in mind. It’s also helpful to discuss with your partner to ensure both of your vows have a similar tone and length.

  1. Incorporate Personal Stories

Personal stories make vows more intimate and relatable. Think of a specific moment. For example, the moment when you realized you wanted to marry your partner or a time when they supported you in a meaningful way. You can also list out reasons why you fell in love with them. It is a great way to personalize the wedding vows as it would express your unique thoughts and emotions. Sharing these experiences will add depth and make your vows feel more genuine.

  1. Make Promises

Vows are essentially promises to your partner. Consider what you want to promise in your marriage. Whether it’s supporting their dreams, being patient and understanding, or making time for laughter. Think about the commitments that will help build a strong and lasting marriage.

  1. Draft Your Vows

With your ideas and reflections in place, start drafting your vows. Begin with an opening that captures your love, such as acknowledging how your partner has changed your life. Weave in your personal stories and promises. You can also personalize your wedding vows by seeking inspiration from books, movies, T.V. shows, songs, etc. For instance, you can use a quote from your favorite book or a line from a song that resonates with your journey or articulates your emotions through heartfelt lyrics. This is how you get your first draft. It won’t be perfect, but now you will have all that you want to express during the ceremony.

  1. Edit And Revise

Once you have a draft, read it out loud to hear how it sounds. This way you can find which which bits seem off and where the flow can be better. Trim any unnecessary words or repetitions. Aim to keep the vows concise and meaningful, typically under two minutes long.

  1. Practice Reading Aloud

Practice saying your vows out loud several times. This will help you become comfortable with the words and allow you to deliver them confidently on your wedding day. It’s also a good way to ensure your vows convey the emotion you intend.

  1. Prepare For The Big Day

Finally, write or print out a final version of your vows to bring to the ceremony. Even if you’ve memorized them, having a written copy will help ease any nerves and ensure you don’t forget anything important during this emotional moment.

By following these steps, you can craft wedding vows that are personal and truly reflective of your love.

Key Takeaways

  • Weddings are already special and they can become more memorable by writing unique and personal wedding vows.
  • The best wedding vows are the ones that are honest, pure, and heartfelt.
  • Make sure your partner and wedding guests will be comfortable with the details you share in your speech to avoid any future conflicts.
  • Whether you make your wedding vows funny, traditional, romantic, emotional, or a combination of all these, it is going to connect deeply with your partner if you are ready to pour your heart out.
  • Don’t be afraid to get creative! Whether it’s writing poetry, citing literary sources, or playing with unconventional word choices, injecting some personality into your wedding vows will make them stand out in all the right ways.

Funny Wedding Vows For Her

protip_icon Quick Tip
Funny vows may make the wedding ceremony entertaining. But ensure that your would-be partner and the guests are comfortable with them.
Funny wedding vows for her

Some of the best ‘wedding vows for her’ are the ones that can make your partner laugh through their tears. Check out the ideas below to formulate your own vows, borrowing from your cherished memories.

  1. I promise to love and adore you even when you make a face and keep me from watching my favorite sitcom. Well, I promise to cherish you even when you get irritated for blowing your entire month’s salary on a handbag. Also, I promise to be patient and willing to understand you even if you get mad at me. Oh yes, I also will promise to love you till the end of my life as long as you stay back from my kitty parties.
  2. On this day, I promise to love you. Not that I already don’t! I promise to love you when we are happy and when we are not, when you decide to run in your sneakers with laces undone and trip on everything that comes your way, when you watch the new episode of a Netflix show without me, and even when you steal the covers and leave me to freeze in the cold as we sleep. Our love will stay through all those blessed moments of togetherness.
  3. Love has taught me many things like patience, kindness, tolerance, and empathy. It has also taught me that your coarse, lush beard (which you refuse to shave) will always get in my way. It will be there when I try to bury my face in your neck, it will sneak between our faces as I try to kiss you, and it will rub right across my face as we come close for an embrace. So, here’s to starting a new journey with you both. We are already a family of three!
  4. I have often wished for background music in real life. You know, like in the movies? You meet someone, and violins start playing. You make a mess, and get a sad melody! When you came into my life, there was no background music. However, when we moved in together, I started hearing it. Every night! The oh-so-soothing background noise of my sweetheart’s loud snores. How romantic! My beloved, I love you, and I am eternally grateful for your snores and occasional snorts while you sleep. You have, indeed, turned my life into a musical movie!

To enrich these vows, highlight the unique threads in your love story like lessons learnt through shared experiences, or talk about the way he shows you love through his little gestures. Honest, pure, and heartfelt — the most touching wedding vows are the ones that come straight from the heart. Writing wedding vows for him, your loving partner, can be challenging. These vows are designed to capture the essence of your love and commitment towards your husband. So, let us take a look at the perfect wedding vows that will make your to-be husband feel the depth of your love.

Heartfelt Wedding Vows For Her

Heartfelt or the most touching wedding vows for her

Heartfelt wedding vows can make your partner feel truly loved and special. These wedding vows are a great way to highlight why you love them and how you want to support them for the rest of their lives. Here are a few heartfelt wedding vows that you can take inspiration from:

  1. I want you so badly! You are the answer to my million prayers. You are kind. You are silly. You are intelligent. I promise to always see you the same way as I see you in this exact moment. I promise to honor you and respect you, encourage you and support you. I promise to pursue you always, celebrate with you, and walk beside you. I will love you unconditionally and wholeheartedly for the rest of my life. You will be mine always!
  2. You know how indecisive I am. It takes me over thirty minutes to choose what to order in a restaurant. But it took me less than a second to decide that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. You came into my life when I was lost, and instead of pushing me to change my ways, you held my hand through the journey until I figured myself out at my own pace. You have no idea how lucky I feel to have found you in my life.
  3. Fiction says falling in love is like having butterflies in your stomach. Your heart feels like it will jump right out of your chest, your mouth turns dry, and you feel dizzy. I have always been an avid reader, and before I fell in love, I would always look for these signs. When I met you, however, my stomach did not feel like a zoo. I did not feel like I would have a heart attack, and I did not reach for my drink. Instead, I felt calm. It was like coming back to someone I had known for a long time. Whatever the authors write is not true! Love does not make you feel anxious, or dizzy, or nervous. Instead, it embraces you in a blanket of warmth and serenity that you did not know could exist. With you, I am at home. I love you.

You can make these heartfelt wedding vows truly unique by including your partner’s nickname in the vow if you and your partner are comfortable with it and if it is appropriate for guests to hear. Marriage is a sacred bond. In most cases, the wedding takes place in a church with God as a witness. So, we have prepared a few Christian ‘wedding vows for her’ to set the mood just right for the auspicious ceremony.

Traditional Wedding Vows For Her

protip_icon Trivia
The origin of the oldest traditional wedding vows can be traced back to the Book of Common Prayer by Thomas Cranmer.
Traditional wedding vows for her

If you and your partner want to build a marriage rooted in tradition, enduring values, and rituals, then these traditional wedding vows are a great way to reflect that. Here are some classic, time-honored wedding vows that you can consider:

  1. I truly believe that God has led me to you! And I praise Him tonight for giving you as my wife. I promise to stand by you through the challenges of the present and the uncertainties of the future. I promise to be faithful to you and am eager to discover with you what God has planned for our lives. May God’s love strengthen and guide us. You have my heart and I promise to give you my all.
  2. God knows how much I have prayed to Him for this day. When I looked upon you, I knew the angels from above would bless our bond. Today, I stand before Him and profess my faithfulness to you. In sickness and in health, I promise to stay by your side. May God’s healing hand always be upon us! With this ring, I seal my love for you and promise to stay with you through thick and thin.
  3. On this auspicious day, I promise to hold your hand and walk with you along the path that God has planned for us. For better, for worse, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, until death do us part. I thank the Almighty for the love that has tied our lives together in this spiritual bond. I promise never to leave your side and love you till my last breath.

What is love without romance? With the romantic wedding vows for him written below, make your beloved feel special on this memorable occasion.

Romantic Wedding Vows For Her

Romantic wedding vows to make her feel special

If you are a die-hard romantic, then you may find deep meaning in incorporating the following romantic ‘wedding vows for her.’ These wedding vows are a great way to express your love and will surely melt everyone’s hearts.

  1. I know that even in our most difficult times, if I extend my hand in the darkness, I will always find yours, ready to walk with me until we find the light at the end of the tunnel. You are my strength, the gust of joy that picks me up when I am at my lowest. With you, I have found love, and I never want to let you go. Thank you for choosing me over and over again.
  2. Today, I am the happiest being on this planet since you have agreed to spend the rest of your life with me. I promise to be the person you can always turn to, the one you can fall back on even when it feels like the entire world is against you. My respect, care, and love will always be for you and only you. I love you.

To ensure these vows are delivered effectively and sound personal, personalize these wedding vows in a way that sounds like your own voice. For this, you can incorporate words or phrases that you frequently use in everyday conversations. This will make your vows sound more genuine and deeply resonate with your partner. The only time we encourage making your partner cry is when you move them with your sincere words.

If you are taking your vows for the first time or looking for inspiration for wedding renewal vows, the awesome wedding vows in the next section will move your groom to tears.

Emotional Wedding Vows To Make Him Cry

Emotional wedding vows that make your partner cry

Words filled with deep and vibrant emotions are the best way to make a big impact with your wedding vows. So, let your raw, deep-seated emotions come to the surface for you to express your love wholeheartedly. Here are some emotional wedding vows that are going to leave him teary-eyed:

  1. They say fairytales are overrated, and I believe them. I mean, is there even a happily ever after? Who knows? But when I met you, it seemed like fairytales might just exist, after all. How else would you explain the connection that we felt with each other? When I picture my life with you, a happily ever after does not feel too farfetched, and that is a lot coming from a skeptic like me! You have changed me for the better, love. And I am giddy to even think that I get to spend the rest of my life with you until we are gray and old and full of wrinkles.
  2. You make me want to be a better person. With you, I feel safer than ever. I have never liked a voice as much as I like yours, and I wish to wake up to it every day. My life has been a rocky road, but knowing that I will always find you at the end of it makes me want to keep going. I love you so much, my best friend, the love of my life.

You can personalize these vows to make it truly unique and deeply emotional. The simplest way to deliver the most unique and personalized wedding vow is to ask yourself what are some unique things that only you can say to your partner. Answer that and you will get a memorable vow that comes straight from the heart.

Cute Wedding Vows For Her

Cute wedding vows for her

Cute wedding vows can immediately put your partner at ease and brighten their day. These are short and sweet and can reflect the unique nuances of your relationship.

  1. My beloved, I want to make three promises to you. First, I vow to cherish you every single day. Second, I promise to be your steadfast partner in all of life’s ups and downs. And third, I pledge to never let a day go by without reminding you of my endless love.
  2. Today, I stand before you with a heart full of love and gratitude. I vow to be your partner at every moment and to support you through all the seasons of life. I promise to be the reason behind your smiles and to hold you close when the tears fall. With this ring, I commit to a lifetime of growing old together, and to creating a love story that is uniquely ours.

Interestingly, to ensure these cute wedding vows leave a lasting impression, you can try personalizing the vow booklet. You can add one or two colors on the vow booklet that you both like or that resonate with your personality.

Note: The article is curated by reviewing various classic and contemporary vows that can appeal to diverse couples. The ‘wedding vows for her’ listed in the article are easy to understand, have a touching tone, and can be adapted to reflect unique elements of a couple’s journey. Further, the article draws insights from real-life couples, relationship coaches, and wedding planners to reflect genuine love and commitment and can help understand evolving trends around wedding vows. It also contains meaningful themes and suggests ways to make vows more emotional, heartfelt, and personal.

Infographic: 3 Amazing Wedding Vows For Her

If you want to make your wedding the most memorable day in your life, adding a personal touch to your wedding vows is an excellent idea. You can make it funny, emotional, romantic, or keep it traditional. To help you out, we have listed a few amazing wedding vows you can  take inspiration from to strengthen the bond of your partnership. Click on the infographic below to know more!

3 amazing wedding vows for her (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

Wedding vows are a significant part of a wedding ceremony. You may have professed your love and made many sincere promises, showing your devotion to your partner in private. While that has unequaled value, the thing about wedding vows is that it is an official, public declaration of your commitment with an entire crowd witnessing. So, what you choose to say at the alter will put you and your partner in a certain light. A lot of pressure, right! But do not worry. All you have to do is dive deep within yourself and pull out the most heartfelt emotions. Take inspiration from these sample “wedding vows for her” to put your emotions into words and walk the journey of life in unity with loving spouse. You’ve got this!

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I include in my wedding vows?

You can include personal stories, heartfelt promises, and expressions of commitment in your wedding vows.

How long should my wedding vows be?

Your wedding vows should typically be around 1 to 2 minutes long.

What should you not do while reading wedding vows?

It is always best not to include anything embarrassing in your wedding vows. Avoid jumbling and mixing up the sentences while you read. Rehearsing it before the event will be a good idea. Also, do not keep it long.

Who says the vows first in a wedding?

Traditionally, the groom says the vows first in a wedding, followed by the bride. But there is no rule that the groom should only be saying it first. The couple can discuss it between themselves and decide.

How long should wedding vows be?

The ideal length of the wedding vow can be 2 to 3 minutes. Keeping it short can maintain everyone’s attention and create an emotional impact.

How many words should vows have?

A wedding vow can be of any length. An ideal wedding vow of 2-3 minutes will have around 200-350 words.

Illustration: Heartfelt Wedding Vows That Will Leave Your Husband Floored

wedding vows for her_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team

Writing your perfect wedding vows can be daunting, so let this video guide you through the process and help you create the perfect vows for your special day. Check it out!

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Ricardo CruzCertified Wedding Planner
Ricardo Cruz is a certified wedding planner and has over 15 years of experience in the service industry, including hotels, restaurants, and travel agencies. He aims to create unforgettable memories for couples and families on their wedding, vacation, or any special occasion.

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Shivani Chandel
Shivani ChandelBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Shivani Chandel is a postgraduate in English literature from Panjab University, Chandigarh and a certified relationship coach. She has four years of experience in copy editing and writing about entertainment, health, lifestyle, and beauty.

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Shatabdi Bhattacharya
Shatabdi BhattacharyaAssociate Editor
Shatabdi is an associate editor and an alumnus of Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata, where she honed her skills and developed a deep understanding of the world of literature and expression. She has worked with various organizations and websites operating in different industries, ranging from education to lifestyle, showing her adaptability and drive to learn.

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Sneha Tete
Sneha TeteBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sneha holds a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad and a professional Relationship Coach diploma. With over four years of experience in writing, she specializes in crafting insightful articles on relationships and lifestyle.

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