13 Signs That You Need To Walk Away From A Relationship
Don't tolerate abuse, cheating, and a lack of respect in your relationship.

Image: Shutterstock
Walking away from love is tough. But when there are enough signs to walk away from a relationship, you probably should! Of course, it will cause heartache for you both. It takes guts to give up on a relationship you were committed to. But, are you the only one putting in the effort, trust, understanding, and respect? It is important to spot the red flags when a relationship starts draining your energy and affecting your self-esteem. Failure to recognize such signs may drag on the relationship for too long and affect your emotional well-being negatively. That is not the way to keep your relationship alive. Reciprocation is a must. If not, it is time to fix the relationship or call it quits.
Check out the 15 signs to determine if you should walk away from a relationship. Scroll down!
In This Article
Is It Okay To Walk Away From A Relationship?
“You can love them, forgive them, want good things for them…but still move on without them.”
– Mandy Hale
Yes, it is okay to move on from a relationship for happiness and mental peace. Arguments and sweet fights in any relationship are common. It helps convey your opinions, views, and concerns to your partner. It is quite normal to have ups and downs in any relationship. However, this remains healthy only if there’s respect, devotion, commitment, and understanding between you both. It is tough to make a relationship work if there is a lack of understanding and incompatible values. Even after putting in all your efforts and valuable time, it feels disheartening if your partner fails to understand you.
If you are in a dilemma about whether to walk away or continue with your relationship, these signs can help you.
Key Takeaways
- Arguments are quite common in any relationship, and they help you understand your partner better.
- But if your partner fails to understand you even after you have put in a lot of effort and time, then it is time to rethink your relationship.
- If your partner does not respect you or has started abusing you, these are some big signs that you should walk away from the relationship.
When To Walk Away From A Relationship?
It can be difficult to even acknowledge that there is something wrong with your relationship that you have invested so much of yourself into. It makes you blind to obvious acts of disrespect, making you deny what is right in front of you. However, since you are here, you have already taken the first step towards questioning the niggling concerns at the back of your mind, so consider the following telltale red flags in a relationship.
This list of signs to walk away from a relationship is compiled after drawing insights from psychologists, relationship coaches, research papers, and real-life scenarios. We aim to highlight psychological, behavioral, physical, and emotional factors and signs that could signify unhealthy relationship patterns. Each sign listed here is supported by realistic examples to help readers understand toxic dynamics in their own relations. So, continue reading for an in-depth exploration of such signs.
1. If You Feel Respect Is Not Served Anymore
Respect is the foundation of any relationship. Respecting each other’s opinions, decisions, and goals makes a relationship healthy. Understanding the concerns of both parties without any manipulation and respecting them forges stronger connections. If you are not getting respect from your partner, reconsider your future together. Crossing the limits you are not comfortable with and not valuing your decisions is a red flag. For instance, if you do not want to lend a questionable amount of money to your partner without enough details, but they keep pressuring you for it, it is not a good sign. They might even guilt-trip you by saying, “Can’t you help me when I need you the most?”, it shows a lack of respect for your decisions and boundaries.
2. There Is Abuse In Your Relationship

The scars you cannot see are the hardest to heal. Abuse in a relationship impacts mental peace, physical well-being, self-esteem, and confidence levels. Sometimes it also leads to depression. Physical abuse is not the only kind of abuse you should be worried about. It can be of any form, like sexual, verbal, and emotional abuse. For instance, if they pressure you for intimacy even after you express your discomfort or humiliate you by calling you ‘worthless’ in public, they are mentally abusing you. Repeatedly trying to manipulate your decisions by saying ”You are an overthinker” or “You are too sensitive”, are the early red flags to look out for and are sure signs to walk away from the relationship. A 2003 study indicated that women who left their abusive partners seemed to experience improved quality of life and reduced depression. This was because post-separation they did not have to live in worry or fear of emotional or physical danger. They also do not have to be vigilant about their partner’s mood and behavior anymore (1). Abusive relationships cannot and should not be saved. If you find your partner abusive, walk away from your relationship immediately.
3. They Have Cheated You

“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you” – Unknown
There is no other feeling that is as painful as being in a relationship with a cheating spouse or partner and learning truths you are not ready to face. Infidelity leads to distrust and insecurity. And, without mutual understanding and faith, such relationships will not last long. For instance, if you confront them then they may refuse to acknowledge their wrongful act and instead say, “You have trust issues” or “If you had not been so ignorant about my needs, I wouldn’t have done it”. Clearly, they refuse to take accountability or try to put the blame on you. It can signify they do not respect you or your relationship. If your partner is not ready to accept the mistakes, does not show any regret, and continues gaslighting you, it is time to walk away from the relationship. Interestingly, a study conducted on how people react to their partner’s infidelity stated that most of the participants chose to terminate the relationship or keep a physical distance from their unfaithful partner. Many of them also feel despair and humiliation accompanied by negative emotions like sadness and anger after detecting infidelity (2).
4. Your Partner Does Not Take Any Responsibility
If you are the only one managing finances, running a household, planning vacations, date nights, and anniversaries and your partner never makes any effort to help you or takes you for granted, then it is time to reconsider your relationship. A committed and responsible individual is dependable. Taking responsibility generates trust and eventually builds a strong, honest bond. Partners should have a mutual understanding and owe equal responsibilities to each other. If you are the only one taking all the responsibilities every time, it is time to move on.
5. You Cannot See The Future With Your Partner
While gazing into your partner’s eyes, you ought to be able to see infinite love, dreams, and plans for your future. As couples, you both must have some shared goals. If you are unable to foresee any of them with your partner, rethink your relationship. For instance, when you bring in marriage or discuss your long-term goals to buy a house, they might just say, “Don’t keep thinking about your future, we will figure it out”. They might abruptly end the conversation by saying, “Let’s not think this far ahead”. All this can indicate they are not planning a future with you. One should put sincere effort into making the relationship work and help achieve each other’s dreams. If your partner does not show it, take a deep breath and move on for the better.
6. There Is No Trust

“I trust you is a better compliment than I love you because you may not always trust the person you love, but you can always love the person you trust.” – Unknown
Sometimes, you may feel you cannot trust your partner because of how they behave despite knowing your boundaries. For instance, your partner passes flirty comments in front of you to others on the pretext of jokes and it makes you uncomfortable. When you express this discomfort and they say they understand but you later find out that they have been lying and enjoying private outings with others, it is bound to make you question them and their actions. Trust is the basis for a successful, strong, and healthy relationship. It is the very foundation of a quintessential connection. The lack of trust created by a partner’s unreliable, dishonest, or disrespectful behavior hinders effective interactions in the relationship. Qualities like trust, love, commitment, communication, and intimacy can help improve relationship satisfaction between partners (3). It provides positive energy, reassurance, and the power to overcome obstacles. Without trust, you cannot feel safe and connected with your partner. The words and actions of your partner should reflect devotion, commitment, and loyalty. If that is not the case, walk away from your relationship.
7. The Channel To Communicate With Your Partner Is Closed
If you feel your conversations are always one-sided or your partner makes no effort to connect with you emotionally or gives you the silent treatment then it is time to take a stand for yourself and protect your own mental well-being. Proper communication is crucial for a strong and healthy relationship. Without meaningful conversations, there is scope for misunderstandings. Healthy communication brings transparency and helps tackle these issues. Your relationship might not survive if there is lack of communication. This gap is an alarming sign that you might need to walk away.
8. When You Don’t Find Space

Giving each other some space lets you pursue your hobbies, process thoughts, and work on your interests. If your partner does not respect your personal space, you should think about it. If your partner makes you feel guilty for taking your time, gets annoyed whenever you make your own plans with friends, or keeps invading your privacy, then these are the signs of an unhealthy relationship. Respecting each other’s opinions, goals, and helping them achieve their dreams is a sign of a healthy relationship. If you are not finding any of these in your relationship, move out of it.
9. You Are The Only One Making Compromises And Sacrifices
Relationships can work only if both parties are willing to sacrifice for each other. Making small sacrifices, adjustments, and compromises are common in a relationship. For example, if you always have to change your schedule or cancel your plans just to accommodate your partner, and when you expect them to do the same but they refuse, then it can signify they are taking you for granted. Couples should know the skill of getting things done without showing any disrespect to each other and hurting others. But if you are the one who is making all the sacrifices, it is just a clear sign he is using you, and you should rethink your relationship.
10. Your Partner Is Immature

An emotionally immature person can never understand your feelings. The lack of ability to understand the emotions of their partner may often lead to arguments. For instance, if you are talking about work stress and instead of listening and comforting you they dismiss your feelings by saying, “You are making it a big deal”, then it can signify a lack of emotional awareness. Being in a relationship with an immature person makes life unpredictable. You might face commitment issues and silly disagreements. They might not consider things seriously and avoid meaningful conversation. If such is the case, rethink staying in a relationship.
11. When Your Opinion Does Not Matter
A partner who loves you and values you will ask your opinion on things that matter. If your partner takes you for granted every time, it is unfair, and you might feel left out in the relationship. When your opinion is not respected, it implies that your partner does not care about you. For example, if they decide to take a new job in another city without discussing it with you or make a huge purchase like land, a flat, or a car without asking for your input, then it shows they do not respect or value you. If your partner is unwilling to address these issues, walk away from the relationship.
12. When You Face Body Shaming
If your partner pays more attention to your looks and does not accept the way you are, it is abusive and toxic behavior and shows his emotional immaturity. For instance, if your partner keeps telling you to take better care of yourself, lose weight, or look more put together for them to feel more attracted to you, then, it is a big red flag. Constant criticism about looks and appearance can seriously affect one’s self-esteem and confidence. If your partner does the same now and then without any regret, it might be the right time for you to walk away from the relationship.
13. When You Feel Totally Alone
“Being alone is scary, but not as scary as feeling alone in a relationship.”
– Amelia Earhart
Relationships are built upon understanding and affection between partners. When you are in a toxic relationship, you feel lonely, left out, unheard, anxious, and disconnected. If your partner makes you feel unimportant, keeps an emotional distance from you, or makes important life decisions without consulting you, like quitting their job without talking to you, then it shows a lack of respect for you. Talk with him about how you are feeling with his constant ignorance. If he continues to do the same, walk away from your relationship.
Marsha Imaniara, a blogger, shared that she had to hold herself back from expressing her love for her partner in the fear that it would not be reciprocated. She states in one of her blog posts, “The more I came across these situations, the more I realized that my reason for staying had shifted: from hope, to fear (i).” Since she was not happy, she decided to walk away from the relationship. She adds, “I told him I was leaving, and I was doing it out of hope that I will find the love that I need, want, and deserve out there.”
Choosing whether to stay or leave a relationship is truly a personal choice. If the unhealthy aspects are mild, such as communication breakdowns or lack of shared responsibility that may be worked upon, you can go to a couple’s therapist to improve your relationship. If you are stuck in a toxic relationship, which you feel is not sustainable and is harmful to your mental and physical well-being, then walk out of such a relationship for your own sanity.
Infographic: 6 Signs That You Need To Walk Away From A Toxic Relationship
While being madly in love can be blinding, it is important to recognize certain red flags. A healthy relationship can help an individual grow in many ways, whereas a toxic relationship does the complete opposite and causes pain. We have rounded up the top 6 signs that you need to walk away from a toxic relationship in the infographic below! Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
As much as it is important to know when and how you connect with a person, it is also important to recognize the signs to walk away from a relationship when they manifest. Respect, care, and trust are important to keep a relationship going. If you feel alone, left out, disrespected, or abused in the relationship, it is time to reevaluate your relationship. You can talk to a trusted friend or family member for a third-person perspective, or seek professional help from a therapist. You may also discuss the issues with your partner and try to improve the bond. However, if nothing works out, it is better to part ways. Relationships are tough to maintain and involve a lot of ups and downs. However, if it turns toxic, it is better to move on.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does walking away from a relationship work?
Yes, walking away from a relationship that is toxic and makes you unhappy is the best way to find peace and happiness for yourself.
Why is walking away so powerful?
While walking away is not easy, it can bring a sense of relief, confidence, and power. Walking away from a toxic relationship takes a lot of courage, strength, and faith in yourself. Doing so is an act of love and respect for yourself.
How can you tell if you’re not happy in a relationship?
Some signs you can look for that may indicate you’re not happy in a relationship are –
• You feel at peace when you are away from your partner.
• You don’t plan date nights anymore.
• There’s a lack of physical intimacy.
• You feel lonely even in their presence.
Can friends and family help you recognize when it’s time to walk away from a relationship?
Yes, unlike someone blinded by love, friends and family can clearly see the red flags and will definitely advise you to leave the relationship if it seems too toxic.
What are some common fears or obstacles that prevent people from leaving a relationship?
The fear of abandonment, low self-esteem, codependency, and anxiety are some common obstacles that prevent people from leaving a toxic relationship.
What are some healthy coping strategies for dealing with the end of a relationship?
Here are some healthy and effective coping strategies you can try when dealing with the end of a relationship:
• Journal your feelings or share them with a loved one.
• Remind yourself of why you walked away in the first place.
• Pamper yourself and indulge in some me-time.
• Surround yourself with supportive people.
• Fill your time with hobbies, sports, or new interests, and rediscover yourself.
• Try professional counseling to process your emotions and begin the healing process.
Illustration: Signs That You Need To Walk Away From A Relationship

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team
Learn when to gracefully exit a relationship that no longer serves your happiness and well-being in the following video. Embrace the freedom to create a brighter future.
Personal Experience: Source
StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic personal narratives that provide depth and resonance to our content. Below are the sources of the personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. Why I decided to walk awayhttps://medium.com/@intothemarsh/why-i-decided-to-walk-away-ae95cb2fe4da
Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.
- Leaving An Abusive Partner An Empirical Review of Predictors, the Process of Leaving, and Psychological Well-Being
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/5531012_Leaving_An_Abusive_Partner_An_Empirical_Review_of_Predictors_the_Process_of_Leaving_and_Psychological_Well-Being - How people react to their Partners’ infidelity: An explorative study
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364909602_How_people_react_to_their_Partners%27_infidelity_An_explorative_study - Trust, Intimacy and Relationship Satisfaction among Young Adults

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