198 “Would You Rather” Questions For Couples – Funny & Flirty
Get to know each other on a deeper and more intimate level with these hilarious questions.

Image: Midjourney/ StyleCraze Design Team
Asking questions is a mature way to get to know your partner. But who says you can’t have fun with it! That is why communication with the help of would you rather questions for couples is such a big hit among those in relationships. Not only do you get to ask the serious questions, but you can also get silly, quirky, naughty, and romantic with them! It also helps if you’ve come to a stage in your relationship where you feel like you know everything about your partner.
You could also use this question game to drop hints about what you’d like for your next gift – “Would you rather take me to Paris and make my day, or take me to the beach for a stroll?”. And, in turn, learn what they would like to receive. This game opens a world of possibilities and adds a touch of excitement for couples who thought their relationship was stale or boring. You can now spice up your partnership. To get you started, we’ve added some suggestions. Get funny, romantic, and lustful with these “would you rather” questions listed below!
In This Article
“Would You Rather” Conversation Starter Questions For Couples
“Would you rather” questions are a fun way to learn more about your significant other and spark fun conversations. Scroll down to read some of the best ones below.
- Would you rather have a home with a big garden or a home with a rooftop terrace?
- Would you rather be in a bad relationship for the rest of your life or have no relationship for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather stay in or go out for a date?
- Would you rather wear comfortable clothes or fashionable clothes?
- Would you rather spend $5,000 on traveling or on a physical item like a TV?
- Would you rather work a morally questionable job that pays a lot of money or a job that helps a lot of people but doesn’t pay much?
- Would you rather be waited on hand and foot by a jealous SO or wait hand and foot on a trusting SO?
- Would you rather lose all of your money and valuables or all of the photos you have ever taken?
- Would you rather go to jail for 4 years for something you didn’t do or get away with something horrible you did but always live in fear of getting caught?
- Would you rather die in 20 years with no regrets or die in 50 years with many regrets?
- Would you rather have unlimited sushi for life or unlimited tacos for life?
- Would you rather be unable to use search engines or unable to use social media?
- Would you rather give up showering for a month or give up the internet for a month?
- Would you rather never use social media sites/apps again or never watch another movie or TV show?
- Would you rather be the first person to explore a planet or be the inventor of a drug that cures a deadly disease?
- Would you rather star in a romantic comedy or a horror movie?
- Would you rather find your true love or a suitcase with a million dollars inside?

- Would you rather know when you are going to die or how you are going to die?
- Would you rather lose all of your memories from birth to now or lose your ability to make new memories?
- Would you rather be infamous in history books or be forgotten after your death?
- Would you rather never be able to eat meat or never be able to eat vegetables?
- Would you rather be an amazing artist or a brilliant mathematician?
- Would you rather be held in high regard by your parents or your friends?
- Would you rather be able to go to any theme park in the world for free for the rest of your life or eat for free at any drive-through restaurant for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?
- Would you rather be happy and content but not achieve much or achieve a lot but never be satisfied?
- Would you rather make the first move or have someone make a move on you?
- Would you rather wake up early and spend time with your partner or get up late and enjoy your day alone?
- Would you rather date a confident person or a shy person?
- Would you rather sacrifice your ethics to earn more money or sacrifice money for your ethics?
- Would you rather meet someone on a dating app or be set up by your friends?
- Would you rather spend the next 5 years with your partner or have a one-night stand with your celebrity crush?
- Would you rather never be able to go out during the day or the night?
- Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or always be 10 minutes early?
- Would you rather press the pause or the rewind button in your life?
- Would you rather oversleep every day for a week or get no sleep for 2 days straight?
- Would you rather share food or have separate meals?
- Would you rather walk to work in heels or drive to work in reverse amidst heavy traffic?
- Would you rather die before or after your partner has passed away?
- Would you rather have a conversation with your past self or future self?
- Would you rather shout at all times or talk in a whisper?
- Would you rather be really personally fulfilled or really professionally fulfilled?
- Would you rather lose your best friend or all of your friends?
- Would you rather meet your deceased grandparents or your future grandchildren?
- Would you rather go for Angelina Jolie’s lips or Jennifer Aniston’s beautiful hair?
- Would you rather be alone all your life or be surrounded by irritating people?
- Would you rather never drink alcohol again or never smoke again?
Key Takeaways
- A game of Q&A, when done right, is a fun playful way to know your partner better.
- You can get to know about their likes, dislikes, preferences and opinions, in a fun jovial way.
- Asking important decision-making questions and understanding your partner’s stance on them may help strengthen the foundation of your relationship.
Funny “Would You Rather” Questions
Laughter plays a vital role in any relationship. So, here are some funny “would you rather” questions to bring a little humor and joy to your conversations with your partner!

- Would you rather be chased by a swarm of bees or an army of ducks?
- Would you rather be able to control animals (but not humans) with your mind or control electronics with your mind?
- Would you rather have a golden voice or a silver tongue?
- Would you rather be balding but fit or overweight but with a full head of hair?
- Would you rather be attractive but stupid or intelligent but ugly?
- Would you rather see what was behind every closed door or be able to crack into any safe?
- Would you rather know the history of every object you touched or be able to talk to animals?
- Would you rather be a reverse centaur or a reverse mermaid/merman?
- Would you rather have a clown only you can see that follows you everywhere and just stands silently in a corner watching you without doing or saying anything or have a real-life stalker who dresses like the easter bunny that everyone can see?
- Would you rather have everyone laugh at your jokes but not find anyone else’s jokes funny yourself or have no one laugh at your jokes but you still find other people’s jokes funny?
- Would you rather have free wi-fi wherever you go or be able to drink unlimited free coffee at any coffee shop?
- Would you rather be forced to dance every time you hear music or be forced to sing along to any song you hear?
- Would you rather wake up as a new random person every year and have full control of them for the whole year or spend a day once a week inside a stranger without having any control of them?
- Would you rather have everything on your phone right now (browsing history, photos, etc.) made public to anyone who googles your name or never use a cell phone again?
- Would you rather never get a paper cut again or never get something stuck in your eye again?
- Would you rather randomly time travel +/- 20 years every time you fart or teleport to a different place on Earth every time you sneeze?
- Would you rather be with someone who is totally covered in body hair or has no hair at all?
- Would you rather fake a laugh during a sad moment or cry before someone cracked a joke?
- Would you rather have hiccups or sneeze for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather be the couple known for PDA or the one with funny, weird nicknames?
- Would you rather get back to your ex or listen to just carols all year?
- Would you rather eat smelly, rotten eggs or drink curdled milk?
- Would you rather talk like Minnie Mouse when you are furious or laugh like SpongeBob?
- Would you rather eat cold pizza or hot cereal?
- Would you rather not be able to control your laughter or your tears?
- Would you rather have the BFG’s ears or Pinocchio’s nose?
- Would you rather let your mother or your ex create your social media profile?
- Would you rather have sharp, pointy teeth or hair that’s always wet?
- Would you rather choose to be covered in fur or scales?
- Would you rather feel itchy or sticky for the rest of your lives?
- Would you rather be a bird or a cat?
- Would you rather have a significant other who has yellow teeth or is missing 2 visible teeth?
- Would you rather your partner have bad breath or body odor?
- Would you rather wear the same socks for a month or the same underwear for a week?
- Would you rather eat nothing but salad or nothing but dessert for a month?
- Would you rather end every sentence with ‘I love you’ or start every sentence with ‘hey mum’?
- Would you rather be too hot or too cold forever?
- Would you rather drink a bottle of tomato ketchup or eat a box of salty, spicy cookies?
- Would you rather have one ear bigger than the other or one hand bigger than the other?
- Would you rather date a zombie or an alien?
- Would you rather eat cayenne peppers or pineapple on pizza?
Flirty “Would You Rather” Questions
Spice up your conversations with flirty “would you rather” questions, especially designed to spark playful banter and romantic moments!

- Would you rather get a surprise love letter or a surprise gift?
- Would you rather kiss in public or hold hands in public?
- Would you rather kiss on the first date or wait until you get to know them better?
- Would you rather order take-out or go to a fancy restaurant?
- Would you rather get hugs from the back or get hugs from the front?
- Would you rather write a love letter or get a love letter?
- Would you rather dress up for date nights or just Netflix and chill in sweats?
- Would you rather blow a kiss at your SO from across the room or wink at your SO from across the room?
- Would you rather cook for your SO or have your SO cook for you?
- Would you rather pass notes to your SO or text your SO?
- Would you rather give or receive a lap dance?
- Would you rather be snowed in with your crush or lay on the beach with your crush?
- Would you rather hit on someone much older than you or have someone much older hit on you?
- Would you rather go watch a movie or go watch the sunset?
- Would you rather kiss me in public or kiss me in private?
- Would you rather be focused on being romantic or being dirty?
- Would you rather eat the food prepared by your mom or your SO?
- Would you rather let your spouse date your best friend or your arch-enemy if you die?
- Would you rather give up goodnight kisses or morning snuggles?
- Would you rather want a peck on the cheeks or a forehead kiss?
- Would you rather go skinny dipping or join the mile high club?
- Would you rather be the big spoon or little spoon?
- Would you rather receive a sensual shoulder massage or foot massage from your partner?
- Would you rather buy the perfect gift or receive the perfect gift?
- Would you rather know what your partner is thinking about you or nothing at all?
- Would you rather celebrate small milestones in your relationship or a big one every year?
- Would you rather text or call your partner for the rest of your lives?
- Would you rather go on a relaxing trip or an adventurous one?
- Would you rather have a closet full of sex toys or sexy outfits?
- Would you rather kiss in the dark or in the rain?
- Would you rather enjoy slow, sensual sex or a quickie?
- Would you rather be constantly surprised in bed or always know what’s coming?
- Would you rather have all your money lost or the very desire to make love?
- Would you rather be your partner’s first love or their last?
- Would you rather have the lights on or off?
- Would you rather have date night every week or date night every month?
- Would you rather never wear underwear again or never wear socks again?
- Would you rather receive flowers or send them?
Flirty Yet Funny “Would You Rather” Questions
Get ready to amp up a date night with these playful “would you rather” questions! Perfect for adding a dash of romance to your day.

- Would you rather be rich and unattractive or poor and good-looking?
- You’re on a deserted island when you come across a half-human creature – would you rather they are top-half fish or bottom-half fish?
- Would you rather have really weird dreams every single night or never have dreams again?
- Would you rather wrestle in a pool of jello or chocolate pudding?
- Would you rather be with a jealous but hardworking girlfriend or a lazy but trusting girlfriend?
- Would you rather have a partner who is shy or one who makes you feel shy?
- Would you rather go jogging together or go to the gym together?
Fun “Would You Rather” Questions
Create lighthearted moments with your partner with these fun “would you rather” questions!

- Would you rather have a partner that always looks nice or that always smells nice?
- Would you rather wear your significant other’s underwear or go out with no underwear?
- Would you rather have a house cleaner or a personal chef?
- Would you rather have a partner with a really squeaky voice or a really deep voice?
- Would you rather go to a water park or a mystery room on a first date?
- Would you rather cuddle for five minutes or cuddle for five hours?
- Would you rather have a partner who talks to their dog or who “listens” to their dog talk?
- Would you rather have a partner who sings in the shower or while on the toilet seat?
- Would you rather be the manager of a store with bad employees or be one of the bad employees?
- Would you rather your partner was always overdressed or always underdressed?
- Would you rather be with someone with smelly feet or smelly hands?
- Would you rather burp or fart in a crowded room?
- Would you rather be the strongest or the fastest person in the world?
- Would you rather be with someone who laughs really loudly or someone who laughs really weirdly?
- Would you rather sit on a beach for a week or go on an outbound-type adventure vacation?
- Would you rather wear ugly-looking boots or pink Crocs for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather have your eyebrows or knuckle hair grow forever?
- Would you rather wear your wedding dress or bikini every day?
- Would you rather wear a tracksuit every day or never be able to wear a tracksuit in your life?
- Would you rather send a sexy text accidentally to your ex or a relative?
- Would you rather live in a house with floral or brightly-colored wallpaper?
- Would you rather get a face tattoo or a small one on your chest chosen by someone else?
- Would you rather go without using shampoo or toothpaste for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather speak in riddles or rhyme for the rest of your lives?
- Would you rather listen to a loud laugh the whole day or get tickled for one hour straight?
- Would you rather be called the funniest or the prettiest person alive in the world?
- Would you rather have to go on 150 first dates in a year or have to automatically spend a year with the next person you go on a date with?
- Would you rather have mayonnaise with a straw or drink soda with a spoon?
- Would you rather have a bathroom emergency on your first day of work or your first date?
Clean “Would You Rather” Questions
Looking to add some playful fun to your relationship without being too flirtatious? These clean “would you rather” questions would surely come handy!
- Would you rather know what time it is without a clock or always know exactly where you are without a map?
- Would you rather go a year without television or a week without seeing or talking to your partner?
- Would you rather spend hours talking to your partner on the phone or over text?
Random “Would You Rather” Questions
Dive into these random “would you rather” questions to spark laughter and reveal quirky sides of you and your partner!
- Would you rather fart bubbles or sneeze glitter?
- Would you rather win a million-dollar jackpot or never have to pay rent ever again?
- Would you rather find your true love or never have to work a day in your life again?
- Would you rather eat only dog food for a day or stand barefoot in a pile of dog poop for an hour?
- Would you rather know all about the history of the universe or everything that is going to happen in the future?
- Would you rather suddenly be elected a senator or suddenly become the CEO of a major company?
- Would you rather eat sweets or pizza for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather spend the rest of your life in Antarctica or the Sahara Desert?
- Would you rather not be able to open any closed doors (locked or unlocked) or not be able to close any open doors?
- Would you rather read someone’s mind or change someone’s mind?
- Would you rather stay visible or invisible?
- Would you rather fight one cow-sized chicken or one hundred chicken-sized cows?
- Would you rather have only summers or only winters for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather own a magic carpet or robot?
- Would you rather taste something without seeing or wear something without seeing?
- Would you rather choose to never age physically or mentally?
- Would you rather walk or fly at a tortoise’s speed?
- Would you rather eat bland food or spicy food for the rest of your lives?
- Would you rather board a UFO or an undetected submarine?
- Would you rather stay unaffected or deeply feel every emotion?
- Would you rather spend a Friday night out with Lil Nas X or Miley Cyrus?
- Would you rather your lover look like your high school crush or a famous actor?
- Would you rather have a small house on a lot of land or a big house on a small lot?
- Would you rather receive flowers every day or a diamond necklace every two years?
- Would you rather be attacked by a shark or a lion?
- Would you rather choose to see space or the depths of the ocean?
- Would you rather be thrown a surprise birthday party or plan your own party from start to finish?
- Would you rather have breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast?
- Would you rather choose to have your phone or car for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather be an extra in an Oscar-winning movie or star in a so-bad-it’s-good flick?
- Would you rather let a spider climb over you or let a snake slither across you?
- Would you rather take a vow of celibacy or a vow of silence?
- Would you rather always have damp socks or always have a pebble in your shoe?
- Would you rather brush your teeth with mustard or wash your hair with relish?
“Would You Rather” makes for a fun and entertaining party game where clever “would you rather” questions help people bond over various things, but the discussions that they can potentially lead to make them great conversation-starter questions as well. Whether you are texting, on a date, or just hanging out at home, these questions can help spark laughter and deepen connections. However, just asking “would you rather” questions abruptly might feel a little awkward. The key is to make them a fun, natural part of your conversations. Keep reading to learn how.
Fun Ways To Use “Would You Rather” Questions In Your Relationship
Here are some easy ways to smoothly use “would you rather” questions for couples:
- Slip them into casual chats. Instead of waiting for a game night, bring up a question while cooking together, on a walk, or during a car ride. It keeps things light and engaging.
- Use them as icebreakers. If you are both tired after a long day or stuck in a routine, asking a playful question can shift the mood and bring fresh energy to your conversations.
- Turn them into a game. Set a timer and take turns answering as many questions as you can in 5 minutes. You can even add a twist, such as whoever hesitates the longest has to do a small dare.
- Text them randomly. A funny or flirty “would you rather” question in the middle of the day can add excitement and show your partner you are thinking of them.
- Use them to spark deeper talks. Some questions naturally lead to more meaningful discussions. If an answer surprises you, ask why! It is a great way to learn more about each other.
- Make it a date night activity. Write down a few questions, mix them in a jar, and pull them out while having dinner or drinks. It is an easy way to add fun to your evening.
Infographic: Top 10 “Would You Rather” Questions To Know Your Partner Better
Be it a long-term relationship or just a few months of dating, the “would you rather” game can bring fun and excitement to the relationship. While we have a pool of questions to help you start a conversation with your partner, a few can help you learn more about their quirks! Check out our top picks in the infographic below. Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
When you are not in the mood for a serious discussion but still want to get to know the person you are dating a little better and work on your compatibility, the ’Would You Rather’ questions can be just the thing for you. They keep things light as the respondent has to choose an option from the provided choices. However, these “would you rather” questions for couples also improve bonding and add fun, excitement, and flirtation to your time together. For instance, the question ’Would you rather be rich and unattractive or poor and good-looking?’ can help build trust and give you insight into your partner’s mind.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any “Would You Rather” questions that should be avoided in a relationship?
Yes, avoid asking questions about sensitive issues, questions that put your partner in a difficult situation or make them feel ill-at-ease or make them compromise their privacy, and questions that compare them to others.
Can “Would You Rather” questions be used as a way to challenge or test a relationship?
Yes, “Would You Rather” questions can be used to test or challenge a relationship, but it’s crucial to use caution and extreme care. While asking your partner these kinds of questions can be a perfect way to get to know them better, if they are not asked correctly, they can also lead to clashes or even conflict.
How can “would you rather” questions help couples get to know each other better?
Such questions are interesting conversation starters and can help you get to know your partner’s values, interests, beliefs and preferences. You can also ask some fun relationship questions based on hypothetical situations to learn how your partner would react in certain situations.
How can you use “would you rather” questions to spice up your relationship?
Asking each other Fun and flirty questions can spice up your relationship. It allows you to openly ask each other about your preferences, what intimate things would each of you like to try, and what is a complete no-go in the relationship.
How often should you ask your partner “would you rather” questions?
It depends upon individual preference and how comfortable your partner is with it. You can reserve it for special occasions and date nights or keep it spontaneous based on the situation.
Can “would you rather” questions lead to deeper conversations about values and beliefs?
Even though “would you rather” questions are fun and lighthearted, philosophical and deep questions can help to understand your partner’s values and beliefs. You can ask questions like, “Would you rather have a high-paying job or a job that is your passion?” to get to know them better. You can also choose questions to ask before marriage to ensure a strong foundation and mutual understanding between partners.
How can you use “would you rather” questions to improve communication and intimacy in your relationship?
They are great icebreakers and conversation starters. You can express yourself and get to know more about your partner, venture into unexplored hypothetical topics, and increase bonding. You may ask deep relationship questions that can help increase communication and bring you closer to each other.
Are there any “would you rather” questions that can be used to resolve disagreements in a relationship?
They may not be able to dissolve all disagreements, but it helps to understand your partner’s perspective of the situation. This can prove beneficial in finding common ground and coming up with a neutral resolution.

Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team
Prepare for a thrilling challenge with this collection of the 38 hardest “Would You Rather” questions. Test your decision-making skills and enjoy a lively debate. Check out this video!

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