18 Reasons You Don’t Have Any Friends

Because analyzing the reasons behind not having pals first is half the job done

Reviewed by Rodolfo Parlati, Professional Life Coach Rodolfo Parlati Rodolfo ParlatiProfessional Life Coach facebook_iconlinkedin_iconyoutube_iconinsta_iconinsta_icon
Written by Sneha Tete, Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach Sneha Tete Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Edited by Asmita De, MA (English) Asmita De MA (English) linkedin_icon Experience: 3 years
Fact-checked by Gazala Firdos Ansari, Integrated MA (English) Gazala Firdos Ansari Integrated MA (English) linkedin_icon Experience: 2 years
Last Updated on
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Having your plans canceled for the umpteenth time may plague your mind with lonely thoughts. You may feel you don’t have any friends. They seem to drop out of your life all too often.

Despite your best efforts, you feel unappreciated, isolated, and unloved. You feel let down repeatedly by those you consider to be your closest friends. When your friends make you feel neglected, it can be very frustrating. You may conclude that you are an unpleasant outcast or that nobody wants to be around you. However, there is no point in being so harsh on yourself.

There may be inexcusable errors you are making to force people to distance themselves from you. On the other hand, you may also be a total pushover, and people take what you do for granted. It may seem that everyone doesn’t accept your company. But, despite that, try to analyze whether this happens with everyone. Despite your will and efforts, this could also be due to the fact that you’re with the wrong people where your presence is never welcome. So, do not be afraid to look for different company.

Check out these 18 reasons you are being ignored by your friends and feeling they don’t want you around. Find out if you are involuntarily or consciously engaging in these behaviors. Make an effort to improve yourself if you are. Read on.

Emotional Impact Of Feeling Friendless

A woman sitting in her lonely bedroom

Feeling friendless can have a substantial emotional impact on a person. This often leads to feelings of loneliness and isolation. The absence of social connections can lead to feelings of rejection and unworthiness. It can prompt people to question their value and place in the world. This emotional turmoil may manifest as anxiety or depression, with people struggling to cope with negative thoughts and self-doubt.

A study examines the long-term influence of childhood friendships on mental health in young adulthood. With 1,103 participants aged 22–35, researchers evaluated that individuals who had no childhood friends had a much higher probability of suffering from psychological difficulties (for example, depression and anxiety) in young adulthood (1). 

The lack of companionship can also exacerbate sadness and lead to withdrawal from social situations. Over time, the emotional weight of feeling friendless can affect well-being, including physical health, sleep quality, and daily functioning.

It may even hinder one’s ability to form new relationships. However, recognizing these feelings and seeking support is crucial. It’s an opportunity for growth and learning, as building social connections can help remove the emotional burden.

Below are some reasons why you might be failing to make friends. Read on!

Key Takeaways

  • Your friends may be deserting you because you have become too negative or selfish or toxic.
  • It is also possible that you have built too many walls and shut your friends out due to past trauma.
  • Hanging out with the wrong can also affect the quality of your friendships and make you want to abandon them.
  • Try to make new friends or get back in touch with old ones if you want more friends in your life.

Why Don’t You Have Any Friends?

Friendship dynamics can be tricky to navigate. Recognizing the signs that someone doesn’t want to be your friend can help you focus on more meaningful connections. Scroll down and identify what may be deterring people away from you.

1. You Try Just Too Hard


It is so obvious! You come across as too needy and clingy. If you are constantly hounding your friends to meet you, even when they seem to have no time or are not too keen on hanging out, you may be pushing too hard. Over-friendliness can be off-putting and difficult for people to deal with.

When you meet a group of friends, are you constantly trying to get everyone to stay back for longer, even when it is quite clear that they want to leave? Girl, you aren’t doing it right.

Spending time with your friends may mean a lot to you, but if you try too hard, people may perceive you as extremely annoying and clingy. You need to chill and be more laid back.

2. You Are Just Too Negative

If you are the Negative Nancy of the group, you should know that people feel uncomfortable and anxious around you. People feel drained when there is someone who is constantly cribbing or crying and just does not want to be happy. When you are too full of bitterness, negativity, and anger, people will start avoiding you, even your friends.

Seek counseling and help if you feel you are getting too negative minded. Do it before you start losing friends. Also, focus on self-development rather than fishing for friends. When you are a different person with a positive personality, people will flock to you.

3. You Don’t Understand Social Cues

The person you are so animatedly talking to is getting super bored and has already yawned twice. But you are too involved in your story even to notice it. They have already looked at their watch twice and are obviously waiting for you to finish. Sounds familiar?

Just because you are having fun doesn’t mean everyone else is. Pay close attention to others’ behavior when you communicate with them. Stop the chatter or change the topic the minute you feel your friends are starting to get zoned out or distracted.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Try to read the body language of people around you. If they are fidgeting with their things, checking the time or their phone too many times, or seem to be simply nodding to what you say instead of engaging actively in a conversation, they may be bored or anxious to leave. The nice thing to do is to give them the space to leave instead of pushing them or pressing them to continue spending more time with you.

4. You Are Selfish And Don’t Really Care About Others

No one is going to tell you this to your face – but if you are selfish, people are slowly going to cut you out of their lives. If your friends feel that whenever you meet them, you are only concerned about yourself and you having a great time, they will d-i-s-a-p-p-e-a-r.

If you only think about why you are not having fun, people will cut you out so that they can have their fun. Control yourself. If you are not willing to give others a chance, you are not going to get an invite in the first place.

Mia, a blogger, opens up about her past experiences and why she ended a friendship with a particular girl. She states, “The most important thing is honesty. A person who pretends to be my friend and then find someone else has no place in my life. I had a friend in school like that. There were days when she chose that other girl to spend her time with. I was just a substitute when she had a disagreement with the other one (i).”

5. You Assume Things


You constantly assume that everything is about you and the whole world revolves around you – and just you. So, a buddy shared something on Facebook. Did you just automatically assume that it was about you, or worse yet, a dig at you? You think there was a secret message in that, addressed to you? You feel people are always talking about you, whether good or bad? Stop!

There is no hidden meaning or agenda behind every single thing a person says or does, and it doesn’t have anything to do with you. When you decide to make everything about you and start reading between the lines all the time, you will end up making a lot of incorrect assumptions. Incorrect assumptions can kill any relationship.

6. You Are Whining All The Time

People detest whiners. If you want to get rid of someone from your life, all you need to do is whine constantly, and they will be gone before you can spell R-U-N. If you are always complaining about something all the time, do others and yourself a favor – stop it!

Instead of reaching out to people who care about you and trying to reconnect with them, you mope about how you have no friends! Try to be happy – it is a process. Learn not to dump your emotional baggage on other people.

protip_icon Quick Tip
A good way to empty your mind of obsessive negative thoughts or pent up negative emotions is to journal. Once you write everything down in your diary, it is out of your system and you can then focus on positives and the present moments you are spending with the people around you.

7. You Create Psychological Barriers

Do you sometimes refrain from sharing a thought or incident with your friends because you think they will judge you for it? Do you put up a fake persona because you are uncomfortable being your true self around your friends? If yes, you must know that you are fooling nobody.

Your altered body language will be picked up by your friends’ subconscious minds, and they will feel restless and uncomfortable around you. Be your true self. Even if you lose friends that way, you will be true to yourself.

8. You Are Boring

You talk about stuff that just does not interest your buddies. And you don’t know how to shut up. Here is a sign: if your friend listens to what you are saying without making any effort to comment on the topic or adding their own views to it, it is likely they are plotting their escape plan. Don’t be that person.

Find common ground and direct the conversation there. When you see your friend reciprocating, you will know you can have a discussion about it.

9. You Are A Toxic Friend

A woman avoiding a toxic friend

You always leave your friends in a bad mood when you bid them goodbye. Your friends are happier after you have left than when you are around. Maybe it is the things you say or the way you say it or the choice of words you prefer to use to put your point across that just makes people want to curl up and die.

If you find out that your friends are planning hangouts and get-togethers behind your back and ‘forgetting’ to invite you, you need to take a good, hard look at yourself. There is a good chance that you are a toxic friend. If you want your friends back, it is time to reevaluate yourself.

10. You Are Hanging Out With The Wrong Crowd

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try or how nice you are, things will not click. Narcissistic people will not like you, even when you are really nice. It is probably because they have a preconceived notion about you.

The effort of trying to convince such people is just not worth it. I know this is hard to hear, but if you are hanging out with toxic people just because you are lonely, you will end up getting hurt eventually. These people are not your friends. They will suck the energy out of you and then make fun of you behind your back. Understanding the difference between real friends vs fake friends can be hard but it is crucial to foster healthy and authentic relationships. It is better to be lonely and respected than being kicked around by people.

11. You Think You Are Always Right

You argue with others over the stupidest of things. You assume that a heated argument is the best way to keep a conversation going. But, can you really have a healthy, interesting argument?

You need to curb the urge to contradict people aggressively over little things. You may be trying to prove them wrong or make yourself feel better, but eventually, if you keep on doing this, you will lose your friends.

Here is a cue – if people give up on arguments easily around you within a minute of your starting them, it is not a case of you winning it. It is a case of people wanting to end the conversation with you rather than trying to win the argument.

12. You Forget Your Friends When You Don’t Need Them

Do you really care about your buddies? Do you pay attention to them? Or do you avoid them when you start dating someone? Do you hang out with them to have a good time and then ignore their calls when you are having fun with another gang? If this is true, you really should think about it.

You may not realize it now, but you may be taking your gang for granted. You may assume that they will always stick around, no matter what, but your friends may feel hurt because of your behavior and choose to avoid you. There will be a time when you may need their love and support, but they may not accept you back because they would be too afraid you will hurt their feelings again.

13. You Are Very Insecure And Jealous


You have major trust issues. You feel threatened every time your buddy meets someone new – it doesn’t matter if it is a romantic interest or a general buddy. You make it a point to subtly make your friend feel bad for spending time with others and hanging out with someone other than you.

When you are jealous, it shows. Eventually, the clinginess will get to them, and your friends will hate being around you. Don’t try to make others feel guilty for having a life outside your world. This usually happens when you have a single friend, so try to expand your friend’s circle.

Research on social media friendships says that jealousy can worsen the quality of friendships, potentially resulting in conflicts and reduced satisfaction in these relationships. Such behavior leads to accusations, overreactions to harmless contacts, or confrontations, which only heighten conflicts and strain the friendship. Eventually, these emotions may undermine the apparent quality and security of the relationship, as the jealous person fights with insecurity, and the friend feels unfairly scrutinized (2).

14. Your Social Status Changed

Most people like to hang out with people of their own social status. They are more comfortable that way. It is a hidden secret. Everybody knows it, nobody says it.

So, you suddenly got a big promotion, or your startup made it big? Are you suddenly the richest among the group? Your friends may start feeling uncomfortable around you and ignore you. They may be jealous and feel insecure and threatened by your success.

In such cases, you should try your best to make them feel comfortable and never change your habits and practices around them. If they still don’t want to hang out with you, let them go. They are not your true friends.

This also applies if you were a rich person a year ago, and due to some unfortunate circumstances, you lost your money and status. There is a good chance that your old buddies are now bitching about you behind your back and think lowly of you. Probably because you can’t keep up with the lifestyle they lead. But, you just can’t do anything about this. Don’t lose heart though – just find yourself new friends who will appreciate you for who you are and do not care about your bank balance.

15. You Are An Introvert

Are you happiest when you are alone? Perhaps you are an introvert who wants to make new friends but doesn’t know how to go about it.

You may seem disinterested or rub someone off the wrong way because of your keeping to yourself attitude. You may be terrified of being rejected, so you rarely reach out to people to check if they are too busy to hang out. Research also suggests that introverted people tend to prefer quiet conversations, thus indicating that they would not like extremely social or high-energy surroundings (3).

Don’t worry. There is always an extrovert for your introvert, and you will find him/her eventually. Learn from your past experiences, take your time, and make sure you don’t hang out with people who don’t understand you or want you there. Introverted people can try looking for friends with similar hobbies and interests to have topics to discuss beforehand.

Studies highlight that extraverted individuals often take the lead in addressing and alleviating social discomfort, while introverted friends may rely on their extraverted counterparts to navigate such situations (4). 

If you’re an introvert looking to befriend someone, target small groups or even have one-to-one interactions with a person with whom you can develop meaningful connections without being overwhelmed. Seek people who are respectful of your quieter nature and share similar interests, so it becomes a foundation for lasting friendships.

16. You Are Just Too Demanding

You have a lot of expectations from everybody, especially your friends. You voice your displeasure when they can’t do something for you and are very vocal about it. You have this belief in your head that you are entitled to things from your friends because friends are meant to help, and it’s your right to push them for it when you need something.

It may have worked very well in your school days, but it is time to grow up. You really can’t expect your adult friends to give in to your silly whims whenever you want.

17. You Never Make The Effort


If you are trying to meet new people, sitting at home and hoping for a miracle to happen is not going to help. Making friends requires effort, just like making money or making time for something. But you won’t regret it if you find a really good set of friends.

You may have lost touch with your friends from school and college because it is hard to take time out for a social life, especially when you are working most of the time. Get your priorities sorted. If you want them back, you need to be the one who picks the phone up and makes the first move.

If you are one of those who make plans weeks in advance and then cancel them at the last second, you will lose any remaining friends you have.

When you make a single friend, you have opened a window. That friend will lead you to two more friends or many more. And then those new friends will lead you to many, many more! But you should work on yourself if you want people to enjoy your company or be interested in being your buddy. At the very least, you need to be pleasant and giving.

If you are shy, withdrawn, suffer from social anxiety, or are depressed, sad, or unhappy, people around you notice it quicker than you do. A therapist can help with regulating and recognizing your emotional patterns. People prefer not to indulge with somebody sad or depressed, to avoid negative emotions.

If you prefer having solitary time yet still feel unsupported and alone, the feelings of loneliness are normal. It is essential for humans to maintain and regulate social relationships in order to feel fulfilled.

18. You Lack Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is a crucial component of maintaining friendships. It allows people to understand their feelings and the effects they have on others. When people are not in tune with their behaviors and how they affect others, it can lead to misunderstandings. This disconnect often prevents them from recognizing social cues or norms or responding appropriately to the needs of those around them.

Additionally, without self-awareness, people may struggle to express themselves authentically. As a result, their social circles can become sparse. Developing self-awareness is crucial not only for personal growth but also for developing the emotional intelligence needed to build and maintain friendships.

Check out the next section to learn what you can do to increase your chances of making a friend.

What To Do If You Have No Friends

If you find yourself without friends, you might need to start taking steps to improve your social connections, especially if you want to have a meaningful friendship.

  • You can use your alone time to reflect on any personal barriers, work on your self-confidence, and expand your interests. 
  • You can attend community events or join clubs that match your interests. You can also volunteer for causes you care about, which can help you meet like-minded people. 
  • Attend social events, both in-person and online, and learn to initiate conversations to meet new people. Patience is key, as meaningful friendships take time to develop. 
  • Share your thoughts and experiences, and consider seeking professional help if social anxiety is a significant barrier. 
  • Another great way to make friends is by using social media responsibly. You can use it to connect with friends while being cautious about personal safety.
  • Set small and achievable goals for your social life. It can be anything from initiating a conversation with someone new each week or inviting a colleague for coffee. These goals can help you gradually build your confidence and expand your social network. 
  • Improve social skills by actively listening and focusing on what the other person is saying without interrupting. Respond with thoughtful questions to show genuine interest.
  • Work on your body language by maintaining eye contact, smiling often, and avoiding crossing your arms, as these can appear closed off. 

It’s okay if it feels awkward at first; even if you don’t have any friends right now, every great friendship starts somewhere. Building a support network is a gradual process, but it can greatly enhance your well-being and provide a sense of companionship and belonging. Friendships aren’t instant; they’re like gardens that need planting, nurturing, and patience to thrive. If you don’t have any friends at the moment, remember it’s not about rushing to fill the space but about creating relationships that truly matter. In time and with effort, you will find the people who will see and appreciate you for who you are. The journey may seem slow, but every small step brings you closer.

Infographic: 5 Reasons You Don’t Have Many Friends

Losing friends is a difficult situation in life that hurts as much as a breakup. Several reasons might play the villain in a friendship. However, most often, there are subtle behavioral aspects that might go unnoticed and cause friction. In the infographic below, we have reflected on the 5 key reasons that might ruin a friendship and cause people to drift away and what you can do about them. Take a look!

5 reasons you don’t have many friends (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

People try to stay away from negativity. So, if you are constantly whining and complaining, coming across a needy individual, and victim playing, your chances of losing your friends, are high. But do not worry, as you have all the opportunities in the world to learn from your mistakes and make yourself an optimistic soul. And if you feel like it is not your fault alone that you do not have any friends, chill! You are probably hanging out with folks that cannot see the goodness in you. Either way, be the best version of yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it normal to not have any friends?

While it is okay to not have friends at some stage of your life, you should try and reflect at the reasons if it is for most part of your life.

What do you call someone with no friends?

While “friendless” is the most common term, he or she may have to deal with other terms like “loner” or “unsociable” that may have negative connotations.

Is having no friends a red flag?

No, not having friends is not a red flag as long as you feel okay about it. It is better to have no friends than making friends for the sake of it and losing yourself in maintaining fake relationships.

Is it okay to tell people you’re lonely?

Yes, it is totally okay to tell someone you trust that you are lonely. You can either voice it out in a content way or let the other person know that you might feel better with them around.

What age do you make the most friends?

While it may vary from person to person, it is most common to have more friends in the 25-30 years age bracket.

Illustration: Reasons You Don’t Have Any Friends

you dont have any friends_illustration

Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team

Feeling lonely and wondering why you don’t have any friends? Then check out this video that will help you understand why this is the case and how to make new friends.

Personal Experience: Source


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  1. Childhood friendships and psychological difficulties in young adulthood: an 18 year follow-up study
  2. Social Media Friendship Jealousy
  3. I’m Outgoing and She’s Reserved: The Reciprocal Dynamics of Personality in Close Friendships in Young Adulthood


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Rodolfo Parlati
Rodolfo ParlatiProfessional Life Coach
After having graduated in Business Administration, Rodolfo decided to follow his passion for supporting others by becoming a professional coach. Today, his mission is to help people be happy and successful by discovering their potential and finding together the right way to fully exploit it.

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Sneha Tete
Sneha TeteBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Sneha holds a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad and a professional Relationship Coach diploma. With over four years of experience in writing, she specializes in crafting insightful articles on relationships and lifestyle.

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Asmita De
Asmita DeAssociate Editor
Asmita De is an associate editor with over three years of experience. She graduated in English Literature from the University of Calcutta. She has collaborated with several digital companies and reputed publishing houses as an editor.

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Gazala Firdos Ansari
Gazala Firdos AnsariBeauty & Lifestyle Writer
Gazala Ansari is a beauty and lifestyle writer with two years of experience. She writes on relationships, makeup, and lifestyle and has bachelor's and master's degrees in English literature from the Central University of Jharkhand.

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